University Catalog 2024-2025

Design Studies (BA)

The Bachelor of Arts in Design Studies is a non-studio based program that provides an interdisciplinary orientation to the history and theory of the design disciplines, material culture and design thinking. Design Studies focuses on the social, historical, technological and physical contexts in which design is produced. It presents the formative role of design in shaping human values and experiences.

Undergraduate students will be introduced to the breadth of the design disciplines expanding their awareness of design and the design process. Students can explore the range of career options in the fields of design through Design Studies concentrations in Non-Profits Studies, Business Administration. Individuals preparing for a graduate education in design theory and criticism, museum practice, business management, entrepreneurship or marketing in design may choose from courses suited to their unique objectives. Students who want more general education will develop an understanding of design and its intrinsic relationship to the broader culture.

Design Studies is:

  • Open to students whose interests and talents in design are more general and/or cross-disciplinary than those in the specific student-based programs
  • Broadly engaged in issues of material culture.
  • Preparatory for later advanced study in the design professions
  • A blend of aesthetic, cultural, historical, social, physical, technological, business and entrepreneurial knowledge
  • Collaborative in providing the learning and background necessary for further study in archival and cultural preservation, museum practice, conversation, collections administration, costume and theatre design, criticism, research, and arts and nonprofits management

Design Studies is not a transitional program from which to transfer into one of the studio-based degree programs in the College of Design. Design Studies students who wish to change majors will need to apply for competing seats in the freshmen class of a studio-based program and are subject to the select admissions process that requires a portfolio review.

For more information about our department, including contact information, visit our website.

Plan Requirements

Writing and Speaking
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 14
COM 110Public Speaking3
Advanced Writing Elective3
Mathematical Sciences
MA 111Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry3
Humanities and Foreign Language
Humanities Elective3
Intermediate Foreign Language Electives 16
Departmental Requirements
D 100Design Inquiry I: Methods and Processes 13
ADN 281Drawing I 13
ADN 219Digital Imaging I3
DS 100Design in Culture and Context3
DS 200A Survey of Design Studies3
Select one of the following: 13
Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design
Introduction to Three-Dimensional Design
Color and Light
Art History Survey Electives 16
Design History Electives 19
ADN 418Contemporary Issues in Art and Design3
DS 481Design Studies Senior Research Seminar3
DS 483Design Studies Capstone Research Paper3
ADN 490Art and Design International Studio6
Design Studies Advised Electives
Application Unit Electives6
Theory Unit Electives6
History Unit Electives6
Application, Theory, or History Unit Elective3
General Education Program (GEP) Courses
GEP Humanities3
GEP Social Sciences6
GEP Mathematical Sciences3
GEP Natural Sciences7
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Elective3
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
Foreign Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Free Electives
Free Electives (12 Hr S/U Lmt) 22
Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.


Students should consult their academic advisors to determine which courses fill this requirement.

Advanced Writing Electives

ENG 214Introduction to Editing3
ENG 287Explorations in Creative Writing3
ENG 288Fiction Writing3
ENG 316Introduction to News and Article Writing3
ENG 323Writing in Rhetorical Traditions3
ENG 325Spoken and Written Traditions of American English Dialects3
ENG 330Screenwriting3

Humanities Electives

Humanities HI 1
AFS 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3
AFS 276Introduction to History of West Africa3
AFS 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653
AFS 373African-American History Since 18653
HA 240Introduction to Visual Culture3
HI 207Ancient Mediterranean World3
HI 208The Middle Ages3
HI 209From Renaissance to Revolution: The Origins of Modern Europe3
HI 210Modern Europe 1815-Present3
HI 214History and Archaeology of Ancient Latin America3
HI 215Colonial Latin America3
HI 216Modern Latin America3
HI 217Caribbean History3
HI 221British History to 16883
HI 222History of British Cultures and Societies From 16883
HI 232The World from 1200 to 17503
HI 233The World Since 17503
HI 240Introduction to Visual Culture3
HI 251American History I3
HI 252American History II3
HI 253Early American History3
HI 254Modern American History3
HI 263Asian Civilizations to 18003
HI 264Modern Asia: 1800 to Present3
HI 270Modern Middle East3
HI 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3
HI 276Introduction to History of West Africa3
HI 305Frauds and Mysteries of the Past3
HI 307Jewish History3
HI 317Cuba Today: Historical and Sociopolitical Perspectives3
HI 320Religion in American History3
HI 321Scientific Revolution and European Society, 1500-18003
HI 324History of Common Law and Constitution3
HI 332Germany and the World Wars3
HI 335The World at War3
HI 337Spy vs. Spy: Cold War Intelligence History3
HI 338Empire, War, and Revolution in Russia3
HI 340History of Agriculture3
HI 345American Popular Culture3
HI 346The Civil War Era in Popular Culture3
HI 350American Military History3
HI 351U.S. Naval History3
HI 354The Rise of the American Empire3
HI 360U.S. Agricultural History3
HI 364History of North Carolina3
HI 365The American West3
HI 366Native American History3
HI 370Modern Egypt3
HI 371Modern Japan, 1850 to Present3
HI 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653
HI 373African-American History Since 18653
HI 374Visual Culture of Modern South Asia3
HI 380History of Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Change3
HI 381Changemakers: The Global Context of Activism3
HI 385Introduction to Public History3
HI 403Ancient Greek Civilization 3
HI 407Islamic History to 17983
HI 408Islam in the Modern World3
HI 409The High Middle Ages3
HI 410Italian Renaissance3
HI 441Colonial and Revolutionary U.S3
HI 445Early American Borderlands3
HI 446Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3
HI 447Women in America to 18903
HI 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3
HI 452Recent America3
HI 453United States-Latin American Relations Since 18233
HI 454History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1900-Present3
HI 503Ancient Greek Civilization 3
HI 509The High Middle Ages3
HI 541Colonial and Revolutionary U.S3
HI 545Early American Borderlands3
HI 546Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3
HI 547Women in America to 18903
HI 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3
HI 552Recent America3
HI 553United States-Latin American Relations Since 18233
REL 320Religion in American History3
REL 407Islamic History to 17983
REL 408Islam in the Modern World3
WGS 447Women in America to 18903
WGS 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3
WGS 547Women in America to 18903
WGS 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3
Humanities HI 2
AFS 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3
AFS 475History of the Republic of South Africa3
AFS 476Leadership in Modern Africa3
AFS 479Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
AFS 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3
AFS 575History of the Republic of South Africa3
AFS 576Leadership in Modern Africa3
AFS 579Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3
HI 459The Early American Republic3
HI 461Slavery and the American South 1607-18613
HI 462Southern History since the Civil War3
HI 475History of the Republic of South Africa3
HI 476Leadership in Modern Africa3
HI 478Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa3
HI 479Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 486Science and Empire3
HI 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3
HI 559The Early American Republic3
HI 561Slavery and the American South 1607-18613
HI 562Southern History since the Civil War3
HI 575History of the Republic of South Africa3
HI 576Leadership in Modern Africa3
HI 579Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 586Science and Empire3

