University Catalog 2024-2025

Foreign Language and Literature

The Master's degree in World Languages and Cultures offers concentrations in French Language and Literature, Spanish Language and Literature and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).

Student Financial Support

Graduate assistantships are available to students in French, Spanish and TESOL concentrations and are awarded by open competition and based on the strength of the admissions application.

Other Relevant Information

Program Website

Admission Requirements

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Narrative statement of professional and personal objectives (in English, 300 words).
  • Language proficiency as determined by a writing sample and a speaking sample in the target language (French, Spanish or English - for TESOL).
  • Some applicants may be given provisional admittance. Students admitted provisionally must complete at least 9 hours of 500-level courses in the target language, earning grades of B or higher in order to receive full graduate standing.

More Information

Students are admitted for the fall semester only. February 1 is the application deadline for students interested in receiving full consideration for a teaching assistantship. (Interest is indicated on the Graduate School Admissions application.) February 15 is the deadline for international students and May 1 for domestic students.

Applicant Information

  • Delivery Method: On-Campus
  • Entrance Exam: None
  • Interview Required: None

Application Deadlines

  • Fall: February 1 (teaching assistantships); February 15 (Intl); May 1 (US)
  • Spring: October 15 (TESOL only, if not seeking a TAship)


Full Professors

  • Gregory A. Dawes
  • Shelley E. Garrigan
  • Michael D. Garval
  • Hector A. Jaimes
  • Jorge Mari
  • James Casimir Michnowicz
  • Jose Agustin Pasten

Associate Professors

  • Mark Anthony Darhower
  • Jeffrey Scott Despain
  • Rebecca Ellen Ronquest
  • Valerie Ann Lambert

Assistant Professors

  • Irina Randriamiadana
  • Alison McGlinn Turner
  • Monica Velez
  • Sara Zahler

Teaching Associate Professor

  • Laura K. Call

Teaching Assistant Professors

  • Carmen Durham
  • Mireille Henneton
  • Tatiana Kozhanova
  • Alberto De Simoni

Senior Lecturers

  • Jennifer Anne Despain
  • Mary Michaels Estrada

Emeritus Faculty

  • Thomas P. Feeny
  • Michele M. Magill
  • Dudley Michael Marchi
  • Larysa Anna Mykyta
  • Yvonne B. Rollins
  • Mary Ann Witt


WL 505/ECI 505  Issues and Trends in Foreign Language Education: Theory & Practice  (3 credit hours)  

An exploration of theory and practice issues related to foreign language teaching. Inquiry into proficiency-oriented instruction, innovative methodological approaches, the National Standards and learning scenarios, integrating culture, options for testing and assessment, content-based instruction, the role of grammar in second language acquisition, teaching foreign language students with learning disabilities, and Foreign Language in the Elementary School (FLES) in North Carolina. Students will examine case studies related to these topics and engage in a classroom action research project.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing

Typically offered in Fall and Summer

This course is offered alternate odd years

WL 506  Instructional Technology in World Language Education  (3 credit hours)  

Focus on research about technology related to teaching and learning languages. Hands-on experiences selecting and using a variety of digital tools. Attention to approaches to teaching language effectively and equitably to diverse students using technology.

R: Graduate Standing

Typically offered in Spring only

This course is offered alternate even years

WL 507  College Teaching of World Languages  (3 credit hours)  

Principles of second language acquisition and world language pedagogy. Examination of problematic concepts in teaching French, Spanish and TESOL. Thorough treatment of instructional technology appropriate to world language teaching and learning. Regular observation of practicing instructors and micro-teaching in college-level French, Spanish or TESOL classes. Credit not given for both WL 507 and either WL/ECI 505 or WL 506. Course taught in English. Required for new WLC Teaching Assistants.

Prerequisite: Graduate status

Typically offered in Fall only

WL 508  Second Language Acquisition Research: Interlanguage Development  (3 credit hours)  

This course introduces students to the objectives, methods, and findings of research investigating how classroom learners acquire French and Spanish as a second language. It examines specific features of French and Spanish interlanguage including: grammatical gender, copular ser/estar and idiomatic uses of etre/avoir, pronominalization, verbal systems, and longitudinal/cross-sections studies of interlanguage development. Course content bridges the gap between second language acquisition research, foreign language teaching methodology courses, and curriculum implementation. Graduate standing or consent of instructor required.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing or Permission of the Instructor

Typically offered in Spring only

This course is offered alternate odd years

WL 524/WL 424  Linguistics for Teachers of Multilingual Learners  (3 credit hours)  

Study of the diachronic nature of language and the phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic features of English in relation to other world language groups. Application of linguistic principles to the classrooms serving multilingual learners. Analysis of common errors in grammar due to first language interference. Discussion of teaching strategies based on current research in second-language acquisition. Credit will not be given for both WL 424 and WL 524.

Typically offered in Spring only

WL 527/WL 427  Methods and Materials in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Others Languages)  (3 credit hours)  

Methodologies and current approaches to teaching English as a Second Language. Techniques and strategies for teaching reading, writing, listening, speaking and culture. Selection, adaptation, and creation of instructional materials for various levels of proficiency and teaching situations. Evaluation and assessment of written and oral language proficiency through standardized and non-standardized assessment tools. Students cannot receive credit for both WL 427 and WL 527.

Typically offered in Fall and Spring

WL 535  Teaching Academic Writing to Multilingual Learners  (3 credit hours)  

Students will explore current theory and research in second language writing. Topics include intercultural rhetoric, second language writing curriculum, first language grammar interference, and the development of academic vocabulary. Students will learn innovative teaching strategies and activities that help multilingual writers practice writing across genres and disciplines.

R: Graduate Standing

Typically offered in Fall only

WL 536/WL 436  Culture, Community, and Language: Advocating for Multilingual Learners  (3 credit hours)  

Examination of the complexity of multiculturalism in American society and the challenges faced by immigrant families in adapting to U.S. institutions. Emphasis on understanding historical, legal, cultural and pedagogical issues with respect to multilingual learners in the classroom. Students cannot receive credit for both WL 436 and WL 536.

GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, GEP U.S. Diversity

Typically offered in Fall only

WL 537  Strategies and Curriculum Design in Teaching a New Language  (3 credit hours)  

This course provides an overview of three main aspects of teaching a new language: planning, instructing, and assessing. Students will examine the most common types of curricula and practice syllabus design, lesson planning, and assessments. They will explore the characteristics of different types of language learners (e.g., young learners, post-secondary adults, immigrants, etc.) and their motivation for learning a new language. Students will practice a variety of communicative, collaborative activities for all levels and contexts.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Typically offered in Spring only

WL 539/ENG 539  Seminar In World Literature  (3 credit hours)  

Rotating topics in world literature, including treatment of the subject's theoretical or methodological framework. Possible subjects: colonialism and literature; orality and literature; the Renaissance; the Enlightenment; translation; comparison ofNorth and South American literatures; African literary traditions; post-modernism and gender. Readings in English (original languages encouraged but not required).

Typically offered in Spring only

WL 595/WL 495  Special Topics in World Languages & Cultures  (1-6 credit hours)  

A concentrated study of a special period, author or genre to be determined as needed in the departmental program.

WL 675  Special Project in TESOL  (3 credit hours)  

Detailed investigation to research, write, and present a research project of selected topics in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Topic and mode of study to be determined in consultation with student's project advisory committee.

Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer