University Catalog 2024-2025

English (BA): Teacher Education Concentration

Core Curriculum

The undergraduate major in English is built around an 18-hour core that includes one course from each of the following six categories: American Literature, British Literature, World Literature, Film, Linguistics, and Rhetoric.

Students in the Teacher Education program (TED) take 31 hours of professional coursework in addition to the 18-hour core curriculum in English and the 21-hour TED concentration. The concentration includes five literature courses and two English electives. Formal applications are required for admission to Teacher Education candidacy and for admission to the Professional Semester. Students who complete the program's academic and licensure requirements are eligible to apply for certification to teach English in secondary schools in North Carolina.

For more information, including program contact information, visit the Department of English website.

Plan Requirements

English Core
American Literature 13
British Literature 13
World Literature 13
Film 13
ENG 328Language and Writing 13
ENG 455Literacy in the U.S. 13
Teacher Education Concentration
Select one of the following:3
Reading Literature and Exploring Textuality
Critical Approaches to Literature
ENG 400Applied Criticism 13
Author / Genre 13
Literature Elective 13
Choose a course from other literature elective lists or from the list below
English Electives 19
Education Requirements
ECI 204
ED 204
Intro to Teaching
and Introduction to Teaching in Today's Schools
ED 311Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices 22
ED 312Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices Professional Learning Lab 21
ECI 307Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum 23
ELP 344School and Society 23
EDP 304Educational Psychology 23
ECI 450Methods and Materials in Teaching English 24
ECI 454Student Teaching in English/Language Arts 212
Humanities & Social Sciences
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 14
History I3
History II3
Foreign Language 200 Level3
Any PHI course on the approved GEP Humanities list.3
Social Science (3 Different)9
General Education Program (GEP) Courses
GEP Mathematical Sciences6
GEP Natural Sciences7
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Elective3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives5
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
World Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Free Electives
Free Electives (12 Hr S/U Lmt) 32
Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.


A grade of C or higher is required.


Students should consult their academic advisors to determine which courses fill this requirement.


Major Residency Requirements Minimum of fifteen (15) credit hours of English courses must be completed at NC State.

Major Grade Point Average (MGPA) Requirements Courses meeting departmental requirements must receive a grade of C- or better. A minimum MGPA and overall, cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required for students to be eligible for teacher licensure.

Author / Genre

ENG 392Major World Author3
ENG 420Major American Authors3
ENG 451Chaucer3
ENG 460Major British Author3
ENG 485Shakespeare: Revisions and Resources3
ENG 486Shakespeare, The Earlier Plays3
ENG 487Shakespeare, The Later Plays3
ENG 558Studies In Shakespeare3
ENG 561Milton3
FL 392Major World Author3
ENG 362Studies in the British Novel 3
ENG 369The American Novel of the 19th Century3
ENG 370American Fiction, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 372American Poetry, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 376Science Fiction3
ENG 377Fantasy3
ENG 380Modern Drama3
ENG 391Special Topics in Modern Drama3
ENG 393Studies in Literary Genre3
ENG 410Studies in Gender and Genre3
ENG 57020TH-Century British Prose3
ENG 57120TH-Century British Poetry3
ENG 572Modern British Drama3
ENG 573Modern American Drama3
ENG 57620TH-Century American Poetry3
ENG 578English Drama To 16423
ENG 579Restoration and 18th-Century Drama3
FL 393Studies in Literary Genre3
FLG 325German Lyric Poetry3
FLN 302Modern Hindi & Urdu Poetry3
WGS 410Studies in Gender and Genre3

Literature Elective

Choose a course from the Literature Elective List or one of the Literature lists below
Literature Elective
CLA 210Classical Mythology3
CLA 320Masterpieces of Classical Literature3
ENG 308Contemporary Issues in Ecofeminism3
ENG 339Literature and Technology3
ENG 340Literature, Art, and Society3
ENG 341Literature and Science3
ENG 342Literature of Space and Place3
ENG 377Fantasy3
ENG 391Special Topics in Modern Drama3
ENG 410Studies in Gender and Genre3
HON 202Inquiry, Discovery, and Literature3
WGS 308Contemporary Issues in Ecofeminism3
WGS 410Studies in Gender and Genre3
American Literature
British Literature
World Literature