Intermediate Foreign Language Electives

ANT 351Contemporary Culture in Japan3
FLA 201Intermediate Arabic I3
FLA 202Intermediate Arabic II3
FLA 203Intermediate Arabic Conversation I1
FLA 204Intermediate Arabic Conversation II1
FLA 301Advanced Intermediate Arabic I3
FLA 318Egyptian Culture through Film3
FLA 330Media Arabic3
FLA 440Modern Arabic Short Story3
FLC 201Intermediate Chinese I3
FLC 202Intermediate Chinese II3
FLC 203Intermediate Chinese I Conversation1
FLC 204Intermediate Chinese II Conversation1
FLC 301Intermediate Chinese III3
FLC 302Intermediate Chinese IV3
FLC 351Modern Chinese Popular Culture3
FLC 401Advanced Chinese: Readings in Literature and Social Sciences3
FLC 402Advanced Chinese: Readings in Literature and Science3
FLF 201Intermediate French I3
FLF 202Intermediate French II3
FLF 212French: Language, Culture, and Technology3
FLF 301Survey of French Literature from the Middle Ages through the Enlightenment3
FLF 302Survey of French Literature from Romanticism to the Contemporary Period3
FLF 306French Business Communication3
FLF 307Business French3
FLF 308Advanced Conversation: Contemporary French Cultures3
FLF 309French Phonetics and Pronunciation3
FLF 310Advanced Written Communication3
FLF 315French Civilization and Culture3
FLF 318The Heritage of French Cinema3
FLF 321French Cultures and Contexts3
FLF 401French Graduate Reading3
FLF 411Approaches to French Translation3
FLF 425Literature, Cinema and Culture of the Francophone World3
FLF 492Seminar in French Studies3
FLF 502Variety in Language: French3
FLF 511Approaches to French Translation3
FLF 516Art and Society in France3
FLF 521French Cultures and Contexts3
FLF 525Literature, Cinema and Culture of the Francophone World3
FLF 592Seminar in French Studies3
FLF 595Special Topics in French3-6
FLG 201Intermediate German I3
FLG 202Intermediate German II3
FLG 212German Language, Culture, Science, and Technology3
FLG 301Advanced German3
FLG 302German Oral and Written Expression3
FLG 307Business German3
FLG 311Introduction to German Translation3
FLG 315Germanic Civilization and Culture3
FLG 318New German Cinema and Beyond3
FLG 320Introduction to German Literature3
FLG 323Twentieth Century German Literature3
FLG 325German Lyric Poetry3
FLG 390German Studies Topics3
FLG 398Independent Study in German1-6
FLG 401German Graduate Reading3
FLG 420Current Issues in German-Language Media3
FLG 430Cultural Artifacts in the German-Speaking Countries3
FLG 440Green Germany: Nature and Environment in German Speaking Cultures3
FLG 492Senior Seminar in German Studies3
FLG 499Internship in Germany, Austria, or German-Speaking Switzerland1-6
FLI 201Intermediate Italian I3
FLI 202Intermediate Italian II3
FLI 208Italy Today: Media, Culture, and Society3
FLI 308Italy in the Globalized World3
FLI 315Made in Italy: Where Heritage, Culture & Culinary History blend with Technological Innovation3
FLI 318Italian Society Through Cinema3
FLJ 201Intermediate Japanese I3
FLJ 202Intermediate Japanese II3
FLJ 203Intermediate Japanese Conversation1
FLJ 204Intermediate Japanese II Conversation1
FLJ 301Intermediate Japanese III3
FLJ 302Intermediate Japanese IV3
FLJ 342Classical Japanese Literature in Translation3
FLJ 344Early Modern Japanese Literature in Translation3
FLJ 345Modern Japanese Literature in Translation3
FLJ 351Contemporary Culture in Japan3
FLJ 401Advanced Japanese I3
FLJ 402Advanced Japanese II3
FLN 201Intermediate Hindi-Urdu I3
FLN 202Intermediate Hindi-Urdu II3
FLN 203Intermediate Hindi-Urdu I Conversation1
FLN 204Intermediate Hindi-Urdu II Conversation1
FLN 301Twentieth Century Hindi & Urdu Fiction3
FLN 302Modern Hindi & Urdu Poetry3
FLN 401Hindi Literature and South Asian Cultural Contexts3
FLP 201Intermediate Portuguese I3
FLP 401Brazilian Portuguese for Spanish Speakers3
FLR 201Intermediate Russian I3
FLR 202Intermediate Russian II3
FLR 303Russian Literature in Translation: The Nineteenth Century3
FLR 304Russian Literature in Translation: The Twentieth Century3
FLR 318Russian Cinema and Society3
FLS 201Intermediate Spanish I3
FLS 202Intermediate Spanish II3
FLS 212Spanish: Language, Technology, Culture3
FLS 295Intermediate Special Topics in Spanish3
FLS 331Spanish Oral and Written Expression I3
FLS 332Spanish Oral and Written Expression II3
FLS 333The Sounds of Spanish3
FLS 335Spanish for Native and Heritage Speakers3
FLS 336Spanish for Business3
FLS 337Spanish for Tourism in the Hispanic World3
FLS 340Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures3
FLS 341Literature and Culture of Spain I3
FLS 342Literature and Culture of Spain II3
FLS 343Literature and Culture of Spain III3
FLS 351Literature and Culture of Latin America I3
FLS 352Literature and Culture of Latin America II3
FLS 353Literature and Culture of Latin America III3
FLS 360Hispanic Cinema3
FLS 395Study Abroad Programs in Spanish3
FLS 399Intensive Spanish Oral Proficiency Workshop1
FLS 400Methods and Techniques in Spanish Translation and Interpretation3
FLS 401Spanish Graduate Reading3
FLS 402Introduction to Spanish Linguistics3
FLS 405Spanish-English Comparative Grammar3
FLS 411Topics in the Culture of Spain3
FLS 412Topics in the Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean3
FLS 413Spain and the Americas in Transatlantic Perspective3
FLS 492Seminar in Hispanic Studies3
FLS 495Advanced Study Abroad Programs in Spanish3
FLS 502Linguistic Structure of Spanish3
FLS 503Spanish Applied Linguistics3
FLS 504Spanish Language Change and Variation3
FLS 509Spanish Phonetics and Phonology3
FLS 512Spanish in the United States3
FLS 515History of Spanish Language3
FLS 520Survey of Hispanic Literature and Culture3
FLS 528Don Quixote3
FLS 530The Cultural Production of Spanish Democracy3
FLS 553The Latin American Avant-Garde3
FLS 554The Sixties in Latin America3
FLS 563The Latin American Novel3
FLS 592Seminar in Hispanic Studies3
FLS 595Special Topics in Spanish1-3
GRK 201Intermediate Greek I3
GRK 202Intermediate Greek II3
LAT 201Intermediate Latin I3
LAT 202Intermediate Latin II3
PER 201Intermediate Persian I3
PER 202Intermediate Persian II3

