University Catalog 2024-2025

Engineering (BS)


Plan Requirements

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
CH 101 Chemistry - A Molecular Science 1 3
CH 102 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 1
E 101 Introduction to Engineering & Problem Solving 2 1
E 115 Introduction to Computing Environments 1
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 2 4
MA 141 Calculus I 1 4
Spring Semester
Select one of the following Economics courses: 3
Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics
Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics
Principles of Microeconomics
Fundamentals of Economics
MA 241 Calculus II 1 4
PY 205
PY 206
Physics for Engineers and Scientists I
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory 1
Engineering Topics Elective 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
MA 242 Calculus III 4
PY 208
PY 209
Physics for Engineers and Scientists II
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory
Engineering Topics II Elective 3
Engineering Elective 200-Level 3
Spring Semester
Select one of the following Math Electives: 3
Linear Analysis
Applied Differential Equations I
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Basic Science Elective 4
Engineering Topics II Elective 3
Engineering Elective 200-Level 3
Third Year
Fall Semester
Engineering Topics III Elective 3
Engineering Elective 300 or 400 Level 3
Engineering Elective 300 or 400 Level 3
Engineering Elective 300 or 400 Level 3
Spring Semester
Communication Elective 3
Engineering Topics III Elective 3
Engineering Elective 300 or 400 Level 3
Engineering Elective 300 or 400 Level 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
Engineering Elective 300 or 400 Level 3
Engineering Elective 400 Level 3
BSE Topic Elective 3 3
BSE Topic Elective 3 3
Spring Semester
Engineering Topics IV Elective 3
Engineering Elective 300 or 400 Level Elective 400-Level 3
BSE Topic Elective 3 3
BSE Topic Elective 3 3
 Total Hours103

A grade of C or higher is required.


A grade of C- or higher is required.


Students should consult their academic advisors to determine how to complete this requirement.

GEP Courses
GEP Humanities6
GEP Social Sciences3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Elective3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives5
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
World Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Total Hours19

Engineering Topics Electives

CSC 112Introduction to Computing-FORTRAN3
CSC 116Introduction to Computing - Java3
ECE 109Introduction to Computer Systems3
GC 120Foundations of Graphics3
ST 370Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
ST 371Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory3
TE 110Computer-Based Modeling for Engineers3

Engineering Topics II Electives

CE 214Engineering Mechanics-Statics3
CE 2153
CE 225Mechanics of Solids3
CE 282Hydraulics3
ECE 331Principles of Electrical Engineering3
ISE 311Engineering Economic Analysis3
MAE 201Thermal-Fluid Sciences3
MAE 206Engineering Statics3
MAE 208Engineering Dynamics3
MAE 214Solid Mechanics3
MAE 308Fluid Mechanics3
MSE 200Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials3
MSE 201Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials3

Engineering Electives 200-Level

BAE 200Computer Methods in Biological Engineering2
BAE 202Introduction to Biological and Agricultural Engineering Methods4
BAE 203Introduction to AutoCAD Civil 3D for Environmental & Ecological Engineers2
BAE 204Introduction to Environmental and Ecological Engineering2
BAET 201Shop Processes and Management3
BME 201Computer Methods in Biomedical Engineering3
BME 203
BME 204
BME 205Introduction to Biomedical Mechanics4
BME 207Biomedical Electronics4
BME 209Introduction to the Materials Science of Biomaterials4
BME 215Biomedical Mechanics Laboratory1
BME 217Biomedical Electronics Laboratory1
BME 219Materials Science of Biomaterials Lab1
BME 295Research in Biomedical Engineering for Undergraduates1-3
BME 298Biomedical Engineering Design and Manufacturing I2
BME 299BME Design and Manufacturing I Lab1
CE 214Engineering Mechanics-Statics3
CE 215
CE 225Mechanics of Solids3
CE 250Introduction to Sustainable Infrastructure3
CE 263Introduction to Construction Engineering3
CE 282Hydraulics3
CE 297Current Topics in Civil Engineering1-4
CHE 205Chemical Process Principles4
CHE 225Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis3
CSC 200
CSC 216Software Development Fundamentals3
CSC 217Software Development Fundamentals Lab1
CSC 226Discrete Mathematics3
CSC 236Computer Organization and Assembly Language for Computer Scientists3
CSC 246Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems for Computer Scientists3
CSC 251Web Page Development1
CSC 255String Processing Languages1
CSC 281Foundations of Interactive Game Design3
CSC 295Special Topics in Computer Science1-3
E 201Engineering Transfer to Success1
E 298Special Topics Engineering1-3
ECE 200Introduction to Signals, Circuits and Systems4
ECE 209Computer Systems Programming3
ECE 211Electric Circuits4
ECE 212Fundamentals of Logic Design3
ECE 220Analytical Foundations of Electrical and Computer Engineering3
ISE 215Foundations of Design & 3D Modeling for Engineers1
ISE 216Product Development and Rapid Prototyping3
MAE 200Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design1
MAE 201Thermal-Fluid Sciences3
MAE 206Engineering Statics3
MAE 208Engineering Dynamics3
MAE 214Solid Mechanics3
MAE 250Introduction to Aerospace Engineering1
MAE 251Aerospace Vehicle Performance3
MAE 252Aerodynamics I3
MAE 253Experimental Aerodynamics I1
MAE 308Fluid Mechanics3
MSE 200Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials3
MSE 201Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials3
MSE 203
MSE 255Experimental Methods for Structural Analysis of Materials2
MSE 260Mathematical Methods for Materials Engineers3
MSE 270Materials Science and Engineering Seminar1
NE 201Introduction to Nuclear Engineering2
NE 202Radiation Sources, Interaction and Detection4
NE 235Nuclear Reactor Operations Training2
NE 290Introduction to Health Physics3
PSE 201Pulping and Papermaking Technology3
PSE 211Pulp and Paper Internship1
PSE 212Paper Properties4
PSE 220From Papyrus to Advanced Functional Materials: The Power of Paper in Society2
PSE 293Independent Study in Paper Science & Engineering1-6
PSE 294Independent Study in Paper Science & Engineering1-6
PSE 295Special Topics in Paper Science & Engineering1-3
TE 200Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering3
TE 201Fiber Science4
TE 205Analog and Digital Circuits4

Basic Science Electives

BIO 181Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity4
BIO 183Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology4
CH 201Chemistry - A Quantitative Science3
CH 202Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory1
MEA 101Geology I: Physical3
MEA 110Geology I Laboratory1

Engineering Topics III Elective

BAE 302Transport Phenomena3
BAE 305Biological Engineering Circuits4
BAE 321Bioprocessing Engineering Fundamentals3
BAE 322Introduction to Food Process Engineering3
BAE 325Introductory Geomatics3
BAE 361Analytical Methods in Engineering Design3
BAE 371Fundamentals of Hydrology for Engineers3
BAE 376Watershed Assessment and Water Quality Protection3
BAE 401Sensors and Controls3
BAE 425Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing3
BAE 435Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 451Engineering Design I2
BAE 452Engineering Design II2
BAE 462Machinery Design and Applications3
BAE 472Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 473Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
BAE 474Principles and Applications of Ecological Engineering3
BAE 481Structures & Environment3
BAE 488Postharvest Engineering3
BAE 492External Learning Experience1-6
BAE 493Special Problems in Biological and Agricultural Engineering1-6
BAE 495Special Topics in Biological and Agricultural Engineering1-3
BAE 501Sensors and Controls3
BAE 525Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing3
BAE 535Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 572Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 573Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
BAE 578Circular Approach to Manure Management3
BAET 332Management of Animal Environments4
BAET 333Processing Agricultural Products3
BAET 343Agricultural Electrification4
BAET 411Agricultural Machinery and Power Units4
BAET 432Agricultural and Environmental Safety and Health3
BEC 462Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
BEC 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BEC 483Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BEC 488Animal Cell Culture Engineering2
BEC 562Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
BEC 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BEC 583Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BIT 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 464Protein Purification2
BIT 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 564Protein Purification2
BME 217Biomedical Electronics Laboratory1
BME 301Human Physiology : Electrical Analysis3
BME 302Human Physiology: Mechanical Analysis3
BME 315Biotransport3
BME 325Biochemistry for Biomedical Engineers3
BME 335Biomaterials 3
BME 342
BME 345Biomedical Solid Mechanics3
BME 355Biocontrols3
BME 365Linear Systems in Biomedical Engineering3
BME 375Biomedical Microcontroller Applications3
BME 385Bioinstrumentation3
BME 398Biomedical Engineering Design and Manufacturing II2
BME 412Biomedical Signal Processing3
BME 418Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
BME 425Bioelectricity3
BME 444Orthopaedic Biomechanics3
BME 451BME Senior Design: Product Development3
BME 452BME Senior Design: Product Implementation and Strategy3
BME 462Biomaterials Characterization3
BME 466Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
BME 467Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements3
BME 481Quality Management Systems for Engineers3
BME 483Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BME 484Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering3
BME 490Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering1-4
BME 498Undergraduate Research in Biomedical Engineering3
BME 518Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
BME 525Bioelectricity3
BME 544Orthopaedic Biomechanics3
BME 566Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
BME 583Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BME 584Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering3
BUS 340Information Systems Management3
CE 225Mechanics of Solids3
CE 282Hydraulics3
CE 301Civil Engineering Surveying and Geomatics3
CE 305Introduction to Transportation Systems3
CE 324
CE 325Structural Analysis I3
CE 327Reinforced Concrete Design3
CE 332Civil Engineering Materials4
CE 339Civil Engineering Systems3
CE 342Engineering Behavior of Soils and Foundations4
CE 365Construction Equipment and Methods3
CE 367Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Buildings3
CE 373Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering3
CE 378Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology4
CE 381Hydraulics Systems Measurements Lab1
CE 383Hydrology and Urban Water Systems3
CE 390
CE 400
CE 401Transportation Planning3
CE 402Traffic Operations3
CE 403Transportation System Design3
CE 405Railroad System Planning, Design, and Operation 3
CE 413Principles of Pavement Design3
CE 420Structural Engineering Project3
CE 421
CE 425Advanced Structural Analysis3
CE 426Structural Steel Design3
CE 435Engineering Geology3
CE 437Civil Engineering Computing3
CE 440
CE 443Seepage, Earth Embankments and Retaining Structures3
CE 444An Introduction to Foundation Engineering3
CE 450Civil Engineering Project3
CE 463Construction Estimating, Planning, and Control3
CE 464Legal Aspects of Contracting3
CE 466Building Construction Engineering3
CE 468Building Information Modeling in Construction3
CE 469Construction Engineering Project3
CE 476Air Pollution Control3
CE 477Principles of Solid Waste Engineering3
CE 478Energy and Climate3
CE 479Air Quality3
CE 480
CE 481Environmental Engineering Project3
CE 484Water Supply and Waste Water Systems3
CE 487Introduction to Coastal and Ocean Engineering3
CE 488Water Resources Engineering3
CE 499Undergraduate Research Thesis in Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering1-3
CE 501Transportation Planning3
CE 502Traffic Operations3
CE 503Transportation System Design3
CE 505Railroad System Planning, Design, and Operation 3
CE 525Advanced Structural Analysis3
CE 564Legal Aspects of Contracting3
CE 568Building Information Modeling in Construction3
CE 578Energy and Climate3
CE 588Water Resources Engineering3
CH 335Principles of Green Chemistry4
CHE 311Transport Processes I3
CHE 312Transport Processes II3
CHE 315Chemical Process Thermodynamics3
CHE 316Thermodynamics of Chemical and Phase Equilibria3
CHE 330Chemical Engineering Lab I4
CHE 331Chemical Engineering Lab II2
CHE 395Professional Development Seminar1
CHE 435Process Systems Analysis and Control3
CHE 446Design and Analysis of Chemical Reactors3
CHE 447Bioreactor Engineering3
CHE 450Chemical Engineering Design I3
CHE 451Chemical Engineering Design II3
CHE 460Chemical Processing of Electronic Materials3
CHE 461Polymer Sciences and Technology3
CHE 462Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
CHE 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
CHE 465Colloidal and Nanoscale Engineering3
CHE 467Polymer Rheology3
CHE 468Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
CHE 488Animal Cell Culture Engineering2
CHE 495Honors Thesis Preparation1
CHE 497Chemical Engineering Projects I3
CHE 498Chemical Engineering Projects II1-3
CHE 562Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
CHE 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
CHE 568Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
CHE 575Advances in Pollution Prevention: Environmental Management for the Future3
CSC 302Introduction to Numerical Methods3
CSC 316Data Structures and Algorithms3
CSC 326Software Engineering4
CSC 333Automata, Grammars, and Computability3
CSC 342Applied Web-based Client-Server Computing3
CSC 379Ethics in Computing1
CSC 401Data and Computer Communications Networks3
CSC 402Networking Projects3
CSC 405Computer Security3
CSC 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 411Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 414Foundations of Cryptography3
CSC 415Software Security3
CSC 417Theory of Programming Languages3
CSC 422Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
CSC 431File Organization and Processing3
CSC 433Privacy in the Digital Age3
CSC 440Database Management Systems3
CSC 442Introduction to Data Science3
CSC 450Web Services3
CSC 453Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Systems3
CSC 455Social Computing and Decentralized Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 456Computer Architecture and Multiprocessors3
CSC 461Computer Graphics3
CSC 462Advanced Computer Graphics Projects3
CSC 467Multimedia Technology3
CSC 472Cybersecurity Projects3
CSC 474Network Security3
CSC 481Game Engine Foundations3
CSC 482Advanced Computer Game Projects3
CSC 484Building Game AI3
CSC 492Senior Design Project3
CSC 495Special Topics in Computer Science1-6
CSC 499Independent Research in Computer Science1-6
CSC 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 512Compiler Construction3
CSC 514Foundations of Cryptography3
CSC 522Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 584Building Game AI3
E 101Introduction to Engineering & Problem Solving1
E 304Introduction to Nano Science and Technology3
E 480Namibia Wildlife Aerial Observatory 6
E 490Fundamentals of Engineering(FE) Exam Preparation1
E 497Engineering Research Projects1-3
ECE 301Linear Systems3
ECE 302Microelectronics4
ECE 303Electromagnetic Fields3
ECE 305Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion3
ECE 306Introduction to Embedded Systems3
ECE 308Elements of Control Systems3
ECE 309Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers3
ECE 310Design of Complex Digital Systems3
ECE 331Principles of Electrical Engineering3
ECE 380Engineering Profession for Electrical Engineers1
ECE 381Engineering Profession for Computer Engineers1
ECE 383Introduction to Entrepreneurship and New Product Development1
ECE 384Practical Engineering Prototyping3
ECE 402Communications Engineering3
ECE 403Electronics Engineering3
ECE 404Introduction to Solid-State Devices3
ECE 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 407Introduction to Computer Networking3
ECE 418Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
ECE 420Wireless Communication Systems3
ECE 421Introduction to Signal Processing3
ECE 422Transmission Lines and Antennas for Wireless3
ECE 423Introduction to Photonics and Optical Communications3
ECE 424Radio System Design3
ECE 426Analog Electronics Laboratory3
ECE 434Fundamentals of Power Electronics3
ECE 436Digital Control Systems3
ECE 442Introduction to Integrated Circuit Technology and Fabrication3
ECE 451Power System Analysis3
ECE 452Renewable Electric Energy Systems3
ECE 453Electric Motor Drives3
ECE 455Industrial Robot Systems3
ECE 456Mechatronics3
ECE 460Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 461Embedded System Analysis and Optimization3
ECE 463Microprocessor Architecture3
ECE 464ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog3
ECE 466Compiler Optimization and Scheduling3
ECE 468Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
ECE 470Internetworking3
ECE 482Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development I3
ECE 483Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development II3
ECE 484Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design I3
ECE 485Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design II3
ECE 488Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
ECE 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
ECE 492Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering1-4
ECE 495Individual Study in ECE1-3
ECE 498Special Projects in ECE1-3
ECE 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 518Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
ECE 524Radio System Design3
ECE 552Renewable Electric Energy Systems3
ECE 556Mechatronics3
ECE 560Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 561Embedded System Analysis and Optimization3
ECE 563Microprocessor Architecture3
ECE 564ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog3
ECE 566Compiler Optimization and Scheduling3
ECE 568Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
ECE 588Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
ECE 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
FB 576Environmental Life Cycle Analysis3
ISE 311Engineering Economic Analysis3
ISE 315Introduction to Computer-Aided Manufacturing1
ISE 316Manufacturing Engineering I - Processes3
ISE 352Fundamentals of Human-Machine Systems Design3
ISE 361Deterministic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 362Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 408Design and Control of Production and Service Systems3
ISE 411Decision Making and Game Theory for Supply Chains3
ISE 413Humanitarian Logistics 3
ISE 416Manufacturing Engineering II - Automation3
ISE 417Database Applications in Industrial & Systems Engineering3
ISE 435Python Programming for Industrial & Systems Engineers3
ISE 437Data Analytics for Industrial Engineering3
ISE 441Introduction to Simulation3
ISE 443Quality Design and Control3
ISE 447Applications of Data Science in Healthcare 3
ISE 452Advanced Human-Machine Systems Design3
ISE 453Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chains3
ISE 462Advanced Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 489Special Topics in Industrial and Systems Engineering 1-3
ISE 495Project Work in Industrial Engineering1-3
ISE 498Senior Design Project3
ISE 511Decision Making and Game Theory for Supply Chains3
ISE 513Humanitarian Logistics 3
ISE 535Python Programming for Industrial & Systems Engineers3
ISE 547Applications of Data Science in Healthcare 3
MA 414Foundations of Cryptography3
MA 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
MA 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
MA 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
MA 514Foundations of Cryptography3
MAE 201Thermal-Fluid Sciences3
MAE 214Solid Mechanics3
MAE 252Aerodynamics I3
MAE 253Experimental Aerodynamics I1
MAE 302Engineering Thermodynamics II3
MAE 305Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I1
MAE 306Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II1
MAE 308Fluid Mechanics3
MAE 310Heat Transfer Fundamentals3
MAE 315Fundamentals of Vibrations3
MAE 316Strength of Mechanical Components3
MAE 342Introduction to Automotive Engineering3
MAE 351Aerodynamics II3
MAE 352Experimental Aerodynamics II1
MAE 361Dynamics & Controls3
MAE 371Aerospace Structures I3
MAE 372Aerospace Vehicle Structures Lab1
MAE 403Air Conditioning3
MAE 405Controls Lab1
MAE 406Energy Conservation in Industry3
MAE 407Steam and Gas Turbines3
MAE 408Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals3
MAE 410Modern Manufacturing Processes3
MAE 412Design of Thermal System3
MAE 413Design of Mechanical Systems3
MAE 415Mechanical Engineering Design I3
MAE 416Mechanical Engineering Design II4
MAE 420Dynamic Analysis of Human Movement3
MAE 421Design of Solar Energy Systems3
MAE 426Fundamentals of Product Design3
MAE 430Applied Finite Element Analysis3
MAE 435Principles of Automatic Control3
MAE 440Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation3
MAE 451Experimental Aerodynamics III1
MAE 452Aerodynamics of V/STOL Vehicles3
MAE 455Boundary Layer Theory3
MAE 456Computational Methods in Aerodynamics3
MAE 457Flight Vehicle Stability and Control3
MAE 458Propulsion3
MAE 459Rocket Propulsion3
MAE 467Introduction to Space Flight3
MAE 472Aerospace Structures II3
MAE 480Aerospace Vehicle Design I3
MAE 481Aerospace Vehicle Design II3
MAE 482Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development I3
MAE 483Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development II3
MAE 484Engineering Entrepreneurship Senior Design Lab1
MAE 495Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1-3
MAE 496Undergraduate Project Work in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1-6
MAE 520Dynamic Analysis of Human Movement3
MAE 526Fundamentals of Product Design3
MEA 479Air Quality3
MSE 260Mathematical Methods for Materials Engineers3
MSE 300Structure of Materials at the Nanoscale3
MSE 301Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials3
MSE 320Introduction to Defects in Solids3
MSE 335Experimental Methods for Analysis of Material Properties2
MSE 355Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Materials3
MSE 360Kinetic Processes in Materials3
MSE 370Microstructure of Inorganic Materials3
MSE 380Microstructure of Organic Materials3
MSE 409Nuclear Materials3
MSE 420Mechanical Properties of Materials3
MSE 423Introduction to Materials Engineering Design1
MSE 440Processing of Metallic Materials3
MSE 445Ceramic Processing3
MSE 455Polymer Technology and Engineering3
MSE 456Composite Materials3
MSE 460Microelectronic Materials3
MSE 465Introduction to Nanomaterials3
MSE 470Materials Science and Engineering Senior Design Project3
MSE 480Materials Forensics and Degradation3
MSE 485Biomaterials3
MSE 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
MSE 490Special Topics in Materials Engineering1-4
MSE 495Materials Engineering Projects1-6
MSE 509Nuclear Materials3
MSE 540Processing of Metallic Materials3
MSE 545Ceramic Processing3
MSE 556Composite Materials3
MSE 565Introduction to Nanomaterials3
MSE 580Materials Forensics and Degradation3
MSE 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
NE 301Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering3
NE 400Nuclear Reactor Energy Conversion4
NE 401Reactor Analysis and Design3
NE 402Reactor Engineering4
NE 403Nuclear Reactor Laboratory2
NE 404Radiation Safety and Shielding3
NE 405Reactor Systems3
NE 406Nuclear Engineering Senior Design Preparation1
NE 408Nuclear Engineering Design Project3
NE 409Nuclear Materials3
NE 412Nuclear Fuel Cycles3
NE 418Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation3
NE 419Introduction to Nuclear Energy3
NE 431Nuclear Waste Management3
NE 490Health Physics and Radiological Emergency Response3
NE 491Special Topics in Nuclear Engineering1-4
NE 501Reactor Analysis and Design3
NE 509Nuclear Materials3
NE 531Nuclear Waste Management3
NE 590Health Physics and Radiological Emergency Response3
PB 488/588Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
PSE 322Wet End and Polymer Chemistry4
PSE 332Wood and Pulping Chemistry3
PSE 335Principles of Green Chemistry4
PSE 355Pulp and Paper Unit Processes I3
PSE 360Pulp and Paper Unit Processes II3
PSE 370Pulp and Paper Products and Markets3
PSE 371Pulping Process Analysis3
PSE 415Paper Industry Strategic Project Analysis3
PSE 416Process Design and Analysis3
PSE 417Modeling & Simulation of Pulp & Paper Processes3
PSE 425Bioenergy & Biomaterials Engineering3
PSE 465Process Engineering3
PSE 472Paper Process Analysis3
PSE 475Process Control in Pulp and Paper3
PSE 476Environmental Life Cycle Analysis3
PSE 493Independent Study in Paper Science & Engineering1-6
PSE 494Independent Study in Paper Science & Engineering1-6
PY 414Electromagnetism I3
PY 415Electromagnetism II3
PY 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
PY 514Electromagnetism I3
PY 515Electromagnetism II3
PY 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
SSC 440Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 473Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
SSC 540Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 573Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
ST 442Introduction to Data Science3
TE 301Engineering Textile Structures I: Linear Assemblies3
TE 302Textile Manufacturing Processes and Systems II4
TE 303Thermodynamics for Textile Engineers3
TE 401Textile Engineering Design I4
TE 402Textile Engineering Design II4
TE 404Textile Engineering Quality Improvement3
TE 424Textile Engineering Quality Improvement Laboratory1
TE 435Process Systems Analysis and Control3
TE 440Textile Information Systems Design4
TE 463Polymer Engineering3
TE 466Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
TE 467Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements3
TE 492Special Topics in Textile Engineering1-3
TE 540Textile Information Systems Design4
TE 566Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3

