Training & Development

The Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree in Training and Development, a fully online program, is based on a reflective practice approach offering practitioners opportunities to integrate their professional experiences with human resource development knowledge and practice skills. Completing this master’s program will give you the professional knowledge and skill required for entry or advancement in instructional design, and instructional, administrative, or evaluation positions that involve performance-based training. Our courses are in alignment with the Association of Talent Development’s Core Competency Model.
Our program emphasizes:
- Interaction
- Collaboration
- Team Learning
- Reflective Practice
- Adult Learning
More Information
Admission Requirements
Applicants for the M.Ed. degree in Training and Development must complete an application through the Graduate School, submit a personal statement, post-secondary transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. GRE scores are not required. Please see the Training and Development Program website for complete details.
Applicant Information
- Delivery Method: On Campus, Online, Hybrid
- Entrance Exam: None
- Interview Required: None
Full Professors
- Duane Akroyd
- Tony W. Cawthon
- Joy Gaston Gayles
- Audrey J. Jaeger
- Stephen Robert Porter
- Alyssa Nicole Rockenbach
Associate Professors
- Susan J. Barcinas
- James E. Bartlett II
- Chad David Hoggan
Practice/Research/Teaching Professors
- Michelle E. Bartlett
- Mark Bernhard
- Diane D Chapman
- Kenneth Lyle Ender
- Barry A. Olson
- Mary Elizabeth Rittling
- Jennifer J. Stanigar
- Robert Grant Templin Jr.
- Carrol Lynn Adams Warren
Adjunct Faculty
- Pam Eddinger
- Cameron Sublett
- Keith Witham
Emeritus Faculty
- Carol Edith Kasworm
- George B. Vaughan
Introduces master's students studying adult learning and higher education to two major research paradigms in education, quantitative and qualitative research, and to the research literature of disciplines related to the education of adults. Students will learn how to distinguish between research and non-research materials, and how to evaluate quantitative and qualitative research studies on the basis of their research merit.
Prerequisite: Master's students in ACCE
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Organization Change in Human Resource Development provides an introduction to the theory and practice of change within the context of adult education programs, other organizations, communities and societies. Graduate standing or PBS status required.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
An inquiry into the characteristics and background, learning processes, motivation and participation of adult learners in a variety of educational contexts. Emphasis on adult learning theories, models, principles and their application to educational design and delivery.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Introduction to instructional design models including needs assessment, systematic training design and development techniques and proactive strategies for evaluating training programs. Instructional design issues of work-based training, learner characteristics and effects of technology on instructional design, implementation and evaluation processes. Graduate standing or PBS status required.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
In-depth analysis of instructional systems design (ISD) theory and practice using professional competency models. Organizational training requirements, development of performance objectives and measures, design of instructional materials, and address of evaluation issues in training programs in business and industry. Research and development of instructional design projects relating to ISD process and model. Graduate standing or PBS status required.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Overview of occupational education practice in business and industrial settings. Presentation of roles common to training and development specialists, including managerial concerns related to organization, operation and financial training and development programs.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Current needs assessment and task analysis methods and techniques used in business and industrial settings. Development of comprehensive needs assessment plans for diagnosing and documenting human performance deficiencies/improvement opportunities through training programs in business settings. Graduate standing or PBS status required.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Philosophy, strategies, and procedures for evaluating effectiveness of training programs. Development of multi-level evaluation plan for use with training program to study outcomes and process of training from perception to organizational impact. Design of evaluation methods and instruments, data collection, analysis, and interpretation for each level of evaluation emphasizing transfer of training. Graduate standing or PBS status required.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Appropriate technologies for design and delivery of effective training programs. Performance-based training models for distance and individualized learning through audio, video, computer-based, and multimedia technologies. Planning decisions for selecting/developing appropriate technologies to support specific training outcomes, adult learner characteristics, and organizational training resources. Graduate standing or PBS status required.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Methods and techniques common to model occupational education programs in business and industrial settings. Focus on design and evaluation of effective learning programs and instructional methodologies. Graduate standing or PBS status required.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
A project or problem in research in education for graduate students, supervised by members of graduate faculty. Choice of research on basis of individual students' interests and not to be part of thesis or dissertation research.
Prerequisite: EAC 732
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer