University Catalog 2024-2025

Political Science (Minor)

To see more about what you will learn in this program, visit the Learning Outcomes website!

The minor in Political Science is open to all students. It will prepare them to be well-informed and politically active citizens as well as prepare them for graduate study in political science, public administration or law. Students will learn how laws are created and enforced, the diversity of political cultures, the problems of the world community, and more. No courses for the minor may be taken for S/U credit.


Students may declare their intention to complete the Political Science minor by consulting with Casey Champaign as listed below.


Casey Champaign will certify the minor prior to graduation. The minor must be completed no later than the semester in which the student expects to graduate from his or her degree program. Paperwork for certification should be completed no later than during the registration period for the student’s final semester at NC State.

Contact Person

Casey Champaign
228 Caldwell

SIS Code:  16OSM

Plan Requirements

  • Completion of 15 hours of political science courses.
  • A grade of “C-” or better in each course.
  • A maximum of ONE (1) course may be used (double-counted) towards both departmental major requirements and minor requirements.

Required Courses


Elective Courses

Choose 3 political science courses at the 300-level or higher
Select one 400-500 level seminar course 1
Select a minimum of one course selected from two of the following three pairs of sub-fields: 23
Subfield A: American Politics / Policy & Administration
Subfield B: International Affairs / Comparative Politics
Subfield C: Political Theory / Social Scientific Methods
Total Hours3

Choose 1 seminar course (3 hours) which must be an approved 400-500 level course.


Courses in Subfield A have a middle digit of 0 or 1; courses in Subfield B a middle digit of 3 or 4; and courses in Subfield C a middle digit of 6 or 7

Advanced Courses 

AFS 409Black Political Participation in America3
LPS 315Public Leadership3
PS 301The Presidency and Congress3
PS 302Campaigns and Elections in the US Political System3
PS 303Race in U.S. Politics3
PS 306Gender and Politics in the United States3
PS 307Introduction to Criminal Law in the United States3
PS 308Supreme Court and Public Policy3
PS 309Equality and Justice in United States Law3
PS 310Public Policy3
PS 312Introduction to Public Administration3
PS 313Criminal Justice Policy3
PS 314Science, Technology and Public Policy3
PS 320U.S. Environmental Law and Politics3
PS 331U.S. Foreign Policy3
PS 335International Law3
PS 336Global Environmental Politics3
PS 339Politics of the World Economy3
PS 341European Politics3
PS 342Politics of China and Japan3
PS 343Government and Politics in South Asia3
PS 345Governments and Politics in the Middle East3
PS 353Issues in Latin American and Caribbean Politics3
PS 361Introduction to Political Theory3
PS 362American Political Thought3
PS 371Research Methodology of Political Science3
PS 391Internship in Political Science1-6
PS 398Special Topics in Political Science3
PS 401American Political Parties3
PS 409Black Political Participation in America3
PS 411Public Opinion and the Media in American Politics3
PS 415Administration of Justice3
PS 418Gender Law and Policies3
PS 431The United Nations and Global Order3
PS 432Violence, Terrorism, and Public Policy3
PS 433Global Problems and Policies3
PS 437U.S. National Security Policy3
PS 443Seminar in Latin American & Caribbean Politics3
PS 445Comparative Systems of Law and Justice3
PS 462Seminar in Political Theory3
PS 463Public Choice and Political Institutions3
PS 464The Classical Liberal Tradition3
PS 471Public Opinion Research Methodology3
PS 490Readings and Research in Political Science1-6
PS 492Honors Readings and Thesis in Political Science1-6
PS 498Special Topics in Political Science3
PS 543Seminar in Latin American & Caribbean Politics3
PS 545Comparative Systems of Law and Justice3
WGS 306Gender and Politics in the United States3
WGS 418Gender Law and Policies3

