University Catalog 2024-2025

Computer Engineering (BS)

At its core, computer engineering is at the forefront of technological innovation, blending the realms of electrical engineering and computer science to sculpt the future of computing. It's the art and science of crafting the digital architecture that underpins tomorrow's world, where the boundaries between hardware and software blur into seamless integration.

In this ever-evolving landscape, computer engineers are the architects of progress, shaping the next generation of intelligent systems, from advanced robotics to quantum computing. They're the trailblazers who harness the power of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things to engineer solutions that redefine what's possible.

Core Courses

The electrical and computer engineering curricula share core courses comprising a substantial portion of the first three years of study. Many of the core courses are offered three times a year in fall, spring, and summer. A strong emphasis is placed on fundamental concepts in core courses so that graduates are prepared for rapid technological changes common in the electrical and computer engineering professions. A comprehensive foundation in mathematics and the physical sciences in the freshman year is followed in subsequent years by additional core courses in mathematics, physics, electric circuit theory, digital logic, computer systems, electronics, electromagnetics, and linear systems. Laboratory work is designed to demonstrate fundamental principles and to provide experience in designing and testing electronic hardware and computer software. Both curricula have a required two-semester senior design project which gives students comprehensive experience in designing, building, and testing physical systems.


In addition to the core courses described above, students in the computer engineering curriculum take courses in discrete mathematics, data structures, embedded systems, and complex digital systems, along with four specialization electives in areas of their choice and one technical elective. A variety of elective courses are also offered in communications, computational intelligence, controls, digital signal processing, digital systems, nanotechnology, mechatronics, microelectronics, networking, robotics, and VLSI design. There are typically a dozen or more of these courses offered each fall and spring semester and two or three available each summer.

Plan Requirements

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
CH 101 Chemistry - A Molecular Science 1 3
CH 102 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 1
E 101 Introduction to Engineering & Problem Solving 2 1
E 115 Introduction to Computing Environments 1
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 2 4
MA 141 Calculus I 1 4
Spring Semester
ECE 109 Introduction to Computer Systems 2 3
MA 241 Calculus II 1 4
PY 205
PY 206
Physics for Engineers and Scientists I
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory 1
Select one of the following Economics Courses: 3
Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics
Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics
Principles of Microeconomics
Fundamentals of Economics
E 102 Engineering in the 21st Century 2
Second Year
Fall Semester
ECE 200 Introduction to Signals, Circuits and Systems 2 4
ECE 209 Computer Systems Programming 2 3
MA 242 Calculus III 4
PY 208
PY 209
Physics for Engineers and Scientists II
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory
Spring Semester
COM 110 Public Speaking 3
CSC 226 Discrete Mathematics 2 3
ECE 211 Electric Circuits 2 4
ECE 212 Fundamentals of Logic Design 2 3
ECE 220 Analytical Foundations of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2 3
Third Year
Fall Semester
ECE 301 Linear Systems 3
ECE 302 Microelectronics 4
ECE 306 Introduction to Embedded Systems 3
ST 371 Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory 3
Spring Semester
ECE 309 Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers 3
Select one of the following: 1
Engineering Profession for Electrical Engineers
Engineering Profession for Computer Engineers
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and New Product Development
ECE 310 Design of Complex Digital Systems 3
CPE Elective 3
ENG 331 Communication for Engineering and Technology 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
Select one of the following Senior Design Project I courses: 3
Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development I
Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design I
CPE Elective 3
ECE Elective 3
Spring Semester
Select one of the following Senior Design Project II courses: 3
Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development II
Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design II
ECE Elective 3
Open/Technical Elective 3
 Total Hours105

A grade of C or higher is required.


A grade of C- or higher is required.

GEP Courses
GEP Humanities6
GEP Social Sciences3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives3
GEP Elective3
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
World Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Total Hours17

CPE Electives

Comp Arch Sys
ECE 406/506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 463/563Microprocessor Architecture3
ECE 464/564ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog3
ECE 546VLSI Systems Design3
Embed Sys
ECE 460/560Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 461/561Embedded System Analysis and Optimization3
Networking Sys
ECE 407Introduction to Computer Networking3
ECE 470Internetworking3
ECE 547Cloud Computing Technology3
ECE 570Computer Networks3
ECE 573Internet Protocols3
ECE 574Computer and Network Security3
ECE 575Introduction to Wireless Networking3
ECE 576Networking Services: QoS, Signaling, Processes3
ECE 577Switched Network Management3
ECE 578LTE and 5G Communications3
Software Sys
ECE 465/565Operating Systems Design3
ECE 466/566Compiler Optimization and Scheduling3
ECE 517Object-Oriented Design and Development3

 ECE Elective

ECE Elective

ECE 402Communications Engineering3
ECE 403Electronics Engineering3
ECE 404Introduction to Solid-State Devices3
ECE 406/506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 407Introduction to Computer Networking3
ECE 410/510Introduction to Signal Processing3
ECE 411Introduction to Machine Learning3
ECE 418/518Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
ECE 420Wireless Communication Systems3
ECE 421Introduction to Signal Processing3
ECE 422Transmission Lines and Antennas for Wireless3
ECE 423Introduction to Photonics and Optical Communications3
ECE 424/524Radio System Design3
ECE 426Analog Electronics Laboratory3
ECE 434Fundamentals of Power Electronics3
ECE 436Digital Control Systems3
ECE 442Introduction to Integrated Circuit Technology and Fabrication3
ECE 451Power System Analysis3
ECE 452/552Renewable Electric Energy Systems3
ECE 453Electric Motor Drives3
ECE 455Industrial Robot Systems3
ECE 456/556Mechatronics3
ECE 460/560Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 461/561Embedded System Analysis and Optimization3
ECE 463/563Microprocessor Architecture3
ECE 464/564ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog3
ECE 465/565Operating Systems Design3
ECE 466/566Compiler Optimization and Scheduling3
ECE 468/568Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
ECE 470Internetworking3
ECE 488/588Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
ECE 489/589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
ECE 492Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering1-4
ECE 505Neural Interface Engineering3
ECE 511Analog Electronics3
ECE 513Advanced Digital Signal Processing3
ECE 514Random Processes3
ECE 515Digital Communications3
ECE 516System Control Engineering3
ECE 517Object-Oriented Design and Development3
ECE 522Medical Instrumentation3
ECE 523Photonics and Optical Communications3
ECE 530Physical Electronics3
ECE 531Principles Of Transistor Devices3
ECE 532Principles Of Microwave Circuits3
ECE 533Power Electronics Design & Packaging3
ECE 534Power Electronics3
ECE 535Design of Electromechanical Systems3
ECE 536Digital Control System Projects3
ECE 538Integrated Circuits Technology and Fabrication3
ECE 540Electromagnetic Fields3
ECE 541Antennas and Arrays3
ECE 542Neural Networks3
ECE 544Design Of Electronic Packaging and Interconnects3
ECE 546VLSI Systems Design3
ECE 547Cloud Computing Technology3
ECE 549RF Design for Wireless3
ECE 550Power System Operation and Control3
ECE 551Smart Electric Power Distribution Systems3
ECE 553Semiconductor Power Devices3
ECE 554Electric Motor Drives3
ECE 555Autonomous Robot Systems3
ECE 557Principles Of MOS Transistors3
ECE 558Digital Imaging Systems3
ECE 570Computer Networks3
ECE 573Internet Protocols3
ECE 574Computer and Network Security3
ECE 575Introduction to Wireless Networking3
ECE 576Networking Services: QoS, Signaling, Processes3
ECE 577Switched Network Management3
ECE 578LTE and 5G Communications3
ECE 579Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling3
ECE 581Electric Power System Protection3
ECE 582Wireless Communication Systems3
ECE 583Electric Power Engineering Practicum I3
ECE 584Electric Power Engineering Practicum II3
ECE 585The Business of the Electric Utility Industry3
ECE 586Communication and SCADA Systems for Smart Grid3
ECE 587Power System Transients Analysis3
ECE 591Special Topics In Electrical Engineering1-6
ECE 592Special Topics In Electrical Engineering1-6

