University Catalog 2024-2025

Department of Health and Exercise Studies

The mission of the Department of Health and Exercise Studies is to foster an inclusive academic environment in which to educate and inspire students to build and sustain a healthy body and mind for lifelong productivity and wellbeing.

HES offers a variety of courses that fulfill both the undergraduate general education program (GEP) requirement and four (4) academic minors: coaching education, health, outdoor leadership, and sports science. Minor curricula immerse students deeper into the discipline as well as prepare them for industry or graduate studies.

Department Highlights:

  • Both face to face and distance options for many courses
  • All courses are “Think and Do” in action
  • HES offers four academic minors each with a capstone practicum course providing opportunity for experiential application of the discipline
  • HES encourages students to “Take 8 at State.” Take an activity course each semester during your undergraduate career to stay well in mind and body. Completing four courses earns a water bottle and all eight earns students a t-shirt.

For more information about the department, including contact information, visit our website.


Department of Health and Exercise Studies
North Carolina State University
Campus Box 8111
Raleigh, NC 27695-8111

Dr. Michael Kanters
Interim Department Head | College of Natural Resources Department Head and Professor