Functional Genomics
NC State offers two closely linked interdepartmental graduate programs in Genomic Sciences. All students pursuing degrees in either Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics will take a shared core set of courses that promote breadth of knowledge and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration.
Functional Genomics students focus on laboratory research requiring the collection and interpretation of massive data sets that enhance our knowledge of organismal biology, gene expression, protein and nucleic acid structure and function, and genetic and environmental interactions. Bioinformatics students develop skills to manage and analyze these large and complex “omics” data sets. These two groups of students will be prepared to work seamlessly as parts of teams addressing fundamentally important problems in areas including the biomedical sciences, plant and animal breeding, evolutionary biology, ecology, and toxicology.
Unique and exceptional resources include the Bioinformatics Research Center and the Genome Research Laboratory.
Master's Degree Requirements
Students take a 15-credit core curriculum shared by all students in the Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics degree programs, followed by additional genomics and elective courses. The non-thesis Master of Functional Genomics requires a minimum of 30 credit hours, while the Master of Science in Functional Genomics requires 36 credit hours and a thesis.
Doctoral Degree Requirements
Students take a 15-credit core curriculum shared by all students in the Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics degree programs, followed by additional genomics and elective courses. The Ph.D. in Functional Genomics requires a total of 72 credits, and all students participate in a journal club, monthly seminar series and research ethics training. All PhD students assemble advisory committees including faculty from both Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics to promote effective interdisciplinary research and collaboration, and many students have co-advisors representing different fields.
Student Financial Support
Fellowships are available through the program, and students may also be supported by research and training grants awarded to our faculty members.
More Information
Admission Requirements
Students applying to either the Master’s or PhD program in Functional Genomics should have an undergraduate major in the biological or physical sciences, including courses in genetics, biochemistry, and calculus. Previous research experience is a significant advantage.
Applicant Information
- Delivery Method: On-Campus
- Entrance Exam: None
- Interview Required: None
Application Deadlines
- Fall: January 15
Full Professors
- Kenneth B. Adler
- Jose Miguel Alonso
- Prema Arasu
- Christopher M. Ashwell
- David M. Bird
- Russell J. Borski
- Rebecca S. Boston
- Matthew Breen
- Edward Bealmear Breitschwerdt
- Dennis T. Brown
- James W. Brown
- Ignazio Carbone
- Margaret E. Daub
- Gregg A. Dean
- Ralph A. Dean
- Ralph E. Dewey
- Charlotte E. Farin
- Robert Graham Franks
- Frederick J. Fuller
- John E. Gadsby
- Troy Ghashghaei
- John R. Godwin
- Major M. Goodman
- Amy Michele Grunden
- Linda Kay Hanley-Bowdoin
- Jason M. Haugh
- James B. Holland
- Jonathan M. Horowitz
- Sophia Kathariou
- Robert M. Kelly
- Matthew D. Koci
- Bailian Li
- Jonathan S. Lindsey
- Hsiao-Ching Liu
- Steven Lommel
- James W. Mahaffey
- Earl S. Maxwell
- Steven Edward McKeand
- Melissa Schuster Merrill
- Eric S. Miller
- Paul Edward Mozdziak
- David C. Muddiman
- Jack Odle
- Charles H. Opperman
- James N. Petitte
- Robert M. Petters
- Jorge A. Piedrahita
- Brian J. Reich
- Jean B. Ristaino
- Dorith Rotenberg
- Maria C. Sagui
- Heike Inge Ada Sederoff
- Barbara Sherry
- Robert Charles Smart
- William F. Thompson
- Ross W. Whetten
- Anna Whitfield
- Brian M. Wiegmann
- Qiuyun Xiang
- Deyu Xie
- Jeffrey A. Yoder
Associate Professors
- Nicolas E. Buchler
- Colleen Doherty
- Michael B. Goshe
- Steffen Heber
- David S. Lalush
- Ivana Mali
- Flora Meilleur
- Jonathan W. Olson
- Lina Quesada
- Martha Reiskind
- Marcelo Rodriguez-Puebla
- Michael L. Sikes
Assistant Professors
- Caitlin S. Heil
- Ruben Rellan Alvarez
- Benjamin John Callahan
- Ilenys Muniz Perez Diaz
- Brian Diekman
- Rafael Felipe Guerrero Farias
- Joseph Gage
- Manuel Kleiner
- Kurt Marsden
- Santosh Kumar Mishra
- David Alan Rasmussen
- Kasie Raymann
- Christina Zakas
Practice/Research/Teaching Professor
- Patricia A Estes
Emeritus Faculty
- Henry Van Amerson
- William Reid Atchley
- James W. Brown
- Vincent L. C. Chiang
- Steven D. Clouse
- Stephanie E. Curtis
- Barry Goldfarb
- Cynthia L. Hemenway
- Todd Robert Klaenhammer
- David H. Ley
- James W. Moyer
- Paul E. Orndorff
- Ron Ross Sederoff
- Wayne Tompkins
- Paul L Wollenzien
Adjunct Faculty
- Robert R. Anholt
- Trudy F. MacKay
Introduction to the current understanding and methods used for the study of structures, thermodynamics and conformational dynamics of proteins, nucleic acids and membranes.
Typically offered in Fall only
Biochemistry of DNA replication, transcription, RNA processing and translation. Development of key concepts, techniques and applications relating to mechanisms and regulation of these processes by analysis of primary literature.
Typically offered in Spring only
Methodology of experimental genomics; genome sequencing, gene expression arrays, genomic screens, proteomics. Aims and achievements of microbial, plant, animal, human genome projects. Applications of genomics including parasitology, breeding, functional genomics, evolutionary genetics. Interface with bioinformatics, data technology.
Prerequisite: GN 701
Typically offered in Spring only
A discussion of the structure and function of genetic material at a molecular level. Consideration of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. The aim to describe genetics in terms of chemical principles.
Prerequisite: GN 311
Typically offered in Fall only
The course is designed to give students background in professionalism, scientific ethics and responsible conduct of science. Topics include the role of the scientist in society, ethical theory, data acquisition and ownership, scientific midconduct,authorship, peer review, conflicts of interest and commitment, intellectual property, ethics of teaching and mentoring, ethical treatment of animal and human subjects, ethics of genetics research, job hunting and interviewing.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Fall only
Regulation of genes involved in cellular function, differentiation and development in eukaryotes. Presentation of biological systems and model organisms used to study genetic control of cellular and developmental processes.
Prerequisite: GN 701
Typically offered in Spring only
Mutation and origin of genetic variation. Measuring genetic variation in natural populations. Gene and genotype frequencies. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Values, means, genetic and environmental variance, heritability of quantitative traits. Random genetic drift and inbreeding. Natural and artifical selection. Theory and tests of models of maintenance of genetic variation. Molecular evolution of genes and proteins. Genome evolution.
Typically offered in Spring only
Genetic Genomic Sciences
Topics of current interest by faculty affiliated with the Genetics and Genomics Academy. Subjects under this number normally to test and develop new courses.
R: Graduate Standing
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This graduate course is part of a first-year training program for Genetics & Genomics Scholars and the course provides a broad understanding of pivotal topics in the field of genetics and genomics. A background in concepts, methods, and advances in the field of genetics and genomics is provided and followed by critical analyses of the readings and primary literature and interactive discussions. This course will provide graduate students with direct and engaged contact with all the major areas of research at the forefront of this field while fostering an appreciation for where the field has been and what the big ideas are for the future. Students will work individually and in groups to develop a vision or white paper that capitalizes on this broad background to identify the next advances in the field of genetics and genomics.
Restriction: Graduate Standing
Typically offered in Fall only
This graduate course is part of a first-year training program for Genetics & Genomics Scholars and provides a broad understanding how to apply principles of data science to large multi-faceted datasets that are central to modern-day genetics and genomics. The students will focus on the application of these principles in the analysis of genetics and genomic data. Students will develop basic skills for reproducible research, including project organization, version control and test-evaluate-diagnose development. While exploring the universe of genetic and genomics analysis packages, the students will focus on the R data-science platform. They will develop their skills in common genetics and genomics analyses, including RNA-seq differential expression and population genetics statistics. The final product for the course will be a collaborative, small groups project consisting of a defined analysis of a genetic or genomic dataset of their choice.
Restriction: Graduate Standing
Typically offered in Spring only
This course will help graduate students develop the tools and skills that they need to excel in graduate school and throughout their careers. The topics range from the practical to the philosophical in the context of the field of Genetics & Genomic Sciences. We will explore the ethical concerns facing professionals in the genetics and genomic fields in the 21st century, allowing the past to help inform the present and future. We will focus on scientific writing in a variety of forms culminating in writing a grant proposal and will work on effective science communication in Genetics & Genomics for the public and scientific community. This course will value peer collaboration and feedback, developing professional relationships that will be important in graduate school and in their future careers.
Restriction: Graduate Standing
Typically offered in Spring only
The study of special problems and selected topics of current interest in plant pathology and related fields.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
The study of special problems and selected topics of current interest in plant pathology and related fields.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Basic concepts of statistical models and use of samples; variation, statistical measures, distributions, tests of significance, analysis of variance and elementary experimental design, regression and correlation, chi-square.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer