University Catalog 2024-2025

Food Science (BS): Science Concentration

The Bachelor of Science degree in Food Science is offered through two curricula emphasizing science or technology. The science curriculum is designed for students desiring a more analytically intense program leading to technical careers in the food industry or graduate school. Students with an interest in business opportunities will find the technology program permits greater flexibility to pursue coursework in business, agricultural economics, or related fields.

Plan Requirements

ALS 103Freshman Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences1
or ALS 303 Transfer Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences
COM 110Public Speaking3
or COM 112 Interpersonal Communication
Mathematical Sciences
MA 107Precalculus I3
MA 131
MA 132
Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A
and Computational Mathematics for Life and Management Sciences
MA 231Calculus for Life and Management Sciences B3
ST 311Introduction to Statistics3
BIO 181Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity4
or BIO 183 Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology
CH 101
CH 102
Chemistry - A Molecular Science
and General Chemistry Laboratory
CH 201
CH 202
Chemistry - A Quantitative Science
and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory
CH 221
CH 222
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Lab
CH 223
CH 224
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry II Lab
BCH 351General Biochemistry3
MB 351
MB 352
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Laboratory
PY 211College Physics I4
PY 212College Physics II4
Major Requirements
FS 201Introduction to Food Science3
FS 231Principles of Food and Bioprocess Engineering4
FS 290Careers in Food and Bioprocessing Sciences1
FS 402Chemistry of Food and Bioprocessed Materials4
FS 403Analytical Techniques in Food & Bioprocessing Science4
FS 405Food Microbiology3
FS 406Food Microbiology Lab 11
FS 421Food Preservation3
FS 475Problems and Design in Food and Bioprocessing Science3
NTR 301Introduction to Human Nutrition3
Food Science Electives6
GEP Courses
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 14
GEP Humanities6
GEP Social Sciences6
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Elective3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives5
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
Foreign Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Free Electives
Free Electives (12 Hr S/U Lmt) 27
Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.


Students should consult their academic advisors to determine which courses fill this requirement.

Food Science Electives 

Select a course with a FS prefix (except those required in major) not used to satisfy another requirement. A total of 35 credits in Food Science are required.
FS 250Basics of Food Safety & Quality3
FS 322Muscle Foods and Eggs3
FS 324Milk and Dairy Products3
FS 325Introduction to Brewing Science and Technology3
FS 330Science of Food Preparation3
FS 352Introduction to Microbiological Food Safety Hazards3
FS 354Food Sanitation3
FS 401Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
FS 416Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing3
FS 435Food Safety Management Systems3
FS 453Food Laws and Regulations3
FS 462Postharvest Physiology3
FS 471Professionalism & Project Preparation in Food & Bioprocessing Science1
FS 481Research Experience in Food and Bioprocessing Sciences3
FS 501Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
FS 516Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing3
FS 520Pre-Harvest Food Safety3
FS 522Food Packaging3
FS 530Post-Harvest Food Safety3
FS 535Food Safety Management Systems3
FS 540Food Safety and Public Health3
FS 550Food Industry Study Tour2
FS 553Food Laws and Regulations3
FS 554Lactation, Milk, and Nutrition3
FS 555Exercise Nutrition3
FS 557Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods3
FS 562Postharvest Physiology3
FS 567Sensory Analysis of Foods3
FS 580Professional Development and Ethics in Food Safety1
FSA 520Pre-Harvest Food Safety3
FSA 530Post-Harvest Food Safety3
FSA 540Food Safety and Public Health3
FSA 580Professional Development and Ethics in Food Safety1

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
ALS 103 Freshman Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences 1
BIO 183 Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology 4
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 4
MA 107 Precalculus I 3
GEP Social Sciences 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Spring Semester
CH 101 Chemistry - A Molecular Science 3
CH 102 General Chemistry Laboratory 1
FS 201 Introduction to Food Science 3
MA 131 Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A 3
GEP Humanities 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Second Year
Fall Semester
CH 221 Organic Chemistry I 3
CH 222 Organic Chemistry I Lab 1
FS 290 Careers in Food and Bioprocessing Sciences 1
MA 231 Calculus for Life and Management Sciences B 3
MA 132 Computational Mathematics for Life and Management Sciences 1
PY 211 College Physics I 4
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3
Spring Semester
CH 223 Organic Chemistry II 3
CH 224 Organic Chemistry II Lab 1
FS 231 Principles of Food and Bioprocess Engineering 4
PY 212 College Physics II 4
COM 110
Public Speaking
or Interpersonal Communication
Third Year
Fall Semester
CH 201 Chemistry - A Quantitative Science 3
CH 202 Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory 1
FS 402 Chemistry of Food and Bioprocessed Materials 4
MB 351 General Microbiology 3
MB 352 General Microbiology Laboratory 1
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3
Spring Semester
BCH 351 General Biochemistry 3
FS 403 Analytical Techniques in Food & Bioprocessing Science 4
FS 405 Food Microbiology 3
FS 406 Food Microbiology Lab 1
GEP Elective 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
FS 421 Food Preservation 3
NTR 301 Introduction to Human Nutrition 3
Food Science Electives 3
GEP Humanities 3
ST 311 Introduction to Statistics 3
Spring Semester
FS 475 Problems and Design in Food and Bioprocessing Science 3
Food Science Electives 3
Free/Minor Elective 3
Free/Minor Elective 3
GEP Social Sciences 3
 Total Hours120

Career Opportunities

Consumer demand for safe, high quality, nutritious foods and biopharmaceutical products, as well as for educational programs designed to promote healthy eating, creates a variety of career opportunities in the food, pharmaceutical and the allied health industries. Industrial opportunities include management, research and development, process supervision, quality control and assurance, procurement, distribution, and sales. Public health opportunities include educational program development, delivery, and assessment. In addition, graduates hold positions with government agencies and many with advanced degrees have teaching and/or research positions in colleges and universities.

Food Science

Many career opportunities exist in the food and beverage industry, the world’s largest manufacturing sector, for graduates with a Food Science degree. Food science professionals are involved in the discovery of new food sources, new methods of food preservation, advances in food chemistry and sensory science and even product development. Positions are found worldwide, providing technical support to the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries and also government agencies. Food scientists work to ensure the safety and quality of foods through the application of basic scientific principles. The demand for food scientists continues to increase as the food industry expands.

The undergraduate Food Science major has two emphasis tracks. One is Science and the other is Technology. The B.S. in Food Science with a Science emphasis is designed for students who want more rigorous science courses to prepare them for graduate school or careers in the food, pharmaceutical, and or bioprocessing industries. The B.S. in Food Science with a Technology emphasis is designed for students more interested in business opportunities for technically trained individuals. It offers greater flexibility in complementing Food Science coursework with business, agricultural commodity, and computer science courses.


The department provides both merit and financial need scholarships to encourage and assist students preparing for careers in Food, Bioprocessing, or Nutrition Science.

Career Titles

  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Agricultural Inspector
  • Chemical Technicians
  • Dairy Technologist
  • Food & Drug Inspector
  • Food Science Technicians
  • Food Technologist
  • Laboratory Tester
  • Sales Representative (Agricultural Products)

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.

Institute of Food Technologists