University Catalog 2024-2025

Nutrition Sciences (BS)

The Nutrition Science Bachelor of Science degree has two sub-plans to choose from: the Science track or the Applied track. The Science curriculum is designed for those students with an interest in graduate school or post-graduate training in a human health profession for which physics and 4 semesters of chemistry are required. The Applied curriculum is designed for those interested in health-related jobs immediately after graduation, obtaining further training to become a Registered Dietitian after graduation, or going on for post-graduate training in a human health profession for which no physics courses and only 3 semesters of chemistry are required.

Plan Requirements

LSC 103Exploring Opportunities in the Life Sciences1
Communication 3
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Communication for Science and Research
Mathematics & Sciences
BIO 181Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity 14
BIO 183Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology 14
CH 101
CH 102
Chemistry - A Molecular Science
and General Chemistry Laboratory 1
CH 201
CH 202
Chemistry - A Quantitative Science
and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory
CH 221
CH 222
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Lab 1
CH 223
CH 224
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry II Lab
PY 211College Physics I4
PY 212College Physics II4
MA 121Elements of Calculus3
or MA 131 Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A
ST 311Introduction to Statistics3
PSY 200Introduction to Psychology3
Required Courses
LSC 101Critical and Creative Thinking in the Life Sciences 12
FS 201Introduction to Food Science 13
NTR 301Introduction to Human Nutrition 13
NTR 302Introduction to Nutrition Research, Communication, and Careers 13
NTR 401Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism 13
GN 311Principles of Genetics4
MB 351
MB 352
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Laboratory
NTR 490Senior Capstone Experience in Nutrition 14
Restricted Electives
Restricted Nutrition Elective 13
Application Electives6
ZO 250Animal Anatomy and Physiology4
Nutrition Electives 19
GEP Courses
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 14
GEP Humanities6
GEP Social Sciences3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Elective3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives3
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
World Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Free Electives
Free Electives (12 Hr S/U Lmt) 26
These electives cannot be remedial nor can they be taken at an elementary level after you have taken comparable coursework at a more advanced level. They can be taken S/U unless they are being used to fulfill the requirements for a minor.
Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.


Students should consult their academic advisors to determine which courses fill this requirement.

Restricted Nutrition Elective 

ANS 454Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
ANS 554Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
FS 555Exercise Nutrition3
FS 557Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods3
NTR 3203
NTR 330Public Health Nutrition3
NTR 410Maternal and Infant Nutrition3
NTR 419Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease3
NTR 454Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
NTR 510Maternal and Infant Nutrition3
NTR 555Exercise Nutrition3
NTR 557Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods3

Application Electives

Application Electives I
AEC 360Ecology4
AEE 230Introduction to Cooperative Extension3
AEE 325Planning and Delivering Non-Formal Education3
AEE 478Advanced Issues in Extension Education3
ANS 415Comparative Nutrition3
ANS 515Comparative Nutrition3
ANT 374Disease and Society3
ARE 201Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics3
ARE 201AIntroduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics3
BCH 351General Biochemistry3
BIO 414Cell Biology3
BIO 424Endocrinology3
BIO 488Neurobiology3
BIO 588Neurobiology3
COM 332Relational Communication3
COM 362Communication and Gender3
COM 441Ethical Issues in Communication3
COM 466Nonprofit Leadership & Development3
CS 224Seeds, Biotechnology and Societies3
CS 230Introduction to Agroecology3
CS 430Advanced Agroecology4
FS 330Science of Food Preparation3
FS 402Chemistry of Food and Bioprocessed Materials4
FS 403Analytical Techniques in Food & Bioprocessing Science4
FS 405Food Microbiology3
FS 416Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing3
FS 421Food Preservation3
FS 502Chemistry of Food and Bioprocessed Materials4
FS 505Food Microbiology3
FS 516Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing3
FS 521Food Preservation3
GPH 201Fundamentals of Global Public Health3
HESM 478Exercise Physiology and Sports Science3
HI 360U.S. Agricultural History3
HI 380History of Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Change3
MB 405Food Microbiology3
MB 505Food Microbiology3
NTR 415Comparative Nutrition3
NTR 515Comparative Nutrition3
PB 213Plants and Civilization3
PB 215Medicinal Plants3
PB 360Ecology4
PHI 325Bio-Medical Ethics3
PHI 420Global Justice3
PO 415Comparative Nutrition3
PO 515Comparative Nutrition3
PRT 200Health, Wellness and the Pursuit of Happiness3
PS 203Introduction to Nonprofits3
PS 231Introduction to International Relations3
PS 236Issues in Global Politics3
PS 312Introduction to Public Administration3
PSY 311Social Psychology3
PSY 312Applied Psychology3
PSY 360Community Psychology Principles and Practice3
PSY 376Developmental Psychology3
PSY 410Learning and Motivation3
PSY 411The Psychology of Interdependence and Race3
PSY 420Cognitive Processes3
PSY 430Biological Psychology3
PSY 431Health Psychology3
SOC 241Sociology of Agriculture and Rural Society3
SOC 241ASociology of Agriculture and Rural Society3
SOC 311Community Relationships3
SOC 342International Development3
SOC 350Food and Society3
SOC 351Population and Planning3
SOC 381Sociology of Medicine3
SOC 404Families and Work3
SOC 440Social Change3
STS 323World Population and Food Prospects3
STS 325Bio-Medical Ethics3
WGS 200Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies3
WGS 330Women and Health3
WGS 362Communication and Gender3
Application Electives II (Max: 3 Units )
GPH 4256

Nutrition Electives

ANS 454Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
ANS 554Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
FS 555Exercise Nutrition 13
FS 557Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods 13
IDS 211Eating through American History3
NTR 220Food and Culture 13
NTR 320 13
NTR 330Public Health Nutrition 13
NTR 410Maternal and Infant Nutrition 13
NTR 419Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease 13
NTR 420 13
NTR 421 13
NTR 454Lactation, Milk and Nutrition 13
NTR 510Maternal and Infant Nutrition3
NTR 5213
NTR 555Exercise Nutrition 13
NTR 557Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods 13

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
LSC 101 Critical and Creative Thinking in the Life Sciences 1 2
LSC 103 Exploring Opportunities in the Life Sciences 1
BIO 181 Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity 1 4
CH 101 Chemistry - A Molecular Science 1 3
CH 102 General Chemistry Laboratory 1
MA 121
Elements of Calculus
or Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Spring Semester
BIO 183 Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology 1 4
NTR 301 Introduction to Human Nutrition 1 3
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 4
CH 221 Organic Chemistry I 3
CH 222 Organic Chemistry I Lab 1
Second Year
Fall Semester
NTR 302 Introduction to Nutrition Research, Communication, and Careers 1 3
CH 223 Organic Chemistry II 3
CH 224 Organic Chemistry II Lab 1
ST 311 Introduction to Statistics 3
PSY 200 Introduction to Psychology 3
Free/Minor Elective 3
Spring Semester
FS 201 Introduction to Food Science 3
Nutrition Elective 3
Application Elective 3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3
Physiology Elective 4
Third Year
Fall Semester
NTR 401 Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism 1 3
Nutrition Elective 3
Application Elective 3
Writing/Speaking Elective 3
Free/Minor Electives 3
Spring Semester
GN 311 Principles of Genetics 4
Restricted Nutrition Elective 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
GEP Elective 3
CH 201 Chemistry - A Quantitative Science 3
CH 202 Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory 1
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
PY 211 College Physics I 4
MB 351 General Microbiology 3
MB 352 General Microbiology Laboratory 1
Nutrition Elective 3
GEP Humanities 3
Spring Semester
PY 212 College Physics II 4
NTR 490 Senior Capstone Experience in Nutrition 1 4
GEP Social Sciences 3
GEP Humanities 3
 Total Hours120

A grade of C- or better is required

Career Opportunities

Consumer demand for safe, high quality, nutritious foods and biopharmaceutical products, as well as for educational programs designed to promote healthy eating, creates a variety of career opportunities in the food, pharmaceutical and the allied health industries. Industrial opportunities include management, research and development, process supervision, quality control and assurance, procurement, distribution, and sales. Public health opportunities include educational program development, delivery, and assessment. In addition, graduates hold positions with government agencies and many with advanced degrees have teaching and/or research positions in colleges and universities.

Nutrition Sciences

Nutrition professionals provide evidence-based guidance on what we should eat, study relationships between diet and health, assess eating behavior, design and evaluate community nutrition programs, teach nutrition and healthy eating skills, and advocate for policies that support good nutrition.

Nutrition students gain a strong foundation by studying chemistry, statistics, genetics, physiology and psychology. They develop skills for applying that knowledge through research, internships and service-learning programs.

Graduates are prepared to tackle health challenges head-on, with a sound understanding of nutrient functions, nutrition in disease processes, life cycle and exercise nutrition, research methods, principles of nutrition education and public health.

Our students have the flexibility to choose between two options when pursuing their B.S. in Nutrition Science. The Nutrition Science option is designed to fulfill the prerequisites for medical school and other health professional programs, such as dentistry, physical therapy and pharmacy.

The Applied Nutrition option helps students become qualified to consult or develop programming for public health initiatives on healthy eating and other health-related activities to improve quality of life and lower health care costs. It is also designed for students planning to pursue post-graduate programs to become a nurse, physician assistant or registered dietitian.

Graduates in nutrition are competitive job and professional school applicants because of their deep understanding of the physical, social and life sciences as they relate to human health. They stand out due to the many opportunities to apply their knowledge to the major health challenges facing our country and the world today.


The department provides both merit and financial need scholarships to encourage and assist students preparing for careers in Food, Bioprocessing, or Nutrition Science.

Career Titles

  • Biology Professor
  • Clinical Dietitian
  • Dietetic Technician
  • Dietitian and Nutritionist
  • Food & Drug Inspector
  • Food Science Technicians
  • Food Technologist
  • Home Health Aide

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.