Engineering Electives 300- or 400-Level

BAE 302Transport Phenomena3
BAE 305Biological Engineering Circuits4
BAE 321Bioprocessing Engineering Fundamentals3
BAE 322Introduction to Food Process Engineering3
BAE 325Introductory Geomatics3
BAE 361Analytical Methods in Engineering Design3
BAE 371Fundamentals of Hydrology for Engineers3
BAE 376Watershed Assessment and Water Quality Protection3
BAE 401Sensors and Controls3
BAE 425Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing3
BAE 435Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 451Engineering Design I2
BAE 452Engineering Design II2
BAE 462Machinery Design and Applications3
BAE 472Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 473Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
BAE 474Principles and Applications of Ecological Engineering3
BAE 478Circular Approach to Manure Management3
BAE 481Structures & Environment3
BAE 488Postharvest Engineering3
BAE 492External Learning Experience1-6
BAE 493Special Problems in Biological and Agricultural Engineering1-6
BAE 495Special Topics in Biological and Agricultural Engineering1-3
BAE 501Sensors and Controls3
BAE 535Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 572Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 573Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
BAE 578Circular Approach to Manure Management3
BAET 323Water Management3
BAET 332Management of Animal Environments4
BAET 333Processing Agricultural Products3
BAET 343Agricultural Electrification4
BAET 411Agricultural Machinery and Power Units4
BAET 432Agricultural and Environmental Safety and Health3
BEC 462Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
BEC 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BEC 483Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BEC 488Animal Cell Culture Engineering2
BEC 562Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
BEC 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BEC 583Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BIT 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 464Protein Purification2
BIT 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 564Protein Purification2
BME 217Biomedical Electronics Laboratory1
BME 301Human Physiology : Electrical Analysis3
BME 302Human Physiology: Mechanical Analysis3
BME 315Biotransport3
BME 325Biochemistry for Biomedical Engineers3
BME 335Biomaterials 3
BME 342
BME 345Biomedical Solid Mechanics3
BME 355Biocontrols3
BME 365Linear Systems in Biomedical Engineering3
BME 375Biomedical Microcontroller Applications3
BME 385Bioinstrumentation3
BME 398Biomedical Engineering Design and Manufacturing II2
BME 412Biomedical Signal Processing3
BME 418Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
BME 425Bioelectricity3
BME 444Orthopaedic Biomechanics3
BME 451BME Senior Design: Product Development3
BME 452BME Senior Design: Product Implementation and Strategy3
BME 462Biomaterials Characterization3
BME 466Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
BME 467Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements3
BME 481Quality Management Systems for Engineers3
BME 483Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BME 484Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering3
BME 490Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering1-4
BME 498Undergraduate Research in Biomedical Engineering3
BME 518Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
BME 525Bioelectricity3
BME 544Orthopaedic Biomechanics3
BME 566Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
BME 583Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BME 584Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering3
BUS 340Information Systems Management3
CE 225Mechanics of Solids3
CE 282Hydraulics3
CE 301Civil Engineering Surveying and Geomatics3
CE 305Introduction to Transportation Systems3
CE 3241
CE 325Structural Analysis I3
CE 327Reinforced Concrete Design3
CE 332Civil Engineering Materials3
CE 339Civil Engineering Systems3
CE 342Engineering Behavior of Soils and Foundations4
CE 365Construction Equipment and Methods3
CE 367Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Buildings3
CE 373Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering3
CE 378Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology4
CE 381Hydraulics Systems Measurements Lab1
CE 383Hydrology and Urban Water Systems3
CE 3901
CE 4003
CE 401Transportation Planning3
CE 402Traffic Operations3
CE 403Transportation System Design3
CE 405Railroad System Planning, Design, and Operation 3
CE 413Principles of Pavement Design3
CE 420Structural Engineering Project3
CE 4213
CE 425Advanced Structural Analysis3
CE 426Structural Steel Design3
CE 435Engineering Geology3
CE 437Civil Engineering Computing3
CE 4403
CE 443Seepage, Earth Embankments and Retaining Structures3
CE 444An Introduction to Foundation Engineering3
CE 450Civil Engineering Project3
CE 463Construction Estimating, Planning, and Control3
CE 464Legal Aspects of Contracting3
CE 466Building Construction Engineering3
CE 468Building Information Modeling in Construction1
CE 469Construction Engineering Project3
CE 476Air Pollution Control3
CE 477Principles of Solid Waste Engineering3
CE 478Energy and Climate3
CE 479Air Quality3
CE 4803
CE 481Environmental Engineering Project3
CE 484Water Supply and Waste Water Systems3
CE 487Introduction to Coastal and Ocean Engineering3
CE 488Water Resources Engineering3
CE 493Independent Study in Civil Engineering1-4
CE 497Current Topics in Civil Engineering1-4
CE 498Special Problems in Civil Engineering1-4
CE 499Undergraduate Research Thesis in Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering1-3
CE 501Transportation Planning3
CE 502Traffic Operations3
CE 503Transportation System Design3
CE 505Railroad System Planning, Design, and Operation 3
CE 525Advanced Structural Analysis3
CE 564Legal Aspects of Contracting3
CE 568Building Information Modeling in Construction1
CE 578Energy and Climate3
CE 588Water Resources Engineering3
CH 335Principles of Green Chemistry4
CHE 311Transport Processes I3
CHE 312Transport Processes II3
CHE 315Chemical Process Thermodynamics3
CHE 316Thermodynamics of Chemical and Phase Equilibria3
CHE 330Chemical Engineering Lab I4
CHE 331Chemical Engineering Lab II2
CHE 395Professional Development Seminar1
CHE 435Process Systems Analysis and Control3
CHE 446Design and Analysis of Chemical Reactors3
CHE 447Bioreactor Engineering3
CHE 450Chemical Engineering Design I3
CHE 451Chemical Engineering Design II3
CHE 460Chemical Processing of Electronic Materials3
CHE 461Polymer Sciences and Technology3
CHE 462Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
CHE 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
CHE 465Colloidal and Nanoscale Engineering3
CHE 467Polymer Rheology3
CHE 468Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
CHE 475Advances in Pollution Prevention: Environmental Management for the Future3
CHE 488Animal Cell Culture Engineering2
CHE 495Honors Thesis Preparation1
CHE 497Chemical Engineering Projects I3
CHE 498Chemical Engineering Projects II1-3
CHE 562Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
CHE 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
CHE 568Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
CHE 575Advances in Pollution Prevention: Environmental Management for the Future3
CSC 302Introduction to Numerical Methods3
CSC 316Data Structures and Algorithms3
CSC 326Software Engineering4
CSC 333Automata, Grammars, and Computability3
CSC 342Applied Web-based Client-Server Computing3
CSC 379Ethics in Computing1
CSC 401Data and Computer Communications Networks3
CSC 402Networking Projects3
CSC 405Computer Security3
CSC 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 411Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 412Compiler Construction3
CSC 414Foundations of Cryptography3
CSC 415Software Security3
CSC 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
CSC 417Theory of Programming Languages3
CSC 422Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
CSC 431File Organization and Processing3
CSC 433Privacy in the Digital Age3
CSC 440Database Management Systems3
CSC 442Introduction to Data Science3
CSC 450Web Services3
CSC 453Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Systems3
CSC 454Human-Computer Interaction3
CSC 455Social Computing and Decentralized Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 456Computer Architecture and Multiprocessors3
CSC 461Computer Graphics3
CSC 462Advanced Computer Graphics Projects3
CSC 467Multimedia Technology3
CSC 472Cybersecurity Projects3
CSC 474Network Security3
CSC 481Game Engine Foundations3
CSC 482Advanced Computer Game Projects3
CSC 484Building Game AI3
CSC 492Senior Design Project3
CSC 495Special Topics in Computer Science1-6
CSC 499Independent Research in Computer Science1-6
CSC 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 512Compiler Construction3
CSC 514Foundations of Cryptography3
CSC 522Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 584Building Game AI3
E 101Introduction to Engineering & Problem Solving1
E 304Introduction to Nano Science and Technology3
E 480Namibia Wildlife Aerial Observatory 6
E 490Fundamentals of Engineering(FE) Exam Preparation1
E 497Engineering Research Projects1-3
ECE 301Linear Systems3
ECE 302Microelectronics4
ECE 303Electromagnetic Fields3
ECE 305Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion3
ECE 306Introduction to Embedded Systems3
ECE 308Elements of Control Systems3
ECE 309Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers3
ECE 310Design of Complex Digital Systems3
ECE 331Principles of Electrical Engineering3
ECE 380Engineering Profession for Electrical Engineers1
ECE 381Engineering Profession for Computer Engineers1
ECE 383Introduction to Entrepreneurship and New Product Development1
ECE 384Practical Engineering Prototyping3
ECE 402Communications Engineering3
ECE 403Electronics Engineering3
