Learning and Teaching in STEM

The Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education offers a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Learning and Teaching in STEM with three areas of concentration: Science Education, Engineering and Technology Education, and Mathematics and Statistics Education.
We prepare educators and researchers for positions as teachers, leaders, and university faculty of the highest quality. We are particularly proud of our emphasis on the use of technology to enhance teaching. Students take courses in their educational specialty, in general professional education, and in academic discipline areas including: biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, earth science, engineering, graphic arts, interdisciplinary science, mathematics, physics, or statistics.
Doctoral students are knowledge-seekers and who are eager to pursue educational problems and develop critical thinking skills in a collaborative environment. The programs prepare individuals for positions in their fields of study related to:
- scholarly inquiry and discourse in their discipline,
- preparation of K-12 teachers,
- instruction and development issues in K-16, and
- leadership positions.
Doctoral Degree Requirements
The Ph.D. program in Learning and Teaching in STEM requires a previous master’s degree, a minimum of 54 semester hours of course work, and 9 semester hours of dissertation research beyond the Master's Degree requirements.
*Note: Some programs may allow exceptional applicants to earn a Master’s degree en route to a Ph.D., with up to 36 hours counting toward the Ph.D. with continuous enrollment.
Student Financial Support
A small number of teaching and research assistantships are available, and out-of-state tuition remission may be available for one year for students on assistantships. Please discuss these opportunities directly with program area faculty.
More Information
Admission Requirements
Applicants must submit a completed application specific to the program concentration. All programs require GRE scores, 3 letters of recommendation, official transcripts, and a 1-2 page statement describing interests, background, and professional goals.
Please see the Learning and Teaching in STEM, PhD website for additional details. The deadlines for submission of an application, and academic and professional background necessary for admission differ by specific program area of study.
Applicant Information
- Delivery Method: On-Campus
- Entrance Exam: None
- Interview Required: None
Application Deadlines
- Fall (Engineering and Technology Education): Priority Application Deadline for consideration of funding and assistantships December 1; Final Deadline April 15.
- Fall (Science Education): Priority Application Deadline for consideration of funding and assistantships December 1; Final Deadline April 15.
- Fall (Mathematics and Statistics Education): Priority Deadline for Fall Admission & Funding December 1; Final Deadline April 15
Full Professors
- Margaret R. Blanchard
- Sarah J. Carrier
- Aaron Catron Clark
- Jo-Ann D. Cohen
- Karen Flanagan Hollebrands
- Carla Johnson
- Melissa Gail Jones
- Hollylynne Stohl Lee
- Soonhye Park
Associate Professors
- Cesar Delgado
- Cameron Denson
- Jessica Heather Hunt
- Erin Krupa
- Temple A. Walkowiak
Assistant Professors
- Robin Keturah Anderson
- Kirstin Collette Rogis Busch
- Sunghwan Byun
- Ruby Ellis
- Tamecia Raishaun Jones
- Daniel Kelly
- Jonee Wilson
Practice/Research/Teaching Professors
- Cynthia Page Edgington
- Matt Reynolds
- Alonzo Alexander
This course is designed for researchers and leaders to gain experience using quantitative analytic approaches to answer questions in educational research and policy analysis. As the first course in a two-part series, this course introduces students to foundational tools in quantitative data analysis. Specifically, topics include measurement, graphical and tabular data displays, probability, hypothesis testing, t-tests, X2 tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and fundamentals of regression.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Students will apply and enhance their quantitative skills through analysis of existing datasets. Course goals include practicing and extending Multiple Regression knowledge and skills, generating and testing hypotheses in a multiple regression framework, and appropriately disseminating results. Restricted to doctoral students in Education Research only.
Prerequisite: ED 710
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Introduces students to the skills and resources needed to design and conduct a survey in educational settings. Students who take this course will be able to identify and develop specific survey objectives, design survey studies, sample respondents, develop reliable and valid self-administered questionnaires, administer surveys, and process data.
Prerequisite: ED 710
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate even years
Design of qualitative studies, conduct of field work including open-ended interviews and participant observation, analysis of data and understanding of theoretical and philosophical background of this research approach.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Intensive course in the use of field-based and general qualitative research data analysis methods in the social study of education. The course is to help participants acquire skills and gain experience in using various methodological and analytical research techniques. The course emphasis is on the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of qualitative data.
Prerequisite: ELP 736, EAC 785 or ED 730
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Explores the theoretical and practical issues surrounding the combining of quantitative and qualitative methods in educational research studies. It addresses how to design, implement and write-up mixed methods research as well as how to critically review and interpret mixed methods research studies.
Prerequisite:ED 711,ED 730,ST 507, ELP736 or equivalent and/or permission of the instructor
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
The objective of this course is to inform you about the research and theories related to diversity (race/ethnicity, gender, social class, sexuality, ability, intersectionality and more) and equity in schools and communities for application to your own personal and professional experiences. This process will provide you with a foundation from which you may base your own decisions in your profession. As the course proceeds, your role will be to try to understand what you hear and read and to ask questions, to formulate an opinion about the theories/concepts that are presented, and to connect what you read to your own experiences as a human being, graduate student, and professional.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This is a required course for students in College of Education PhD programs. It is designed to help prepare students to engage in informed analysis, critique and planning of education policies and programs designed to foster systemic changes in K-16 education. A central focus will be the intersection of research, policy, and practice in efforts to update and improve education systems, and the social and political complexities of educational reform.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course provides in-depth instruction and applications in new or emerging areas of educational research, studies or venues. May be repeated for credit if topic changes. Doctoral students in education only.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Math & Science Education
This course is designed to provide disciplinary and interdisciplinary overviews of STEM issues and trends that will help graduate students construct their own theoretical foundations and practical understanding of STEM education. In the course, students will discuss a wide range of current issues, movements, and research-supported practices in STEM education not only in K-16 classrooms but also informal education settings. Students will also have opportunities to conceptualize their own framework for quality STEM education connecting research and practice in the field. A main course activity will be reading, analysis, and discussion of selected readings in each topic area. Students will share the responsibility of guiding class discussions, write up reflection and conceptualization, and conduct individual project that relates directly to the main topics explored in the course.
Prerequisites: Doctoral Standing in Learning and Teaching in STEM
Typically offered in Fall only
In-depth investigation of topical problems in mathematics teaching chosen from areas of curriculum, methodology, technology, supervision and research.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
In-depth investigation of topics in science education not covered in existing courses. Includes critical analysis of research and may include field work. May be offered on individual basis or as a class.
Prerequisite: EMS 476
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer