University Catalog 2024-2025

Zoology (BS)

The Bachelor of Science in Zoology curriculum concentrates on organismal biology, with an emphasis on animals. Required courses are designed to develop breadth and depth in core areas, providing a strong base for all Zoology majors. Students acquire a knowledge of zoology from the organizational level of molecules and cells to the organizational level of ecosystems, with flexibility in the selection of upper level courses to specialize or remain generalized, according to individual interests and career goals.

Plan Requirements

Exploring the Life Sciences
LSC 103Exploring Opportunities in the Life Sciences1
Advanced Writing Requirement Elective 13
Math & Statistical Sciences
MA 131Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A 13
or MA 141 Calculus I
MA 231Calculus for Life and Management Sciences B 13
or MA 241 Calculus II
ST 311Introduction to Statistics 13
or ST 371 Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory
Natural Sciences
LSC 101Critical and Creative Thinking in the Life Sciences 12
BIO 181Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity 14
BIO 183Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology 14
ZO 250Animal Anatomy and Physiology 14
AEC 360Ecology 14
or PB 360 Ecology
CH 101Chemistry - A Molecular Science 13
CH 102General Chemistry Laboratory 11
CH 201Chemistry - A Quantitative Science 13
CH 202Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory 11
CH 221Organic Chemistry I 13
CH 222Organic Chemistry I Lab 11
CH 223Organic Chemistry II 13
CH 224Organic Chemistry II Lab 11
GN 311Principles of Genetics 14
Select one of the following: 14
University Physics I
Physics for Engineers and Scientists I
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory
College Physics I
Select one of the following: 14
University Physics II
Physics for Engineers and Scientists II
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory
College Physics II
Major Electives
ZO 350Animal Phylogeny and Diversity 14
or ZO 402 Invertebrate Biology
Zoology Electives 112
Additional Science & Math Electives9
GEP Courses
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 14
GEP Humanities6
GEP Social Sciences6
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Elective3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives3
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
Foreign Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Free Electives
Free Electives (12 Hr S/U Lmt)12
Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.

Advanced Writing Requirement Electives

BIO 267Research in the Life Sciences I: Research Skills3
COM 211Argumentation and Advocacy3
ENG 214Introduction to Editing3
ENG 232Literature and Medicine3
ENG 287Explorations in Creative Writing3
ENG 288Fiction Writing3
ENG 289Poetry Writing3
ENG 292Writing About Film3
ENG 316Introduction to News and Article Writing3
ENG 323Writing in Rhetorical Traditions3
ENG 331Communication for Engineering and Technology3
ENG 332Communication for Business and Management3
ENG 333Communication for Science and Research3
ENG 381Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop3
ENG 388Intermediate Fiction Writing Workshop3
ENG 389Intermediate Poetry Writing Workshop3
ENG 416Advanced News and Article Writing3
ENG 417Editorial and Opinion Writing3
ENG 422Writing Theory and the Writing Process3
ENG 425Analysis of Scientific and Technical Writing3
ENG 426Analyzing Style3

Zoology Electives

AEC 380Water Resources: Global Issues in Ecology, Policy, Management, and Advocacy3
AEC 384Tropical Ecology in a Changing World3
AEC 390Community Ecology3
AEC 400Applied Ecology3
AEC 419Freshwater Ecology4
AEC 441Biology of Fishes3
AEC 442Biology of Fishes Laboratory1
AEC 460Field Ecology and Methods4
AEC 470Urban Ecology3
AEC 501Avian Ecology4
AEC 509Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Invertebrates3
AEC 515Fish Physiology3
AEC 519Freshwater Ecology4
AEC 761Conservation and Climate Science3
BIO 270Introduction to Evolution3
BIO 315General Parasitology3
BIO 323Paleoecology3
BIO 330Evolutionary Biology3
BIO 361Developmental Biology3
BIO 370Developmental Anatomy of the Vertebrates3
BIO 375Developmental Anatomy Laboratory2
BIO 444The Biology of Love and Sex3
BIO 555Creative Media Production for Scientists3
BSC 492Professional Experience1-3
BSC 493Research Experience1-3
BSC 494Teaching Experience1-3
BSC 497Biological Sciences Honors Project Part 13
BSC 498Biological Sciences Honors Project Part 23
ENT 402Forest Entomology3
ENT 425General Entomology3
ENT 509Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Invertebrates3
ENT 582Medical and Veterinary Entomology3
FOR 402Forest Entomology3
FW 444Mammalogy3
FW 515Fish Physiology3
FW 544Mammalogy3
MB 435Bacterial Pathogenesis3
MB 470Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases3
MB 535Bacterial Pathogenesis3
MEA 220Marine Biology3
PHY 524Comparative Endocrinology3
PO 524Comparative Endocrinology3
ZO 317Primate Ecology and Evolution3
ZO 333Captive Animal Biology3
ZO 410Introduction to Animal Behavior3
ZO 486Capstone Course in Zoology3
ZO 582Medical and Veterinary Entomology3

Additional Science & Math Electives 

Science and Math
AEC 245Global Conservation Ecology3
AEC 384Tropical Ecology in a Changing World3
AEC 390Community Ecology3
AEC 400Applied Ecology3
AEC 419Freshwater Ecology4
AEC 424Marine Fisheries Ecology3
BIO 323Paleoecology3
AEC 441Biology of Fishes3
AEC 442Biology of Fishes Laboratory1
AEC 450Conservation Genetics3
AEC 458Environmental Issues in Aquatic Ecology3
AEC 460Field Ecology and Methods4
AEC 470Urban Ecology3
AEC 480Applied Science Communication3
ANS 220
ANS 221
Reproductive Physiology
and Reproductive Physiology Lab
ANS 225Principles of Animal Nutrition3
ANS 230
ANS 231
Animal Nutrition
and Animal Nutrition Lab
ANS 330Laboratory Animal Science3
ANS 415/515/NTR 415/515/PO 415/515Comparative Nutrition3
ANS 452/552/PHY 452/552Comparative Reproductive Physiology and Biotechnology3
ANS 453/553Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development3
ANS 454/554/NTR 454Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
ANS/NTR 561Equine Nutrition3
ANS/BCH 571Regulation of Metabolism3
FS/NTR 301Introduction to Human Nutrition3
NTR 419Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease3
Science and Math (ANT)
ANT 251Physical Anthropology3
ANT 370Introduction to Forensic Anthropology3
ANT 371Human Variation3
ANT 421/521Human Osteology3
ANT 424/524Bioarchaeology3
ANT 475/575Environmental Archaeology3
ANT 483/583Theories of Archaeological Research3
ANT 529Advanced Methods in Forensic Anthropology4
ANT 585Skeletal Biology in Anthropology3
Science and Math (BCH)
ANS/BCH 571Regulation of Metabolism3
BCH 220Role of Biotechnology in Society3
BCH 351General Biochemistry3
BCH 451
BCH 452
Principles of Biochemistry
and Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory
BCH 453/553Biochemistry of Gene Expression3
BCH 454Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory4
BCH 455/555Proteins and Molecular Mechanisms3
BCH 552Experimental Biochemistry3
Science and Math (BIT)
BEC 463/563/CHE 463/563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIO 572Proteomics3
BIT/MB 210Phage Hunters3
BIT/MB 211Phage Genomics2
BIT 410Manipulation of Recombinant DNA4
BIT 463/563Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms2
BIT 464/564Protein Purification2
BIT 466/566/PO 466/566Animal Cell Culture Techniques2
BIT 467/567PCR and DNA Fingerprinting2
BIT 471/571RNA Interference and Model Organisms2
BIT 473/573Protein Interactions2
BIT 474/574Plant Genetic Engineering2
BIT 476Applied Bioinformatics2
BIT 477/577Metagenomics2
BIT/PB 481Plant Tissue Culture and Transformation2
BIT 510Core Technologies in Molecular and Cellular Biology4
BIT/CH 572Proteomics3
Science and Math (MA)
BIO/BMA 560Population Ecology3
BMA 567Modeling of Biological Systems4
BMA 573Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I3
BMA 574Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes II3
Science and Math (CBS)
CBS 565Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences3
CBS 570Methods in Biomedical Sciences1
CBS 580Epidemiology I3
Science and Math (CH)
CH 230Computational Chemistry Lab I1
CH 232Computational Chemistry Lab II1
CH 315Quantitative Analysis3
CH 331Introductory Physical Chemistry4
CH 401Systematic Inorganic Chemistry I3
CH 403Systematic Inorganic Chemistry II3
CH 431Physical Chemistry I3
CH 433Physical Chemistry II3
CH 435Introduction to Quantum Chemistry3
CH 441Forensic Chemistry3
CH 442Advanced Synthetic Techniques4
CH 444Advanced Synthetic Techniques II4
CH 452Advanced Measurement Techniques I4
CH 463/563Molecular Origins of Life3
Science and Math (ENT)
AEC 409/509Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Invertebrates4
ENT 207Insects and Human Disease3
ENT 305Introduction to Forensic Entomology3
ENT/FOR 402Forest Entomology3
ENT 425General Entomology3
ENT 502Insect Diversity4
ENT 503Insect Morphology and Physiology3
ENT/GES 506Principles of Genetic Pest Management3
