University Catalog 2024-2025

Elementary Education (BS): Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Concentration

Unique among undergraduate teacher education programs, this degree creates teacher-leaders with deep content knowledge in all elementary disciplines with a special emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for a strong STEM-focused instruction.

To learn more about this concentration, please visit our website at Elementary Education (BS)

Plan Requirements

ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 14
MA 151Calculus for Elementary Education I3
MA 152Calculus for Elementary Education II3
ST 101Statistics by Example3
or ST 311 Introduction to Statistics
STEM Concentration: Additional Math Elective3
PY 131Conceptual Physics4
Select one of the following:4
Chemistry and Society
Chemistry - A Molecular Science
and General Chemistry Laboratory
Biology in the Modern World
and Biology in the Modern World Laboratory
Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity
STEM Concentration: Additional Science Elective3
Engineering, Tech, Design
Engineering, Tech, Design Elective3
Humanities & Social Science
ENG Elective 3
HI Elective3
EDP 304Educational Psychology 23
EDP 370Applied Child Development3
or PSY 376 Developmental Psychology
SOC 202Principles of Sociology3
or SOC 203 Current Social Problems
or SOC 204 Sociology of Family
or ANT 254 Language and Culture
GEP Social Sciences3
Professional Education
ED 100Intro to Education 22
ED 311Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices 22
ED 312Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices Professional Learning Lab 21
ELM 250Introduction to Elementary Education in a Global Society 33
ELM 310Children's Thinking and Additive Reasoning 23
ELM 320Teaching Science in the Primary Grades 23
ELM 330Teaching Reading in Elementary School: K-2 23
ELM 370Connections Seminar II- The Elementary Classroom and School Community 23
ELM 410Children's Thinking and Multiplicative Reasoning 23
ELM 460Social Studies for the Young Learner 23
ELM 335Teaching Reading in the Elementary School: 3-5 23
ELM 340Children Design, Create and Invent 23
ELM 375Connections Seminar I- Cultural Identity, Social Justice and Diverse Learners 23
ELM 440Teaching Children with Special Needs in the Elementary Classroom 23
ELM 430Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School 23
ELM 420Teaching Science in the Intermediate Grades 23
ELM 450The Arts for Elementary Education 23
ELM 400Connections Seminar III- Instructional Design and Assessment 23
ELM 480Connections Seminar IV Linking Theory and Practice3
ELM 484Student Teaching in Elementary Education 29
GEP Courses
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives5
GEP US Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion3
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
World Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.


A grade of C or higher is required.


A grade of B or higher is required.

STEM Concentration: Additional Math Electives

LOG 335Symbolic Logic3
MA 103Topics in Contemporary Mathematics3
MA 103ATopics in Contemporary Mathematics3
MA 105Mathematics of Finance3
MA 107Precalculus I3
MA 111Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry3
MA 114Introduction to Finite Mathematics with Applications3
MA 2053
MA 231Calculus for Life and Management Sciences B3
MA 241Calculus II4
MA 335Symbolic Logic3
MSGE 295Mathematical Sciences Special Topics3
ST 101Statistics by Example3
ST 311Introduction to Statistics3
ST 312Introduction to Statistics II3
GC 3203D Spatial Relations3
HON 291Honors Special Topics-Mathematics3
LOG 201Logic3
LOG 335Symbolic Logic3
MA 335Symbolic Logic3
PHI 250Thinking Logically3

STEM Concentration: Additional Science Elective

ENT 201Insects and People3
ENT 425General Entomology3
FW 221Conservation of Natural Resources3
MEA 200Introduction to Oceanography3
MEA 220Marine Biology3
PY 124Solar System Astronomy3
ZO 410Introduction to Animal Behavior3

Engineering, Tech, Design Electives

AEE 208Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications3
ANS 208Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications3
ANT 261Technology in Society and Culture3
ARS 257Technology in the Arts3
D 100Design Inquiry I: Methods and Processes3
D 101Design Inquiry II: Methods and Processes3
ECI 201Intro to Instructional Technology for Educators3
GC 120Foundations of Graphics3
MSE 201Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials3
PB 208Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications3
SOC 261Technology in Society and Culture3
STS 210Women and Gender in Science and Technology3
STS 214Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society3
STS 257Technology in the Arts3
STS 302Contemporary Science, Technology and Human Values3
STS 304Ethical Dimensions of Progress3
STS 322Technological Catastrophes3
STS 405Technology and American Culture3
WGS 210Women and Gender in Science and Technology3