Foreign Language 200 Level

WLAR 201Intermediate Arabic I3
WLCH 201Intermediate Chinese I3
WLFR 201Intermediate French I3
WLGR 201Intermediate Greek I3
WLHU 201Intermediate Hindi-Urdu I3
WLIT 201Intermediate Italian I3
WLJA 201Intermediate Japanese I3
WLLA 201Intermediate Latin I3
WLPE 201Intermediate Persian I3
WLPO 201Intermediate Portuguese I3
WLRU 201Intermediate Russian I3
WLSP 201Intermediate Spanish I3
WLSP 212Spanish: Language, Technology, Culture3

English Electives

AFS/ENG 248Survey of African-American Literature3
AFS/ENG 349African Literature in English3
AFS/ENG 375African American Cinema3
AFS/ENG 448African-American Literature3
ENG 249Native American Literature3
CLA 210Classical Mythology3
CLA 320Masterpieces of Classical Literature3
COM/ENG 321Survey of Rhetorical Theory3
COM/ENG 364History of Film to 19403
COM/ENG 374History of Film From 19403
COM/ENG 395Studies in Rhetoric and Digital Media3
COM/ENG 411Rhetorical Criticism3
ENG 252Major American Writers3
ENG 255Beyond Britain: Literature from Colonies of the British Empire3
ENG 260Reading Literature and Exploring Textuality3
ENG 261English Literature I3
ENG 262English Literature II3
ENG 265American Literature I3
ENG 266American Literature II3
ENG 267LGBTQI Literature in the U.S.3
ENG/FL 275Literature and War3
ENG 281Introduction to Creative Nonfiction3
ENG 282Introduction to Film3
ENG 287Explorations in Creative Writing3
ENG 289Poetry Writing3
ENG 292Writing About Film3
ENG 298Special Projects in English3
ENG 300Critical Approaches to Literature3
ENG/WGS 305Women and Literature3
ENG 308/WGS 305Contemporary Issues in Ecofeminism3
ENG 314Technical Document Design and Editing3
ENG 315Phonetics3
ENG 316Introduction to News and Article Writing3
ENG 317Designing Networked Communications3
ENG 321Survey of Rhetorical Theory3
ENG 323Writing in Rhetorical Traditions3
ENG 324Modern English Syntax3
ENG 325Spoken and Written Traditions of American English Dialects3
ENG 326History of the English Language3
ENG/WGS 327Language and Gender3
ENG 328Language and Writing3
ENG 329Language in Globalization 3
ENG 330Screenwriting3
ENG 335Language Development3
ENG 338Speech Science3
ENG 339Literature and Technology3
ENG 340Literature, Art, and Society3
ENG 341Literature and Science3
ENG 342Literature of Space and Place3
ENG 350Professional Internships3
ENG 359Topics in Film Studies3
ENG 361Studies in British Poetry3
ENG 362Studies in the British Novel 3
ENG 364History of Film to 19403
ENG 369The American Novel of the 19th Century3
ENG 370American Fiction, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 372American Poetry, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 374History of Film From 19403
ENG 376Science Fiction3
ENG 377Fantasy3
ENG 378Women & Film3
ENG 380Modern Drama3
ENG 381Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop3
ENG 382Film and Literature3
ENG 384Introduction to Film Theory3
ENG 385Biblical Backgrounds of English Literature3
ENG 388Intermediate Fiction Writing Workshop3
ENG 389Intermediate Poetry Writing Workshop3
ENG 390Classical Backgrounds of English Literature3
ENG 391Special Topics in Modern Drama3
ENG/FL 392Major World Author3
ENG/FL 393Studies in Literary Genre3
ENG/FL 394Studies in World Literature3
ENG 395Studies in Rhetoric and Digital Media3
ENG 399Contemporary Literature 3
ENG 400Applied Criticism3
ENG 402Literature for Adolescents3
ENG/FL 406Modernism3
ENG/FL 407Postmodernism3
ENG/WGS 410Studies in Gender and Genre3
ENG 411Rhetorical Criticism3
ENG 416Advanced News and Article Writing3
ENG 417Editorial and Opinion Writing3
ENG 420Major American Authors3
ENG 421Computer Documentation Design3
ENG 422Writing Theory and the Writing Process3
ENG 425Analysis of Scientific and Technical Writing3
ENG 426Analyzing Style3
ENG 430Advanced Screenwriting3
ENG 439Studies in English Renaissance Literature 3
ENG 451Chaucer3
ENG 452Medieval British Literature3
ENG 453Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature3
ENG 455Literacy in the U.S.3
ENG 460Major British Author3
ENG 46218th-Century English Literature3
ENG 463The Victorian Period3
ENG 464British Literature and the Founding of Empire 3
ENG 465British Literature and the Dissolution of Empire3
ENG 466Transatlantic Literatures3
ENG 467American Colonial Literature3
ENG 468Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Literature3
ENG 470American Literature, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 476Southern Literature3
ENG 480Modern Drama3
ENG 481History of the Book3
ENG 482Reading in the Digital Age3
ENG 483Literature and Media3
ENG 485Shakespeare: Revisions and Resources3
ENG 486Shakespeare, The Earlier Plays3
ENG 487Shakespeare, The Later Plays3
ENG 488Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop3
ENG 489Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop3
ENG 490Studies in Medieval Literature3
ENG 491Honors in English3
ENG 492Special Topics in Film Styles and Genres3
ENG 494Special Topics in Linguistics3
ENG 495Studies in Literature3
ENG 496Seminar in Literary Criticism3
ENG 498Special Topics in English3
ENG 499Special Topics in Creative Writing3

American Literature

AFS/ENG 248Survey of African-American Literature3
AFS/ENG 448/AFS 548/ENG 548African-American Literature3
ENG 249Native American Literature3
ENG 252Major American Writers3
ENG 265American Literature I3
ENG 266American Literature II3
ENG 267LGBTQI Literature in the U.S.3
ENG/WGS 305Women and Literature3
ENG 369The American Novel of the 19th Century3
ENG 370American Fiction, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 372American Poetry, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 376Science Fiction3
ENG 399Contemporary Literature3
ENG/ECI 405Literature for Adolescents3
ENG 420Major American Authors3
ENG 466Transatlantic Literatures3
ENG 467American Colonial Literature3
ENG 468Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Literature3
ENG 470American Literature, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 476Southern Literature3

British Literature

ENG 251Major British Writers3
ENG 255Beyond Britain: Literature from Colonies of the British Empire3
ENG 261English Literature I3
ENG 262English Literature II3
ENG 361Studies in British Poetry3
ENG 362Studies in the British Novel3
ENG 385Biblical Backgrounds of English Literature3
ENG 390Classical Backgrounds of English Literature3
ENG 439Studies in English Renaissance Literature3
ENG 451Chaucer3
ENG 452Medieval British Literature3
ENG 453Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature3
ENG 460Major British Author3
ENG 46218th-Century English Literature3
ENG 463The Victorian Period3
ENG 464British Literature and the Founding of Empire3
ENG 465British Literature and the Dissolution of Empire3
ENG 485Shakespeare: Revisions and Resources3
ENG 486Shakespeare, The Earlier Plays3
ENG 487Shakespeare, The Later Plays3
ENG 490Studies in Medieval Literature3

World Literature

AFS/ENG 349African Literature in English3
CLA 2103
CLA 3203
ENG/FL 219Studies in Great Works of Non-Western Literature3
ENG/FL 220Studies in Great Works of Western Literature3
ENG/FL 221Literature of the Western World I3
ENG/FL 222Literature of the Western World II3
ENG/FL 223Contemporary World Literature I3
ENG/FL 224Contemporary World Literature II3
ENG/FL 246Literature of the Holocaust3
ENG/FL 275Literature and War3
ENG 349African Literature in English3
ENG/FL 392Major World Author3
ENG/FL 393Studies in Literary Genre3
ENG/FL 394Studies in World Literature3
ENG/FL 406Modernism3
ENG/FL 407Postmodernism3
ENG 466Transatlantic Literatures3
FLF 3013
FLF 3023
FLF 4253
FLF 5253
FLG 3203
FLG 3233
FLG 3253
FLJ 3423
FLJ 3443
FLJ 3453
FLN 3013
FLN 3023
FLN 4013
FLR 3033
FLR 3043
FLS 3413
FLS 3423
FLS 3433
FLS 3513
FLS 3523
FLS 3533


AFS/ENG 375African American Cinema3
COM/ENG 364History of Film to 19403
COM/ENG 374History of Film From 19403
ENG 282Introduction to Film3
ENG 292Writing About Film3
ENG 330Screenwriting3
ENG 359Topics in Film Studies3
ENG 378Women & Film3
ENG 382Film and Literature3
ENG 384Introduction to Film Theory3
ENG 430Advanced Screenwriting3
ENG 492Special Topics in Film and Media Studies3
IDS 496Topics in Film and Interdisciplinary Studies3

History I

A 200-level survey course covering a culture significantly different from our own, i.e., ancient or non-Western.
AFS/HI 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3
AFS/HI 276Introduction to History of West Africa3
HI 207Ancient Mediterranean World3
HI 214History and Archaeology of Ancient Latin America3
HI 215Colonial Latin America3
HI 216Modern Latin America3
HI 217Caribbean History3
HI 232The World from 1200 to 17503
HI 233The World Since 17503
HI 263Asian Civilizations to 18003
HI 264Modern Asia: 1800 to Present3
HI 270Modern Middle East3

History II

A 200-level survey course covering our own or a similar culture, i.e., United States or other Western Culture.
HI 205Western Civilization Since 14003
HI 208The Middle Ages3
HI 209From Renaissance to Revolution: The Origins of Modern Europe3
HI 210Modern Europe 1815-Present3
HI 221British History to 16883
HI 222History of British Cultures and Societies From 16883
HI 251American History I3
HI 252American History II3
HI 253Early American History3
HI 254Modern American History3