Art History Survey Electives

COM 364History of Film to 19403
COM 374History of Film From 19403
ENG 364History of Film to 19403
ENG 374History of Film From 19403
HA 202History of Art From the Renaissance Through the 20th Century3
HA 203History of American Art3
HA 298Special Topics in Art History3
HA 395History of Art: Study Abroad3
HA 410History of the Art of Photography3

Design History Electives

ADN 475Pre-Industrial World Textiles3
ADN 492Special Topics in Art + Design1-3
ADN 575Pre-Industrial World Textiles3
ARC 242History of Western Architecture3
GD 203History of Graphic Design3
ID 244History of Industrial Design3
LAR 444History of Landscape Architecture3

Application Unit Electives

ADN 111Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design3
ADN 112Introduction to Three-Dimensional Design3
ADN 212Photography I3
ADN 219Digital Imaging I3
ADN 272Introduction to Printing and Surface Design3
ADN 273Fibers Materials and Processes3
ADN 292Special Topics in Art + Design1-3
ADN 311Art + Design Laboratory I3
ADN 312Photography II3
ADN 386 Sculpture I3
ADN 411Art + Design Laboratory II3
ADN 414Color and Light3
ADN 419Creative Technology Studio I3
ADN 481Drawing II3
ADN 486Sculpture II3
ARC 232Structures and Materials3
DS 494Design Studies Internship1-6
ID 492Special Topics in Industrial Design1-3

Theory Unit Electives

ADN 492Special Topics in Art + Design1-3
ADN 571Graduate Studio IV: Final Project Development3
D 292Special Topics in Design1-3
D 492Special Topics in Design1-6
D 592Special Topics in Design1-6
GD 303Graphic Design Theory and Practice3
ID 240Human-Centered Design3
ID 262Professional Practice in Industrial Design3
LAR 221Introduction to Environment and Behavior for Designers3
LAR 542Human Use of the Urban Landscape3

History Unit Electives

History Unit
ADN 475Pre-Industrial World Textiles3
ADN 575Pre-Industrial World Textiles3
ARC 241History of World Architecture3
ARC 242History of Western Architecture3
ARC 441History of Contemporary Architecture3
D 292Special Topics in Design1-3
D 492Special Topics in Design1-6
D 592Special Topics in Design1-6
GD 203History of Graphic Design3
HI 591Museum Studies3
ID 244History of Industrial Design3
ID 492Special Topics in Industrial Design1-3
LAR 444History of Landscape Architecture3
Humanities History List 1
AFS 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3
AFS 276Introduction to History of West Africa3
AFS 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653
AFS 373African-American History Since 18653
HA 240Introduction to Visual Culture3
HI 207Ancient Mediterranean World3
HI 208The Middle Ages3
HI 209From Renaissance to Revolution: The Origins of Modern Europe3
HI 210Modern Europe 1815-Present3
HI 214History and Archaeology of Ancient Latin America3
HI 215Colonial Latin America3
HI 216Modern Latin America3
HI 217Caribbean History3
HI 221British History to 16883
HI 222History of British Cultures and Societies From 16883
HI 232The World from 1200 to 17503
HI 233The World Since 17503
HI 240Introduction to Visual Culture3
HI 251American History I3
HI 252American History II3
HI 253Early American History3
HI 254Modern American History3
HI 263Asian Civilizations to 18003
HI 264Modern Asia: 1800 to Present3
HI 270Modern Middle East3
HI 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3
HI 276Introduction to History of West Africa3
HI 305Frauds and Mysteries of the Past3
HI 307Jewish History3
HI 317Cuba Today: Historical and Sociopolitical Perspectives3
HI 320Religion in American History3
HI 321Scientific Revolution and European Society, 1500-18003
HI 324History of Common Law and Constitution3
HI 332Germany and the World Wars3
HI 335The World at War3
HI 337Spy vs. Spy: Cold War Intelligence History3
HI 338Empire, War, and Revolution in Russia3
HI 340History of Agriculture3
HI 345American Popular Culture3
HI 346The Civil War Era in Popular Culture3
HI 350American Military History3
HI 351U.S. Naval History3
HI 354The Rise of the American Empire3
HI 360U.S. Agricultural History3
HI 364History of North Carolina3
HI 365The American West3
HI 366Native American History3
HI 370Modern Egypt3
HI 371Modern Japan, 1850 to Present3
HI 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653
HI 373African-American History Since 18653
HI 374Visual Culture of Modern South Asia3
HI 380History of Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Change3
HI 381Changemakers: The Global Context of Activism3
HI 385Introduction to Public History3
HI 403Ancient Greek Civilization 3
HI 407Islamic History to 17983
HI 408Islam in the Modern World3
HI 409The High Middle Ages3
HI 410Italian Renaissance3
HI 441Colonial and Revolutionary U.S3
HI 445Early American Borderlands3
HI 446Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3
HI 447Women in America to 18903
HI 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3
HI 452Recent America3
HI 453United States-Latin American Relations Since 18233
HI 454History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1900-Present3
HI 503Ancient Greek Civilization 3
HI 509The High Middle Ages3
HI 541Colonial and Revolutionary U.S3
HI 545Early American Borderlands3
HI 546Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3
HI 547Women in America to 18903
HI 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3
HI 552Recent America3
HI 553United States-Latin American Relations Since 18233
REL 320Religion in American History3
REL 407Islamic History to 17983
REL 408Islam in the Modern World3
WGS 447Women in America to 18903
WGS 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3
WGS 547Women in America to 18903
WGS 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3
Humanities History List 2
AFS 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3
AFS 475History of the Republic of South Africa3
AFS 476Leadership in Modern Africa3
AFS 479Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
AFS 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3
AFS 575History of the Republic of South Africa3
AFS 576Leadership in Modern Africa3
AFS 579Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3
HI 459The Early American Republic3
HI 461Slavery and the American South 1607-18613
HI 462Southern History since the Civil War3
HI 475History of the Republic of South Africa3
HI 476Leadership in Modern Africa3
HI 478Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa3
HI 479Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 486Science and Empire3
HI 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3
HI 559The Early American Republic3
HI 561Slavery and the American South 1607-18613
HI 562Southern History since the Civil War3
HI 575History of the Republic of South Africa3
HI 576Leadership in Modern Africa3
HI 579Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 586Science and Empire3

