Microbial Biotechnology

The Master of Microbial Biotechnology Program (MMB) is recognized by the Council of Graduate Schools as a Professional Science Master’s degree (PSM). The MMB degree combines training in Microbiology, Business and Biotechnology. This degree is specifically designed to prepare students for positions in the biotechnology, biopharmaceutical and agrobusiness industries. The program includes courses that involve semester-long interactions with local biotechnology companies as well as foundational courses in microbiology, business management and molecular biology.
Master's Degree Requirements
The Master of Microbial Biotechnology (MMB) degree requires 40 credit hours, including four semesters involvement in an Industry Case Studies course, as well as a summer industry internship. This program also can be combined with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) offered through the College of Management.
Student Financial Support
A limited number of full-time participants in the Master of Microbial Biotechnology program may be eligible for Teaching Assistantships. The number of TA positions available varies every semester and there are no guaranteed positions. Students in the MMB program should assume that they will self-fund their education.
More Information
Admission Requirements
Applications are invited from individuals holding B.S. or M.S. degrees in the physical and life sciences. Applications should be received before May 1 to be considered for Fall semester admission. The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is not required. Other requirements include all relevant transcripts, three letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. Applicants with fewer than three years of industry experience should submit at least two academic recommendations. The personal statement should describe how the MMB program aligns with and will facilitate the applicant's career goals. They may share any additional relevant information that they would like considered (e.g. educational background, co-curricular experiences, or professional experience).
Applicant Information
- Delivery Method: On-Campus
- Entrance Exam: None
- Interview Required: Yes
Application Deadlines
- Fall: February 15 (Priority); May 1 (US); March 1 (Intl)
Full Professors
- Jose Bruno-Barcena
- Susan Carson
- Amy Michele Grunden
- Christine Hawkes
- Michael Hyman
Associate Professor
- Manuel Kleiner
Adjunct Faculty
- Jason Caplan
Structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins. Synthesis of DNA, RNA, and proteins. Gene expression and Regulation. Methodologies of recombinant DNA research. Credit is not allowed for both BCH 453 and BCH 553.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Principles of protein structure and function, protein folding, enzymology, ligand binding, protein transport, and metabolic pathways.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Study of hormonal, enzymatic and molecular-genetic regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism; emphasis on mammalian species.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Introduction to the current understanding and methods used for the study of structures, thermodynamics and conformational dynamics of proteins, nucleic acids and membranes.
Typically offered in Fall only
Biochemistry of DNA replication, transcription, RNA processing and translation. Development of key concepts, techniques and applications relating to mechanisms and regulation of these processes by analysis of primary literature.
Typically offered in Spring only
Regulation of cellular processes, membrane structure and function, signal transduction, protein trafficking/sorting, secretion, photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation.
Typically offered in Fall only
Fundamental and practical aspects of biological macromolecular structure, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, kinetics and spectroscopy with emphasis on mechanisms in functionally important structural transformations.
Prerequisite: BCH 451; one sem. of physical chemistry
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate years
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Introduction to the structure and functions of microbial cells and their cultivation and utilization in Biological engineering processes. Topics covered include Fermentation systems and downstream processing methods. Enzyme kinetics, production and application. Biomanufacturing of fuels, industrial chemicals, food additives and food products such as beer, wine, cheese and yogurt, Microbial biomass production, Introduction to environmental biotechnology including wastewater treatment and bioremediation. Field trip is an essential educational component of the course and is are required. Credit will not be given for both BAE 425 and BAE 525.
Prerequisite: Junior or higher standing in CALS or COE; MB 351
Typically offered in Spring only
This course will introduce fundamental principles and practical applications of biomass-to-renewable energy processes, including anaerobic digestion of organic wastes for biogas and hydrogen production, bioethanol production from starch and lignocellulosic materials, biodiesel production from plant oils, and thermoconversion of biomass and waste materials. Restricted to engineering seniors and graduate standing in COE, CALS, PAMS or CNR.