Social Science

Twelve (12) credit hours required from three different disciplines, six (6) must be on GEP Social Sciences list.
ANT 251Physical Anthropology3
ANT 252Cultural Anthropology3
ANT 253Unearthing the Past: Introduction to World Archaeology3
ANT 254Language and Culture3
ANT 261Technology in Society and Culture3
ANT 295Special Topics in Anthropology1-3
ANT 310Native Peoples and Cultures of North America3
ANT 315The Aztecs, Maya, and Their Predecessors: Archaeology of Mesoamerica3
ANT 325Andean South America3
ANT 330People and Cultures of Africa3
ANT 345Anthropology of the Middle East3
ANT 346Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia3
ANT 351Contemporary Culture in Japan3
ANT 354Peoples and Cultures of the Pacific3
ANT 370Introduction to Forensic Anthropology3
ANT 371Human Variation3
ANT 374Disease and Society3
ANT 389Fundamentals of Archaeological Research3
ANT 395Special Topics in Anthropology1-3
ANT 411Overview of Anthropological Theory3
ANT 412Applied Anthropology3
ANT 416Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology3
ANT 419Ethnographic Field Methods3
ANT 421Human Osteology3
ANT 424Bioarchaeology3
ANT 427Bioarchaeological Fieldwork3
ANT 428Human Paleopathology3
ANT 431Tourism, Culture and Anthropology3
ANT 433Anthropology of Ecotourism and Heritage Conservation3
ANT 444Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women3
ANT 450Culture, Ecology, and Sustainable Living3
ANT 460Urban Anthropology3
ANT 461Wealth, Poverty and International Aid3
ANT 464Anthropology of Religion3
ANT 471Understanding Latino Migration 3
ANT 475Environmental Archaeology3
ANT 483Theories of Archaeological Research3
ANT 495Special Topics in Anthropology3
ANT 496Anthropology Internship6
ANT 498Independent Study in Anthropology1-6
ANT 501Proseminar: Introduction to Graduate Studies in Anthropology3
ANT 511Overview of Anthropological Theory3
ANT 512Applied Anthropology3
ANT 516Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology3
ANT 521Human Osteology3
ANT 524Bioarchaeology3
ANT 528Human Paleopathology3
ANT 529Advanced Methods in Forensic Anthropology4
ANT 531Tourism, Culture and Anthropology3
ANT 533Anthropology of Ecotourism and Heritage Conservation3
ANT 544Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women3
ANT 550Culture, Ecology, and Sustainable Living3
ANT 560Urban Anthropology3
ANT 561Wealth, Poverty and International Aid3
ANT 564Anthropology of Religion3
ANT 571Understanding Latino Migration 3
ANT 575Environmental Archaeology3
ANT 583Theories of Archaeological Research3
ANT 585Skeletal Biology in Anthropology3
ANT 595Special Topics in Anthropology1-6
ANT 598Independent Study in ANT1-3
FLJ 351Contemporary Culture in Japan3
HI 587Cultural Resource Management3
IS 471Understanding Latino Migration 3
IS 571Understanding Latino Migration 3
SOC 261Technology in Society and Culture3
WGS 444Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women3
WGS 544Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women3
Agricultural Economics
ARE 121Agricultural Finance3
ARE 201Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics3
ARE 201AIntroduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics3
ARE 215Small Business Accounting3
ARE 260Marketing and Risk Management in the Pork Industry1
ARE 270Principles of Agribusiness Entrepreneurship3
ARE 290Professional Development in Agricultural Business Management3
ARE 295Special Topics in Agricultural & Resource Economics (200 Level)1-6
ARE 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
ARE 303Farm Management3
ARE 304Agribusiness Management3
ARE 306Agricultural Law3
ARE 309Environmental Law & Economic Policy3
ARE 311Agricultural Markets3
ARE 312Agribusiness Marketing3
ARE 321Agricultural Financial Management3
ARE 323Agribusiness Finance3
ARE 332Human Resource Management for Agribusiness3
ARE 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
ARE 345Global Agribusiness Management3
ARE 370Agribusiness New Venture Development3
ARE 395Special Topics in Agricultural and Resource Economics (300 level)1-6
ARE 404Advanced Agribusiness Management3
ARE 412Advanced Agribusiness Marketing3
ARE 413Applied Agribusiness Marketing3
ARE 415Introduction to Commodity Futures Markets3
ARE 420Taxation in Agriculture, Production, and Agribusiness3
ARE 425Contracts and Organizations in Agriculture3
ARE 433U.S. Agricultural Policy3
ARE 444Ethics in Agribusiness3
ARE 448International Agricultural Trade3
ARE 455Agribusiness Analytics3
ARE 470Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Clinical Skills Development3