Application, Theory, or History Unit Electives

Choose a course from the following lists:
Application Unit
Theory Unit
History Unit

Advised Electives

ADN 311Art + Design Laboratory I3
ADN 312Photography II3
ADN 384Painting I3
ADN 386 Sculpture I3
ADN 411Art + Design Laboratory II3
ADN 414Color and Light3
ADN 418Contemporary Issues in Art and Design3
ADN 419Creative Technology Studio I3
ADN 472Advanced Surface Design3
ADN 475Pre-Industrial World Textiles3
ADN 481Drawing II3
ADN 484Painting II3
ADN 486Sculpture II3
ADN 492Special Topics in Art + Design1-3
ADN 571Graduate Studio IV: Final Project Development3
ADN 575Pre-Industrial World Textiles3
AFS 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653
AFS 373African-American History Since 18653
AFS 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3
AFS 475History of the Republic of South Africa3
AFS 476Leadership in Modern Africa3
AFS 479Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
AFS 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3
AFS 575History of the Republic of South Africa3
AFS 576Leadership in Modern Africa3
AFS 579Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
ANT 587Cultural Resource Management3
ARC 441History of Contemporary Architecture3
ARC 442History of NC Architecture3
COM 508Emerging Technologies and Society3
DS 494Design Studies Internship1-6
GD 203History of Graphic Design3
GES 508Emerging Technologies and Society3
HA 410History of the Art of Photography3
HI 305Frauds and Mysteries of the Past3
HI 317Cuba Today: Historical and Sociopolitical Perspectives3
HI 318Environmental History of Cuba: Prehistory to the Present3
HI 320Religion in American History3
HI 321Scientific Revolution and European Society, 1500-18003
HI 322Rise of Modern Science3
HI 323Science, American Style3
HI 324History of Common Law and Constitution3
HI 332Germany and the World Wars3
HI 335The World at War3
HI 337Spy vs. Spy: Cold War Intelligence History3
HI 338Empire, War, and Revolution in Russia3
HI 340History of Agriculture3
HI 341Technology in History3
HI 345American Popular Culture3
HI 346The Civil War Era in Popular Culture3
HI 350American Military History3
HI 351U.S. Naval History3
HI 354The Rise of the American Empire3
HI 360U.S. Agricultural History3
HI 364History of North Carolina3
HI 365The American West3
HI 366Native American History3
HI 370Modern Egypt3
HI 371Modern Japan, 1850 to Present3
HI 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653
HI 373African-American History Since 18653
HI 374Visual Culture of Modern South Asia3
HI 380History of Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Change3
HI 381Changemakers: The Global Context of Activism3
HI 385Introduction to Public History3
HI 390Internship in History3
HI 395History: Study Abroad1-3
HI 400Civilization of the Ancient Near East3
HI 402Early Christianity to the Time of Eusebius3
HI 403Ancient Greek Civilization 3
HI 404Rome to 337 A.D.3
HI 405History and Archaeology of the Roman Empire3
HI 406From Roman Empire to Middle Ages3
HI 407Islamic History to 17983
HI 408Islam in the Modern World3
HI 409The High Middle Ages3
HI 410Italian Renaissance3
HI 411Trials of Faith: Religious Reformation in Early-Modern Europe3
HI 412The Sexes and Society in Early-Modern Europe3
HI 414From Kings to Revolution: The History of Early-Modern France3
HI 415The French Revolution3
HI 418Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany3
HI 419Modern European Imperialism3
HI 421European Intellectual History: The Eighteenth Century3
HI 422European Intellectual History: The 19th Century3
HI 423Women in European Enlightenment3
HI 425Tudor and Stuart England3
HI 42920th Century Britain3
HI 430Modern France3
HI 434Theory and Practice of Digital History3
HI 437Topics in Central and East European History3
HI 440American Environmental History3
HI 441Colonial and Revolutionary U.S3
HI 443U.S. Constitutional History to 18833
