Soil Science (MR)

Degree Requirements
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Required Courses 1 | 4 | ||
Seminar 2 | |||
Project in Soil Science 3 | |||
Core Courses | 13-14 | ||
Students must complete at least four of the following five courses: | |||
Soil Physics | |||
Soil Chemistry | |||
Soil Microbiology | |||
Soil Fertility | |||
Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification | |||
Additional Courses 4, 5 | 12-13 | ||
Additional Courses are determined in conjunction with the academic advisor. | |||
Total Hours | 30 |
- 1
All Master of Soil Science Students who have had no soil science coursework may be required to take SSC 200 Soil Science. This requirement will be determined when a student is admitted to the degree. This is available online. It does not count towards the degree. Alternatively, a student may take a basic soils course at another university and provide documentation of completion.
- 2
Students may apply no more than 2 credits of SSC 601 Seminar to their degree requirements.
- 3
Students must complete 3 credits of SSC 675 and may not use more than 6 credits for their degree program.
- 4
Distance education students should consult with their faculty advisors for a listing of courses offered online.
- 5
Students with no formal soil science field experience may be required to enroll in at least one field experience course. This will be determined by the advisor and Director of Graduate Programs.
SSC 675 Project in Soil Science
All students will complete a project in coordination with their advisor to satisfy the SSC 675 Project in Soil Science requirement. Students will typically receive 3 credits for this project, but they may enroll in up to 6 credits for more extensive projects. Enrollment in more than 3 credits requires approval from the Director of Graduate Programs.
Prior to enrolling in SSC 675, the student must define the project and file a Project Agreement form approved by the advisor. The project is only considered complete when a work product is submitted to the advisor and is considered suitable for credit.
Possible activities that satisfy the requirement:
- A comprehensive literature review on a topic of interest that is of publishable quality.
- A work product that addresses a special project with an employer.
- An extension bulletin or fact sheet.
- A lab or field research project with a final paper.
- Other work products as agreed upon.
Additional Requirements
- The degree program must include at least 21 credit hours of letter-graded courses. These must be NC State or inter-institutional courses.
- No more than six (6) credit hours of 400-level courses from outside of SSC may be counted toward the 30-hour requirement.
- A maximum of 6 credits in SSC 675 Project in Soil Science is allowed. Students may not take 6 credits of SSC 675 and also earn credit for other individual project based work under other course numbers (e.g., SSC 590, SSC 620). This does not exclude a student from taking a course organized under SSC 620.
- Credit hours for the following courses may NOT be used to satisfy the 30-credit hour requirement:
- SSC 688/689 Non-Thesis Master’s Continuous Registration
- SSC 690 Non-Thesis Master's Examination
- SSC 693 Master's Supervised Research
- SSC 695 Master's Thesis Research
- SSC 696 Summer Thesis Research
- SSC 699 Master's Thesis Preparation
- There is no requirement for a faculty graduate committee or a research thesis.
- Students may not officially pursue a minor in another discipline. However, graduate certificates may be earned during the degree and certificate courses can serve as electives (certificates are at least 12 credits).
- Aziz Amoozegar
Area of Research: Environmental Soil Physics - David A. Crouse
Area of Research: Soil Science Education - Owen W. Duckworth
Area of Research: Soil Biogeochemistry - Alan J. Franzluebbers
Area of Research: Soil Ecology and Management - John L. Havlin
Area of Research: Soil Fertility - Joshua L. Heitman
Area of Research: Soil Physics & Hydrology - Michael D. Mullen
Area of Research: Soil Biology & Soil Science Education - Deanna L. Osmond
Area of Research: Soil Fertility & Watershed Management - Wei Shi
Area of Research: Soil Microbiology & Ecology - Michael J. Vepraskas
Area of Research: Wetland Soils & Pedology
Associate Professors
- Luciano C. Gatiboni
Area of Research: Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management - Alexandria K. Graves
Area of Research: Soil Microbiology
Assistant Professors
- Kevin Garcia
Area of Research: Plant-Microbe Interactions & Nutrient Transport - Amy M. Johnson
Area of Research: Soil Science - Stephanie B. Kulesza
Area of Research: Nutrient Management and Animal Waste - Hui Li
Area of Research: Environmental Soil Chemistry - Ekrem Ozlu
Area of Research: Soil Management - Matthew C. Ricker
Area of Research: Pedology - Alex L. Woodley
Area of Research: Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Practice/Research/Teaching Professor
- Robert E. Austin
Area of Research: Geospatial Information and Analytics in Soils, Agriculture and Environmental Science