ECE 404Introduction to Solid-State Devices3
ECE 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 407Introduction to Computer Networking3
ECE 418Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
ECE 420Wireless Communication Systems3
ECE 421Introduction to Signal Processing3
ECE 422Transmission Lines and Antennas for Wireless3
ECE 423Introduction to Photonics and Optical Communications3
ECE 424Radio System Design3
ECE 426Analog Electronics Laboratory3
ECE 434Fundamentals of Power Electronics3
ECE 436Digital Control Systems3
ECE 442Introduction to Integrated Circuit Technology and Fabrication3
ECE 451Power System Analysis3
ECE 452Renewable Electric Energy Systems3
ECE 453Electric Motor Drives3
ECE 455Industrial Robot Systems3
ECE 456Mechatronics3
ECE 460Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 461Embedded System Analysis and Optimization3
ECE 463Microprocessor Architecture3
ECE 464ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog3
ECE 466Compiler Optimization and Scheduling3
ECE 468Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
ECE 470Internetworking3
ECE 482Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development I3
ECE 483Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development II3
ECE 484Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design I3
ECE 485Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design II3
ECE 488Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
ECE 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
ECE 492Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering1-4
ECE 495Individual Study in ECE1-3
ECE 498Special Projects in ECE1-3
ECE 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 518Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
ECE 524Radio System Design3
ECE 552Renewable Electric Energy Systems3
ECE 556Mechatronics3
ECE 560Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 561Embedded System Analysis and Optimization3
ECE 563Microprocessor Architecture3
ECE 564ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog3
ECE 566Compiler Optimization and Scheduling3
ECE 568Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
ECE 588Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
ECE 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
FB 576Environmental Life Cycle Analysis3
ISE 311Engineering Economic Analysis3
ISE 315Introduction to Computer-Aided Manufacturing1
ISE 316Manufacturing Engineering I - Processes3
ISE 352Fundamentals of Human-Machine Systems Design3
ISE 361Deterministic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 362Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 408Design and Control of Production and Service Systems3
ISE 411Decision Making and Game Theory for Supply Chains3
ISE 413Humanitarian Logistics 3
ISE 416Manufacturing Engineering II - Automation3
ISE 417Database Applications in Industrial & Systems Engineering3
ISE 435Python Programming for Industrial & Systems Engineers3
ISE 437Data Analytics for Industrial Engineering3
ISE 441Introduction to Simulation3
ISE 443Quality Design and Control3
ISE 447Applications of Data Science in Healthcare 3
ISE 452Advanced Human-Machine Systems Design3
ISE 453Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chains3
ISE 462Advanced Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 489Special Topics in Industrial and Systems Engineering 1-3
ISE 495Project Work in Industrial Engineering1-3
ISE 498Senior Design Project3
ISE 511Decision Making and Game Theory for Supply Chains3
ISE 513Humanitarian Logistics 3
ISE 535Python Programming for Industrial & Systems Engineers3
ISE 547Applications of Data Science in Healthcare 3
MA 414Foundations of Cryptography3
MA 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
MA 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
MA 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
MA 514Foundations of Cryptography3
MAE 201Thermal-Fluid Sciences3
MAE 214Solid Mechanics3
MAE 253Experimental Aerodynamics I1
MAE 302Engineering Thermodynamics II3
MAE 305Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I1
MAE 306Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II1
MAE 308Fluid Mechanics3
MAE 310Heat Transfer Fundamentals3
MAE 315Fundamentals of Vibrations3
MAE 316Strength of Mechanical Components3
MAE 342Introduction to Automotive Engineering3
MAE 351Aerodynamics II3
MAE 352Experimental Aerodynamics II1
MAE 361Dynamics & Controls3
MAE 371Aerospace Structures I3
MAE 372Aerospace Vehicle Structures Lab1
MAE 403Air Conditioning3
MAE 405Controls Lab1
MAE 406Energy Conservation in Industry3
MAE 407Steam and Gas Turbines3
MAE 408Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals3
MAE 410Modern Manufacturing Processes3
MAE 412Design of Thermal System3
MAE 413Design of Mechanical Systems3
MAE 415Mechanical Engineering Design I3
MAE 416Mechanical Engineering Design II4
MAE 420Dynamic Analysis of Human Movement3
MAE 421Design of Solar Energy Systems3
MAE 426Fundamentals of Product Design3
MAE 430Applied Finite Element Analysis3
MAE 435Principles of Automatic Control3
MAE 440Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation3
MAE 451Experimental Aerodynamics III1
MAE 452Aerodynamics of V/STOL Vehicles3
MAE 455Boundary Layer Theory3
MAE 456Computational Methods in Aerodynamics3
MAE 457Flight Vehicle Stability and Control3
MAE 458Propulsion3
MAE 459Rocket Propulsion3
MAE 467Introduction to Space Flight3
MAE 472Aerospace Structures II3
MAE 480Aerospace Vehicle Design I3
MAE 481Aerospace Vehicle Design II3
MAE 482Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development I3
MAE 483Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development II3
MAE 484Engineering Entrepreneurship Senior Design Lab1
MAE 495Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1-3
MAE 496Undergraduate Project Work in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1-6
MAE 520Dynamic Analysis of Human Movement3
MAE 526Fundamentals of Product Design3
MEA 479Air Quality3
MSE 260Mathematical Methods for Materials Engineers3
MSE 300Structure of Materials at the Nanoscale3
MSE 301Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials3
MSE 320Introduction to Defects in Solids3
MSE 335Experimental Methods for Analysis of Material Properties2
MSE 355Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Materials3
MSE 360Kinetic Processes in Materials3
MSE 370Microstructure of Inorganic Materials3
MSE 380Microstructure of Organic Materials3
MSE 409Nuclear Materials3
MSE 420Mechanical Properties of Materials3
MSE 423Introduction to Materials Engineering Design1
MSE 440Processing of Metallic Materials3
MSE 445Ceramic Processing3
MSE 455Polymer Technology and Engineering3
MSE 456Composite Materials3
MSE 460Microelectronic Materials3
MSE 465Introduction to Nanomaterials3
MSE 470Materials Science and Engineering Senior Design Project3
MSE 480Materials Forensics and Degradation3
MSE 485Biomaterials3
MSE 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
MSE 490Special Topics in Materials Engineering1-4
MSE 495Materials Engineering Projects1-6
MSE 509Nuclear Materials3
MSE 540Processing of Metallic Materials3
MSE 545Ceramic Processing3
MSE 556Composite Materials3
MSE 565Introduction to Nanomaterials3
MSE 580Materials Forensics and Degradation3
MSE 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
NE 301Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering3
NE 400Nuclear Reactor Energy Conversion4
NE 401Reactor Analysis and Design3
NE 402Reactor Engineering4
NE 403Nuclear Reactor Laboratory2
NE 404Radiation Safety and Shielding3
NE 405Reactor Systems3
NE 406Nuclear Engineering Senior Design Preparation1
NE 408Nuclear Engineering Design Project3
NE 409Nuclear Materials3
NE 412Nuclear Fuel Cycles3
NE 418Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation3
NE 419Introduction to Nuclear Energy3
NE 431Nuclear Waste Management3
NE 490Health Physics and Radiological Emergency Response3
NE 491Special Topics in Nuclear Engineering1-4
NE 501Reactor Analysis and Design3
NE 509Nuclear Materials3
NE 531Nuclear Waste Management3
NE 590Health Physics and Radiological Emergency Response3
PB 488/588Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
PSE 322Wet End and Polymer Chemistry4
PSE 332Wood and Pulping Chemistry3
PSE 335Principles of Green Chemistry4
PSE 355Pulp and Paper Unit Processes I3
PSE 360Pulp and Paper Unit Processes II3
PSE 370Pulp and Paper Products and Markets3
PSE 371Pulping Process Analysis3
PSE 415Paper Industry Strategic Project Analysis3
PSE 416Process Design and Analysis3
PSE 417Modeling & Simulation of Pulp & Paper Processes3
PSE 425Bioenergy & Biomaterials Engineering3
PSE 465Process Engineering3
PSE 472Paper Process Analysis3
PSE 475Process Control in Pulp and Paper3
PSE 476Environmental Life Cycle Analysis3
PSE 493Independent Study in Paper Science & Engineering1-6
PSE 494Independent Study in Paper Science & Engineering1-6
PY 414/514Electromagnetism I3
PY 415/515Electromagnetism II3
PY 489/589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
SSC 440/540Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 473/573Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
ST 442Introduction to Data Science3
TE 301Engineering Textile Structures I: Linear Assemblies3
TE 302Textile Manufacturing Processes and Systems II4
TE 303Thermodynamics for Textile Engineers3
TE 401Textile Engineering Design I4
TE 402Textile Engineering Design II4
TE 404Textile Engineering Quality Improvement3
TE 424Textile Engineering Quality Improvement Laboratory1
TE 435Process Systems Analysis and Control3
TE 440Textile Information Systems Design4
TE 463Polymer Engineering3
TE 466Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
TE 467Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements3
TE 492Special Topics in Textile Engineering1-3
TE 540Textile Information Systems Design4
TE 566Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3

Communication Electives

COM 110Public Speaking3
COM 112Interpersonal Communication3
COM 201Introduction to Persuasion Theory3
COM 202Small Group Communication3
ENG 331Communication for Engineering and Technology3
ENG 333Communication for Science and Research3

Engineering Topics IV Electives

BAE 302Transport Phenomena3
BAE 322Introduction to Food Process Engineering3
BAE 371Fundamentals of Hydrology for Engineers3
BAE 401Sensors and Controls3
BAE 425Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing3
BAE 435Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 451Engineering Design I2
BAE 452Engineering Design II2
BAE 462Machinery Design and Applications3
BAE 472Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 473Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
BAE 474Principles and Applications of Ecological Engineering3
BAE 478Circular Approach to Manure Management3
BAE 481Structures & Environment3
BAE 488Postharvest Engineering3
BAE 492External Learning Experience1-6
BAE 493Special Problems in Biological and Agricultural Engineering1-6
BAE 495Special Topics in Biological and Agricultural Engineering1-3
BAE 501Sensors and Controls3
BAE 535Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 572Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 573Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
BAE 578Circular Approach to Manure Management3
BAET 432Agricultural and Environmental Safety and Health3
BEC 462Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
BEC 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BEC 483Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BEC 488Animal Cell Culture Engineering2
BEC 562Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
BEC 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 464Protein Purification2
BIT 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 564Protein Purification2
BME 375Biomedical Microcontroller Applications3
BME 385Bioinstrumentation3
BME 412Biomedical Signal Processing3
BME 418Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
BME 425Bioelectricity3
BME 444Orthopaedic Biomechanics3
BME 451BME Senior Design: Product Development3
BME 452BME Senior Design: Product Implementation and Strategy3
BME 462Biomaterials Characterization3
BME 466Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
BME 467Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements3
BME 481Quality Management Systems for Engineers3
BME 483Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BME 484Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering3
BME 490Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering1-4
BME 498Undergraduate Research in Biomedical Engineering3
BME 518Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
BME 525Bioelectricity3
BME 544Orthopaedic Biomechanics3
BME 566Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
BME 583Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BME 584Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering3
CE 365Construction Equipment and Methods3
CE 4003
CE 401Transportation Planning3
CE 402Traffic Operations3
CE 403Transportation System Design3
CE 405Railroad System Planning, Design, and Operation 3
CE 413Principles of Pavement Design3
CE 420Structural Engineering Project3
CE 4213
CE 425Advanced Structural Analysis3
CE 426Structural Steel Design3
CE 435Engineering Geology3
CE 437Civil Engineering Computing3
CE 4403
CE 443Seepage, Earth Embankments and Retaining Structures3
CE 444An Introduction to Foundation Engineering3
CE 450Civil Engineering Project3
CE 463Construction Estimating, Planning, and Control3
CE 464Legal Aspects of Contracting3
CE 466Building Construction Engineering3
CE 468Building Information Modeling in Construction1
CE 469Construction Engineering Project3
CE 476Air Pollution Control3
CE 477Principles of Solid Waste Engineering3
CE 478Energy and Climate3
CE 479Air Quality3
CE 4803
CE 481Environmental Engineering Project3
CE 484Water Supply and Waste Water Systems3
CE 487Introduction to Coastal and Ocean Engineering3
CE 488Water Resources Engineering3
CE 493Independent Study in Civil Engineering1-4
CE 497Current Topics in Civil Engineering1-4
CE 498Special Problems in Civil Engineering1-4
CE 499Undergraduate Research Thesis in Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering1-3
CE 501Transportation Planning3
CE 502Traffic Operations3
CE 503Transportation System Design3
CE 505Railroad System Planning, Design, and Operation 3
CE 525Advanced Structural Analysis3
CE 564Legal Aspects of Contracting3
CE 568Building Information Modeling in Construction1
CE 578Energy and Climate3
CE 588Water Resources Engineering3
CHE 435Process Systems Analysis and Control3
CHE 446Design and Analysis of Chemical Reactors3
CHE 447Bioreactor Engineering3
CHE 450Chemical Engineering Design I3
CHE 451Chemical Engineering Design II3
CHE 460Chemical Processing of Electronic Materials3
CHE 461Polymer Sciences and Technology3
CHE 462Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
CHE 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
CHE 465Colloidal and Nanoscale Engineering3
CHE 467Polymer Rheology3
CHE 468Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
CHE 475Advances in Pollution Prevention: Environmental Management for the Future3
CHE 488Animal Cell Culture Engineering2
CHE 495Honors Thesis Preparation1
CHE 497Chemical Engineering Projects I3
CHE 498Chemical Engineering Projects II1-3
CHE 562Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology3
CHE 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
CHE 568Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
CHE 575Advances in Pollution Prevention: Environmental Management for the Future3
CSC 401Data and Computer Communications Networks3
CSC 402Networking Projects3
CSC 405Computer Security3
CSC 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 411Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 412Compiler Construction3
CSC 414Foundations of Cryptography3
CSC 415Software Security3
CSC 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
CSC 417Theory of Programming Languages3
CSC 422Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
CSC 431File Organization and Processing3
CSC 433Privacy in the Digital Age3
CSC 440Database Management Systems3
CSC 442Introduction to Data Science3
CSC 450Web Services3
CSC 453Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Systems3
CSC 454Human-Computer Interaction3
CSC 455Social Computing and Decentralized Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 456Computer Architecture and Multiprocessors3
CSC 461Computer Graphics3
CSC 462Advanced Computer Graphics Projects3
CSC 467Multimedia Technology3
CSC 472Cybersecurity Projects3
CSC 474Network Security3
CSC 481Game Engine Foundations3
CSC 482Advanced Computer Game Projects3
CSC 484Building Game AI3
CSC 492Senior Design Project3
CSC 495Special Topics in Computer Science1-6
CSC 499Independent Research in Computer Science1-6
CSC 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 512Compiler Construction3
CSC 514Foundations of Cryptography3
CSC 522Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 584Building Game AI3
E 101Introduction to Engineering & Problem Solving1
E 480Namibia Wildlife Aerial Observatory 6
E 490Fundamentals of Engineering(FE) Exam Preparation1
E 497Engineering Research Projects1-3
ECE 308Elements of Control Systems3
ECE 310Design of Complex Digital Systems3
ECE 402Communications Engineering3
ECE 403Electronics Engineering3
ECE 404Introduction to Solid-State Devices3
ECE 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 407Introduction to Computer Networking3
ECE 421Introduction to Signal Processing3
ECE 422Transmission Lines and Antennas for Wireless3
ECE 423Introduction to Photonics and Optical Communications3