Seminar Requirement

AFS 409Black Political Participation in America3
PS 401American Political Parties3
PS 409Black Political Participation in America3
PS 411Public Opinion and the Media in American Politics3
PS 415Administration of Justice3
PS 418Gender Law and Policies3
PS 431The United Nations and Global Order3
PS 432Violence, Terrorism, and Public Policy3
PS 433Global Problems and Policies3
PS 437U.S. National Security Policy3
PS 443Seminar in Latin American & Caribbean Politics3
PS 445Comparative Systems of Law and Justice3
PS 462Seminar in Political Theory3
PS 463Public Choice and Political Institutions3
PS 464The Classical Liberal Tradition3
PS 471Public Opinion Research Methodology3
PS 498Special Topics in Political Science3
PS 502The Legislative Process3
PS 506United States Constitutional Law3
PS 507Civil Liberties In the United States3
PS 530Seminar In International Relations3
PS 531International Law3
PS 532Seminar in Global Governance3
PS 533Global Problems and Policy3
PS 534The Politics of Human Rights Policies3
PS 536Global Environmental Law and Policy3
PS 539International Political Economy3
PS 540Seminar In Comparative Politics3
PS 541Political Islam3
PS 542European Politics3
PS 543Seminar in Latin American & Caribbean Politics3
PS 544Contemporary African Politics 3
PS 545Comparative Systems of Law and Justice3
PS 546The Politics of East Asia3
PS 547Russian Politics3
PS 560Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy & Process3
PS 561Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation3
PS 571Research Methods and Analysis3
PS 585Constitutional and Legal Principles for Police Supervisors3
PS 590Special Topics1-6
WGS 418Gender Law and Policies3

Subfield A: American Politics / Policy & Administration

AFS 409Black Political Participation in America3
LPS 315Public Leadership3
PS 201American Politics and Government3
PS 202State and Local Government3
PS 203Introduction to Nonprofits3
PS 204Problems of American Democracy3
PS 301The Presidency and Congress3
PS 302Campaigns and Elections in the US Political System3
PS 303Race in U.S. Politics3
PS 305The Justice System in the American Political Process3
PS 306Gender and Politics in the United States3
PS 307Introduction to Criminal Law in the United States3
PS 308Supreme Court and Public Policy3
PS 309Equality and Justice in United States Law3
PS 310Public Policy3
PS 312Introduction to Public Administration3
PS 313Criminal Justice Policy3
PS 314Science, Technology and Public Policy3
PS 401American Political Parties3
PS 409Black Political Participation in America3
PS 411Public Opinion and the Media in American Politics3
PS 415Administration of Justice3
PS 418Gender Law and Policies3
PS 502The Legislative Process3
PS 506United States Constitutional Law3
PS 507Civil Liberties In the United States3
WGS 306Gender and Politics in the United States3
WGS 418Gender Law and Policies3

Subfield B: International Affairs / Comparative Politics

PS 231Introduction to International Relations3
PS 236Issues in Global Politics3
PS 241Introduction to Comparative Politics3
PS 331U.S. Foreign Policy3
PS 335International Law3
PS 336Global Environmental Politics3
PS 339Politics of the World Economy3
PS 341European Politics3
PS 342Politics of China and Japan3
PS 343Government and Politics in South Asia3
PS 345Governments and Politics in the Middle East3
PS 431The United Nations and Global Order3
PS 432Violence, Terrorism, and Public Policy3
PS 433Global Problems and Policies3
PS 437U.S. National Security Policy3
PS 443Seminar in Latin American & Caribbean Politics3
PS 445Comparative Systems of Law and Justice3
PS 530Seminar In International Relations3
PS 531International Law3
PS 532Seminar in Global Governance3
PS 533Global Problems and Policy3
PS 536Global Environmental Law and Policy3
PS 539International Political Economy3
PS 540Seminar In Comparative Politics3
PS 542European Politics3
PS 543Seminar in Latin American & Caribbean Politics3
PS 545Comparative Systems of Law and Justice3

Subfield C: Political Theory / Social Scientific Methods

PS 361Introduction to Political Theory3
PS 362American Political Thought3
PS 371Research Methodology of Political Science3
PS 462Seminar in Political Theory3
PS 463Public Choice and Political Institutions3
PS 471Public Opinion Research Methodology3
PS 571Research Methods and Analysis3

Residency requirement: Nine credit hours must be completed at NC State University in order to complete the minor.