ARE 475Food Policy3
ARE 490Career Seminar in Agriculture & Resource Economics1
ARE 492External Learning Experience1-6
ARE 493Special Problems/Research Exploration1-6
ARE 494Agribusiness Study Abroad1-6
ARE 495Special Topics in Agricultural and Resource Economics1-6
ARE 590Special Topics in ARE1-99
EC 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
EC 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
ARE 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
ARE 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
EC 201Principles of Microeconomics3
EC 202Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 205Fundamentals of Economics3
EC 302Intermediate Macroeconomics3
EC 305A Closer Look at Capitalism3
EC 348Introduction to International Economics3
EC 351Econometrics I3
EC 404Money, Financial Markets, and the Economy3
EC 410Public Finance3
EC 413Industrial Organization3
EC 431Labor Economics3
EC 449International Finance3
EC 451Econometrics II3
EC 468Game Theory3
EC 474Economics of Financial Institutions and Markets3
EC 490Research Seminar in Economics3
EC 495Special Topics in Economics1-6
EC 498Independent Study in Economics1-6
Political Science
AFS 409Black Political Participation in America3
LPS 315Public Leadership3
PS 101Internet Research1
PS 102Data Analysis1
PS 103Designing Political Web Pages1
PS 201American Politics and Government3
PS 202State and Local Government3
PS 203Introduction to Nonprofits3
PS 204Problems of American Democracy3
PS 231Introduction to International Relations3
PS 236Issues in Global Politics3
PS 241Introduction to Comparative Politics3
PS 298Special Topics in Political Science1-6
PS 301The Presidency and Congress3
PS 302Campaigns and Elections in the US Political System3
PS 303Race in U.S. Politics3
PS 305The Justice System in the American Political Process3
PS 306Gender and Politics in the United States3
PS 307Introduction to Criminal Law in the United States3
PS 308Supreme Court and Public Policy3
PS 309Equality and Justice in United States Law3
PS 310Public Policy3
PS 312Introduction to Public Administration3
PS 313Criminal Justice Policy3
PS 314Science, Technology and Public Policy3
PS 320U.S. Environmental Law and Politics3
PS 331U.S. Foreign Policy3
PS 335International Law3
PS 336Global Environmental Politics3
PS 339Politics of the World Economy3
PS 341European Politics3
PS 342Politics of China and Japan3
PS 343Government and Politics in South Asia3
PS 345Governments and Politics in the Middle East3
PS 353Issues in Latin American and Caribbean Politics3
PS 361Introduction to Political Theory3
PS 362American Political Thought3
PS 371Research Methodology of Political Science3
PS 391Internship in Political Science1-6
PS 398Special Topics in Political Science3
PS 401American Political Parties3
PS 409Black Political Participation in America3
PS 411Public Opinion and the Media in American Politics3
PS 415Administration of Justice3
PS 418Gender Law and Policies3
PS 431The United Nations and Global Order3
PS 432Violence, Terrorism, and Public Policy3
PS 433Global Problems and Policies3
PS 437U.S. National Security Policy3
PS 443Seminar in Latin American & Caribbean Politics3
PS 445Comparative Systems of Law and Justice3
PS 462Seminar in Political Theory3
PS 463Public Choice and Political Institutions3
PS 464The Classical Liberal Tradition3
PS 471Public Opinion Research Methodology3
PS 490Readings and Research in Political Science1-6
PS 492Honors Readings and Thesis in Political Science1-6
PS 498Special Topics in Political Science1-6
PS 502The Legislative Process3
PS 506United States Constitutional Law3
PS 507Civil Liberties In the United States3
PS 530Seminar In International Relations3
PS 531International Law3
PS 532Seminar in Global Governance3
PS 533Global Problems and Policy3
PS 534The Politics of Human Rights Policies3
PS 536Global Environmental Law and Policy3
PS 539International Political Economy3
PS 540Seminar In Comparative Politics3
PS 541Political Islam3
PS 542European Politics3
PS 543Seminar in Latin American & Caribbean Politics3
PS 544Contemporary African Politics 3
PS 545Comparative Systems of Law and Justice3
PS 546The Politics of East Asia3
PS 547Russian Politics3
PS 560Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy & Process3
PS 561Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation3
PS 571Research Methods and Analysis3
PS 585Constitutional and Legal Principles for Police Supervisors3
PS 590Special Topics1-6
PS 598Special Topics In Political Science1-6
SOC 413Criminal Justice Field Work4
SOC 432Violence, Terrorism, and Public Policy3
WGS 306Gender and Politics in the United States3
WGS 418Gender Law and Policies3
AFS 345Psychology and the African American Experience3
EDP 304Educational Psychology3
EDP 476Psychology of Adolescent Development3
EDP 582Adolescent Development3
ISE 540Human Factors In Systems Design3
PHI 425Introduction to Cognitive Science3
PHI 525Introduction To Cognitive Science3
PSY 200Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 208Psychobiology of Success3
PSY 230Introduction to Psychological Research3
PSY 240Introduction to Behavioral Research I3
PSY 241Introduction to Behavioral Research I Lab1
PSY 242Introduction to Behavioral Research II3
PSY 243Introduction to Behavioral Research II Lab2
PSY 307Industrial and Organizational Psychology3
PSY 311Social Psychology3
PSY 312Applied Psychology3
PSY 313Positive Psychology3
PSY 340Human Factors Psychology3
PSY 345Psychology and the African American Experience3
PSY 360Community Psychology Principles and Practice3
PSY 370Personality3
PSY 376Developmental Psychology3
PSY 400Perception3
PSY 406Psychology of Gender3
PSY 410Learning and Motivation3
PSY 411The Psychology of Interdependence and Race3
PSY 416Psychology of Emotion3
PSY 420Cognitive Processes3
PSY 425Introduction to Cognitive Science3
PSY 430Biological Psychology3
PSY 431Health Psychology3
PSY 436Introduction to Psychological Measurement3
PSY 465Advanced Methods in Psychology3
PSY 470Psychopathology3
PSY 475Child Psychology3
PSY 476Psychology of Adolescent Development3
PSY 491Special Topics in Psychology3
PSY 495Community-Based Applied Psychology4
PSY 498Psychology Honors Seminar3
PSY 499Individual Study in Psychology1-6
PSY 500Visual Perception3
PSY 502Physiological Psychology3
PSY 504Evolutionary Psychology3
PSY 508Cognitive Processes3
PSY 510Advanced Problems In Psychology1-3
PSY 511Advanced Social Psychology3
PSY 525Introduction To Cognitive Science3
PSY 535Forensic Psychology3
PSY 540Human Factors In Systems Design3
PSY 541Overview of Human Factors Psychology3
PSY 558Psychology and the African Experience3
PSY 582Adolescent Development3
PSY 584Advanced Developmental Psychology3
PSY 590Special Topics in Psychology3
PSY 591History and Systems Of Psychology1-3
WGS 406Psychology of Gender3
AFS 305Racial and Ethnic Relations3
ANT 261Technology in Society and Culture3
ANT 428Human Paleopathology3
ANT 528Human Paleopathology3
GEO 220Cultural Geography3
PS 432Violence, Terrorism, and Public Policy3
REL 309Religion and Society3
SOC 202Principles of Sociology3
SOC 203Current Social Problems3
SOC 203ACurrent Social Problems3
SOC 204Sociology of Family3
SOC 205Jobs and Work3
SOC 206Social Deviance3
SOC 207Language and Society3
SOC 211Community and Health3
SOC 212Race in America3
SOC 220Cultural Geography3
SOC 241Sociology of Agriculture and Rural Society3
SOC 241ASociology of Agriculture and Rural Society3
SOC 295Special Topics in Sociology1-3
SOC 300Social Research Methods4
SOC 301Human Behavior3
SOC 304Gender and Society3
SOC 305Racial and Ethnic Relations3
SOC 306Criminology3
SOC 309Religion and Society3
SOC 311Community Relationships3
SOC 342International Development3
SOC 350Food and Society3
SOC 351Population and Planning3
SOC 381Sociology of Medicine3
SOC 395Special Topics in Sociology1-3
SOC 400Theories of Social Structure3
SOC 401Theories of Social Interaction3
SOC 402Urban Sociology3
SOC 404Families and Work3
SOC 405Racism in the U.S.3
SOC 407Sociology of Sexualities3
SOC 410Sociology of Organizations3
SOC 413Criminal Justice Field Work4
SOC 414Social Class3
SOC 418Sociology of Education3
SOC 425Juvenile Delinquency3
SOC 427Sociology of Law3
SOC 428Formal Institutions of Social Control3
SOC 429Quantitative Data Analysis in Sociology3
SOC 430Community and Crime3
SOC 440Social Change3
SOC 445Inequality, Ideology, and Social Justice3
SOC 450Environmental Sociology3
SOC 457Corporate Power in America3
SOC 465Social Aspects of Mental Health3
SOC 492External Learning Experience1-6
SOC 493Special Problems in Sociology1-6
SOC 495Special Topics in Sociology1-3
SOC 498Independent Study in Sociology1-6
SOC 508Social Organization3
SOC 509Population Problems3
SOC 514Developing Societies3
SOC 533The Community3
SOC 591Special Topics In Sociology1-6
WGS 204Sociology of Family3
WGS 304Gender and Society3
WGS 407Sociology of Sexualities3
ENG 210Introduction to Language and Linguistics3
GEO 220Cultural Geography3
SOC 220Cultural Geography3
STS 402Peace and War in the Nuclear Age3

