World Cultural Literacy (Minor)

In keeping with the University’s mission to provide an international curriculum, the World Cultural Literacy minor offers N.C. State students (excluding English majors in Literature concentration) an opportunity to study literature and cultures outside the Anglo-American tradition. Students will develop critical and analytical skills and enhance the global perspective essential in today’s job market. The minor offers choices from a range of courses that include film, animation, illustrations, texts, lyrics, and popular cultural references, with courses from History, History of Art, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies and Literature. Readings are in English translation, but original texts supplied on request. Many World Cultural Literacy courses are cross-listed in the Department of World Languages and Literatures and the English Department.
To be admitted to the program, a student must have a GPA of at least 2.0. Application for admission to any University minor program is now available via MyPack Portal. Admission will be based upon the student’s academic record, and in most cases no longer requires departmental review. This minor is open to all NC State students, except English majors in the Literature concentration (16ENGLBA I6ENGLLLT). To declare a World Cultural Literacy Minor, go to the Add a Minor page.
Students should declare the minor as soon as they have completed the first course for the minor, and complete their course work according to their minor degree audit, and the minor requirements. Students can monitor their progress toward completing the minor by viewing their Minor Degree Audit online, anytime, in MyPack Portal. The minor must be completed no later than the semester in which the student expects to graduate from his or her degree program. Questions regarding unmet course requirements on the Minor Degree Audit (indicated by a red ‘X’) should be directed to the Minor Coordinator, below. Students contact the Coordinator of Advising, once they have completed all of their courses for the minor, or during the registration period for the student’s final semester at NC State, in order to complete the final certification of the minor. Students will receive official recognition on their transcripts for the completed minor.
Dr. Meredith Fosque
418 Withers
SIS Code: 16WLM
Plan Requirements
- This minor is open to NC State students, except 16ENGLBA, 16ENGLLT (Literature Concentration) majors.
- Completion of 15 credit hours.
- Students may transfer in no more than six (6) hours of courses toward the minor.
- Must have an overall 2.0 GPA in the minor and may count no course grade lower than a ‘C-‘.
- A maximum of TWO (2) courses may be used (double-counted) towards departmental major requirements and/or requirements for additional minor(s).
- No courses for the minor may be taken for S/U credit.
Courses (15 credit hours)
- At least two (2) courses at or above the 300 level from the World Cultural Literacy list (6 credit hours)
- Two (2) additional courses chosen from the World Cultural Literacy list (6 credit hours)
- One (1) course from the Related Cultural Courses list, from the disciplines of Art History, History, Music, Philosophy, or Religious Studies. Choices must follow non Anglo-American parameters
- No language courses are required. However, one FL_ 200 level or above may count towards minor electives with approval.
- Courses to be chosen from the approved World Cultural Literacy Courses list and the Related Cultural Courses list; however, the minor advisor may approve exceptions, dependent on course content.
World Cultural Literacy Courses
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
FL 210 | Global Literature and Culture | 3 | |
FL 211 | Introduction to the French-speaking World | 3 | |
FL 216 | Art and Society in France | 3 | |
FL/ENG 219 | Studies in Great Works of Non-Western Literature | 3 | |
FL/ENG 220 | Studies in Great Works of Western Literature | 3 | |
FL/ENG 221 | Literature of the Western World I | 3 | |
FL/ENG 222 | Literature of the Western World II | 3 | |
FL/ENG 223 | Contemporary World Literature I | 3 | |
FL/ENG 224 | Contemporary World Literature II | 3 | |
FL/ENG 246 | Literature of the Holocaust | 3 | |
ENG 255 | Beyond Britain: Literature from Colonies of the British Empire | 3 | |
FL/ENG 275 | Literature and War | 3 | |
CLA 210 | Classical Mythology | 3 | |
CLA 215 | The Ancient World in Modern Media | 3 | |
CLA 320 | Masterpieces of Classical Literature | 3 | |
CLA 325 | Gender, Ethnicity & Identity in the Ancient World | 3 | |
FLA 318 | Egyptian Culture through Film | 3 | |
FLA 351 | Modern Arab Popular Culture | 3 | |
FLC 351 | Modern Chinese Popular Culture | 3 | |
FLJ 342 | Classical Japanese Literature in Translation | 3 | |
FLJ 344 | Early Modern Japanese Literature in Translation | 3 | |
FLJ 345 | Modern Japanese Literature in Translation | 3 | |
FLJ 351 | Contemporary Culture in Japan | 3 | |
FLN 351 | Hindi-Urdu Popular Culture | 3 | |
FLR 303 | Russian Literature in Translation: The Nineteenth Century | 3 | |
FLR 304 | Russian Literature in Translation: The Twentieth Century | 3 | |
FLR 318 | Russian Cinema and Society | 3 | |
ENG 329 | Language in Globalization | 3 | |
ENG/AFS 349 | African Literature in English | 3 | |
FL/ENG 392 | Major World Author | 3 | |
FL/ENG 393 | Studies in Literary Genre | 3 | |
FL/ENG 394 | Studies in World Literature | 3 | |
FL/ENG 406 | Modernism | 3 | |
FL/ENG 407 | Postmodernism | 3 | |
ENG 466 | Transatlantic Literatures | 3 | |
ENG 492 | Special Topics in Film Styles and Genres | 3 | |
FL 495 | Special Topics in Foreign Languages and Literatures | 1-6 | |
FL/ENG 539 | Seminar In World Literature (requires permission) | 3 |
Related Cultural Courses
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
HA 201 | History of Art from Caves to the Renaissance | 3 | |
HA 202 | History of Art From the Renaissance Through the 20th Century | 3 | |
HA 298 | Special Topics in Art History | 3 | |
HI 207 | Ancient Mediterranean World | 3 | |
HI 208 | The Middle Ages | 3 | |
HI 209 | From Renaissance to Revolution: The Origins of Modern Europe | 3 | |
HI 210 | Modern Europe 1815-Present | 3 | |
HI 214 | History and Archaeology of Ancient Latin America | 3 | |
HI 215 | Colonial Latin America | 3 | |
HI 216 | Modern Latin America | 3 | |
HI 217 | Caribbean History | 3 | |
HI 263 | Asian Civilizations to 1800 | 3 | |
HI 264 | Modern Asia: 1800 to Present | 3 | |
HI 270 | Modern Middle East | 3 | |
HI 275 | Introduction to History of South and East Africa | 3 | |
HI 276 | Introduction to History of West Africa | 3 | |
HI 370 | Modern Egypt | 3 | |
HI 371 | Modern Japan, 1850 to Present | 3 | |
HI 374 | Visual Culture of Modern South Asia | 3 | |
HI 400 | Civilization of the Ancient Near East | 3 | |
MUS 200 | Understanding Music: Global Perspectives | 3 | |
MUS 201 | Introduction to Music Literature I | 3 | |
MUS 202 | Introduction to Music Literature II | 3 | |
PHI 300 | Ancient Philosophy | 3 | |
PHI 301 | Early Modern Philosophy | 3 | |
PHI 302 | 19th Century Philosophy | 3 | |
PHI 310 | Existentialism | 3 | |
PHI 401 | Kant's Critique of Pure Reason | 3 | |
REL 210 | Religious Traditions of the World | 3 | |
REL 230 | Asian Religions | 3 | |
REL 311 | Introduction to the Old Testament | 3 | |
REL 312 | Introduction to the New Testament | 3 | |
REL 317 | Christianity | 3 | |
REL 331 | The Hindu Tradition | 3 | |
REL 332 | The Buddhist Traditions | 3 | |
REL 333 | Chinese Religions | 3 | |
REL 334 | Japanese Religions | 3 | |
REL 340 | Islam | 3 | |
REL 350 | Judaism | 3 | |
REL 383 | Religion, Globalism, and Justice | 3 | |
REL 407 | Islamic History to 1798 | 3 | |
REL 408 | Islam in the Modern World | 3 | |
REL 412 | Advanced Readings in the Christian Gospels | 3 | |
REL 413 | The Life and Letters of the Apostle Paul | 3 |