Animal Science and Poultry Science (PhD): Animal Science Concentration

Degree Requirements
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Required Courses | 3 | ||
Animal Science Seminar | |||
Topical Problems in Animal Science | |||
Doctoral Supervised Teaching | |||
Graduate Electives / Research Credits / Teaching Credits | 69 | ||
"Graduate Electives / Research Credits / Teaching Credits" are determined in conjunction with the advisory committee to meet the 72 total hours | |||
Total Hours | 72 |
Additional Requirements and Restrictions
- At least two residence credit points secured in continuous semesters’ residence as a graduate student at the university
- Doctoral degrees at NC State require a minimum of 72 graduate credit hours beyond the Bachelor’s degree
- For a student who already holds a master’s degree upon initial admission to the doctoral program of study, a maximum of 18 hours of relevant graduate credit from the master’s degree may be applied toward this minimum upon the recommendation of the student’s graduate advisory committee. Therefore, the minimum credit-hour requirement, in this case, is 54 credit hours
- If a student completes a master’s degree at NC State and chooses to continue on for a doctoral degree thereby maintaining a continuous registration status, up to 36 credit hours taken while in masters status may be used to meet minimum requirements for the doctoral degree
- Students cannot take 400-level courses or lower as part of the credit-hour requirement for the doctoral program of study
- Students cannot transfer courses into a Ph.D. program (including those taken in PBS status)
- A successful preliminary comprehensive examination which includes both written and oral components
- A dissertation
- Departmental defense seminar
- A final comprehensive oral examination
Full Professors
- Glen William Almond
- Kenneth E. Anderson
- Frank W. Edens
- Joan Eisemann
- Charlotte E Farin
- Vivek Fellner
- Peter R. Ferket
- Williams Lucas Flowers, IV
- Jesse Lee Grimes
- Aaron Kiess
- Sung Woo Kim
- Matthew D. Koci
- Duane K. Larick
- Hsiao-Ching Liu
- Christian Maltecca
- Melissa Schuster Merrill
- Paul Edward Modziak
- Jeannette A Moore
- Jack Odle
- Edgar Orlando Oviedo-Rondon
- Shannon Elizabeth Phillips
- Jorge A Piedrahita
- Matt H Poore
- Coby J. Schal
- Miles T See
- Paul David Siciliano
- Frank Siewerdt
- Eric VanHeugten
Associate Professors
- Lisa Bielke
- Adam Charles Fahrenholz
- Dana J. Hanson
- Mark T. Knauer
- Daniel Heath Poole
- Korinn Edna Saker
- Giuseppe Valacchi
Assistant Professors
- Yan Campbell
- Deborah A. Esposito
- Jonathan Paul Holt
- Jicai Jiang
- Michael Vadakekara Joseph
- Suzanne McKay Leonard
- Samuel Mwangi
- Casey C. Nestor
- Carrie L. Pickworth
- Allison Pullin
- Mahmoud Ahmed Nabil Ahmed Naguib Sharara
- Felipe Alves Correa Carvalho da Silva
- Lin Walker
- Xiaoqiu Wang
- Stephanie Hill Ward
Practice/Research/Teaching Professors
- Thomas J. Frost
- Kimberly Dawn Ange-Van Heugten
- Deidre Danielle Harmon
- Francesco Tiezzi Mazzoni Della Stella Ma
- Shweta Trivedi
- Lin Xi
Adjunct Faculty
- Robert Byron Beckstead
- Raymond Dean Boyd
- Max T. Coffey
- Marissa Cohen
- Lawrence Epling
- Mary Helen Fosnaught
- Kent A. Gray
- William O. Herring
- Elizabeth A. Koutsos
- Michael Patrick Martin
- Donald R. McIntyre
- Teena F. Middleton
- Douglas Wyatt Newcom
- Basheer Nusairat
- Hilary Pavlidis
- Hugo Romero-Sanchez
- Simon M. Shane
- Yanbin Shen
- Charles Robert Stark
- Zehava Uni
- Christopher J. Williams
Emeritus Faculty
- Brenda P Alston-Mills
- Geoffrey A. Benson
- Leonard S Bull
- Thomas A. Carter
- Vern L. Christensen
- Roger G. Crickenberger
- Patricia Ann Curtis
- Eugene Eisen
- Kenneth L. Esbenshade
- Jimmy Dale Garlich
- Winston Murry Hagler
- Raymond W. Harvey
- Gerald B. Havenstein
- Brinton Alden Hopkins
- Gerald B. Huntington
- James R. Jones
- Jean-Marie Luginbuhl
- Roger Lee McCraw
- William M Morrow
- Richard M. Myers
- James N. Petitte
- Robert M. Petters
- Odis Wayne Robison
- Frank D. Sargent
- Brian W. Sheldon
- Jason C. Shih
- Thomas David Siopes
- Jerry Wayne Spears
- Steven Paul Washburn
- Michael David Whitacre
- Lon Weidner Whitlow
- Charles Michael Williams
- Michael John Wineland