Open/Technical Electives

Open Electives

Choose from the ECE Elective List or the other Open Electives listed below

ECE Elective

ECE 402Communications Engineering3
ECE 403Electronics Engineering3
ECE 404Introduction to Solid-State Devices3
ECE 406/506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 407Introduction to Computer Networking3
ECE 410/510Introduction to Signal Processing3
ECE 411Introduction to Machine Learning3
ECE 418/518Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
ECE 420Wireless Communication Systems3
ECE 421Introduction to Signal Processing3
ECE 422Transmission Lines and Antennas for Wireless3
ECE 423Introduction to Photonics and Optical Communications3
ECE 424/524Radio System Design3
ECE 426Analog Electronics Laboratory3
ECE 434Fundamentals of Power Electronics3
ECE 436Digital Control Systems3
ECE 442Introduction to Integrated Circuit Technology and Fabrication3
ECE 451Power System Analysis3
ECE 452/552Renewable Electric Energy Systems3
ECE 453Electric Motor Drives3
ECE 455Industrial Robot Systems3
ECE 456/556Mechatronics3
ECE 460/560Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 461/561Embedded System Analysis and Optimization3
ECE 463/563Microprocessor Architecture3
ECE 464/564ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog3
ECE 465/565Operating Systems Design3
ECE 466/566Compiler Optimization and Scheduling3
ECE 468/568Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
ECE 470Internetworking3
ECE 488/588Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
ECE 489/589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
ECE 492Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering1-4
ECE 505Neural Interface Engineering3
ECE 511Analog Electronics3
ECE 513Advanced Digital Signal Processing3
ECE 514Random Processes3
ECE 515Digital Communications3
ECE 516System Control Engineering3
ECE 517Object-Oriented Design and Development3
ECE 522Medical Instrumentation3
ECE 523Photonics and Optical Communications3
ECE 530Physical Electronics3
ECE 531Principles Of Transistor Devices3
ECE 532Principles Of Microwave Circuits3
ECE 533Power Electronics Design & Packaging3
ECE 534Power Electronics3
ECE 535Design of Electromechanical Systems3
ECE 536Digital Control System Projects3
ECE 538Integrated Circuits Technology and Fabrication3
ECE 540Electromagnetic Fields3
ECE 541Antennas and Arrays3
ECE 542Neural Networks3
ECE 544Design Of Electronic Packaging and Interconnects3
ECE 546VLSI Systems Design3
ECE 547Cloud Computing Technology3
ECE 549RF Design for Wireless3
ECE 550Power System Operation and Control3
ECE 551Smart Electric Power Distribution Systems3
ECE 553Semiconductor Power Devices3
ECE 554Electric Motor Drives3
ECE 555Autonomous Robot Systems3
ECE 557Principles Of MOS Transistors3
ECE 558Digital Imaging Systems3
ECE 570Computer Networks3
ECE 573Internet Protocols3
ECE 574Computer and Network Security3
ECE 575Introduction to Wireless Networking3
ECE 576Networking Services: QoS, Signaling, Processes3
ECE 577Switched Network Management3
ECE 578LTE and 5G Communications3
ECE 579Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling3
ECE 581Electric Power System Protection3
ECE 582Wireless Communication Systems3
ECE 583Electric Power Engineering Practicum I3
ECE 584Electric Power Engineering Practicum II3
ECE 585The Business of the Electric Utility Industry3
ECE 586Communication and SCADA Systems for Smart Grid3
ECE 587Power System Transients Analysis3
ECE 591Special Topics In Electrical Engineering1-6
ECE 592Special Topics In Electrical Engineering1-6
ECE 303Electromagnetic Fields3
E 304Introduction to Nano Science and Technology3
ECE 305Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion3
ECE 306Introduction to Embedded Systems3
ECE 308Elements of Control Systems3
ECE 309Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers3
ECE 310Design of Complex Digital Systems3
ECE 384Practical Engineering Prototyping3
CE 214Engineering Mechanics-Statics3
or MAE 206 Engineering Statics
MSE 200Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials3
or MSE 201 Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials
ISE 311Engineering Economic Analysis3
MAE 208Engineering Dynamics3
MAE 201Thermal-Fluid Sciences3
MAE 302/BME 525Engineering Thermodynamics II3

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
CH 101 Chemistry - A Molecular Science 1 3
CH 102 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 1
E 101 Introduction to Engineering & Problem Solving 2 1
E 115 Introduction to Computing Environments 2 1
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 2 4
MA 141 Calculus I 1 4
GEP Requirement 3
Spring Semester
ECE 109 Introduction to Computer Systems 2 3
MA 241 Calculus II 1 4
PY 205 Physics for Engineers and Scientists I 1 3
PY 206 Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory 1
E 102 Engineering in the 21st Century 2
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Second Year
Fall Semester
ECE 200 Introduction to Signals, Circuits and Systems 2 4
ECE 209 Computer Systems Programming 2 3
MA 242 Calculus III 4
PY 208
PY 209
Physics for Engineers and Scientists II
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory 1
Spring Semester
COM 110 Public Speaking 3
CSC 226 Discrete Mathematics 2 3
ECE 211 Electric Circuits 2 4
ECE 212 Fundamentals of Logic Design 2 3
ECE 220 Analytical Foundations of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2 3
Third Year
Fall Semester
ECE 301 Linear Systems 3
ECE 302 Microelectronics 4
ECE 306 Introduction to Embedded Systems 3
GEP Requirement 3
ST 371 Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory 3
Spring Semester
ECE 309 Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers 3
Select one of the following: 1
Engineering Profession for Electrical Engineers
Engineering Profession for Computer Engineers
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and New Product Development
ECE 310 Design of Complex Digital Systems 3
Open/Technical Elective 3
ENG 331 Communication for Engineering and Technology 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
ECE 484 Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design I 3
CPE Elective 3
CPE Elective 3
GEP Requirement 3
GEP Requirement 3
Spring Semester
ECE 485 Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design II 3
ECE Elective 3
ECE Elective 3
GEP Requirement 3
GEP Requirement 3
 Total Hours122

A grade of C or higher is required.


A grade of C- or higher is required.

A computer engineering degree unlocks a vast array of exciting career opportunities at the forefront of technology. Graduates can delve into roles such as hardware engineers—designing and optimizing the next generation of computing devices—or software engineers who crafting innovative applications and systems that drive technological progress. You have career opportunities in fields like cybersecurity or you can delve into artificial intelligence and machine learning, developing algorithms that power intelligent systems.

Additionally, opportunities abound in areas such as embedded systems, where engineers create the brains behind smart devices, and in networking, where they build the backbone of our connected world. Moreover, with the rapid expansion of fields like the Internet of Things, augmented reality, and quantum computing, the possibilities for computer engineering professionals are continually expanding, offering avenues for creative problem-solving and impactful innovation across industries.

Whether in established tech giants like Apple, Samsung, or Analog Devices, cutting-edge startups, research institutions, or entrepreneurial ventures, computer engineering graduates are poised to shape the future of technology and drive meaningful change in society.

You can see some currently-hiring positions in ePack for examples of career paths.

Career Titles

  • Architectural Drafters
  • Automotive Engineering Technicians
  • Computer and Information Scientists
  • Computer and Information Systems Managers
  • Computer Hardware Engineers
  • Computer Network Architects
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Computer Systems Engineer
  • Database Administrator
  • Database Architects
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians
  • Engineering Professor
  • Information Security Analysts
  • Sales Representative (Computers)
  • Software Developers - Applications
  • Telecommunications Engineering Specialists

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
National Association of Professional Engineers