Prerequisite: Introductory Organic Chemistry or Biochemistry
Typically offered in Fall only
Biomanufacturing Training Education
This course is an introduction to fundamental molecular biology techniques, applied to generate bacterial cell lines for the production of recombinant proteins. Course material provides a comprehensive description of an expression system, with emphasis on the central dogma of molecular biology, detailed gene structure, vector components and bacterial host cell characteristics. Different genetic, physiologic and growth condition aspects are included to ensure the overproduction of a functional protein of interest. This comprises different molecular approaches for gene cloning, bacterial selection/screening and regulation of genetic expression. The course provides hands-on experience during laboratory sessions, where students isolate a gene of interest, clone the gene into an expression vector, transform bacteria, select for positive clones, grow recombinant cells, and induce the production of the protein of interest. Techniques such as SDS-PAGE, Western blot, and ELISA are used for the detection and quantification of the active recombinant protein.
Prerequisite: BIO 183 or equivalent
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Fundamental scientific principles underlying the recovery, purification and formulation of biologics (biotherapuetics), especially proteins, are examined. Emphasis is placed on delineating the key chemical and physical properties of biomolecules that impact processing and formulation development. Laboratories in the analytical and small-scale purification facility provide students with 'hands-on' exposure to key scientific principles and small scale unit operations. This is a half-semester course.
Prerequisite: BCH 451 or graduate standing
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Objectives, strategies, and approaches for recovery and purification of biomolecules, especially recombinant proteins. Laboratories in the intermediate-scale pilot plant provide students with exposure to various unit operations and the parameters that control protein isolation and purification of a recombinant protein produced by an E. coli. This is a half-semester course. Students who have completed BEC 436 may not take BEC 536 for credit.
Prerequisite: BEC 330 or graduate standing
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course provides the basic and advanced principles of genetic engineering in yeast and mammalian cells for the overproduction of a protein of interest. Students will use classical and novel strategies to establish a stable Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line based on the industrially relevant strain, DG44 (DHFR system). Students will also generate a yeast expression system based on Pichia pastoris for the production of the same protein. The generation of two different cell lines for the overproduction of the same protein of interest should provide students with an appreciation of each system in terms of cost, speed, productivity and product quality.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This lecture-based course introduces students to the quality systems used to meet the regulatory requirements for developing, testing, manufacturing, and selling medical products in the global marketplace. It provides a general background for those going into the medical products field, but is especially useful to students preparing for a career in the Regulatory Affairs or Quality Assurance Department within a pharmaceutical, biomanufacturing, or medical device company. BEC 575 students must have graduate standing.
Prerequisite: Senior standing
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Application of microbial fermentation techniques at production scale and evaluation of the inherent issues resulting from the integration of microbial fermentation unit operations, scale-up/production, and current Good Manufacturing (cGMP) compliance. Lectures prepare students for pilot-scale laboratory experiences in media preparation, bioreactor operation, process utilities, and manufacturing quality systems that simulate microbial cell growth and product expression in a commercial cGMP facility. This is a half-semester course. Students who have completed BEC 480 may not take BEC 580 for credit.
Corequisite: BBS/BEC/FS 426
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Application of downstream bioprocessing techniques at production scale and evaluation of the inherent issues resulting from the integration of recovery and purification unit operations, scale-up/production issues, and current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) compliance. Lectures prepare students for pilot-scale laboratory experiences in cell removal, cell disruption, purification, and manufacturing quality systems that simulate downstream bioprocessing in a commercial cGMP facility. This is a half-semester course. Students who have completed BEC 485 may not take BEC 585 for credit.
Corequisite: BEC 436/536
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Offered to present graduate course content not available in existing courses or for offering of new graduate courses on a trial basis. Departmental approval required.
Basic technologies of recombinant DNA procedures, gene expression, isolation and identification of nucleic acids and proteins.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Students investigate and discuss current controversial issues in biotechnology. This course emphasizes thinking about new technologies in a rational and thoughtful way.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Comparison of several different chromatography techniques for protein purification. Construction of purification tables and SDS-and native-PAGE analysis. Cost-benefit analysis of industrial-scale procedures. This is a half semester course.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
Real time PCR is an evolving technique with its basis in the dynamic properties of the polymerase chain reaction and fluorescent detection. We will review current real-time theory, techniques, machinery, troubleshooting, tools, and advanced protocols for sequence detection including SYBR green, TaqMan, Beacons, multiplexing, and single nucleotide polymorphism analysis. Students will have the opportunity to utilize skills learned during lecture in a laboratory environment. At the conclusion of this course, students should feel comfortable with real-time experimental design, its tools, and analysis of generated data. This is a half-semester course. Student must register for both lecture and lab sections.
