University Catalog 2024-2025

Art and Design

The Art and Design program offers an educational structure that creates a new art and design professional: one for whom artistic and practical talents are developed as different expressions of individual potential. Our objectives are to graduate highly educated art and design professionals with integrated competencies in art, design, aesthetics, theory, hand and digital technologies, design process, and the combination of skills in the chosen concentration with other disciplines of human knowledge. 

Masters Degree Requirements

The program of study requires a minimum of 48 credit hours of graduate work depending on background preparation of the applicant.  Separate tracks of 60 and 72 credit hours accommodate students changing design disciplines or with insufficient background in the chosen concentration.

Other Information

We will only admit students to the program in the fall semester each year. Deadline for application is January 5.

Art and Design Program Website

Admission Requirements

Students will be required to submit a portfolio of past work in electronic format; three letters of recommendation; a statement of personal goals; and transcripts of undergraduate work (minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0). An interview will be required, but in cases of international applicants or those quite distant from NC State University, may be conducted by means of a long distance phone conversation or may be waived at the faculty's discretion.

Applicant Information

  • Delivery Method: On Campus
  • Entrance Exam: GRE (GRE only required for students with undergraduate cumulative GPA of less than 3.0 or as directed by Graduate Program Directors.) 
  • Interview Required: Yes

Application Deadlines

  • Fall: January 15


Full Professors

  • Chandra D Cox
  • Hernan Marchant
  • J. Mark Scearce

Associate Professors

  • Tania Leigh Allen
  • Patrick J Fitzgerald
  • Derek Ham
  • Kathleen Callahan Rieder
  • Marc Ernest Russo
  • Sara Elizabeth Williamson

Assistant Professors

  • Todd Michael Berreth
  • Fabio Andres Tellez Bohorquez
  • Maya Beth Freelon
  • Katherine Celia Greder
  • Justin Johnson
  • Chinhua Lin
  • Christopher Maraffi
  • Iyare Emmanuel Christopher Oronsaye

Emeritus Faculty

  • Susan D. Brandeis
  • Charles Edward Joyner
  • Vita Karina Plume
  • Dana Gordon Raymond
  • Susan Margaret Toplikar


  • Kirby Steele Culbertson
  • Lesley-Ann Melanie Noel

Research Associates

  • William L Cherry


D 592  Special Topics in Design  (1-6 credit hours)  

Topics of current interest in the College of Design. Used to develop new courses.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing

Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer

D 684  Teaching Design at the College Level  (3 credit hours)  

Preparation for college level teaching in the design disciplines. Discussion of the history of design education, curriculum development, pedagogical strategies, assessment, and teaching and research demands on college design faculty. Meets partial requirements for the university Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching. Restricted to students enrolled in College of Design masters and doctoral programs.

Typically offered in Spring only