Agricultural Business Management (Certificate) (Non Post-Baccalaureate Students, Distance Education)

The University Undergraduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management is available to any student enrolled as a non-degree studies (NDS) student at NC State University and is currently enrolled in a 2-year or 4-year degree program at an accredited college or university or has already received an Associate’s degree. This Certificate is not available to currently enrolled N.C. State degree seeking students. This certificate provides individuals an opportunity to learn basic business and economic principles that are useful in careers in agricultural and related industries.
Program Coordinator
Dr. John S. Russ
Undergraduate Coordinator
Director of ARE Distance Education
Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics (ARE)
NC State University
Box 8109
Nelson Hall, Room 3346
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
More information is available at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics website
- Must be currently enrolled in a 2-year or 4-year degree program at an accredited college or university and provide proof of a 2.5 GPA or higher; or must have received an Associate Degree from an accredited institution;
- Proof of current enrollment in an Associate Degree or B.S. or B.A. Degree program, or receipt of an Associate Degree, is required via an official copy of applicant’s transcript from the degree conferring institution, before the application can be reviewed.
- Not enrolled in a 4-year undergraduate degree program at N.C. State University; and
- Accepted as a Non-Degree Studies Student through DELTA, if not already enrolled.
Completion Requirements
The following are the requirements that must be met to receive a University Undergraduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management:
- Associate Degree or Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts Degree must be received prior to receiving the University Undergraduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management. Proof of receipt of Associate Degree or B.S. or B.A. Degree is required, by providing updated official copy(ies) of applicant’s transcript(s) from the degree conferring institution(s), before the certificate may be awarded. This requirement must be fulfilled in addition to other certificate program requirements.
- Completion of 15 credit hours from the list of required and elective courses with a grade of C- or higher received for each course and an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher must be achieved upon completion of all required courses.
- Four (4) years will be allowed for completion of all courses. The time limit starts with enrollment in the first course. Students will be allowed to defer no more than two semesters after acceptance into the program.
- All courses must be 601 sections taken through distance education unless special approval is granted for completion of an on-campus section to allow the student to successfully complete the course sequence for receipt of the Undergraduate ABM Certificate.
- None of the required 15 credit hours may be taken for S/U (credit only).
- No transfer credits from other institutions to fulfill certificate course requirements are allowed.
- Students currently enrolled in the Agricultural Business Management major or who would qualify for the ABM minor do not qualify for this program.
Plan of Study and Registration Information
Contact the Program Coordinator.
Academic Structure
Term Effective: 1/2010
Plan Code: 32ABMCTU
CIP Code: 01.0102
Description: Undergraduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management
Offered via Distance Education only
Plan Requirements
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Required Course | |||
ARE 201 | Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics 1,2 | 3 | |
Elective Courses 2 | |||
Select three of the following: | 12 | ||
Farm Management | |||
or ARE 304 | Agribusiness Management | ||
Agricultural Law | |||
or ARE 309 | Environmental Law & Economic Policy | ||
Agricultural Markets | |||
or ARE 312 | Agribusiness Marketing | ||
Small Business Accounting | |||
Agribusiness Finance | |||
Human Resource Management for Agribusiness | |||
Global Agribusiness Management | |||
Ethics in Agribusiness | |||
Special Topics in Agricultural and Resource Economics 3 | |||
Total Hours | 15 |
- 1
ARE 201 Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics-601 must be successfully completed before enrollment in any Elective courses. A grade of C- or higher is required.
- 2
Course(s) to be taken via distance education (section 601).
- 3
Any ARE 495 Special Topics in Agricultural and Resource Economics-601 section must be pre-approved for the certificate by the Distance Education Coordinator. ARE 495 Special Topics in Agricultural and Resource Economics-601 may only be taken after the successful completion of 12 credit hours.