University Catalog 2024-2025

Biological and Agricultural Engineering Technology (BS)

The BAET curriculum is administered by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and is intended to uniquely prepare students for hands-on application of technology to efficiently manage agricultural and environmental systems. Flexibility within the program allows students to attain depth in science, business, or environmental areas. Graduates provide a critical link in the agricultural and environmental spectrum by interacting directly with both production personnel as well as the designers and implementers of technological systems.

The program objectives of the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Technology (BAET) Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree are to:

  • Develop technical knowledge of physical and biological sciences used in agricultural and environmental systems;
  • Apply critical thinking, existing technology and practical approaches to solve problems in agricultural and environmental systems;
  • Produce technologists able to work in teams and effectively communicate to audiences; and
  • Develop in students an appreciation for life-long education that supports their careers.

Plan Requirements

Major GPA must be 2.0 or higher for graduation

ALS 103Freshman Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences1
or ALS 303 Transfer Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences
Public Speaking
Communication for Engineering and Technology
Communication for Business and Management
Communication for Science and Research
Mathematical Sciences
MA 131Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A3
MA 114Introduction to Finite Mathematics with Applications3
ST 350Economics and Business Statistics3
Natural & Physical Sciences
CH 101
CH 102
Chemistry - A Molecular Science
and General Chemistry Laboratory
PY 211College Physics I4
BIO 181Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity4
SSC 200
SSC 201
Soil Science
and Soil Science Laboratory
Physical Science Elective:4
Chemistry - A Quantitative Science
and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory
College Physics II
Major Requirements
BAE 100Introduction to Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Technology1
BAET 200Computer Applications in Biological and Agricultural Engineering Technology2
BAET 201Shop Processes and Management3
BAET 323Water Management3
BAET 332Management of Animal Environments4
BAET 333Processing Agricultural Products4
BAET 343Agricultural Electrification4
BAET 432Agricultural and Environmental Safety and Health3
BAET 450Biological and Agricultural Engineering Technology Capstone3
GC 120Foundations of Graphics3
ARE 201Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics3
AEE 323Leadership Development in Agriculture and Life Sciences3
BAET Electives
BAET Electives9
Restricted Electives12
Restricted electives can emphasize agricultural, environmental, or business areas and be effectively used for a minor.
ARE Electives6
GEP Courses
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 14
GEP Humanities6
GEP Social Sciences3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Elective3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives5
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
Foreign Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Free Elective
Free Elective 21
Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.


Students should consult their academic advisors to determine which courses fill this requirement.

BAET Electives

BAET 333Processing Agricultural Products3
BAET 411Agricultural Machinery and Power Units4
BAET 443Environmental Restoration Implementation3
BAE 325Introductory Geomatics3
BAE 435Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 535Precision Agriculture Technology3
GIS 510Fundamentals of Geospatial Information Science and Technology3

ARE Electives

ARE 303Farm Management3
ARE 304Agribusiness Management3
ARE 306Agricultural Law3
ARE 309Environmental Law & Economic Policy3
ARE 311Agricultural Markets3
ARE 312Agribusiness Marketing3
ARE 321Agricultural Financial Management3
ARE 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
EC 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3