ENG Electives

AFS 248Survey of African-American Literature3
AFS 349African Literature in English3
AFS 448African-American Literature3
AFS 548African-American Literature3
CLA 320Masterpieces of Classical Literature3
CLA 325Gender, Ethnicity & Identity in the Ancient World3
COM 395Studies in Rhetoric and Digital Media3
ENG 206Studies In Drama3
ENG 207Studies in Poetry3
ENG 208Studies In Fiction3
ENG 209Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENG 219Studies in Great Works of Non-Western Literature3
ENG 220Studies in Great Works of Western Literature3
ENG 221Literature of the Western World I3
ENG 222Literature of the Western World II3
ENG 223Contemporary World Literature I3
ENG 224Contemporary World Literature II3
ENG 232Literature and Medicine3
ENG 246Literature of the Holocaust3
ENG 248Survey of African-American Literature3
ENG 249Native American Literature3
ENG 251Major British Writers3
ENG 252Major American Writers3
ENG 255Beyond Britain: Literature from Colonies of the British Empire3
ENG 261English Literature I3
ENG 262English Literature II3
ENG 265American Literature I3
ENG 266American Literature II3
ENG 267LGBTQI Literature in the U.S.3
ENG 275Literature and War3
ENG 305Women and Literature3
ENG 308Contemporary Issues in Ecofeminism3
ENG 326History of the English Language3
ENG 329Language in Globalization 3
ENG 342Literature of Space and Place3
ENG 349African Literature in English3
ENG 361Studies in British Poetry3
ENG 362Studies in the British Novel 3
ENG 369The American Novel of the 19th Century3
ENG 370American Fiction, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 372American Poetry, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 377Fantasy3
ENG 380Modern Drama3
ENG 385Biblical Backgrounds of English Literature3
ENG 390Classical Backgrounds of English Literature3
ENG 392Major World Author3
ENG 393Studies in Literary Genre3
ENG 394Studies in World Literature3
ENG 395Studies in Rhetoric and Digital Media3
ENG 399Contemporary Literature 3
ENG 406Modernism3
ENG 407Postmodernism3
ENG 410Studies in Gender and Genre3
ENG 420Major American Authors3
ENG 439Studies in English Renaissance Literature 3
ENG 448African-American Literature3
ENG 451Chaucer3
ENG 460Major British Author3
ENG 464British Literature and the Founding of Empire 3
ENG 465British Literature and the Dissolution of Empire3
ENG 466Transatlantic Literatures3
ENG 467American Colonial Literature3
ENG 468Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Literature3
ENG 470American Literature, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 476Southern Literature3
ENG 486Shakespeare, The Earlier Plays3
ENG 487Shakespeare, The Later Plays3
ENG 548African-American Literature3
FL 219Studies in Great Works of Non-Western Literature3
FL 220Studies in Great Works of Western Literature3
FL 221Literature of the Western World I3
FL 222Literature of the Western World II3
FL 223Contemporary World Literature I3
FL 224Contemporary World Literature II3
FL 246Literature of the Holocaust3
FL 275Literature and War3
FL 392Major World Author3
FL 393Studies in Literary Genre3
FL 394Studies in World Literature3
FL 406Modernism3
FL 407Postmodernism3
HUMU 295Humanities and U.S. Diversity Special Topics3
WGS 305Women and Literature3
WGS 308Contemporary Issues in Ecofeminism3
WGS 410Studies in Gender and Genre3

