Turfgrass (Minor)

The minor in Turf Grass Science is open to all undergraduate students at NC State University, with the exception of those enrolled in the Turfgrass Science major. It is designed for students majoring in Plant and Soil Sciences, Biological Sciences, Horticultural Science, Parks & Recreation and related disciplines but will be of interest to a wide variety of students desiring expertise in establishing and maintaining turfgrass areas. Students will gain an understanding of the techniques required to successfully establish and manage turfgrasses commonly grown throughout the United States. This knowledge will improve the student’s ability to provide high quality turfgrass cover for a variety of situations including home lawns, commercial grounds, parks and other areas.
Admission to the minor requires a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better. Application for admission to any University minor program is now available via MyPack Portal. Admission will be based upon the student’s academic record, and in most cases no longer requires departmental review. To apply to Add a Minor, go to: https://go.ncsu.edu/minor_coda. A minor advisor will be assigned to all students interested in completing the Turfgrass minor. Students enrolled in the minor must consult with their minor advisor during each registration period.
The minor should be declared as soon as the student makes the decision to pursue a minor. Minor coursework must be completed no later than the semester in which the student expects to graduate from his or her degree program.
Contact Person
Undergraduate Programs Office
Crop & Soil Sciences Department
2234 Williams Hall
Campus Box 7620
SIS Code: 11TFGM
Plan Requirements
A minimum of 16 hours is required for the minor in Turfgrass. Students are required to complete 11 credits of required courses and a minimum of 5 credits of restricted elective courses. A minimum grade of ‘C-‘ or better is required in each course selected. No courses for the minor may be taken using the S/U option.
Students majoring in Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (11ASFSBS), Crop and Soil Sciences (11CSSCBS), and Natural Resources - Soil, Water and Land Use (11NATRLBS) are not eligible to enroll in this minor.
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Required Courses | |||
CS 200 | Introduction to Turfgrass Management | 4 | |
CS 400 | Turf Cultural Systems | 3 | |
SSC 200 | Soil Science | 3 | |
SSC 201 | Soil Science Laboratory | 1 | |
Elective Courses | |||
Select five credits of the following: | 5 | ||
Weed Science | |||
Turf Management Systems and Environmental Quality | |||
Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | |||
General Entomology | |||
Principles of Plant Pathology | |||
Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management and Soil and Plant Nutrient Analysis | |||
Total Hours | 16 |