ENT 526Organic Agriculture: Principles and Practices3
ENT/ZO 582Medical and Veterinary Entomology3
Science and Math (ES)
ES 300Energy and Environment3
ES 400Analysis of Environmental Issues3
Science and Math (FOR)
AEC 423Introduction to Fisheries Sciences Laboratory1
ENT 402Forest Entomology3
FOR 252Introduction to Forest Science3
FOR 260Forest Ecology4
FOR 261Forest Communities2
FOR 264Forest Wildlife1
FOR 265Fire Management1
FOR 303Silvics and Forest Tree Physiology3
FOR 304Theory of Silviculture4
FOR 318Forest Pathology3
FOR 330North Carolina Forests3
FOR 339
FOR 402Forest Entomology3
FOR 405Forest Management4
FOR 411Forest Tree Genetics and Biology3
FOR 414World Forestry3
FOR 415World Forestry Study Tour1
FOR 420Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
FOR 501Dendrology4
FOR 503
FOR 505Forest Management4
FOR 507Silviculture Mini Course1
FOR 510Introduction to GPS1
FOR 513Silviculture for Intensively Managed Plantations3
FOR 520Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
FOR 540Advanced Dendrology3
FOR 562Forest Communities of the Southern Appalachians1
FOR 575Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology3
FOR 583Tropical Forestry3
FW 221Conservation of Natural Resources3
FW 404Wildlife Habitat Management3
NR 420/520Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology4
PP 318Forest Pathology3
Science and Math (FW)
AEC 420Introduction to Fisheries Science3
AEC 515Fish Physiology3
AEC 586
AEC 587
FW 221Conservation of Natural Resources3
FW 311Piedmont Wildlife Ecology and Management3
FW 312Fisheries Techniques and Management1
FW 313Mountain Wildlife Ecology and Management1
FW 314Coastal Ecology and Management1
FW 333Conservation Biology in Practice3
FW 353Wildlife Management3
FW 403Urban Wildlife Management3
FW 404Wildlife Habitat Management3
FW 444Mammalogy3
FW 453Principles of Wildlife Science4
FW 460International Wildlife Management and Conservation3
FW 465African Ecology and Conservation4
FW 515Fish Physiology3
FW 544Mammalogy3
FW 553Principles of Wildlife Science4
FW 560International Wildlife Management and Conservation3
FW 565African Ecology and Conservation4
FW 586
FW 587
Science and Math (GN)
GN 301Genetics in Human Affairs3
GN 312Elementary Genetics Laboratory1
GN 421Molecular Genetics3
GN 423Population, Quantitative and Evolutionary Genetics3
GN 425Advanced Genetics Laboratory2
GN 427Introductory Bioinformatics3
GN 434Genes and Development3
GN 441Human and Biomedical Genetics3
GN 450Conservation Genetics3
GN 451Genome Science3
GN 453Personal Genomics3
GN 461Advanced Bioinformatics3
GN 521Molecular Genetics3
GN 541Human and Biomedical Genetics3
GN 550Conservation Genetics3
Science and Math (MA)
BMA 573Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I3
BMA 574Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes II3
CSC 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
CSC 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
CSC 565Graph Theory3
CSC 580Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 583Introduction to Parallel Computing3
E 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
FIM 547Stochastic Calculus for Finance3
ISE 505Linear Programming3
LOG 335Symbolic Logic3
MA 225Foundations of Advanced Mathematics3
MA 242Calculus III4
MA 302Numerical Applications to Differential Equations1
MA 303Linear Analysis3
MA 305Introductory Linear Algebra and Matrices3
MA 315Mathematics Methods in Atmospheric Sciences4
MA 325Introduction to Applied Mathematics3
MA 331Differential Equations for the Life Sciences3
MA 335Symbolic Logic3
MA 341Applied Differential Equations I3
MA 351Introduction to Discrete Mathematical Models3
MA 401Applied Differential Equations II3
MA 402Mathematics of Scientific Computing3
MA 403Introduction to Modern Algebra3
MA 405Introduction to Linear Algebra3
MA 408Foundations of Euclidean Geometry3
MA 410Theory of Numbers3
MA 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
MA 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
MA 421Introduction to Probability3
MA 425Mathematical Analysis I3
MA 426Mathematical Analysis II3
MA 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
MA 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
MA 430Mathematical Models in the Physical Sciences3
MA 432Mathematical Models in Life Sciences3
MA 437Applications of Algebra3
MA 444Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions1
MA 501Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists I3
MA 502Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists II3
MA 504Introduction to Mathematical Programming3
MA 505Linear Programming3
MA 511Advanced Calculus I3
MA 513Introduction To Complex Variables3
MA 515Analysis I3
MA 518Geometry of Curves and Surfaces3
MA 520Linear Algebra3
MA 521Abstract Algebra I3
MA 522Computer Algebra3
MA 523Linear Transformations and Matrix Theory3
MA 524Combinatorics I3
MA 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
MA 532Ordinary Differential Equations I3
MA 534Introduction To Partial Differential Equations3
MA 537Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos3
MA 544Computer Experiments In Mathematical Probability3
MA 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
MA 547Stochastic Calculus for Finance3
MA 551Introduction to Topology3
MA 555Introduction to Manifold Theory3
MA 561Set Theory and Foundations Of Mathematics3
MA 573Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I3
MA 574Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes II3
MA 580Numerical Analysis I3
MA 583Introduction to Parallel Computing3
MA 584Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite Difference Methods3
MA 587Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite Element Method3
MEA 315Mathematics Methods in Atmospheric Sciences4
OR 504Introduction to Mathematical Programming3
OR 505Linear Programming3
OR 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
OR 565Graph Theory3
ST 412Long-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
Science and Math (MB)
BIT 210Phage Hunters3
BIT 211Phage Genomics2
FS 405/505Food Microbiology3
FS 406/506Food Microbiology Lab2
MB 200The Fourth Horseman: Plagues that Changed the World3
MB 211Phage Genomics2
MB 351General Microbiology3
MB 352General Microbiology Laboratory1
MB 354Inquiry-Guided Microbiology Lab1
MB 360Scientific Inquiry in Microbiology: At the Bench3
MB 405Food Microbiology3
MB 406Food Microbiology Lab2
MB 411Medical Microbiology3
MB 412Medical Microbiology Laboratory1
MB 414Microbial Metabolic Regulation3
MB 420Fundamentals of Microbial Cell Biotransformations2
MB 435Bacterial Pathogenesis3
MB 441Immunology3
MB 451Microbial Diversity3
MB 452Microbial Diversity Lab2
MB 455Microbial Biotechnology3
MB 461Molecular Virology3
MB 470Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases3
MB 501Biology of Plant Pathogens3
MB 505Food Microbiology3
MB 506Food Microbiology Lab2
MB 520Fundamentals of Microbial Cell Biotransformations2
MB 532Soil Microbiology4
MB 535Bacterial Pathogenesis3
MB 555Microbial Biotechnology3
MB 575Introduction to Mycology4
PB 501Biology of Plant Pathogens3
PB 575Introduction to Mycology4
PP 501Biology of Plant Pathogens3
PP 575Introduction to Mycology4
SSC 532Soil Microbiology4
Science and Math (MEA)
CE 435Engineering Geology3
CE 479Air Quality3
CE 581Fluid Mechanics in Natural Environments3
ET 320Fundamentals of Air Pollution3
GIS 582Geospatial Modeling3
MA 315Mathematics Methods in Atmospheric Sciences4
MEA 200Introduction to Oceanography3
MEA 202Geology II: Historical3
MEA 210Oceanography Lab1
MEA 211Geology II Laboratory1
MEA 220Marine Biology3
MEA 250Introduction to Coastal Environments3
MEA 251Introduction to Coastal Environments Laboratory1
MEA 300Environmental Geology4