HI 444U.S. Constitutional History Since 18703
HI 445Early American Borderlands3
HI 446Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3
HI 447Women in America to 18903
HI 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3
HI 449U.S. Labor to 19003
HI 450U.S. Labor Since 19003
HI 451The Vietnam War3
HI 452Recent America3
HI 453United States-Latin American Relations Since 18233
HI 454History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1900-Present3
HI 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3
HI 459The Early American Republic3
HI 461Slavery and the American South 1607-18613
HI 462Southern History since the Civil War3
HI 463Topics in History and Memory3
HI 465Oil and Crisis in the Gulf3
HI 466History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict3
HI 467Modern Mexico3
HI 468Slavery in the Americas3
HI 469Latin American Revolutions3
HI 470Exploring World History3
HI 471Revolutionary China3
HI 472Fashion, Food, and Fun: Material Culture in Chinese History3
HI 473Japan's Empire in Asia, 1868-19453
HI 474Modern India3
HI 475History of the Republic of South Africa3
HI 476Leadership in Modern Africa3
HI 477Women in the Middle East3
HI 478Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa3
HI 479Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 481History of the Life Sciences3
HI 482Darwinism in Science and Society3
HI 483Science and Religion in European History3
HI 484Science in European Culture3
HI 485History of American Technology3
HI 486Science and Empire3
HI 488Family and Community History3
HI 491Seminar in History3
HI 495Honors Research in History I2
HI 496Honors Research in History II4
HI 498Independent Study in History1-6
HI 499Special Topics in History1-3
HI 500Civilization of the Ancient Near East3
HI 502Early Christianity to the Time of Eusebius3
HI 503Ancient Greek Civilization 3
HI 504Rome to 337 A.D.3
HI 505History and Archaeology of the Roman Empire3
HI 506From Roman Empire to Middle Ages3
HI 507Islamic History to 17983
HI 508Islam in the Modern World3
HI 509The High Middle Ages3
HI 511Trials of Faith: Religious Reformation in Early-Modern Europe3
HI 512The Sexes and Society in Early-Modern Europe3
HI 514From Kings to Revolution: The History of Early-Modern France3
HI 515The French Revolution3
HI 518Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany3
HI 519Modern European Imperialism3
HI 521European Intellectual History: The Eighteenth Century3
HI 522European Intellectual History: The 19th Century3
HI 523Women in European Enlightenment3
HI 525Tudor and Stuart England3
HI 530Modern France3
HI 533Theory and Practice of Oral History3
HI 534Theory and Practice of Digital History3
HI 535Spatial History3
HI 539History Of the Soviet Union and After3
HI 540American Environmental History3
HI 541Colonial and Revolutionary U.S3
HI 543U.S. Constitutional History to 18833
HI 544US Constitutional History Since 18703
HI 545Early American Borderlands3
HI 546Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3
HI 547Women in America to 18903
HI 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3
HI 549U.S. Labor to 19003
HI 550U. S. Labor Since 19003
HI 551The Vietnam War3
HI 552Recent America3
HI 553United States-Latin American Relations Since 18233
HI 554History Of U. S. Foreign Relations, 1900-Present3
HI 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3
HI 559The Early American Republic3
HI 561Slavery and the American South 1607-18613
HI 562Southern History since the Civil War3
HI 563Topics in History and Memory3
HI 566Readings in Native American History3
HI 568Slavery in the Americas3
HI 569Latin American Revolutions3
HI 570Exploring World History3
HI 571Revolutionary China3
HI 572The Rise of Modern Japan, 1850-Present3
HI 573Japan's Empire in Asia, 1868-19453
HI 575History of the Republic of South Africa3
HI 576Leadership in Modern Africa3
HI 578Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa since the 19th Century3