ECE 424Radio System Design3
ECE 426Analog Electronics Laboratory3
ECE 434Fundamentals of Power Electronics3
ECE 436Digital Control Systems3
ECE 442Introduction to Integrated Circuit Technology and Fabrication3
ECE 451Power System Analysis3
ECE 452Renewable Electric Energy Systems3
ECE 453Electric Motor Drives3
ECE 455Industrial Robot Systems3
ECE 456Mechatronics3
ECE 460Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 461Embedded System Analysis and Optimization3
ECE 463Microprocessor Architecture3
ECE 464ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog3
ECE 466Compiler Optimization and Scheduling3
ECE 468Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
ECE 470Internetworking3
ECE 482Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development I3
ECE 483Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development II3
ECE 484Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design I3
ECE 485Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design II3
ECE 488Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
ECE 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
ECE 492Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering1-4
ECE 495Individual Study in ECE1-3
ECE 498Special Projects in ECE1-3
ECE 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 518Wearable Biosensors and Microsystems3
ECE 524Radio System Design3
ECE 552Renewable Electric Energy Systems3
ECE 556Mechatronics3
ECE 560Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 561Embedded System Analysis and Optimization3
ECE 563Microprocessor Architecture3
ECE 564ASIC and FPGA Design with Verilog3
ECE 566Compiler Optimization and Scheduling3
ECE 568Conventional and Emerging Nanomanufacturing Techniques and Their Applications in Nanosystems3
ECE 588Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
ECE 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
FB 576Environmental Life Cycle Analysis3
ISE 362Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 408Design and Control of Production and Service Systems3
ISE 411Decision Making and Game Theory for Supply Chains3
ISE 413Humanitarian Logistics 3
ISE 416Manufacturing Engineering II - Automation3
ISE 417Database Applications in Industrial & Systems Engineering3
ISE 435Python Programming for Industrial & Systems Engineers3
ISE 437Data Analytics for Industrial Engineering3
ISE 441Introduction to Simulation3
ISE 443Quality Design and Control3
ISE 447Applications of Data Science in Healthcare 3
ISE 452Advanced Human-Machine Systems Design3
ISE 453Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chains3
ISE 462Advanced Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 489Special Topics in Industrial and Systems Engineering 1-3
ISE 495Project Work in Industrial Engineering1-3
ISE 498Senior Design Project3
ISE 511Decision Making and Game Theory for Supply Chains3
ISE 513Humanitarian Logistics 3
ISE 535Python Programming for Industrial & Systems Engineers3
ISE 547Applications of Data Science in Healthcare 3
MA 414Foundations of Cryptography3
MA 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
MA 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
MA 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
MA 514Foundations of Cryptography3
MAE 342Introduction to Automotive Engineering3
MAE 361Dynamics & Controls3
MAE 372Aerospace Vehicle Structures Lab1
MAE 403Air Conditioning3
MAE 405Controls Lab1
MAE 406Energy Conservation in Industry3
MAE 407Steam and Gas Turbines3
MAE 408Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals3
MAE 410Modern Manufacturing Processes3
MAE 412Design of Thermal System3
MAE 413Design of Mechanical Systems3
MAE 415Mechanical Engineering Design I3
MAE 416Mechanical Engineering Design II4
MAE 420Dynamic Analysis of Human Movement3
MAE 421Design of Solar Energy Systems3
MAE 426Fundamentals of Product Design3
MAE 430Applied Finite Element Analysis3
MAE 435Principles of Automatic Control3
MAE 440Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation3
MAE 451Experimental Aerodynamics III1
MAE 452Aerodynamics of V/STOL Vehicles3
MAE 455Boundary Layer Theory3
MAE 456Computational Methods in Aerodynamics3
MAE 457Flight Vehicle Stability and Control3
MAE 458Propulsion3
MAE 459Rocket Propulsion3
MAE 467Introduction to Space Flight3
MAE 472Aerospace Structures II3
MAE 480Aerospace Vehicle Design I3
MAE 481Aerospace Vehicle Design II3
MAE 482Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development I3
MAE 483Engineering Entrepreneurship and New Product Development II3
MAE 484Engineering Entrepreneurship Senior Design Lab1
MAE 495Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1-3
MAE 496Undergraduate Project Work in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1-6
MAE 520Dynamic Analysis of Human Movement3
MAE 526Fundamentals of Product Design3
MEA 479Air Quality3
MSE 409Nuclear Materials3
MSE 420Mechanical Properties of Materials3
MSE 423Introduction to Materials Engineering Design1
MSE 440Processing of Metallic Materials3
MSE 445Ceramic Processing3
MSE 455Polymer Technology and Engineering3
MSE 456Composite Materials3
MSE 460Microelectronic Materials3
MSE 465Introduction to Nanomaterials3
MSE 470Materials Science and Engineering Senior Design Project3
MSE 480Materials Forensics and Degradation3
MSE 485Biomaterials3
MSE 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
MSE 490Special Topics in Materials Engineering1-4
MSE 509Nuclear Materials3
MSE 540Processing of Metallic Materials3
MSE 545Ceramic Processing3
MSE 556Composite Materials3
MSE 565Introduction to Nanomaterials3
MSE 580Materials Forensics and Degradation3
MSE 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
NE 400Nuclear Reactor Energy Conversion4
NE 401Reactor Analysis and Design3
NE 402Reactor Engineering4
NE 403Nuclear Reactor Laboratory2
NE 404Radiation Safety and Shielding3
NE 405Reactor Systems3
NE 406Nuclear Engineering Senior Design Preparation1
NE 408Nuclear Engineering Design Project3
NE 409Nuclear Materials3
NE 412Nuclear Fuel Cycles3
NE 418Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation3
NE 419Introduction to Nuclear Energy3
NE 431Nuclear Waste Management3
NE 490Health Physics and Radiological Emergency Response3
NE 491Special Topics in Nuclear Engineering1-4
NE 501Reactor Analysis and Design3
NE 509Nuclear Materials3
NE 531Nuclear Waste Management3
NE 590Health Physics and Radiological Emergency Response3
PB 488/588Systems Biology Modeling of Plant Regulation3
PSE 415Paper Industry Strategic Project Analysis3
PSE 416Process Design and Analysis3
PSE 417Modeling & Simulation of Pulp & Paper Processes3
PSE 425Bioenergy & Biomaterials Engineering3
PSE 465Process Engineering3
PSE 472Paper Process Analysis3
PSE 475Process Control in Pulp and Paper3
PSE 476Environmental Life Cycle Analysis3
PSE 493Independent Study in Paper Science & Engineering1-6
PSE 494Independent Study in Paper Science & Engineering1-6
PY 414Electromagnetism I3
PY 415Electromagnetism II3
PY 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
PY 514Electromagnetism I3
PY 515Electromagnetism II3
PY 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
SSC 440/540Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 473/573Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
ST 442Introduction to Data Science3
TE 401Textile Engineering Design I4
TE 402Textile Engineering Design II4
TE 404Textile Engineering Quality Improvement3
TE 424Textile Engineering Quality Improvement Laboratory1
TE 435Process Systems Analysis and Control3
TE 440/540Textile Information Systems Design4
TE 463Polymer Engineering3
TE 466/566Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
TE 467Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements3
TE 492Special Topics in Textile Engineering1-3

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
CH 101 Chemistry - A Molecular Science 1 3
CH 102 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 1
E 101 Introduction to Engineering & Problem Solving 2 1
E 115 Introduction to Computing Environments 2 1
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 2 4
MA 141 Calculus I 1 4
Spring Semester
Select one of the following Economics courses: 3
Fundamentals of Economics
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics
MA 241 Calculus II 1 4
PY 205 Physics for Engineers and Scientists I 1 3
PY 206 Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory 1
Engineering Topics Elective 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Second Year
Fall Semester
MA 242 Calculus III 4
PY 208 Physics for Engineers and Scientists II 3
PY 209 Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory 1
Engineering Topics II Elective 3
Engineering Elective 200-Level 3
GEP Requirement 3
Spring Semester
Select one of the following Math Electives: 3
Linear Analysis
Applied Differential Equations I
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Basic Science Elective 4
Engineering Topics II Elective 3
Engineering Elective 200-Level 3
GEP Requirement 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Third Year
Fall Semester
Engineering Topics III Elective 3
Engineering Elective 300- or 400-Level 3
Engineering Elective 300- or 400-Level 3
Engineering Elective 300- or 400-Level 3
GEP Requirement 3
Spring Semester
Communication Elective 3
Engineering Topics III Elective 3
Engineering Elective 300- or 400-Level 3
Engineering Elective 300- or 400-Level 3
GEP Requirement 2-3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
Engineering Elective 300 or 400 Level 3
Engineering Elective 400-Level 3
BSE Topic Elective 3
BSE Topic Elective 3
GEP Requirement 3
Spring Semester
Engineering Topics IV Elective 3
Engineering Elective 400-Level 3
BSE Topic Elective 3
BSE Topic Elective 3
GEP Requirement 3
 Total Hours122-123

A grade of C or higher is required.


A grade of C- or higher is required.

Career Opportunities

Career Titles

  • Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineer
  • Aerospace Engineering Technician
  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Airport Engineer
  • Automotive Engineer
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Ceramic Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Civil Engineering Technician
  • Clinical Data Managers
  • Computer Network Architects
  • Computer Systems Engineer
  • Cost Analysis Engineer
  • Cost Estimator
  • Electronics Engineer
  • Energy Engineer
  • Engineering Professor
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Factory Layout Engineer
  • Fire Prevention Engineer
  • Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Industrial Engineering Technician
  • Industrial Safety and Health Engineer
  • Irrigation Engineer
  • Logistics Engineers
  • Marine Engineer
  • Marine Surveyor
  • Materials Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineering Technician
  • Meteorologist
  • Mining Engineer
  • Model Maker
  • Natural Sciences Managers
  • Nuclear Engineer
  • Nuclear Fuels Research Engineer
  • Operating Engineer
  • Petroleum Engineer
  • Photogrammetrist
  • Physicist
  • Product Safety Engineer
  • Quality Control Managers
  • Radiation Protection Engineer
  • Sanitary Engineer
  • Ship Engineers
  • Software Developers - Applications
  • Soil Engineer
  • Solar Energy Systems Designer
  • Solar Energy Systems Engineers
  • Sound Engineering Technicians
  • Structural Engineer
  • Surveying Technicians
  • Surveyor
  • Sustainability Specialists
  • Tool and Machine Designer
  • Transportation Engineer
  • Urban and Regional Planner
  • Wind Energy Engineer

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.