University Catalog 2024-2025

Animal Science (MR)

Master of Animal Science Degree Requirements

Core Courses 15
Animal Science Seminar
Professional Development for Graduate Students
Statistical Methods For Researchers I
Animal Science Discipline Core9
Select one course from the following sections: Genetics, Nutrition, and Physiology
Genetics Courses
Animal Genetic Improvement
Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development
Special Topics in Animal Science through AG Idea (Genetics or Animal Selection Course)
Quantitative Genetics and Breeding
Advanced Topics In Quantitative Genetics and Breeding
Nutrition Courses
Applied Ruminant Nutrition
Regulation of Metabolism
Equine Nutrition
Advanced Canine and Feline Nutrition
Advanced Swine Nutrition and Management
Physiology Courses
Comparative Reproductive Physiology and Biotechnology
Stress Physiology in Animals
Comparative Animal Exercise Physiology
ANS Elective Course6
Elective Course 216
Total Hours36

No more than three (3) credit hours of a seminar to be included in the 36 credit hour total


Electives must differ from required coursework; only 6 hours can come from 400-level courses

ANS Elective Courses

ANS Elective Course6
Select two courses below
Comparative Nutrition
Feed Manufacturing Technology
Precision Livestock Farming Systems
Comparative Animal Exercise Physiology
Animal Genetic Improvement
Applied Ruminant Nutrition
Comparative Reproductive Physiology and Biotechnology
Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development
Lactation, Milk and Nutrition
Equine Nutrition
Advanced Canine and Feline Nutrition
Regulation of Metabolism
Topical Problems in Animal Science (Can be repeated)
Special Topics in Animal Science through AG Idea
Reproductive Physiology Seminar
Animal Breeding and Genetics Seminar
Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism
Quantitative Genetics and Breeding
Advanced Topics In Quantitative Genetics and Breeding
Advanced Special Topics in Animal Science - Biology of Reproduction (Reproductive Mammalian Physiology I)
Advanced Special Topics in Animal Science - Biology of Reproduction
Total Hours6

Elective Courses

Elective Courses16
Select at least 5 of the following courses
Agriculture and Extension Education
AEE 426Methods of Teaching Agriculture3
AEE 478Advanced Issues in Extension Education3
AEE 503Youth Program Management3
AEE 500Agricultural Education, Schools and Society3
AEE 501Foundations Of Agricultural and Extension Education3
AEE 505Trends and Issues in Agricultural Education and Human Sciences3
AEE 507Comparative Agricultural and Extension Education3
AEE 521Program Planning in Agricultural Extension and Human Sciences3
AEE 522Occupational Experience in Agriculture3
AEE 523Adult Education in Agriculture3
AEE 524Coordinating the High School Agricultural Education Program3
AEE 526Information Technologies in Agricultural and Extension Education3
AEE 529Curriculum Development in Agricultural and Extension Education3
AEE 530Priority Management in Agricultural and Extension Education3
AEE 533Leadership and Management of Volunteers in Agricultural and Extension Education3
AEE 535Teaching Agriculture in Secondary Schools3
AEE 545Methods of Change in Agricultural and Human Sciences 3
AEE 550Leadership Theory3
AEE 560Organizational Behavior and Administrative Leadership in Agricultural & Human Science3
AEE 565Community Leadership3
AEE 577Evaluation in Agricultural and Human Sciences3
AEE 578Scientific Inquiry in Agricultural and Extension Education3
AEE 579Research Proposal Development in Agricultural Education and Human Sciences3
AEE 595Special Topics in Agricultural and Extension Education1-6
AEE 735Effective Teaching in Agriculture and Life Sciences3
AEE 705International Agricultural Development3
Animal Science
ANS 515Comparative Nutrition3
ANS 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
ANS 535Stress Physiology in Animals3
ANS 537Precision Livestock Farming Systems3
ANS 539Comparative Animal Exercise Physiology 3
ANS 540Animal Genetic Improvement3
ANS 550Applied Ruminant Nutrition3
ANS 552Comparative Reproductive Physiology and Biotechnology3
ANS 553Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development3
ANS 554Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
ANS 561Equine Nutrition3
ANS 565Advanced Canine and Feline Nutrition3
ANS 571Regulation of Metabolism3
ANS 590Topical Problems in Animal Science1-3
ANS 591Special Topics in Animal Science through AG Idea 1-3
ANS 601Animal Science Seminar1
ANS 600Professional Development for Graduate Students1
ANS 603Reproductive Physiology Seminar1
ANS 604Animal Breeding and Genetics Seminar1
ANS 610Topical Problems in Animal Science1-6
ANS 641Practicum in Animal Science1-3
ANS 685Master's Supervised Teaching1-3
ANS 690Master's Exam1-9
ANS 693Master's Supervised Research1-9
ANS 695Master's Thesis Research1-9
ANS 696Summer Thesis Research1
ANS 699Master's Thesis Preparation1-9
ANS 701Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism3
ANS 702Reproductive Physiology of Mammals3
ANS 710Advanced Swine Nutrition and Management3
ANS 790Advanced Special Topics in Animal Science - Biology of Reproduction4
ANS 713Quantitative Genetics and Breeding3
ANS 726Advanced Topics In Quantitative Genetics and Breeding3
Agricultural Resource Economics
ARE 404Advanced Agribusiness Management3
ARE 412Advanced Agribusiness Marketing3
ARE 413Applied Agribusiness Marketing3
ARE 433U.S. Agricultural Policy3
BIO 405Functional Histology3
BIO 424Endocrinology3
BIO 434Hormones and Behavior3
BIO 444The Biology of Love and Sex3
BIO 488Neurobiology3
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
BAE 435Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 472Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 501Sensors and Controls3
BAE 535Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 525Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing3
BAE 572Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 573Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
BAE 578Circular Approach to Manure Management3
Business Administration
MBA 515Enterprise Resource Planning Systems3
MBA 520Financial Management of Corporations2
MBA 570Opportunity Evaluation and Value Creation3
MBA 576Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization I3
MBA 577Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization II3
MBA 580Creating Value in Organizations3
MBA 585Current Topics in BioSciences Management3
MBA 586Legal, Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Life Science Industries3
Business Management
BUS 590Special Topics In Business Management1-6
Molecular and Structural Biochemistry
BCH 451Principles of Biochemistry4
BCH 452Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory2
BCH 453Biochemistry of Gene Expression3
BCH 454Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory4
BCH 455Proteins and Molecular Mechanisms3
BCH 552Experimental Biochemistry3
BCH 553Biochemistry of Gene Expression3
BCH 555Proteins and Molecular Mechanisms3
BCH 571Regulation of Metabolism3
BCH 703Macromolecular Synthesis and Regulation3
BCH 705Molecular Biology Of the Cell3
BCH 751Biophysical Chemistry3
BCH 761Advanced Molecular Biology Of the Cell3
BCH 763Biochemistry Of Hormone Action3
BCH 768Nucleic Acids: Structure and Function3
BIT 410Manipulation of Recombinant DNA4
BIT 465Real-time PCR Techniques2
BIT 466Animal Cell Culture Techniques2
BIT 467PCR and DNA Fingerprinting2
BIT 501Ethical Issues in Biotechnology1
BIT 510Core Technologies in Molecular and Cellular Biology4
BIT 564Protein Purification2
BIT 565Real-time PCR Techniques2
BIT 566Animal Cell Culture Techniques2
Biological Sciences
BIO 524Comparative Endocrinology3
BIO 578The Physiology of Stress3
BIO 588Neurobiology3
CBS 662Professional Conduct in Biomedical Research1
CBS 754Epidemiology II3
CBS 762Principles of Pharmacology3
CBS 770Cell Biology3
CBS 783Advanced Immunology3
CBS 787Pharmacokinetics3
Crop Science
CS 411Crop Ecology3
CS 414Weed Science4
CS 415Integrated Pest Management3
CS 430Advanced Agroecology4
CS 717Weed Management Systems1
EC 404Money, Financial Markets, and the Economy3
EC 410Public Finance3
EC 413Industrial Organization3
EC 431Labor Economics3
EC 449International Finance3
EC 451Econometrics II3
EC 474Economics of Financial Institutions and Markets3
ECG 515Environmental and Resource Policy3
ECG 537Health Economics3
ECG 540Economic Development3
ECG 700Fundamentals of Microeconomics3
ECG 703Fundamentals of Macroeconomics3
ECG 706Industrial Organization3
ECG 715Environmental and Resource Economics3
ECG 730Labor Economics3
ECG 741Agricultural Production and Supply3
ECG 742Consumption, Demand and Market Interdependency3
ECG 748Theory Of International Trade3
ECG 749Monetary Aspects Of International Trade3
ENT 425General Entomology3
ENT 503Insect Morphology and Physiology3
ENT 550Fundamentals of Arthropod Management3
ENT 582Medical and Veterinary Entomology3
ENT 726Biological Control of Insects and Weeds3
ENT 762Insect Pest Management In Agricultural Crops3
Food Science
FS 402Chemistry of Food and Bioprocessed Materials4
FS 403Analytical Techniques in Food & Bioprocessing Science4
FS 405Food Microbiology3
FS 406Food Microbiology Lab1
FS 416Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing3
FS 421Food Preservation3
FS 453Food Laws and Regulations3
FS 462Postharvest Physiology3
FS 520Pre-Harvest Food Safety3
FS 530Post-Harvest Food Safety3
FS 540Food Safety and Public Health3
FS 553Food Laws and Regulations3
FS 554Lactation, Milk, and Nutrition3
FS 555Exercise Nutrition3
FS 562Postharvest Physiology3
FS 567Sensory Analysis of Foods3
FS 580Professional Development and Ethics in Food Safety1
FS 725Fermentation Microbiology3
Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
FW 453Principles of Wildlife Science4
FW 515Fish Physiology3
FW 553Principles of Wildlife Science3
FW 560International Wildlife Management and Conservation3
GN 521Molecular Genetics3
GN 541Human and Biomedical Genetics3
GN 701Molecular Genetics3
GN 702Cellular and Developmental Genetics3
GN 703Population and Quantitative Genetics3
GN 713Quantitative Genetics and Breeding3
GN 721Genetic Data Analysis3
GN 735Functional Genomics3
GN 757Quantitative Genetics Theory and Methods3
GN 761Advanced Molecular Biology Of the Cell3
GN 768Nucleic Acids: Structure and Function3
IMM 751Immunology3
IMM 783Advanced Immunology3
MB 405Food Microbiology3
MB 406Food Microbiology Lab1
MB 411Medical Microbiology3
MB 412Medical Microbiology Laboratory1
MB 414Microbial Metabolic Regulation3
MB 441Immunology3
MB 451Microbial Diversity3
MB 455Microbial Biotechnology3
MB 461Molecular Virology3
MB 714Microbial Metabolic Regulation3
MB 718Introductory Virology3
MB 725Fermentation Microbiology3
MB 751Immunology3
MB 758Microbial Genetics & Genomics3
MB 783Advanced Immunology3
NTR 500Principles of Human Nutrition3
NTR 501Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
NTR 511Public Health Perspectives in Infant Feeding3
NTR 512Clinical Concepts in Infant Feeding3
NTR 515Comparative Nutrition3
NTR 550Applied Ruminant Nutrition3
NTR 554Lactation, Milk, and Nutrition3
NTR 555Exercise Nutrition3
NTR 701Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism3
NTR 557Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods3
NTR 558Food Toxicology3
NTR 706Vitamin Metabolism3
NTR 708Energy Metabolism3
NTR 764Advances in Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology3
NTR 775Mineral Metabolism3
PHI 420Global Justice3
PHI 425Introduction to Cognitive Science3
PHI 440The Scientific Method3
PHI 475Ethical Theory3
PHI 520Global Justice3
PHI 540The Scientific Method3
PHI 575Ethical Theory3
PHI 816Introduction to Research Ethics1
PHY 503General Physiology I3
PHY 504General Physiology II3
PHY 505Pathophysiology2
PHY 524Comparative Endocrinology3
PHY 702Reproductive Physiology of Mammals3
PHY 764Advances in Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology3
Poultry Science
PO 410Production and Management of Game Birds in Confinement3
PO 421Commercial Egg Production3
PO 424Poultry Meat Production3
PO 435Poultry Incubation & Breeding4
PO 524Comparative Endocrinology3
PO 566Animal Cell Culture Techniques2
PO 757Comparative Immunology3
PO 775Mineral Metabolism3
Soil Science
SSC 440Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 452Soil Classification4
SSC 461Soil Physical Properties and Plant Growth3
SSC 462Soil-Crop Management Systems3
SSC 470Wetland Soils3
SSC 532Soil Microbiology4
SSC 541Soil Fertility3
SSC 545Remote Sensing Applications in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 551Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification3
SSC 562Environmental Applications Of Soil Science3
SSC 570Wetland Soils3
ST 430Introduction to Regression Analysis3
ST 431Introduction to Experimental Design3
ST 432Introduction to Survey Sampling3
ST 435Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement3
ST 445Introduction to Statistical Computing and Data Management3
ST 505Applied Nonparametric Statistics3
ST 511Statistical Methods For Researchers I3
ST 512Statistical Methods For Researchers II 3
ST 520Statistical Principles of Clinical Trials3
ST 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
ST 715Theory Of Sampling Applied To Survey Design3
ST 721Genetic Data Analysis3
ST 732Longitudinal Data Analysis3
ST 733Spatial Statistics3
ST 747Probability and Stochastic Processes II3
ST 748Stochastic Differential Equations3
ST 757Quantitative Genetics Theory and Methods3
ST 771Biomathematics I3
ST 772Biomathematics II3
TOX 401Principles of Toxicology4
TOX 415Ecotoxicology4
TOX 501Principles of Toxicology4
TOX 701Principles and Mechanisms of Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, I3
TOX 704Chemical Risk Assessment1
TOX 710Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology3
TOX 715Environmental Toxicology3
TOX 727Pesticide Behavior and Fate In the Environment2
ZO 544Mammalogy3
ZO 582Medical and Veterinary Entomology3

Additional Requirements 

  • No more than three (3) credit hours of a seminar to be included in the 36 credit hour total
  • A minimum of one full academic year or its equivalent in residence as a graduate student at the university
  • The non-thesis Master of Animal Science degree requires a minimum of 36 credit hours, of which a minimum of 12 credits are in Animal Science courses at the 500 or above level
  • Non-thesis programs may include no more than three (3) hours of independent student study credits of special topics project (ANS 610) in the minimum 36-credit program
  • Research credit is not permitted in non-thesis programs, except upon approval by an associate dean of the Graduate School in cases where the student was initially enrolled in a thesis program but later transferred to a non-thesis program
  • 400-level ANS courses are not permitted in a graduate plan of work
  • No more than six (6) hours of 400-level courses from outside departments may be counted toward the 36-credit hour requirement
  • Non-Thesis Masters Examination (ANS 690) credits may not be used to satisfy the 36-credit hour requirement
  • Non-Thesis Masters Continuous Registration (ANS 688 and ANS 689) credits may NOT be sure to satisfy the 36-credit hour requirement
  • No more than three (3) credit hours of Masters supervised teaching (ANS 685) may be included in the minimum 36-credit hour program
  • A graduate mentor (advisor) is required
  • Mentor certification of a graduate plan of work and program completion
  • Meet with the graduate mentor at last once per semester
  • Complete the annual graduate student progress report
  • Committee not required, oral examination not required
  • The director of graduate programs and the Graduate School must approve the graduate plan of work

Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Degree Requirements

The Accelerated Bachelors/Master’s (ABM) degree program allows exceptional undergraduate students at NC State an opportunity to complete the requirements for both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at an accelerated pace. These undergraduate students may double count up to 12 credits and obtain a non-thesis Master’s degree in the same field within 12 months of completing the Bachelor’s degree, or obtain a thesis-based Master’s degree in the same field within 18 months of completing the Bachelor’s degree.

This degree program also provides an opportunity for the Directors of Graduate Programs (DGPs) at NC State to recruit rising juniors in their major to their graduate programs. However, permission to pursue an ABM degree program does not guarantee admission to the Graduate School. Admission is contingent on meeting eligibility requirements at the time of entering the graduate program.


  • Glen William Almond
  • Eduardo Beltranena
  • Joan Eisemann
  • Charlotte E. Farin
  • Vivek Fellner
  • William Lucas Flowers IV
  • Fikret Isik
  • Sung Woo Kim
  • Duane K. Larick
  • Hsiao-Ching Liu
  • Christian Maltecca
  • Melissa Schuster Merrill
  • Jeannette A. Moore
  • Jack Odle
  • Shannon Elizabeth Phillips
  • Jorge A. Piedrahita
  • Matt H. Poore
  • Miles T. See
  • Yanbin Shen
  • Paul David Siciliano
  • Felipe Alves Correa Carvalho da Silva
  • Eric VanHeugten
  • Elizabeth B. Wilson
  • Dana J. Hanson
  • Mark T. Knauer
  • Daniel Heath Poole
  • Korinn Edna Saker
  • Giuseppe Valacchi
  • Debora A. Esposito
  • Jonathan Paul Holt
  • Jicai Jiang
  • Michael Vadakekara Joseph
  • Suzanne McKay Leonard
  • Casey C. Nestor
  • Carrie L. Pickworth
  • Xiaoqiu Wang
  • Stephanie Hill Ward
  • Kimberly Dawn Ange-Van Heugten
  • Deidre Danielle Harmon
  • James B. Holland
  • Francesco Tiezzi Mazzoni Della Stella Ma
  • Shweta Trivedi
  • Lin Xi
  • Brenda P. Alston-Mills
  • Geoffrey A. Benson
  • Leonard S. Bull
  • Roger G. Crickenberger
  • Kenneth L. Esbenshade
  • Warren H. Croom, Jr.
  • Eugene Eisen
  • Winston Murry Hagler
  • Raymond W. Harvey
  • Brinton Alden Hopkins
  • Gerald B. Huntington
  • James R. Jones
  • Jean-Marie Luginbuhl
  • Roger Lee McCraw
  • William M. Morrow
  • Richard M. Myers
  • Robert M. Petters
  • Odis Wayne Robison
  • Frank D. Sargent
  • Jerry Wayne Spears
  • Steven Paul Washburn
  • Michael David Whitacre
  • Lon Weidner Whitlow
  • Charles Michael Williams
  • Todd Aaron Armstrong
  • Raymond Dean Boyd
  • Max T. Coffey
  • Kent A Gray
  • Jeffrey Alan Hansen
  • Justin W. Holl
  • Elizabeth A. Koutsos
  • Douglas Wyatt Newcom
  • Theo A. van Kempen
  • Rasha Qudsieh