Typically offered in Spring only
Introduction to animal cell culture techniques. Aseptic technique for vertebrate cell culture, media formulation, primary cell culture, long-term maintenance of cell lines, application of molecular techniques to in vitro situations. Half semester course, first part.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Introduction to polymerase chain reaction. Optimization of PCR reactions and primer design for DNA sequences using DNA databases available on the web. Laboratory sections include using rapid techniques for isolating and sequencing DNA from small amounts of sample and forensic identification of individuals using isolated human hairs. Credit is not allowed for both BIT 467 and BIT 567.
Prerequisite: BIT 410/510
Typically offered in Spring only
Offered as needed to present materials not normally available in regular course offerings or for offering of new courses on a trial basis.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Intensive three-week or six-week courses in advanced technologies such as DNA sequencing, downstream processing, immunological techniques, construction of c-DNA libraries, mammalian embryo manipulation, plant transformation, bioreactor design, cloning in gram positive bacteria, electron microscopy or techniques in yeast molecular biology.
Prerequisite: BIT 510
Typically offered in Summer only
Business Management
Life cycle view of organizing and managing technical projects, including project selection, planning, and execution. Methods for managing and controlling project costs, schedules, and scope. Techniques for assessing project risk. Use of popular project management software tools. Application of project management tools and methods to product development, software, and process reengineering projects.
Typically offered in Spring and Summer
Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Introductory course for students interested in gaining a broad understanding of: comparative genomics, comparative immunology, comparative physiology, pharmacokinetics, emerging zoonotic diseases, epidemiology and translational research models and methods. This course also provides an overview of current technologies relevant to comparative biomedical research and a foundation for implementing the scientific method (e.g. experimental design, data analyses, statistics). Priority will be given tofirst-year students in CBS graduate program; Enrollment of all students requires consent of instructor.
Typically offered in Fall only
Food Science
The course focuses on the properties of biological molecules (e.g., proteins, enzymes lipids, carbohydrates and pigments) found in foods and pharmaceuticals. Basic elements of molecules, such as structure and reactive groups, are presented in regard to how they affect the properties of foods and pharmaceuticals. Reactions such as Maillard browning and lipid oxidation are discussed regarding mechanisms, products and controlling processes. Laboratory experiments emphasize basic concepts discussed in lecture and provide a practical working knowledge of select analytical equipment.
Typically offered in Fall only
Federal and state laws and regulations, and case law history affecting food production, processing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of food and food products. History of food law, enactment of laws and regulations, legal research, and regulatory agencies.Credit will not be given for both FS 453 and FS 553.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Biological macromolecules and their interactions, DNA topology, eukaryotic genome structure, chromatin and chromosome structure, transcription and transcription regulation, epigenetics, RNAi and RNA processing, recombinant DNA technology, genetic transformation and cloning of plants and animals. Bacteria, viruses, plants, animals and fungi as genetic systems. Students cannot receive credit for both GN 421 and GN 521.
Prerequisite: C- or better in GN 311
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Methodology of experimental genomics; genome sequencing, gene expression arrays, genomic screens, proteomics. Aims and achievements of microbial, plant, animal, human genome projects. Applications of genomics including parasitology, breeding, functional genomics, evolutionary genetics. Interface with bioinformatics, data technology.
Prerequisite: GN 701
Typically offered in Spring only
Biology of microbes that cause plant diseases. The ecology, genetics, physiology, taxonomy, and mechanisms of parasitism, pathogenicity and virulence of bacteria (and other prokaryotes), fungi (and oomycetes), nematodes, and viruses that cause plant diseases. Prepares graduate students for advanced courses in plant pathology, host-parasite interactions, and provides a knowledge base for students in other disciplines involved with plant pathogens or who seek to broaden their knowledge of microbes.
Typically offered in Fall only
Microorganisms of importance in foods and their metabolic activities. Source of microbial contamination during food production, processing and storage. Microbial spoilage; foods as vectors of human pathogens. Physical and chemical destruction of microorganisms in foods and the kinetics involved. Conversions of raw foods by microorganisms into food products. Microbiological standards for regulatory and trade purposes. Credit will not be given for both FS/MB 405 and FS/MB 505.
