University Catalog 2024-2025

Applied Education Studies (BS): Learning Design and Technology

The Learning Design and Technology (LDT) concentration was created under the Applied Education Studies degree plan to serve students who are interested in working in multiple sectors as instructional designers and developers rather than teachers. This concentration does not lead to licensure like most undergraduate programs in the College of Education. Rather, graduates would be expected to work as instructional designers and content developers for different employers such as K-12 and private school systems, higher education institutions, government/military agencies, or business/industry. Some graduates may also be interested in entrepreneurial work, creating non-profits or startup companies to offer technical educational services, training, or new products.

This undergraduate program is closely paired with the LDT master’s program in offering an Accelerated Bachelor’s-Master’s (ABM) option, allowing students to receive both their B.S. and M.Ed. in five years with a reduction of 12 credit hours that are double-counted. Students must meet specific requirements to be eligible for the 4+1 program including a 3.5 GPA at the time of application (end of junior year), with that 3.5 GPA maintained until graduation with the B.S. degree. If an undergraduate student is not eligible for 4+1 at the end of their junior year or loses their eligibility by a GPA dropping below 3.5, they can still apply separately for the regular, non-accelerated master’s program after graduation which requires a 3.0 GPA for unconditional admission.

Plan Requirements

English, Literature, and Speech
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research4
Advanced Writing3
COM 110Public Speaking3
or COM 112 Interpersonal Communication
or COM 211 Argumentation and Advocacy
Humanities & Social Sciences
PSY 200Introduction to Psychology3
SOC 202Principles of Sociology3
GEP Humanities3
Education Major
ED 100Intro to Education2
ELP 344School and Society3
EDP 304Educational Psychology3
PSY 376Developmental Psychology3
Major Electives
Education Electives3
Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society
Teaching Field Electives30
Supporting Electives12
Foundations of Interactive Game Design
Design Inquiry I: Methods and Processes
Desktop Publishing and Imaging Technology
GEP Courses
GEP Mathematical Sciences6
GEP Natural Sciences7
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives5
GEP Global Knowledge
GEP US Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion3
World Language Proficiency
Free Electives19
Total Hours120

Advanced Writing

ENG 287Explorations in Creative Writing3
ENG 288Fiction Writing3
ENG 289Poetry Writing3
ENG 292Writing About Film3
ENG 316Introduction to News and Article Writing3
ENG 323Writing in Rhetorical Traditions3
ENG 331Communication for Engineering and Technology3
ENG 332Communication for Business and Management3
ENG 333Communication for Science and Research3


AFS/HI 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3
AFS/HI 276Introduction to History of West Africa3
HI 205Western Civilization Since 14003
HI 207Ancient Mediterranean World3
HI 208The Middle Ages3
HI 209From Renaissance to Revolution: The Origins of Modern Europe3
HI 210Modern Europe 1815-Present3
HI 221British History to 16883
HI 222History of British Cultures and Societies From 16883
HI 233The World Since 17503
HI 251American History I3
HI 252American History II3
HI 263Asian Civilizations to 18003
HI 264Modern Asia: 1800 to Present3
HI 270Modern Middle East3
HON 290Honors Special Topics - Humanities/US Diversity3
HON 293Honors Special Topics - Interdisciplinary Perspectives/Global Knowledge3

Teaching Field Electives

ECI 201Intro to Instructional Technology for Educators3
ECI 511Introduction to Learning Design and Technology3
ECI 512Emerging Technologies for Teaching and Learning3
ECI 513Video for Teaching and Learning3
ECI 514Developing and Delivering Online Instruction3
ECI 515Cultural Investigations and Technical Representations in Education3
ECI 516Design and Evaluation Of Instructional Materials3
ECI 517Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Learning Environments3
ECI 518Digital Learning Program and Staff Development3
EI 201Exploring Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Thinking3
EI 331Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Thinking I: Skills and Planning Basics3


This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 4
PSY 200 Introduction to Psychology 3
GEP Mathematical Sciences 3
COM 211
Argumentation and Advocacy (Communications Elective)
or Public Speaking
or Interpersonal Communication
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
ED 100 Intro to Education 2
Spring Semester
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
GEP Mathematical Sciences 3
SOC 202 Principles of Sociology 3
Free Elective 2
Teaching Field Elective 3
ANT 261 Technology in Society and Culture (GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives) 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
BIT 100 Current Topics in Biotechnology (GEP Natural Sciences) 3
D 100 Design Inquiry I: Methods and Processes (Supporting Elective) 3
ECI 201 Intro to Instructional Technology for Educators (Teaching Field Elective) 3
History Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Spring Semester
BIO 227 Understanding Structural Diversity through Biological Illustration (GEP Natural Sciences) 4
D 101 Design Inquiry II: Methods and Processes (GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives) 3
COM 200
Communication Media in a Changing World (GEP Humanities)
or Studies in Rhetoric and Digital Media
U.S. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 3
Free Elective 1
Third Year
Fall Semester
ELP 344 School and Society 3
CSC 281 Foundations of Interactive Game Design (Supporting Elective) 3
EI 201 Exploring Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Thinking (Teaching Field Elective) 3
Teaching Field Elective 3
ENG 331
Communication for Engineering and Technology (Advanced Writing Elective)
or Communication for Business and Management
Spring Semester
EI 331 Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Thinking I: Skills and Planning Basics (Teaching Field Elective) 3
STS 214 Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society (Education Elective) 3
PSY 376
Developmental Psychology
or Child Psychology
or Psychology of Adolescent Development
Teaching Field Elective 3
TDE 205 Desktop Publishing and Imaging Technology (Supporting Elective) 3
SLC 250 Critical and Creative Decision Making Models (Free Elective) 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
GC 420 Visual Thinking (Free Elective) 3
AEE 325 Planning and Delivering Non-Formal Education (Free Elective) 3
EDP 304 Educational Psychology 3
Supporting Elective 3
Teaching Field (recommend drawing from 500-level instructional/media design courses in LDT master’s program) 3
Spring Semester
Teaching Field (recommend drawing from 500-level instructional/media design courses in LDT master’s program) 9
HA 240 Introduction to Visual Culture (Free Elective) 3
 Total Hours120

For those pursuing the Accelerated Bachelor's Master's Program:

Plan of Study Grid
Fifth Year
Fall SemesterHours
Draw from 500-level instructional/media design courses in LDT master’s program 3
ECI 546 New Literacies & Media 3
ECI 721 Technology and Informal Learning Environments 3
Spring Semester
ECI 652 Field-Based Applications of Learning Design and Technology 3
ECI 502 Technology Program Evaluation 3
ECI 722 Theory and Research in Distance Education 3
 Total Hours18

Career Opportunities

Graduates would be expected to work as instructional designers and content developers for different employers such as K-12 and private school systems, higher education institutions, government/military agencies, or business/industry. Some graduates may also be interested in entrepreneurial work, creating non-profits or startup companies to offer technical educational services, training, or new products.

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.