Restricted Electives

Group A - Biological Sciences
AEC 360Ecology4
AEC 420Introduction to Fisheries Science3
AEC 423Introduction to Fisheries Sciences Laboratory1
AEE 208Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications3
ANS 105Introduction to Companion Animal Science3
ANS 110Introduction to Equine Science3
ANS 150Introduction to Animal Science3
ANS 151Introduction to Animal Science Lab1
ANS 205Physiology of Domestic Animals3
ANS 206Anatomy of Domestic Animals Lab1
ANS 208Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications3
ANS 215Agricultural Genetics3
ANS 220Reproductive Physiology3
ANS 221Reproductive Physiology Lab1
ANS 230Animal Nutrition3
ANS 231Animal Nutrition Lab1
ANS 415Comparative Nutrition3
ANS 452Comparative Reproductive Physiology and Biotechnology3
ANS 453Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development3
ANS 454Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
ANS 515Comparative Nutrition3
ANS 552Comparative Reproductive Physiology and Biotechnology3
ANS 553Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development3
ANS 554Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
BCH 101Introduction to Microbiology and Biochemistry Laboratory Practices3
BCH 220Role of Biotechnology in Society3
BCH 351General Biochemistry3
BCH 451Principles of Biochemistry4
BCH 452Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory2
BCH 453Biochemistry of Gene Expression3
BCH 454Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory4
BCH 455Proteins and Molecular Mechanisms3
BCH 553Biochemistry of Gene Expression3
BCH 555Proteins and Molecular Mechanisms3
BEC 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BEC 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIO 181Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity4
BIO 267Research in the Life Sciences I: Research Skills3
BIO 414Cell Biology3
BIO 434Hormones and Behavior3
BIO 440The Human Animal: An Evolutionary Perspective3
BIT 410Manipulation of Recombinant DNA4
BIT 4622
BIT 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 464Protein Purification2
BIT 466Animal Cell Culture Techniques2
BIT 467PCR and DNA Fingerprinting2
BIT 4682
BIT 476Applied Bioinformatics2
BIT 481Plant Tissue Culture and Transformation2
BIT 501Ethical Issues in Biotechnology1
BIT 5622
BIT 564Protein Purification2
BIT 566Animal Cell Culture Techniques2
BIT 567PCR and DNA Fingerprinting2
BIT 5682
CHE 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
CHE 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
ENT 201Insects and People3
ENT 207Insects and Human Disease3
ENT 402Forest Entomology3
ENT 425General Entomology3
FOR 402Forest Entomology3
FS 231Principles of Food and Bioprocess Engineering4
FS 301Introduction to Human Nutrition3
FS 401Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
FS 402Chemistry of Food and Bioprocessed Materials4
FS 403Analytical Techniques in Food & Bioprocessing Science4
FS 405Food Microbiology3
FS 406Food Microbiology Lab1
FS 501Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
FS 502Chemistry of Food and Bioprocessed Materials4
FS 505Food Microbiology3
FS 506Food Microbiology Lab1
FW 313Mountain Wildlife Ecology and Management1
FW 353Wildlife Management3
FW 403Urban Wildlife Management3
FW 404Wildlife Habitat Management3
FW 453Principles of Wildlife Science4
HS 215Agricultural Genetics3
MB 101Introduction to Microbiology and Biochemistry Laboratory Practices3
MB 405Food Microbiology3
MB 406Food Microbiology Lab1
MB 505Food Microbiology3
MB 506Food Microbiology Lab1
NTR 301Introduction to Human Nutrition3
NTR 401Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
NTR 415Comparative Nutrition3
NTR 419Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease3
NTR 454Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
NTR 501Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
NTR 515Comparative Nutrition3
PB 103Perspectives on Botany1
PB 200Plant Life4
PB 205Our Green World3
PB 208Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications3
PB 213Plants and Civilization3
PB 215Medicinal Plants3
PB 219Plants in Folklore, Myth, and religion3
PB 220Local Flora3
PB 250Plant Biology4
PB 277Space Biology3
PB 321Introduction to Whole Plant Physiology3
PB 360Ecology4
PB 400Plant Diversity and Evolution4
PB 403Systematic Botany4
PB 413Plant Anatomy2
PB 421Plant Physiology3
PB 445Paleobotany4
PB 464Rare Plants of North Carolina3
PB 480Introduction to Plant Biotechnology3
PB 481Plant Tissue Culture and Transformation2
PB 503Systematic Botany4
PB 513Plant Anatomy2
PB 545Paleobotany4
PB 564Rare Plants of North Carolina3
PB 580Introduction to Plant Biotechnology3
PHY 4523
PHY 5523
PO 415Comparative Nutrition3
PO 466Animal Cell Culture Techniques2
PO 515Comparative Nutrition3
PO 566Animal Cell Culture Techniques2
PP 150Introduction to Plant Molecular Biology3
PP 222Kingdom of Fungi3
Group A - Biological Sciences
AEC 419Freshwater Ecology4
AEC 419Freshwater Ecology4
AEC 420Introduction to Fisheries Science3
AEC 423Introduction to Fisheries Sciences Laboratory1
AEC 441Biology of Fishes3
AEC 442Biology of Fishes Laboratory1
AEC 460Field Ecology and Methods4
AEC 519Freshwater Ecology4
ANS 215Agricultural Genetics3
ANS 415Comparative Nutrition3
ANS 515Comparative Nutrition3
BEC 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BEC 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIO 1403
BIO 1411
BIO 227Understanding Structural Diversity through Biological Illustration3
BIO 315General Parasitology3
BIO 330Evolutionary Biology3
BIO 361Developmental Biology3
BIO 370Developmental Anatomy of the Vertebrates3
BIO 375Developmental Anatomy Laboratory2
BIO 405Functional Histology3
BIO 414Cell Biology3
BIO 424Endocrinology3
BIO 482Capstone Course in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology3
BIO 483Capstone Course in Integrative Physiology and Neurobiology3
BIO 484Capstone Course in Human Biology3
BIO 485Capstone Course in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology3
BIO 488Neurobiology3
BIO 588Neurobiology3
BIT 210Phage Hunters3
BIT 211Phage Genomics2
BIT 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BME 301Human Physiology : Electrical Analysis3
BME 302Human Physiology: Mechanical Analysis3
CHE 463Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
CHE 563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
CS 211Plant Genetics3
ENT 425General Entomology3
FS 301Introduction to Human Nutrition3
FS 405Food Microbiology3
FS 406Food Microbiology Lab1
FS 505Food Microbiology3
FS 506Food Microbiology Lab1
FW 353Wildlife Management3
GN 301Genetics in Human Affairs3
GN 311Principles of Genetics4
GN 312Elementary Genetics Laboratory1
GN 421Molecular Genetics3
GN 423Population, Quantitative and Evolutionary Genetics3
GN 425Advanced Genetics Laboratory2
GN 434Genes and Development3
GN 441Human and Biomedical Genetics3
GN 451Genome Science3
GN 490Genetics Colloquium1
GN 521Molecular Genetics3
GN 541Human and Biomedical Genetics3
HS 215Agricultural Genetics3
HS 451Plant Nutrition3
HS 551Plant Nutrition3
MB 180Introduction to Microbial Bioprocessing3
MB 200The Fourth Horseman: Plagues that Changed the World3
MB 210Phage Hunters3
MB 211Phage Genomics2
MB 351General Microbiology3
MB 352General Microbiology Laboratory1
MB 354Inquiry-Guided Microbiology Lab1
MB 405Food Microbiology3
MB 406Food Microbiology Lab1
MB 411Medical Microbiology3
MB 412Medical Microbiology Laboratory1
MB 414Microbial Metabolic Regulation3
MB 420Fundamentals of Microbial Cell Biotransformations2
MB 441Immunology3
MB 451Microbial Diversity3
MB 452Microbial Diversity Lab2
MB 455Microbial Biotechnology3
MB 461Molecular Virology3
MB 480Current Issues in Microbiology1
MB 505Food Microbiology3
MB 506Food Microbiology Lab1
MB 520Fundamentals of Microbial Cell Biotransformations2
MEA 200Introduction to Oceanography3
MEA 210Oceanography Lab1
MEA 220Marine Biology3
MEA 250Introduction to Coastal Environments3
MEA 251Introduction to Coastal Environments Laboratory1
MEA 369Life on Earth: Principles of Paleontology3
NTR 301Introduction to Human Nutrition3
NTR 415Comparative Nutrition3
NTR 419Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease3
NTR 4203
NTR 4213
NTR 490Senior Capstone Experience in Nutrition4
NTR 515Comparative Nutrition3
NTR 5213
PO 404Avian Anatomy and Physiology4
PO 404Avian Anatomy and Physiology4
PO 415Comparative Nutrition3
PO 504Avian Anatomy and Physiology4
PO 515Comparative Nutrition3
SSC 200Soil Science3
SSC 201Soil Science Laboratory1
SSC 332Environmental Soil Microbiology3
SSC 470Wetland Soils3
SSC 570Wetland Soils3
ZO 233Human-Animal Interactions3
ZO 250Animal Anatomy and Physiology4
ZO 317Primate Ecology and Evolution3
ZO 333Captive Animal Biology3
ZO 350Animal Phylogeny and Diversity4
ZO 402Invertebrate Biology4
ZO 410Introduction to Animal Behavior3
ZO 486Capstone Course in Zoology3
Group A - Biological Sciences
ANS 225Principles of Animal Nutrition3
BIT 100Current Topics in Biotechnology4
BIT 465Real-time PCR Techniques2
BIT 471RNA Interference and Model Organisms2
BIT 473Protein Interactions2
BIT 474Plant Genetic Engineering2
BIT 565Real-time PCR Techniques2
BIT 571RNA Interference and Model Organisms2
BIT 573Protein Interactions2
BIT 574Plant Genetic Engineering2
ENT 305Introduction to Forensic Entomology3
Group A - Physical Sciences
AEE 226Computer Applications and Information Technology in Agricultural & Extension Ed3
BAE 200Computer Methods in Biological Engineering2
BMA 573Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I3
BMA 574Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes II3