Prerequisite: MB 351
Typically offered in Spring only
This is a half-semester course. Basic microbial cell culture theory and practice: cell physiology, mass balances, and metabolic control as seen in a dynamic bioreactor process to be scalable, consistent, and robust. The lab portion of the course provides students with hands-on experience in culture techniques using bioreactors. Students who have completed MB(BEC) 520 may not take BEC (MB) 420 for credit.
Prerequisite: MB 352 OR Corequisite of BEC(MB) 320
Typically offered in Fall only
Soil as a medium for microbial growth, the relation of microbes to important mineral transformations in soil, the importance of biological equilibrium and significance of soil microbes to environmental quality.
Prerequisite: MB 351, CH 220
Overview of industrial microbiology focusing on current biotechnology methods (bacteria, yeast, fungi) employing rDNA, optimization of heterologous gene expression, microbial metabolic pathway engineering, metabolomics, protein engineering and recombinant antibodies. Genetic and pathway engineering strategies for developing new microbes to screen for new therapeutic compounds or overproduce: primary metabolites, antibiotics, biotherapeutic proteins, industrially useful enzymes, medical diagnostics, recombinant vaccines, biopolymers. Utilization of biofilms, methods to immobilize biocatalysts, and microbial kinetics are also covered. Field trip to local biotechnology company. Students cannot receive credit for both 455 and 555.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate microbiology, genetics, and biochemistry course: MB351, BCH 351, and GN 311
Typically offered in Spring only
A survey of the fungal kingdom in context of phyla and classes. Systematics, ecology, biology and utilization. Illustrative material, cultural techniques in laboratories. Collection and paper required.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Project-based course directly working with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Students work in teams on a company-specific project. Projects range from developing business or marketing plans for new products; writing Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants or white papers; creating procedures, protocols, and/or process improvements for a company-specific process; and studying intellectual property issues. Written and oral communication skills as well as teamwork, flexibility, and ambiguity management are emphasized. Restricted to MBT students.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Selection of a subject by each student on which to do research and write a technical report on the results. The individual may choose a subject pertaining to his or her particular interest in any area of study in microbiology.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
An integrative perspective on bacterial physiology and metabolism through analysis of metabolic regulatory functions.
Typically offered in Fall only
Introduction to principles of virology including: classification and nomenclature, epidemiology, structure, genome replication, gene expression strategies and cellular infection cycle. Major groups of viruses including those with DNA genomes and positive-sense or negative-sense RNA genomes.
Prerequisite: BCH 451 or GN 411 or MB 351
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Fermentation bioprocessing and characteristics, function and ecology of responsible microorganisms. Fermentative activities, growth responses and culture interactions related to metabolism, physiology and genetics of lactic acid bacteria and selected yeasts and molds. Current developments in starter culture technology and genetics; application to food and industrial fermentations.
Prerequisite: BCH 451, MB 351
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate years
Introduction to mechanisms of immunity in man and animals. Emphasis on interactions between cells of the immune system in production of immune responses and the molecules in control of these interactions.
Prerequisite: BCH 451, GN 411, MB 351
Typically offered in Spring only
Structure and function in microbial genetics, with emphasis on microbial genome organization, stable maintenance and evolution. DNA mutation and repair pathways, transcriptional and translational regulation, DNA replication and recombination and characterization of recombinant DNA molecules. Applications of genetic and genomic analysis methods to microbial processes, including strain construction, genome manipulation, and enhancement of gene expression.
Typically offered in Spring only
Introduction to taxonomy, morphology, reproduction and ecological importance of organisms which may be included in the algae. Attention to local freshwater flow and physiology of selected species in relation to algal blooms, water quality and nutrient loading in aquatic habitats.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Informal group discussion of prepared topics assigned by instructor.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Business Administration
Business processes and strategies across the global BioSciences value chain, including the R&D realities, product life cycles, key elements of product discovery and development, intellectual property, regulatory trials, government approval, production, sourcing, logistics, sales, marketing and customer service. The complete value chain of a new biotechnology-based product.
Typically offered in Spring only
Survey of economic concepts applied to management decisions. Competition. Market power. The firm, production, and cost. Pricing practices. Output. Market success. Market failure. Restricted to MBA students.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course is about the fundamentals of leading people, a critical aspect of every management position and leadership role. The course will focus at three levels of analysis: the individual, the group and the organization. Students will gain exposure to topics and issues in the field of organizational behavior and human resource management. These include knowing about and dealing with individual differences, international and cultural issues, working in groups (both virtually and geographically co-located), motivation, leadership, organizational structures and cultures, change management, empowerment, delegation, communication, and management ethics. Restricted to MBA students.
