Fiber & Polymer Science
This multidisciplinary program brings together the disciplines of mathematics, chemistry, physics, and engineering for the development of the independent scholars versed in the fields of polymer, fiber, and textile science. The program is coordinated by the Wilson College of Textiles and leads to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The polymer, fiber, and textile sciences are concerned with polymeric materials and fibers produced from them; textile assemblies in one, two, and three-dimensional forms; and the chemistry of dyeing, finishing, and other wet processes. This broad field of study permits a wide range of useful concentrations. The candidate is expected to concentrate in one area and to acquire a reasonable perspective in other relevant areas. Generally, a student specializes in the areas of (1) polymer chemistry and synthesis, (2) fiber and polymer physics and physical chemistry, (3) the production, processing and properties of fibrous materials, or (4) chemistry of dyes, finishes, and their processes. The student’s research is usually based within one of these areas or another suitable one.
Scholarships and Assistantships
Competitive scholarships and assistantships from the program as well we as the University are available to incoming new students. All incoming students will be considered for the funding opportunities. No separate application for assistantships/scholarships is needed.
More Information
Fiber and Polymer Science Program Website
Admission Requirements
Students with a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in a related field may apply to the Fiber and Polymer Science program. Typically the minimum acceptable overall grade point average (GPA) is a 3.0 out of 4.0, based on most current U.S. universities. Students without a master’s degree may also apply if met the following conditions:
- the undergraduate degree from a well-known and robust research active program with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above;
- strong recommendation letters from faculty adviser(s) indicating research experience or suggesting research potential; and
- strong publication record/experience or extensive industry experience in related industry/profession.
Applicants should plan to take the GRE or GMAT examination, which is required for all applicants. The GRE/GMAT scores should be sent to NC State University electronically and be available online.
For International students, TOEFL or IELTS is required for the application. Students must rank in a competitive percentile in order to be considered for acceptance into NC State University.
- TOEFL: A total score of 80+ on IBT. Minimum scores of 18 points for each section: or
- IELTS: An overall band score of 6.5+. Minimum scores of 6.5 points for each section
Applicant Information
- Delivery Method: On-Campus
- Entrance Exam: GRE
- Interview Required: None
Application Deadlines
- Fall: June 25 (US); March 1 (Intl)
- Spring: November 25 (US); July 15 (Intl)
Full Professors
- Harald Ade
- Charles M. Balik
- Roger L. Barker
- Keith R. Beck
- Carl L. Bumgardner
- Timothy Clapp
- Ahmed Mohamed El-Shafei
- Raoul Farer
- Peter Fedkiw
- Harold S. Freeman
- Jan Genzer
- A. Blanton Godfrey
- Maureen Grasso
- David Hinks
- Cynthia L. Istook
- Saad A. Khan
- Tushar K. Ghosh
- Russell E. Gorga
- Christopher B. Gorman
- Peter J. Hauser
- Samuel Mack Hudson
- Warren J. Jasper
- Jeffrey Allen Joines
- Martin William King
- Traci Ann May Lamar
- Karen Leonas
- Trevor J. Little
- Lucian Lucia
- Marian G. McCord
- Roger Narayan
- Melissa Pasquinelli
- Behnam Pourdeyhimi
- Jon Paul Rust
- Abdel-fattah Mohamed Seyam
- Renzo Shamey
- Richard Spontak
- Alan E. Tonelli
- Richard A. Venditti
- Yingjiao Xu
- Xiangwu Zhang
Associate Professors
- Katherine Emma Annett-Hitchcock
- Pamela Banks-Lee
- Kristin Anne Barletta
- Philip Bradford
- Emiel DenHartog
- Wei Gao
- Helmut H. Hergeth
- George Lawrence Hodge
- Jesse Stephen Jur
- Richard Kotek
- Wendy E. Krause
- Jerome Lavelle
- Shuang Lim
- Kavita Mathur
- Lokendra Pal
- Lisa Parrillo-Chapman
- Sonja Salmon
- Minyoung Suh
- Nelson Vinueza
Assistant Professors
- Xiaomeng Fang
- Ericka Ford
- Amanda Mills
- Robert Ormond
- Eunkyoung Shim
- Januka Budhathoki Uprety
- Rong Yin
- Mengmeng Zhu
Practice/Research/Teaching Professors
- Nagendra Anantharamaiah
- Raymond Earl Fornes
- Genevieve Garland
- Dieter Griffis
- Hechmi Hamouda
- Benoit Maze
- Jialong Shen
Adjunct Faculty
- Genevieve Garland
- Abhay Sham Joijode
- Cassandra Kwon
- Mohamad Samir Midani
- Behnam Pourdeyhimi
- Riikka Helena Raeisaenen
- Orlando Jose Rojas
- Gisela de Aragao Umbuzeiro
- Antony Williams
- Julie Ann Willoughby
- Bong-Yeol Yeom
Emeritus Faculty
- Subhash K. Batra
- Robert Alan Donaldson
- Aly H El-Shiekh
- Raymond Earl Fornes
- Perry L. Grady
- Bhupender S. Gupta
- Harold B. Hopfenberg
- Samuel Clyde Winchester Jr
- Stephen Michielsen
- Gary N. Mock
- Mansour H. Mohamed
- William Oxenham
- Nancy Powell
- Suzanne Townsend Purrington
- William C. Stuckey Jr
- Carl B. Smith
- Gary W. Smith
- Moon Won Suh
- Michael Herbert Theil
- Charles Tomasino
- Carl F. Zorowski
The primary course purpose is to gain a strong fundamental understanding of the chemistry and technology of preparation, dyes, dyeing and finishes. Emphasis will be on the chemistry of different bleach activators, surfactants, photophysics and photochemistry of FWAs, modulations of dyes structures to influence color, tinctorial strength, light fastness, wash fastness and aggregation. Chemistry of different dye classes will be studied with emphasis on structure-property relationships and dye-fiber interactions. Dyeing isotherms (Nernst and Langmuir), kinetics of dyeing with emphasis on derivation of Nernst and Langmuir based on thermodynamics and kinetics principles will be covered with practical examples of dyeing at different temperature and how to calculate thermodynamic parameters of dyeing (entropy, standard affinity and isotherm constants of Nernst and Langmuir). Chemistry of different finishes, including soil release, chemistry of flame retardants and mechanisms of flame retardancy, antimicrobial and water and oil repellency, will be covered with emphasis on structure-property relationships.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing and C or better in CH221 or CH225 and CH223 or CH227
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
The course covers advanced aspects of processing fibers or filaments into yarns and the interrelation between the yarn mechanics and structure, geometry, and properties of fiber assembly. The theme is the influence of fibers' measured properties on the quality of subsequent yarns and fabrics. The issues associated with the development of a universal model for the prediction of yarn properties, including the role of test methods on reported values, the impact of fiber blends, various parameters associated with quality in textile products including difficulties associated with a definition of "quality" and how all of these impact yarn costs.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
The course covers different aspects of the processing of yarns to products (braided, knitted, woven, and their composites) and the interrelation between the production mechanics and structure, geometry and properties of fiber assembly. Topics in the field are assigned and each student is expected to thoroughly study the topics and write critical papers based on structured assignments and specific questions. Conduct projects from concept to fabric formation, analyses, and evaluation.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course provides an overview of the unique features of polymer materials that distinguish them from those composed of small-molecules or atoms (Polymer Physics) and the connections between their detailed molecular structures and their properties which produce distinctions between them (Polymer Chemistry).
Restriction: Graduate Standing in Fiber and Polymer Science, Textile Chemistry, Textile Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Physics, or by permission of the instructor.
Typically offered in Fall only
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Typically offered in Fall only
Teaching experience under the mentorship of faculty who assist the student in planning for the teaching assignment, observe and provide feedback to the student during the teaching assignment, and evaluate the student upon completion of the assignment.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
For students who are preparing for and taking written and/or oral preliminary exams.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Instruction in research and research under the mentorship of a member of the Graduate Faculty.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Dissertation research.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
For graduate students whose programs of work specify no formal course work during a summer session and who will be devoting full time to thesis research.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Summer only
For students who have completed all credit hour, full-time enrollment, preliminary examination, and residency requirements for the doctoral degree, and are writing and defending their dissertations.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Fall and Spring