BUS 340Information Systems Management3
BUS 350Economics and Business Statistics3
CE 435Engineering Geology3
CE 479Air Quality3
CE 581Fluid Mechanics in Natural Environments3
CH 230Computational Chemistry Lab I1
CH 232Computational Chemistry Lab II1
CH 315Quantitative Analysis3
CH 316Quantitative Analysis Laboratory1
CH 331Introductory Physical Chemistry4
CH 401Systematic Inorganic Chemistry I3
CH 403Systematic Inorganic Chemistry II3
CH 415Analytical Chemistry II3
CH 431Physical Chemistry I3
CH 433Physical Chemistry II3
CH 435Introduction to Quantum Chemistry3
CH 437Physical Chemistry for Engineers4
CH 441Forensic Chemistry3
CH 442Advanced Synthetic Techniques4
CH 444Advanced Synthetic Techniques II4
CH 452Advanced Measurement Techniques I4
CH 454Advanced Measurement Techniques II4
CH 463Molecular Origins of Life3
CH 563Molecular Origins of Life3
CSC 110Computer Science Principles - The Beauty and Joy of Computing3
CSC 111Introduction to Computing: Python3
CSC 112Introduction to Computing-FORTRAN3
CSC 113Introduction to Computing - MATLAB3
CSC 116Introduction to Computing - Java3
CSC 2003
CSC 216Software Development Fundamentals3
CSC 217Software Development Fundamentals Lab1
CSC 226Discrete Mathematics3
CSC 230C and Software Tools3
CSC 236Computer Organization and Assembly Language for Computer Scientists3
CSC 246Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems for Computer Scientists3
CSC 251Web Page Development1
CSC 255String Processing Languages1
CSC 281Foundations of Interactive Game Design3
CSC 295Special Topics in Computer Science1-3
CSC 302Introduction to Numerical Methods3
CSC 316Data Structures and Algorithms3
CSC 326Software Engineering4
CSC 333Automata, Grammars, and Computability3
CSC 342Applied Web-based Client-Server Computing3
CSC 379Ethics in Computing1
CSC 401Data and Computer Communications Networks3
CSC 402Networking Projects3
CSC 405Computer Security3
CSC 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 411Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 412Compiler Construction3
CSC 415Software Security3
CSC 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
CSC 417Theory of Programming Languages3
CSC 422Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
CSC 431File Organization and Processing3
CSC 440Database Management Systems3
CSC 442Introduction to Data Science3
CSC 450Web Services3
CSC 453Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Systems3
CSC 454Human-Computer Interaction3
CSC 455Social Computing and Decentralized Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 456Computer Architecture and Multiprocessors3
CSC 461Computer Graphics3
CSC 462Advanced Computer Graphics Projects3
CSC 467Multimedia Technology3
CSC 474Network Security3
CSC 481Game Engine Foundations3
CSC 482Advanced Computer Game Projects3
CSC 484Building Game AI3
CSC 492Senior Design Project3
CSC 495Special Topics in Computer Science1-6
CSC 499Independent Research in Computer Science1-6
CSC 501Operating Systems Principles3
CSC 503Computational Applied Logic3
CSC 505Design and Analysis Of Algorithms3
CSC 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 510Software Engineering3
CSC 512Compiler Construction3
CSC 513Electronic Commerce Technology3
CSC 515Software Security3
CSC 517Object-Oriented Design and Development3
CSC 519DevOps: Modern Software Engineering Practices3
CSC 520Artificial Intelligence I3
CSC 522Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 530Computational Methods for Molecular Biology3
CSC 533Privacy in the Digital Age3
CSC 540Database Management Concepts and Systems3
CSC 541Advanced Data Structures3
CSC 546Management Decision and Control Systems3
CSC 547Cloud Computing Technology3
CSC 548Parallel Systems3
CSC 554Human-Computer Interaction3
CSC 555Social Computing and Decentralized Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 561Principles of Computer Graphics3
CSC 562Introduction to Game Engine Design3
CSC 563Visual Interfaces for Mobile Devices3
CSC 565Graph Theory3
CSC 568Enterprise Storage Architecture3
CSC 570Computer Networks3
CSC 573Internet Protocols3
CSC 574Computer and Network Security3
CSC 575Introduction to Wireless Networking3
CSC 576Networking Services: QoS, Signaling, Processes3
CSC 577Switched Network Management3
CSC 579Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling3
CSC 580Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 582Computer Models of Interactive Narrative3
CSC 583Introduction to Parallel Computing3
CSC 584Building Game AI3
CSC 591Special Topics In Computer Science1-6
E 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
ECE 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 460Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 514Random Processes3
ECE 517Object-Oriented Design and Development3
ECE 547Cloud Computing Technology3
ECE 560Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 570Computer Networks3
ECE 573Internet Protocols3
ECE 574Computer and Network Security3
ECE 575Introduction to Wireless Networking3
ECE 576Networking Services: QoS, Signaling, Processes3
ECE 577Switched Network Management3
ECE 579Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling3
ECG 528Options and Derivatives Pricing3
ET 320Fundamentals of Air Pollution3
FIM 528Options and Derivatives Pricing3
FIM 548Monte Carlo Methods for Financial Math3
FIM 549Financial Risk Analysis3
GIS 582Geospatial Modeling3
ISE 441Introduction to Simulation3
ISE 505Linear Programming3
ISE 546Management Decision and Control Systems3
LOG 201Logic3
LOG 335Symbolic Logic3
MA 105Mathematics of Finance3
MA 2053
MA 225Foundations of Advanced Mathematics3
MA 242Calculus III4
MA 302Numerical Applications to Differential Equations1
MA 303Linear Analysis3
MA 305Introductory Linear Algebra and Matrices3
MA 315Mathematics Methods in Atmospheric Sciences4
MA 325Introduction to Applied Mathematics3
MA 331Differential Equations for the Life Sciences3
MA 335Symbolic Logic3
MA 341Applied Differential Equations I3
MA 351Introduction to Discrete Mathematical Models3
MA 401Applied Differential Equations II3
MA 402Mathematics of Scientific Computing3
MA 403Introduction to Modern Algebra3
MA 405Introduction to Linear Algebra3
MA 407Introduction to Modern Algebra for Mathematics Majors3
MA 408Foundations of Euclidean Geometry3
MA 410Theory of Numbers3
MA 412Long-Term Actuarial Models3
MA 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
MA 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
MA 421Introduction to Probability3
MA 425Mathematical Analysis I3
MA 426Mathematical Analysis II3
MA 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
MA 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
MA 430Mathematical Models in the Physical Sciences3
MA 432Mathematical Models in Life Sciences3
MA 437Applications of Algebra3
MA 4403
MA 444Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions1
MA 450Methods of Applied Mathematics I3
MA 451Methods of Applied Mathematics II3
MA 491Reading in Honors Mathematics1-6
MA 493Special Topics in Mathematics1-6
MA 494Major Paper in Mathematics1
MA 499Independent Research in Mathematics1-6
MA 501Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists I3
MA 502Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists II3
MA 504Introduction to Mathematical Programming3
MA 505Linear Programming3
MA 507Survey of Real Analysis3
MA 508Survey of Geometry3
MA 509Survey of Abstract Algebra3
MA 510Selected Topics In Mathematics For Secondary Teachers1-6
MA 511Advanced Calculus I3
MA 5123
MA 513Introduction To Complex Variables3
MA 515Analysis I3
MA 518Geometry of Curves and Surfaces3
MA 520Linear Algebra3
MA 521Abstract Algebra I3
MA 522Computer Algebra3
MA 523Linear Transformations and Matrix Theory3
MA 524Combinatorics I3
MA 526Mathematical Analysis II3
MA 528Options and Derivatives Pricing3
MA 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
MA 532Ordinary Differential Equations I3
MA 534Introduction To Partial Differential Equations3
MA 537Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos3
MA 540Uncertainty Quantification for Physical and Biological Models3
MA 544Computer Experiments In Mathematical Probability3
MA 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
MA 547Stochastic Calculus for Finance3
MA 548Monte Carlo Methods for Financial Math3
MA 549Financial Risk Analysis3
MA 551Introduction to Topology3
MA 555Introduction to Manifold Theory3
MA 561Set Theory and Foundations Of Mathematics3
MA 565Graph Theory3
MA 573Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I3
MA 574Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes II3
MA 580Numerical Analysis I3
MA 583Introduction to Parallel Computing3
MA 584Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite Difference Methods3
MA 587Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite Element Method3
MA 591Special Topics1-6
MBA 528Options and Derivatives Pricing3
MEA 100Earth System Science: Exploring the Connections4
MEA 101Geology I: Physical3
MEA 110Geology I Laboratory1
MEA 130Introduction to Weather and Climate3
MEA 135Introduction to Weather and Climate Laboratory1
MEA 202Geology II: Historical3
MEA 211Geology II Laboratory1
MEA 300Environmental Geology4
MEA 312Atmospheric Thermodynamics4
MEA 315Mathematics Methods in Atmospheric Sciences4
MEA 320Fundamentals of Air Pollution3
MEA 321Fundamentals of Air Quality and Climate Change3
MEA 323Geochemistry of Natural Waters3
MEA 409Watershed Forensics3
MEA 410Introduction to Mineralogy4
MEA 411Marine Sediment Transport3
MEA 412Atmospheric Physics3
MEA 415Climate Dynamics3
MEA 421Atmospheric Dynamics I3
MEA 422Atmospheric Dynamics II3
MEA 425Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry3
MEA 440Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology4
MEA 443Synoptic Weather Analysis and Forecasting4
MEA 444Mesoscale Analysis and Forecasting4
MEA 449Principles of Biological Oceanography3
MEA 450Introductory Sedimentology and Stratigraphy4
MEA 451Structural Geology4
MEA 454Marine Physical-Biological Interactions3
MEA 455Micrometeorology3
MEA 458Introduction to Tropical Meteorology3
MEA 459Field Investigation of Coastal Processes5
MEA 460Principles of Physical Oceanography3
MEA 462Observational Methods and Data Analysis in Marine Physics3
MEA 463Fluid Physics3
MEA 464Ocean Circulation Systems3
MEA 465Geologic Field Camp4
MEA 466Preparatory Course for Field Camp1
MEA 467Marine Meteorology3
MEA 469Ecology of Coastal Resources3
MEA 470Introduction to Geophysics3
MEA 471Exploration and Engineering Geophysics3
MEA 473Principles of Chemical Oceanography3
MEA 476Worldwide River and Delta Systems: Their Evolution and Human Impacts3
MEA 479Air Quality3
MEA 481Geomorphology: Earth's Dynamic Surface3
MEA 485Introduction to Hydrogeology3
MEA 488Meteorology for Media3
MEA 493Special Topics in MEAS1-6
MEA 495Junior Seminar in the Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences1
MEA 498Internship in MEAS1-6
MEA 507Discipline-based Education Research in the Geosciences3
MEA 510Air Pollution Meteorology3
MEA 511Introduction to Meteorological Remote Sensing3
MEA 514Advanced Physical Meteorology3
MEA 515Climate Dynamics3
MEA 517Fundamentals of Climate Change Science3
MEA 518Adaptation to Climate Change3
MEA 519Barriers to Climate Change Literacy3
MEA 525Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry3
MEA 540Principles of Physical Oceanography3
MEA 549Principles of Biological Oceanography3
MEA 553Estuarine Biogeochemistry3
MEA 554Marine Physical-Biological Interactions3
MEA 562Marine Sediment Transport3
MEA 570Geological Oceanography3
MEA 573Principles of Chemical Oceanography3
MEA 574Advanced Igneous Petrology3
MEA 577Electron Microprobe Analysis of Geologic Material2
MEA 579Principles of Air Quality Engineering3
MEA 580Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting4
MEA 581Fluid Mechanics in Natural Environments3
MEA 582Geospatial Modeling3
MEA 585Physical Hydrogeology3
MEA 591Special Topics in Marine Science1-6
MEA 592Special Topics in Earth Sciences1-6
MEA 593Special Topics in Atmospheric Science1-6
MEA 599Regional Geology of North America1-6
OR 504Introduction to Mathematical Programming3
OR 505Linear Programming3
OR 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
OR 565Graph Theory3
OR 579Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling3
PSY 240Introduction to Behavioral Research I3
PSY 241Introduction to Behavioral Research I Lab1
PSY 242Introduction to Behavioral Research II3
PSY 243Introduction to Behavioral Research II Lab2
PY 414Electromagnetism I3
PY 415Electromagnetism II3
PY 514Electromagnetism I3
PY 515Electromagnetism II3
ST 350Economics and Business Statistics3
ST 412Long-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 442Introduction to Data Science3
ST 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
Group A - Physical Sciences
BME 201Computer Methods in Biomedical Engineering3
CSC 442Introduction to Data Science3
EC 351Econometrics I3
ECE 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
ECE 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
ECG 561Applied Econometrics I3
EMS 519Teaching and Learning of Statistical Thinking3
GPH 404Epidemiology and Statistics in Global Public Health3
MA 412Long-Term Actuarial Models3
MA 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
MA 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
MA 555Introduction to Manifold Theory3
MEA 150Environmental Issues in Water Resources4
MEA 463Fluid Physics3
MSE 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
MSE 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
NE 528Introduction to Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy3
NE 529Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy II3
PSY 240Introduction to Behavioral Research I3
PSY 241Introduction to Behavioral Research I Lab1
PSY 242Introduction to Behavioral Research II3
PSY 243Introduction to Behavioral Research II Lab2
PY 123Stellar and Galactic Astronomy3
PY 124Solar System Astronomy3
PY 125Astronomy Laboratory1
PY 131Conceptual Physics4
PY 203University Physics III4
PY 301Introduction to Quantum Mechanics3
PY 328Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics3
PY 341Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology3
PY 401Quantum Physics I3
PY 402Quantum Physics II3
PY 407Introduction to Modern Physics3
PY 411Mechanics I3
PY 412Mechanics II3
PY 413Thermal Physics3
PY 414Electromagnetism I3
PY 415Electromagnetism II3
PY 452Advanced Physics Laboratory3
PY 489Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
PY 495Special Topics in Physics1-4
PY 499Independent Research in Physics1-6
PY 501Quantum Physics I3
PY 502Quantum Physics II3
PY 506Nuclear and Subatomic Physics3
PY 507Elementary Particle Physics3
PY 509General Relativity3
PY 511Mechanics I3
PY 512Mechanics II3
PY 514Electromagnetism I3
PY 515Electromagnetism II3
PY 516Physical Optics3
PY 517Atomic and Molecular Physics3
PY 519Biological Physics3
PY 525Computational Physics3
PY 528Introduction to Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy3
PY 529Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy II3
PY 543Astrophysics3
PY 552Condensed Matter Physics I3
PY 570Polymer Physics3
PY 581Matter & Interactions for Teachers I3
PY 582Matter & Interactions for Teachers II3
PY 589Solid State Solar and Thermal Energy Harvesting3
PY 590Special Topics In Physics1-6
PY 599Special Topics in Physics1-6
SSC 200Soil Science3
SSC 201Soil Science Laboratory1
ST 311Introduction to Statistics3
ST 312Introduction to Statistics II3
ST 370Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
ST 371Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory3
ST 372Introduction to Statistical Inference and Regression3
ST 3803
ST 401Experiences in Data Analysis4
ST 404Epidemiology and Statistics in Global Public Health3
ST 405Applied Nonparametric Statistics3
ST 412Long-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 421Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I3
ST 422Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II3
ST 430Introduction to Regression Analysis3
ST 431Introduction to Experimental Design3
ST 432Introduction to Survey Sampling3
ST 433Applied Spatial Statistics 3
ST 434Applied Time Series3
ST 435Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement3
ST 437Applied Multivariate and Longitudinal Data Analysis 3
ST 440Applied Bayesian Analysis3
ST 445Introduction to Statistical Computing and Data Management3
ST 446Intermediate SAS Programming with Applications3
ST 491Statistics in Practice3
ST 495Special Topics in Statistics1-6
ST 497Professional Experience in Statistics1-3
ST 498Independent Study In Statistics1-6
ST 501Fundamentals of Statistical Inference I3
ST 502Fundamentals of Statistical Inference II3
ST 503Fundamentals of Linear Models and Regression3
ST 505Applied Nonparametric Statistics3
ST 5063
ST 507Statistics For the Behavioral Sciences I3
ST 5083
ST 511Statistical Methods For Researchers I3
ST 512Statistical Methods For Researchers II 3
ST 513Statistics for Management and Social Sciences I3
ST 514Statistics For Management and Social Sciences II3
ST 515Experimental Statistics for Engineers I3
ST 516Experimental Statistics For Engineers II3
ST 517Applied Statistical Methods I3
ST 519Teaching and Learning of Statistical Thinking3
ST 520Statistical Principles of Clinical Trials3
ST 5243
ST 533Applied Spatial Statistics 3
ST 534Applied Time Series3
ST 535Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement3
ST 537Applied Multivariate and Longitudinal Data Analysis 3
ST 540Applied Bayesian Analysis3
ST 542Statistical Practice3
ST 544Applied Categorical Data Analysis3
ST 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
ST 555Statistical Programming I3
ST 556Statistical Programming II3
ST 557Using Technology to Teach and Learn with Data3
ST 558Data Science for Statisticians3
ST 561Applied Econometrics I3
ST 562Data Mining with SAS Enterprise Miner 3
ST 563Introduction to Statistical Learning3
ST 590Special Topics1-6
ST 701Statistical Theory I3
ST 702Statistical Theory II3
ST 705Linear Models and Variance Components3
TE 570Polymer Physics3
Group B - Economics & Business
ACC 210Concepts of Financial Reporting3
ACC 220Introduction to Managerial Accounting3
ACC 280Survey of Financial and Managerial Accounting3
ACC 310Intermediate Financial Accounting I3
ACC 311Intermediate Financial Accounting II3
ACC 330An Introduction To Income Taxation3
ACC 340Accounting Information Systems3
ACC 411Business Valuation3
ACC 420Cost Accounting for Effective Management3
ACC 440Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: Implementation, Risk, and Analytics3
ACC 450Auditing and Assurance Services3
ACC 451Internal Auditing3
ACC 460Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting3
ARE 215Small Business Accounting3
ARE 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
ARE 303Farm Management3
ARE 304Agribusiness Management3
ARE 306Agricultural Law3
ARE 309Environmental Law & Economic Policy3
ARE 311Agricultural Markets3
ARE 312Agribusiness Marketing3
ARE 321Agricultural Financial Management3
ARE 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
ARE 345Global Agribusiness Management3