HI Elective

Humanities HI 1
AFS 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3
AFS 276Introduction to History of West Africa3
AFS 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653
AFS 373African-American History Since 18653
HA 240Introduction to Visual Culture3
HI 207Ancient Mediterranean World3
HI 208The Middle Ages3
HI 209From Renaissance to Revolution: The Origins of Modern Europe3
HI 210Modern Europe 1815-Present3
HI 214History and Archaeology of Ancient Latin America3
HI 215Colonial Latin America3
HI 216Modern Latin America3
HI 217Caribbean History3
HI 221British History to 16883
HI 222History of British Cultures and Societies From 16883
HI 232The World from 1200 to 17503
HI 233The World Since 17503
HI 240Introduction to Visual Culture3
HI 251American History I3
HI 252American History II3
HI 253Early American History3
HI 254Modern American History3
HI 263Asian Civilizations to 18003
HI 264Modern Asia: 1800 to Present3
HI 270Modern Middle East3
HI 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3
HI 276Introduction to History of West Africa3
HI 305Frauds and Mysteries of the Past3
HI 307Jewish History3
HI 317Cuba Today: Historical and Sociopolitical Perspectives3
HI 320Religion in American History3
HI 321Scientific Revolution and European Society, 1500-18003
HI 324History of Common Law and Constitution3
HI 332Germany and the World Wars3
HI 335The World at War3
HI 337Spy vs. Spy: Cold War Intelligence History3
HI 338Empire, War, and Revolution in Russia3
HI 340History of Agriculture3
HI 345American Popular Culture3
HI 346The Civil War Era in Popular Culture3
HI 350American Military History3
HI 351U.S. Naval History3
HI 354The Rise of the American Empire3
HI 360U.S. Agricultural History3
HI 364History of North Carolina3
HI 365The American West3
HI 366Native American History3
HI 370Modern Egypt3
HI 371Modern Japan, 1850 to Present3
HI 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653
HI 373African-American History Since 18653
HI 374Visual Culture of Modern South Asia3
HI 380History of Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Change3
HI 381Changemakers: The Global Context of Activism3
HI 385Introduction to Public History3
HI 403Ancient Greek Civilization 3
HI 407Islamic History to 17983
HI 408Islam in the Modern World3
HI 409The High Middle Ages3
HI 410Italian Renaissance3
HI 441Colonial and Revolutionary U.S3
HI 445Early American Borderlands3
HI 446Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3
HI 447Women in America to 18903
HI 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3
HI 452Recent America3
HI 453United States-Latin American Relations Since 18233
HI 454History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1900-Present3
HI 503Ancient Greek Civilization 3
HI 509The High Middle Ages3
HI 541Colonial and Revolutionary U.S3
HI 545Early American Borderlands3
HI 546Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3
HI 547Women in America to 18903
HI 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3
HI 552Recent America3
HI 553United States-Latin American Relations Since 18233
REL 320Religion in American History3
REL 407Islamic History to 17983
REL 408Islam in the Modern World3
WGS 447Women in America to 18903
WGS 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3
WGS 547Women in America to 18903
WGS 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3
Humanities HI 2
AFS 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3
AFS 475History of the Republic of South Africa3
AFS 476Leadership in Modern Africa3
AFS 479Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
AFS 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3
AFS 575History of the Republic of South Africa3
AFS 576Leadership in Modern Africa3
AFS 579Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3
HI 459The Early American Republic3
HI 461Slavery and the American South 1607-18613
HI 462Southern History since the Civil War3
HI 475History of the Republic of South Africa3
HI 476Leadership in Modern Africa3
HI 478Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa3
HI 479Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 486Science and Empire3
HI 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3
HI 559The Early American Republic3
HI 561Slavery and the American South 1607-18613
HI 562Southern History since the Civil War3
HI 575History of the Republic of South Africa3
HI 576Leadership in Modern Africa3
HI 579Africa (sub-Saharan) in the Twentieth Century3
HI 586Science and Empire3

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
ED 100 Intro to Education 1 2
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 4
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3
Select one of the following: 4
Chemistry and Society
Chemistry - A Molecular Science
and General Chemistry Laboratory
Biology in the Modern World
and Biology in the Modern World Laboratory
Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity
STEM Concentration: Additional Math Elective 3
Spring Semester
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
MA 151 Calculus for Elementary Education I 3
PY 131 Conceptual Physics 4
SOC 202
Principles of Sociology
or Current Social Problems
or Sociology of Family
or Language and Culture
HI Elective 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
EDP 370
Applied Child Development
or Developmental Psychology
ENG Elective 3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2
MA 152 Calculus for Elementary Education II 3
GEP US Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 3
Engineering, Tech, Design Elective 3
Spring Semester
EDP 304 Educational Psychology 1 3
ELM 250 Introduction to Elementary Education in a Global Society 2 3
ST 101
Statistics by Example
or Introduction to Statistics
STEM Concentration: Additional Science Elective 3
GEP Social Sciences 3
Third Year
Fall Semester
ELM 375 Connections Seminar I- Cultural Identity, Social Justice and Diverse Learners 1 3
ELM 310 Children's Thinking and Additive Reasoning 1 3
ELM 320 Teaching Science in the Primary Grades 1 3
ELM 330 Teaching Reading in Elementary School: K-2 1 3
ELM 340 Children Design, Create and Invent 1 3
Spring Semester
ELM 410 Children's Thinking and Multiplicative Reasoning 1 3
ELM 420 Teaching Science in the Intermediate Grades 1 3
ELM 335 Teaching Reading in the Elementary School: 3-5 1 3
ELM 460 Social Studies for the Young Learner 1 3
ED 311 Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices 1 2
ED 312 Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices Professional Learning Lab 1 1
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
ELM 400 Connections Seminar III- Instructional Design and Assessment 1 3
ELM 370 Connections Seminar II- The Elementary Classroom and School Community 1 3
ELM 440 Teaching Children with Special Needs in the Elementary Classroom 1 3
ELM 430 Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School 1 3
ELM 450 The Arts for Elementary Education 1 3
Spring Semester
ELM 484 Student Teaching in Elementary Education 1 9
ELM 480 Connections Seminar IV Linking Theory and Practice 1 3
 Total Hours120

A grade of C or higher is required.


Student must pass with grade of B or higher to be considered for candidacy into the Elementary Education Program.

Career Opportunities

Career Titles

  • Camp Director
  • Child Care Center Administrator
  • Counseling Psychologist
  • Daycare Center Worker
  • Elementary School Administrator
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Instructional Coordinators
  • Kindergarten Teacher
  • Librarian
  • Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Recreation Worker
  • Sales Representative (Educational Materials)
  • School Nurse
  • School Psychologist
  • Social and Community Service Managers
  • Social Worker
  • Special Ed Teachers (Kindergarten and Elementary School)
  • Youth Services Specialist

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.