HI 579Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 581History of the Life Sciences3
HI 582Darwinism in Science and Society3
HI 583Science and Religion in European History3
HI 584Science in European Culture3
HI 585History of American Technology3
HI 586Science and Empire3
HI 587Cultural Resource Management3
HI 588Family and Community History3
HI 589Interpretation in Historic Sites and Parks3
HI 591Museum Studies3
HI 593Material Culture3
HI 594Cultural Heritage3
HI 595Special Topics in History1-6
HI 596Introduction To Public History3
HI 597Historiography and Historical Method3
HI 598Historical Writing3
HI 599Independent Study1-3
ID 240Human-Centered Design3
ID 492Special Topics in Industrial Design1-3
LAR 444History of Landscape Architecture3
LAR 542Human Use of the Urban Landscape3
REL 320Religion in American History3
REL 402Early Christianity to the Time of Eusebius3
REL 407Islamic History to 17983
REL 408Islam in the Modern World3
REL 502Early Christianity to the Time of Eusebius3
REL 507Islamic History to 17983
REL 508Islam in the Modern World3
WGS 447Women in America to 18903
WGS 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3
WGS 547Women in America to 18903
WGS 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 4
MA 111 Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry 12 3
D 100 Design Inquiry I: Methods and Processes 3
Art History Survey 3
ADN 281 Drawing I 3
Spring Semester
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
GEP Mathematical Sciences 3
DS 100 Design in Culture and Context 3
Art History Survey 3
COM 110 Public Speaking 3
ADN 219 Digital Imaging I 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
GEP Social Sciences 3
DS 200 A Survey of Design Studies 3
Advanced Writing Elective 3
History Elective 3
Intermediate Foreign Language Elective 3
Spring Semester
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3
Design History Elective 3
Intermediate Foreign Language Elective 3
GEP Humanities 3
Select one of the following: 3 3
Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design
Introduction to Three-Dimensional Design
Color and Light
Third Year
Fall Semester
Advised Design Studies Elective 2 3
GEP Natural Sciences 3
GEP Social Sciences 3
ADN 418 Contemporary Issues in Art and Design 14 3
Free Elective 2
Spring Semester
GEP Natural Sciences 4
Design History Elective 3
Design Studies Elective 2 3
Design Studies Elective 2 3
Select one of the following: 6
Art and Design International Studio 5
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
DS 481 Design Studies Senior Research Seminar 3
Design History Elective 3
Design Studies Elective 2 3
Design Studies Elective 2 3
Spring Semester
DS 483 Design Studies Capstone Research Paper 7 3
Design Studies Elective 2 3
Design Studies Elective 2 3
GEP Elective 3
 Total Hours120

International Experience (6 credit hours) is required. This may be a Design Studio worth 6 credit hours (when available), or two 3-credit-hour advised electives.


A total number of 24 credit hours of “advised” design studies electives are required when pursuing the Design Studies curriculum. These electives are divided into three units: Application, History and Theory. From each of these units a minimum of two courses (6 credit hours) and a maximum of three courses (9 credit hours) can be selected. 6 credit hours must be at the 300 level or higher.

Career Opportunities

Career opportunities for graduates of the Department of Media Arts, Design and Technology range from independent artist-designers to corporate level art-design directors. Graduates of this department are currently working in fields such as software design, multimedia, illustration, textile design, fashion and apparel design, art and design education, photography, filmmaking, special effects-digital, set design, exhibition design, museum education, public art and entrepreneurs.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.