ARE 404Advanced Agribusiness Management3
ARE 413Applied Agribusiness Marketing3
ARE 433U.S. Agricultural Policy3
ARE 490Career Seminar in Agriculture & Resource Economics1
BUS 225Personal Finance3
BUS 320Financial Management3
BUS 340Information Systems Management3
BUS 360Marketing Methods3
BUS 370Operations and Supply Chain Management3
BUS 420Financial Management of Corporations3
BUS 422Investments and Portfolio Management3
BUS 425Advanced Personal Financial Management3
BUS 426International Financial Management3
BUS 440Database Management3
BUS 441Business Data Communications and Networking3
BUS 442Information Systems Development3
BUS 443Web Development for Business Applications3
BUS 444Systems Analysis and Design3
BUS 461Channel and Retail Marketing3
BUS 462Marketing Research3
BUS 464International Marketing3
BUS 465Traditional and Digital Brand Promotion3
BUS 466Personal Selling3
BUS 467Product and Brand Management3
BUS 468Marketing Strategy3
BUS 469Digital Marketing Practicum3
BUS 470Operations Modeling and Analysis3
BUS 472Operations Planning and Control Systems3
BUS 473Supply Chain Strategy3
BUS 475Purchasing and Supply Management3
BUS 479Supply Chain Management Undergraduate Practicum3
EC 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
EC 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
FTM 482Global Brand Management in Textiles and Apparel3
M 100Personal and Professional Identity Development1
MIE 201Introduction to Business Processes3
MIE 305Legal and Regulatory Environment3
MIE 330Human Resource Management3
MIE 335Organizational Behavior3
MIE 432Employee Relations3
MIE 434Compensation Systems3
MIE 435Leadership and Management3
MIE 436Training and Development3
MIE 438Staffing3
MIE 480Business Policy and Strategy3
PRT 406Sports Law3
Group B - Economics & Business
ACC 220Introduction to Managerial Accounting3
ACC 280Survey of Financial and Managerial Accounting3
ARE 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
ARE 332Human Resource Management for Agribusiness3
ARE 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
ARE 412Advanced Agribusiness Marketing3
BUS 340Information Systems Management3
BUS 449Information Technology Capstone3
BUS 474Logistics Management3
EC 202Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
EC 302Intermediate Macroeconomics3
EC 305A Closer Look at Capitalism3
EC 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
EC 348Introduction to International Economics3
EC 351Econometrics I3
EC 404Money, Financial Markets, and the Economy3
EC 410Public Finance3
EC 413Industrial Organization3
EC 431Labor Economics3
EC 4373
EC 449International Finance3
EC 451Econometrics II3
EC 474Economics of Financial Institutions and Markets3
EC 4803
EC 490Research Seminar in Economics3
FTM 482Global Brand Management in Textiles and Apparel3
MIE 412Finance and Accounting for Entrepreneurs3
MIE 413New Venture Planning3
MIE 419Entrepreneurship Practicum3
PRT 406Sports Law3
Group C - Applied Sci & Tech
AEE 101Introduction to Career and Technical Education1
AEE 208Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications3
AEE 230Introduction to Cooperative Extension3
AEE 303Administration and Supervision of Student Organizations3
AEE 311Communication Methods and Media3
AEE 322Experiential Learning in Agriculture3
AEE 323Leadership Development in Agriculture and Life Sciences3
AEE 325Planning and Delivering Non-Formal Education3
AEE 326Teaching Diverse Learners in AED3
AEE 327Conducting Summer Programs in Agricultural Education1
AEE 350Personal Leadership Development in Agriculture and Life Sciences3
AEE 360Developing Team Leadership in Agriculture and Life Sciences3
AEE 423Practicum in Agricultural Extension/Industry8
AEE 424Planning Agricultural Educational Programs3
AEE 426Methods of Teaching Agriculture3
AEE 427Student Teaching in Agriculture8
AEE 433Leadership and Management of Volunteers in Agricultural and Extension Education3
AEE 435Professional Presentations in Agricultural Organizations3
AEE 460Organizational Leadership Development in Agriculture and Life Sciences3
AEE 478Advanced Issues in Extension Education3
AEE 490Seminar in Agricultural and Extension Education1
AEE 533Leadership and Management of Volunteers in Agricultural and Extension Education3
BAET 201Shop Processes and Management3
BAET 323Water Management3
BAET 332Management of Animal Environments4
BAET 333Processing Agricultural Products3
BAET 343Agricultural Electrification4
BAET 411Agricultural Machinery and Power Units4
BAET 432Agricultural and Environmental Safety and Health3
BAET 443Environmental Restoration Implementation3
ALS 110Academic and Career Skills Seminar1
ANS 105Introduction to Companion Animal Science3
ANS 110Introduction to Equine Science3
ANS 150Introduction to Animal Science3
ANS 151Introduction to Animal Science Lab1
ANS 201Techniques of Animal Care2
ANS 208Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications3
ANS 225Principles of Animal Nutrition3
ANS 303Principles of Equine Evaluation2
ANS 304Dairy Cattle Evaluation2
ANS 309Livestock Evaluation3
ANS 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
ANS 324Milk and Dairy Products3
ANS 400Companion Animal Management3
ANS 402Beef Cattle Management 3
ANS 403Swine Management3
ANS 404Dairy Cattle Management 3
ANS 408Small Ruminant Management3
ANS 410Equine Breeding Farm Management3
ANS 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
ANS 440Animal Genetic Improvement3
ANS 453Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development3
ANS 454Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
ANS 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
ANS 540Animal Genetic Improvement3
ANS 553Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development3
ANS 554Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
BAE 100Introduction to Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Technology1
BAE 202Introduction to Biological and Agricultural Engineering Methods4
BAE 302Transport Phenomena3
BAE 322Introduction to Food Process Engineering3
BAE 361Analytical Methods in Engineering Design3
BAE 371Fundamentals of Hydrology for Engineers3
BAE 401Sensors and Controls3
BAE 435Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 451Engineering Design I2
BAE 452Engineering Design II2
BAE 462Machinery Design and Applications3
BAE 472Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 473Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
BAE 474Principles and Applications of Ecological Engineering3
BAE 481Structures & Environment3
BAE 501Sensors and Controls3
BAE 535Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 572Irrigation and Drainage3
BAE 573Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
BEC 330Principles and Applications of Bioseparations2
BEC 436Introduction to Downstream Process Development2
BEC 4403
BEC 536Introduction to Downstream Process Development2
BEC 5403
BME 540Nanobiotechnology Processing, Characterization, and Applications3
BME 2033
BME 207Biomedical Electronics4
BME 3423
BME 365Linear Systems in Biomedical Engineering3
BME 385Bioinstrumentation3
BME 412Biomedical Signal Processing3
BME 425Bioelectricity3
BME 525Bioelectricity3
CS 470Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management2
ECI 424Student Teaching in Modern Foreign Languages12
ENT 470Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management2
FM 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
FM 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
FS 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
FS 324Milk and Dairy Products3
FS 435Food Safety Management Systems3
FS 535Food Safety Management Systems3
MSE 2033
NTR 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
NTR 454Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
NTR 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
PB 208Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications3
PO 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
PO 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
PO 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
PP 470Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management2
SSC 440Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 473Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
SSC 540Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 573Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling3
USC 291Service Learning Program Leader Development I1
USC 292Service Learning Program Leader Development II2
Group C - Applied Sci & Tech
AEC 420Introduction to Fisheries Science3
AEE 206Introduction to Teaching Agriculture3
AEE 303Administration and Supervision of Student Organizations3
AEE 322Experiential Learning in Agriculture3
AEE 327Conducting Summer Programs in Agricultural Education1
AEE 424Planning Agricultural Educational Programs3
AEE 426Methods of Teaching Agriculture3
AEE 427Student Teaching in Agriculture8
ANS 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
ANS 324Milk and Dairy Products3
ANS 330Laboratory Animal Science3
ANS 411Management of Growing and Performance Horses3
ANS 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
ANS 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
BAE 325Introductory Geomatics3
BAE 425Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing3
BAE 435Precision Agriculture Technology3
BAE 525Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing3
BAE 535Precision Agriculture Technology3
BBS 201Introduction to Biopharmaceutical Science3
BBS 301Process Validation Science3
BBS 426Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory2
BBS 526Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory2
BCH 220Role of Biotechnology in Society3
BEC 426Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory2
BEC 483Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BEC 526Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory2
BEC 583Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BME 375Biomedical Microcontroller Applications3
BME 444Orthopaedic Biomechanics3
BME 451BME Senior Design: Product Development3
BME 452BME Senior Design: Product Implementation and Strategy3
BME 466Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
BME 467Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements3
BME 483Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BME 484Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering3
BME 544Orthopaedic Biomechanics3
BME 566Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
BME 583Tissue Engineering Technologies2
BME 584Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering3
CS 200Introduction to Turfgrass Management4
CS 210Lawns and Sports Turf3
CS 213Crop Science3
CS 216Southern Row Crop Production - Cotton, Peanuts, and Tobacco3
CS 218Southern Row Crop Production - Corn, Small Grains and Soybeans3
CS 230Introduction to Agroecology3
CS 3123
CS 400Turf Cultural Systems3
CS 411Crop Ecology3
CS 413Plant Breeding2
CS 414Weed Science4
CS 415Integrated Pest Management3
CS 424Seed Physiology3
CS 430Advanced Agroecology4
CS 465Turf Management Systems and Environmental Quality3
CS 524Seed Physiology3
CS 565Turf Management Systems and Environmental Quality3
CSSC 490Senior Seminar in Crop Science and Soil Science1
ECI 424Student Teaching in Modern Foreign Languages12
ENT 203An Introduction to the Honey Bee and Beekeeping3
ENT 401Honey Bee Biology and Management3
ES 100Introduction to Environmental Sciences3
ES 200Climate Change and Sustainability3
ES 300Energy and Environment3
ES 400Analysis of Environmental Issues3
FM 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
FM 460Feed Mill Operations and Leadership3
FM 480Feed Quality Assurance & Formulation3
FM 490Feed Science Seminar1
FM 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
FOR 318Forest Pathology3
FOR 420Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
FOR 472Forest Soils4
FOR 520Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
FS 201Introduction to Food Science3
FS 290Careers in Food and Bioprocessing Sciences1
FS 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
FS 324Milk and Dairy Products3
FS 330Science of Food Preparation3
FS 352Introduction to Microbiological Food Safety Hazards3
FS 354Food Sanitation3
FS 416Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing3
FS 421Food Preservation3
FS 426Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory2
FS 435Food Safety Management Systems3
FS 453Food Laws and Regulations3
FS 462Postharvest Physiology3
FS 475Problems and Design in Food and Bioprocessing Science3
FS 516Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing3
FS 521Food Preservation3
FS 526Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory2
FS 535Food Safety Management Systems3
FS 553Food Laws and Regulations3
FS 562Postharvest Physiology3
FW 221Conservation of Natural Resources3
FW 311Piedmont Wildlife Ecology and Management3
FW 312Fisheries Techniques and Management1
FW 313Mountain Wildlife Ecology and Management1
FW 314Coastal Ecology and Management1
FW 353Wildlife Management3
FW 403Urban Wildlife Management3
FW 411Human Dimensions of Wildlife and Fisheries3
FW 453Principles of Wildlife Science4
FW 460International Wildlife Management and Conservation3
FW 465African Ecology and Conservation4
FW 511Human Dimensions of Wildlife and Fisheries3
FW 560International Wildlife Management and Conservation3
FW 565African Ecology and Conservation4
GPH 201Fundamentals of Global Public Health3
HS 432Introduction to Permaculture3
HS 462Postharvest Physiology3
HS 532Introduction to Permaculture3
HS 562Postharvest Physiology3
IDS 303Humans and the Environment3
NR 303Humans and the Environment3
NR 350International Sustainable Resource Use4
NR 406Conservation of Biological Diversity3
NR 420Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
NR 460Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy3
NR 520Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
NR 560Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy3
NTR 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
NTR 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
PO 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
PO 424Poultry Meat Production3
PO 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
PO 435Poultry Incubation & Breeding4
PO 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
PP 318Forest Pathology3
SSC 440Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 462Soil-Crop Management Systems3
SSC 540Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
TE 466Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
TE 467Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements3
TE 566Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering3
VMP 401Poultry Diseases4
VMP 420Disease of Farm Animals3
Group C - Applied Sci & Tech
AEC 419Freshwater Ecology4
AEC 423Introduction to Fisheries Sciences Laboratory1
AEC 519Freshwater Ecology4
ANS 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
ANS 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
ANS 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
BAET 323Water Management3
BIO 227Understanding Structural Diversity through Biological Illustration3
BME 2043
BME 217Biomedical Electronics Laboratory1
BME 298Biomedical Engineering Design and Manufacturing I2
BME 398Biomedical Engineering Design and Manufacturing II2
CS 470Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management2
CSSC 490Senior Seminar in Crop Science and Soil Science1
ENT 470Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management2
FM 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
FM 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
FOR 318Forest Pathology3
FOR 420Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
FOR 472Forest Soils4
FOR 520Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
FS 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
FS 435Food Safety Management Systems3
FS 462Postharvest Physiology3
FS 535Food Safety Management Systems3
FS 562Postharvest Physiology3
FW 221Conservation of Natural Resources3
FW 404Wildlife Habitat Management3
FW 460International Wildlife Management and Conservation3
FW 560International Wildlife Management and Conservation3
HS 200Home Horticulture3
HS 201The World of Horticulture: Principles and Practices3
HS 203Home Plant Propagation3
HS 242Introduction to Small Scale Landscape Design3
HS 250Home Landscape Design: Creating Garden Spaces3
HS 252Landscape Graphic Communication2
HS 272Landscape Design/Build6
HS 290Horticulture: Careers and Opportunities1
HS 301Plant Propagation4
HS 302Gardening with Herbaceous Perennials3
HS 303Ornamental Plant Identification I3
HS 304Ornamental Plant Identification II3
HS 357Landscape Grading and Drainage4
HS 400Residential Landscaping6
HS 411Nursery Management3
HS 416Planting Design4
HS 421Temperate-Zone Tree Fruits: Physiology and Culture3
HS 422Small Fruit Production3
HS 4233
HS 431Vegetable Production4
HS 440Greenhouse Management3
HS 442Floriculture Crop Production3
HS 462Postharvest Physiology3
HS 471Landscape Ecosystem Management4
HS 516Planting Design4
HS 521Temperate-Zone Tree Fruits: Physiology and Culture3
HS 5233
HS 4233
HS 562Postharvest Physiology3
IDS 303Humans and the Environment3
NR 300Natural Resource Measurements4
NR 303Humans and the Environment3
NR 400Natural Resource Management4
NR 420Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
NR 421Wetland Science and Management3
NR 460Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy3
NR 484Environmental Impact Assessment4
NR 500Natural Resource Management4
NR 520Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
NR 521Wetland Science and Management3
NR 560Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy3
NTR 4203
NTR 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
NTR 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
PO 201Poultry Science and Production3
PO 201APoultry Science and Production3
PO 202Poultry Science and Production Laboratory1
PO 202APoultry Science and Production Laboratory1
PO 290Exploring Opportunities in Poultry Science1
PO 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
PO 340Live Poultry and Poultry Product Evaluation, Grading, and Inspection3
PO 410Production and Management of Game Birds in Confinement3
PO 411Agrosecurity3
PO 421Commercial Egg Production3
PO 425Feed Manufacturing Technology3
PO 433Poultry Processing and Products3
PO 525Feed Manufacturing Technology3
PO 533Poultry Processing and Products3
PP 315Principles of Plant Pathology4
PP 318Forest Pathology3
PP 470Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management2
SSC 185Land and Life3
SSC 341Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management3
SSC 342Soil and Plant Nutrient Analysis1
SSC 4213
SSC 440Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 442Soil and Environmental Biogeochemistry3
SSC 452Soil Classification4
SSC 461Soil Physical Properties and Plant Growth3
SSC 462Soil-Crop Management Systems3
SSC 470Wetland Soils3
SSC 540Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 570Wetland Soils3
TOX 201Poisons, People and the Environment3
TOX 401Principles of Toxicology4
TOX 415Ecotoxicology4
TOX 501Principles of Toxicology4

