Mathematics (MS)

Master of Science Degree Requirements
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Required Courses | 9 | ||
Select one course from each of the following categories: | |||
Continuous Mathematics | |||
Introduction To Complex Variables | |||
Analysis I | |||
Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I | |||
Ordinary Differential Equations I | |||
Introduction To Partial Differential Equations | |||
Probability and Stochastic Processes I | |||
Introduction to Topology | |||
Introduction to Manifold Theory | |||
Discrete Mathematics | |||
Linear Programming | |||
Linear Algebra | |||
Abstract Algebra I | |||
Linear Transformations and Matrix Theory | |||
Combinatorics I | |||
Mathematical Analysis II | |||
Computational Mathematics | |||
Computer Algebra | |||
Uncertainty Quantification for Physical and Biological Models | |||
Graph Theory | |||
Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I | |||
Numerical Analysis I | |||
In Depth Requirement Courses | 12 | ||
Select two course sequences, or one group of three thematically linked courses, approved in conjunction with the academic committee | |||
Additional Courses | 9 | ||
"Additional Courses" are approved in conjunction with the academic committee to meet 30 total hours | |||
Total Hours | 30 |
Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Degree Requirements
The Accelerated Bachelors/Master’s (ABM) degree program allows exceptional undergraduate students at NC State an opportunity to complete the requirements for both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at an accelerated pace. These undergraduate students may double count up to 12 credits and obtain a non-thesis Master’s degree in the same field within 12 months of completing the Bachelor’s degree, or obtain a thesis-based Master’s degree in the same field within 18 months of completing the Bachelor’s degree.
This degree program also provides an opportunity for the Directors of Graduate Programs (DGPs) at NC State to recruit rising juniors in their major to their graduate programs. However, permission to pursue an ABM degree program does not guarantee admission to the Graduate School. Admission is contingent on meeting eligibility requirements at the time of entering the graduate program.
Full Professors
- Bojko Nentchev Bakalov
- Lorena Bociu
- Alina Emil Chertock
- Moody Ten-Chao Chu
- Jo-Ann D. Cohen
- Patrick Louis Combettes
- Pierre Alain Gremaud
- Mansoor Abbas Haider
- Hoon Hong
- Ilse Ipsen
- Kazufumi Ito
- Naihuan Jing
- Erich L. Kaltofen
- Carl Timothy Kelley
- Irina Aleksandrovna Kogan
- Zhilin Li
- Alun L. Lloyd
- Sharon R. Lubkin
- Negash G. Medhin
- Kailash Chandra Misra
- Mette Olufsen
- Tao Pang
- Nathan P. Reading
- Jesus Rodriguez
- Ralph Conover Smith
- Seth M. Sullivant
- Hien Trong Tran
- Semyon Victor Tsynkov
- Dmitry Valerievich Zenkov
Associate Professors
- Alen Alexanderian
- Kevin Flores
- Min Jeong Kang
- Tye Lidman
- Tien Khai Nguyen
- Andrew Papanicolaou
- David Papp
- Arvind Krishna Saibaba
- Radmila Sazdanovic
Assistant Professors
- Erik Walter Bates
- Zixuan Cang
- Chao Chen
- Laura Colmenarejo
- Mohammad Mehdi Farazmand
- Martin Helmer
- Hangjie Ji
- C. Jones
- Zane Kun Li
- Andrew Manion
- Jacob Paul Matherne
- P. McGrath
- Ryan William Murray
- Dominykas Norgilas
- Yairon Cid Ruiz
- Andrew Sageman-Furnas
- T. Saksala
- Yeonjong Shin
- Fatma Terzioglu
Practice/Research/Teaching Professors
- Elisabeth M. M. Brown
- L. Castle
- Alina Nicoleta Duca
- Molly A. Fenn
- Mikhail Gilman
- Bevin Laurel Maultsby
- S. Paul
- Brenda B. Williams
Emeritus Faculty
- John William Bishir
- Richard E. Chandler
- H. Charlton
- Ethelbert N. Chukwu
- Lung-ock Chung
- Joseph C. Dunn
- Gary Doyle Faulkner
- John E. Franke
- Ronald O. Fulp
- Dennis E. Garoutte
- Robert E. Hartwig
- Aloysius G. Helminck
- Robert H. Martin Jr.
- Thomas J. Lada
- Xiao-Biao Lin
- Joe A. Marlin
- Carl Meyer Jr.
- Larry Keith Norris
- Sandra Paur
- Lavon Barry Page
- E. Peterson
- Mohan Sastri Putcha
- N. Rose
- Stephen Schecter
- Jeffrey Scott Scroggs
- James Francis Selgrade
- Michael Shearer
- C. Siewert
- Robert Silber
- Jack Silverstein
- Michael F. Singer
- Ernest Stitzinger
- R. White
Adjunct Faculty
- Scott Christopher Batson
- Jonathan David Hauenstein
- Patricia L. Hersh
- John Lavery
- Sarah Katherine Mason
- Jordan E. Massad
- Jessica Loock Matthews
- J. Ottesen