University Catalog 2024-2025

Teamwork in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research (Minor)

The objective of the proposed minor in Teamwork in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research (TIBR) is to provide interdisciplinary team science training and professional development for future leaders in academia, government, and industry who will subsequently make groundbreaking molecular medicine discoveries, embrace and apply the concepts of rigor and reproducibility and responsible conduct of science, and participate in translating new discoveries into clinical applications for the benefit of human health.

Minimum Grade Requirements for the Minor Courses 

A grade of S (pass/fail courses) or B (graded courses) must be achieved in each course counted towards the minor.

More Information

Program Website

Minor Admissions Requirements

  1. They are pursuing a PhD degree and are in their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year of graduate study.
  2. Intended students are active in biomedical sciences, such as those pursuing degrees in Biomedical Engineering (BME) and Comparative Biological Sciences (CBS), among others.

Plan Requirements

Required Courses13
Fundamentals of Comparative Molecular Medicine
Principles of Collaboration and Team Science
Leadership in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences
Young Scholars Program Courses *
Interdisciplinary Research Team Mentoring
Total Hours13

Participation in Young Scholars Program (YSP) or equivalent (3 credits), taken two times, CBS 886 is suggested.


Minor Directors

  • Deborah Acker
  • Matthew Fisher

Additional Minor Leadership Team Members

  • April Kedrowicz
  • Jorge Piedrahita
  • Jorge A Piedrahita
  • Joshua Pierce