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
ALS 103
Freshman Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences
or Transfer Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences
BIO 181 Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity 4
GEP Social Sciences 3
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 4
MA 114 Introduction to Finite Mathematics with Applications 3
Spring Semester
CH 101
CH 102
Chemistry - A Molecular Science
and General Chemistry Laboratory
MA 131 Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A 3
GEP Humanities 3
GC 120 Foundations of Graphics 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
BAE 100 Introduction to Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Technology 1
Second Year
Fall Semester
BAET 201 Shop Processes and Management 3
PY 211 College Physics I 4
BAET 200 Computer Applications in Biological and Agricultural Engineering Technology 2
SSC 200 Soil Science 3
SSC 201 Soil Science Laboratory 1
Free Elective 1
Spring Semester
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3
Physical Science Elective 4
Restricted Electives 3
ARE 201 Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Third Year
Fall Semester
ST 350 Economics and Business Statistics 3
BAET 343 Agricultural Electrification 4
Agriculture and Resource Economics Elective 3
Restricted Electives 3
Communications Elective 3
Spring Semester
BAET 332 Management of Animal Environments 4
BAET 323 Water Management 3
BAET 333 Processing Agricultural Products 4
BAET Electives 3
Agrigiculture and Resource Economics Elective 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
BAET 432 Agricultural and Environmental Safety and Health 3
BAET Elective 3
AEE 323 Leadership Development in Agriculture and Life Sciences 3
Restricted Electives 3
GEP Humanities 3
Spring Semester
BAET 450 Biological and Agricultural Engineering Technology Capstone 3
BAET Elective 3
Restricted Electives 3
GEP Elective 3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2
 Total Hours120

Career Opportunities

BE students learn to solve a wide variety of engineering problems and will have opportunities for specialization though selection of a specific concentration. Scientific and engineering principles are applied: to conserve and manage air, energy, soil and water resources; to manage, protect and restore natural ecosystems; to understand and utilize biological, chemical and physical processes for the production and conversion of biomass to bio energy; to analyze, understand and utilize mechanical properties of biological materials; to design and develop machinery systems for all phases of agricultural and food production; to design and evaluate structures and environmental control systems for housing animals, plant growth, and biological product storage; to develop improved systems for processing and marketing food and agricultural products; and to design sensor-based instrumentation and control systems for biological and agricultural applications.

Graduates of the BE curriculum receive a Bachelor’s of Engineering in Biological Engineering, qualifying them for positions in design, development, and research in industry, government and public institutions. The curriculum also prepares students for post-graduate work leading to advanced degrees. Typical positions filled by recent BE graduates include: stream and wetlands restoration project manager; product design; development and testing engineer; plant engineering and management; engineering analysis and inspection for federal and state agencies; engineering consultant and research engineer. Entry-level salary ranges for BE graduates are similar to those of Civil, Industrial, and Mechanical Engineering graduates.

The BAET curriculum provides graduates opportunities in technical analysis, application and evaluation of agricultural production systems and environmental systems. The curriculum’s flexibility enables students to specialize technologically in agriculture, the environment, or business management. Careers include technical jobs in production agriculture, environmental systems, agribusiness sales and service, and agricultural extension.

Career Titles

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Career Cornerstone Center-Engineering
National Society of Professional Engineers