Typically offered in Spring only
Total product realization process, including customer needs analysis, product design and engineering, manufacturability assessment and marketing plan development. Definition of relevant market, design and engineering principles, financial considerations and manufacturing aspects of product development process. Application and integration of business, design and engineering methodologies, concepts and tools on actual product design and development project.
Typically offered in Fall only
First course in a two-course entrepreneurship sequence focusing on opportunities outside the technology arena. Management of the innovative activities of a firm (new and/or existing) to facilitate entrepreneurship-the discovery, evaluation, and exploitation of opportunities to create value. Generation and screening of new product/process ideas or concepts. Transformation of such ideas into products, processes, or services that satisfies stakeholders (e.g., customers, employees). Topics include self-assessment of personal aspirations, skills, and competencies, as well as opportunity identification/evaluation, business model design, and launching and scaling ventures.
Typically offered in Fall only
First course in a two-course entrepreneurship sequence focusing on opportunities for technology commercialization. Evaluation of commercialization of technologies in the context of new business startups. Emphasis is placed on creating value through technology portfolio evaluation and fundamentals of technology-based new business startups. This includes development of value propositions and strong technology-product-market linkages. The process based approach is appropriate for new business startup as well as entrepreneurship in existing organizations through spinoffs, licensing, or new product development. Credit not allowed for MBA 576 if the student has already taken MBA 570 or MBA 571.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Continuation of evaluation of technologies for commercialization through new business startups. Emphasis is placed on creating value through strong technology-products-markets linkages using the TEC algorithm. Topics include industry and market testing of assumptions, legal forms of new business startups, funding sources and creating a quality, integrative new business startup plan. Credit not allowed in 577 for students who have already taken 570 or 571.
Prerequisite: MBA/MSE 576. Credit not allowed in 577 for students who have already taken 570 or 571.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Exploration of unique environment in which biotechnology research is conducted and resultant drugs and products are sold. Legal restraints affecting pharmaceutical marketing and reimbursement options; regulatory issues; pre-clinical research. Laws limiting or affecting pharmaceutical and biomedical marketing Ethical issues in the research and marketing processes.
Typically offered in Fall only
Presentation of material not normally available in regular courses offerings or offering of new courses on a trial basis.
Introduction to gene cloning, plant tissue culture and transformation, and the development of agriculturally important transgenic traits. Critical thinking, case studies, and discussions are used to examine global approaches to the regulation and risks of genetically-modified organisms, plant and gene patents, and the consequences of these factors on food soverienty and trade. Students cannot receive credit for both PB 480 and PB 580.
Typically offered in Fall only
pLANt Pathology
Basic concepts of statistical models and use of samples; variation, statistical measures, distributions, tests of significance, analysis of variance and elementary experimental design, regression and correlation, chi-square.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Covariance, multiple regression, curvilinear regression, concepts of experimental design, factorial experiments, confounded factorials, individual degrees of freedom and split-plot experiments. Computing laboratory addressing computational issues and use of statistical software.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
This course introduces important ideas about collecting high quality data and summarizing that data appropriately both numerically and graphically. We explore the use of probability distributions to model data and find probabilities. Estimation of parameters and properties of estimators are discussed. Construction and interpretation of commonly used confidence intervals and hypothesis tests are investigated. Students will gain considerable experience working with data. Software is used throughout the course with the expectation of students being able to produce their own analyses.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Statistical methods for design and analysis of clinical trials and epidemiological studies. Phase I, II, and III clinical trials. Principle of Intention-to-Treat, effects of non-compliance, drop-outs. Interim monitoring of clinical trials and data safety monitoring boards. Introduction to meta-analysis. There is also discussion of Epidemiological methods time permitting.
Typically offered in Fall only
Evaluation of the nature, distribution and significance of microchemical contamination. Emphasis on current, relevant problems.
Prerequisite: Two years of biology
Fundamental understanding of biochemical, molecular and cellular mechanisms through which xenobiotics alter cellular homeostasis, produce toxicity and alter organ function. Current biochemical, molecular and cellular experimental approaches for study of biochemical mechanisms of toxicity.
Typically offered in Spring only