Applied Mathematics (PhD): Computational Mathematics Concentration

Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Required Courses * | 63 | ||
See "Required Courses" listed below | |||
Computational Mathematics Concentration Requirements | 9 | ||
See "Computational Mathematics Concentration Courses" listed below | |||
Total Hours | 72 |
- *
Must contain a minimum of 30 credit hours of 500-level or above MA courses.
Required Courses by category
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Select at least one course from each category below: | |||
Continuous Mathematics | |||
MA 513 | Introduction To Complex Variables | 3 | |
MA 515 | Analysis I | 3 | |
MA 531 | Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I | 3 | |
MA 532 | Ordinary Differential Equations I | 3 | |
MA 534 | Introduction To Partial Differential Equations | 3 | |
MA 546 | Probability and Stochastic Processes I | 3 | |
MA 551 | Introduction to Topology | 3 | |
MA 555 | Introduction to Manifold Theory | 3 | |
Discrete Mathematics | |||
MA 505 | Linear Programming | 3 | |
MA 520 | Linear Algebra | 3 | |
MA 521 | Abstract Algebra I | 3 | |
MA 523 | Linear Transformations and Matrix Theory | 3 | |
MA 524 | Combinatorics I | 3 | |
MA 526 | Mathematical Analysis II | 3 | |
Computational Mathematics | |||
MA 522 | Computer Algebra | 3 | |
MA 540 | Uncertainty Quantification for Physical and Biological Models | 3 | |
MA/CS 565 | Graph Theory | 3 | |
MA 573 | Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I | 3 | |
MA 580 | Numerical Analysis I | 3 |
Computational Mathematics Concentration Courses
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Select at least three courses from the following: | |||
MA 522 | Computer Algebra | 3 | |
MA 540 | Uncertainty Quantification for Physical and Biological Models | 3 | |
MA 544 | Computer Experiments In Mathematical Probability | 3 | |
MA 565 | Graph Theory | 3 | |
MA 573 | Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I | 3 | |
MA 584 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite Difference Methods | 3 | |
MA 587 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite Element Method | 3 | |
MA 784 | Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Equations and Optimization | 3 | |
MA 788 | Numerical Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations | 3 | |
CSC 501 | Operating Systems Principles | 3 | |
CSC 505 | Design and Analysis Of Algorithms | 3 | |
CSC 506 | Architecture Of Parallel Computers | 3 | |
CE 537 | Computer Methods and Applications | 3 | |
CSC 512 | Compiler Construction | 3 | |
PY 525 | Computational Physics | 3 | |
ECE 513 | Advanced Digital Signal Processing | 3 | |
MAE 560 | Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer | 3 | |
ST 555 | Statistical Programming I | 3 | |
FIM 548 | Monte Carlo Methods for Financial Math | 3 |
Full Professors
- Bojko Nentchev Bakalov
- Lorena Bociu
- Alina Emil Chertock
- Moody Ten-Chao Chu
- Jo-Ann D. Cohen
- Patrick Louis Combettes
- Pierre Alain Gremaud
- Mansoor Abbas Haider
- Hoon Hong
- Ilse Ipsen
- Kazufumi Ito
- Naihuan Jing
- Erich L. Kaltofen
- Carl Timothy Kelley
- Irina Aleksandrovna Kogan
- Rachel Levy
- Zhilin Li
- Alun L. Lloyd
- Sharon R. Lubkin
- Negash G. Medhin
- Kailash Chandra Misra
- Mette Olufsen
- Tao Pang
- Nathan P. Reading
- Jesus Rodriguez
- Ralph Conover Smith
- Seth M. Sullivant
- Hien Trong Tran
- Semyon Victor Tsynkov
- Dmitry Valerievich Zenkov
Associate Professors
- Alen Alexanderian
- Kevin Flores
- Min Jeong Kang
- Tye Lidman
- Tien Khai Nguyen
- Andrew Papanicolaou
- David Papp
- Arvind Krishna Saibaba
- Radmila Sazdanovic
Assistant Professors
- Erik Walter Bates
- Zixuan Cang
- Chao Chen
- Mohammad Mehdi Farazmand
- Laura Colmenarejo Hernando
- Hangjie Ji
- C. Jones
- Zane Kun Li
- Andrew Jason Manion
- Jacob Paul Matherne
- P. McGrath
- Ryan William Murray
- Dominykas Norgilas
- Yairon Cid Ruiz
- Andrew O'Shea Sageman-Furnas
- T. Saksala
- Yeonjong Shin
- Fatma Terzioglu
Adjunct Faculty
- Scott Christopher Batson
- Jonathan D. Hauenstein
- Patricia L. Hersh
- John Lavery
- Sarah Katherine Mason
- Jordan E. Massad
- Jessica Loock Matthews
- Johnny T. Ottesen
Practice/Research/Teaching Professors
- Elisabeth M. M. Brown
- L. Castle
- Alina Nicoleta Duca
- Molly A. Fenn
- Mikhail Gilman
- Bevin Laurel Maultsby
- S. Paul
- Brenda B. Williams
Emeritus Faculty
- John William Bishir
- Stephen LaVern Campbell
- Richard E. Chandler
- H. Charlton
- Ethelbert N. Chukwu
- Lung-ock Chung
- Joseph C. Dunn
- Gary Doyle Faulkner
- John E. Franke
- Ronald O. Fulp
- Dennis E. Garoutte
- John Richard Griggs
- Robert E. Hartwig
- Aloysius G. Helminck
- Robert H. Martin Jr
- Carl Meyer Jr.
- Thomas J. Lada
- Xiao-Biao Lin
- Joe A. Marlin
- Larry Keith Norris
- L. Page
- Sandra Paur
- E. Peterson
- Mohan Sastri Putcha
- N. Rose
- Stephen Schecter
- Jeffrey Scott Scroggs
- James Francis Selgrade
- Michael Shearer
- C. Siewert
- Robert Silber
- Jack Silverstein
- Michael F. Singer
- Ernest Stitzinger
- R. White