University Catalog 2024-2025

Supplemental Academic Programs

Cooperative Education Program

The Cooperative Education Program (co-op) is an opportunity for students to gain hands-on work experience while pursuing a degree. Through alternate semesters of full-time study and full-time work experience, students can:

  • Strengthen their job prospects after graduation; companies usually prefer hiring students who have related work experience, especially within their organization
  • Be well-paid 
  • Explore career fields and confirm their choice of major
  • Work with state-of-the-art equipment in the industry
  • Experience "corporate culture" by working with professionals and observing how they handle job situations in the given field

The co-op plan can be completed in five years, during which time the student receives 12 to 18 months of industrial experience.

To be eligible for a co-op, students must:

  • Be full-time students (in any degree program)
  • Have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours (or one semester for transfer students)
  • Have been admitted into a degree program prior to reporting for a co-op job
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 (3.00 for graduate students)

For more information, visit our website.

The Peer Mentor Program

The Peer Mentor Program (PMP), offered through the Department of Multicultural Student Affairs, is a student advisory program aims to foster a network of support for culturally diverse first-year students ("mentees"). The peer mentoring relationship is designed to aid in the academic, emotional, and socio-cultural adjustment to college life of mentees. Peer Mentors serve as peer support personnel for mentees and share program goals and responsibilities aimed at ensuring the retention of student participants.

For more information, visit our website.

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a voluntary academic support opportunity for students in selected sections of historically difficult, large lecture courses. SI supports students who want to improve their understanding of course material in a small group setting. Students are actively engaged with small group activities facilitated by the SI leader, a trained peer tutor. Several sessions are offered at various times each week. A schedule of current SI sessions can be found on the SI website.