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 4
GEP Mathematical Sciences 3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3
Social Science 3
Free Elective 2
Spring Semester
World Literature/Arts & Letters 3
GEP Natural Sciences 4
GEP Mathematical Sciences 3
Foreign Language 201 3
Philosophy 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
ED 204
ECI 204
Introduction to Teaching in Today's Schools
and Intro to Teaching
British Literature 3
History I 3
Social Science 3
GEP Elective 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Spring Semester
Select one of the following: 3
Reading Literature and Exploring Textuality
Critical Approaches to Literature
American Literature 3
ENG Elective 3
GEP Natural Sciences 3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Third Year
Fall Semester
ENG 328 Language and Writing 3
ELP 344 School and Society 3
History II 3
Author/Genre 3
ECI 307 Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum 3
Spring Semester
ENG Elective 3
Literature Elective 3
Social Science 3
EDP 304 Educational Psychology 3
Film 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
ENG 400 Applied Criticism 3
ED 311
ED 312
Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices
and Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices Professional Learning Lab
ENG Elective 3
ENG 455 Literacy in the U.S. 3
Spring Semester
ECI 454 Student Teaching in English/Language Arts 12
ECI 450 Methods and Materials in Teaching English 4
 Total Hours120

Major Grade Point Average (MGPA) Requirements Courses meeting departmental requirements must receive a grade of C- or better. A minimum MGPA and overall, cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required for students to be eligible for teacher licensure.

Career Opportunities

A degree in English provides both liberal education and practical knowledge about the role of writing and language in the everyday world. It leads to careers in such fields as teaching, journalism, advertising, public relations, personnel management, technical writing, business writing, and creative writing. It sharpens the analytical and interpretive skills needed for professional and managerial careers, and it serves as an excellent preparation for students planning to study law or medicine and for those intending to do graduate work in literature, linguistics, film, or rhetoric.

Career Titles

  • Broadcast News Analyst
  • Copy Writer
  • Customer Service Supervisor
  • Editor
  • Editorial Writer, Newspapers & Magazines
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • English Language and Literature Professor
  • Estimator
  • Fund Raiser
  • Fundraising Manager
  • High School Teacher
  • Kindergarten Teacher
  • Legal Assistant
  • Legislative Assistant
  • Librarian
  • Library Technician
  • Lobbyist
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Middle School Teacher
  • Newspaper Editor
  • Newspaper / Magazines Writer
  • Office Supervisor
  • Poets and Lyricists
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Publications Editor
  • Radio & TV Announcer
  • Radio & TV News Commentator
  • Radio & TV Newscaster
  • Radio & TV Program Director
  • Reporter
  • Scientific Linguist
  • Screen Writer
  • Script Editor
  • Speech Writer
  • Sportswriter (Journalist)
  • Technical & Scientific Publications Editor
  • Technical Publications Writer
  • Travel Writer (Journalist)
  • Writer / Author

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.