MEA 312Atmospheric Thermodynamics4
MEA 315Mathematics Methods in Atmospheric Sciences4
MEA 320Fundamentals of Air Pollution3
MEA 321Fundamentals of Air Quality and Climate Change3
MEA 323Geochemistry of Natural Waters3
MEA 369Life on Earth: Principles of Paleontology3
MEA 410Introduction to Mineralogy3
MEA 411Marine Sediment Transport3
MEA 412Atmospheric Physics3
MEA 415Climate Dynamics3
MEA 421Atmospheric Dynamics I3
MEA 422Atmospheric Dynamics II3
MEA 425Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry3
MEA 440Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology3
MEA 443Synoptic Weather Analysis and Forecasting4
MEA 444Mesoscale Analysis and Forecasting4
MEA 449Principles of Biological Oceanography3
MEA 450Introductory Sedimentology and Stratigraphy4
MEA 451Structural Geology4
MEA 454Marine Physical-Biological Interactions3
MEA 455Micrometeorology3
MEA 459Field Investigation of Coastal Processes5
MEA 462Observational Methods and Data Analysis in Marine Physics3
MEA 463Fluid Physics3
MEA 464Ocean Circulation Systems3
MEA 465Geologic Field Camp4
MEA 467Marine Meteorology3
MEA 469Ecology of Coastal Resources3
MEA 470Introduction to Geophysics3
MEA 471Exploration and Engineering Geophysics3
MEA 473Principles of Chemical Oceanography3
MEA 476Worldwide River and Delta Systems: Their Evolution and Human Impacts3
MEA 479Air Quality3
MEA 481Geomorphology: Earth's Dynamic Surface3
MEA 485Introduction to Hydrogeology3
MEA 510Air Pollution Meteorology3
MEA 511Introduction to Meteorological Remote Sensing3
MEA 514Advanced Physical Meteorology3
MEA 515Climate Dynamics3
MEA 525Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry3
MEA 540Principles of Physical Oceanography3
MEA 549Principles of Biological Oceanography3
MEA 554Marine Physical-Biological Interactions3
MEA 562Marine Sediment Transport3
MEA 570Geological Oceanography3
MEA 573Principles of Chemical Oceanography3
MEA 574Advanced Igneous Petrology3
MEA 577Electron Microprobe Analysis of Geologic Material2
MEA 579Principles of Air Quality Engineering3
MEA 580Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting4
MEA 581Fluid Mechanics in Natural Environments3
MEA 582Geospatial Modeling3
MEA 585Physical Hydrogeology3
MEA 599Regional Geology of North America1-6
Science and Math (MT)
MT 323Introduction to Theory and Practice of Medical Fiber and Yarn Formation3
MT 366Biotextile Product Development3
MT 432Evaluation of Biotextiles3
MT/PCC 471Chemistry of Biopolymers3
Science and Math (NTR)
ANS 415Comparative Nutrition3
ANS 454/554/FS 554Lactation, Milk and Nutrition3
ANS 550Applied Ruminant Nutrition3
ANS 561Equine Nutrition3
FS 301Introduction to Human Nutrition3
FS 401Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
FS 555Exercise Nutrition3
FS 557Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods3
NTR 301Introduction to Human Nutrition3
NTR 401Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
NTR 415Comparative Nutrition3
NTR 419Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease3
NTR 500Principles of Human Nutrition3
NTR 501Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism3
NTR 515Comparative Nutrition3
NTR 550Applied Ruminant Nutrition3
NTR 555Exercise Nutrition3
NTR 557Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods3
NTR 561Equine Nutrition3
PO 415/515Comparative Nutrition3
Science and Math (PB)
AEC 360Ecology4
BIO 330Evolutionary Biology3
BIO 414Cell Biology3
BIT 476Applied Bioinformatics2
BIT 481Plant Tissue Culture and Transformation2
FOR 565Plant Community Ecology4
MB 501Biology of Plant Pathogens3
MB 575Introduction to Mycology4
PB 205Our Green World3
PB 215Medicinal Plants3
PB 219Plants in Folklore, Myth, and religion3
PB 220Local Flora3
PB 250Plant Biology4
PB 321Introduction to Whole Plant Physiology3
PB 360Ecology4
PB 400Plant Diversity and Evolution4
PB 403Systematic Botany4
PB 421Plant Physiology3
PB 445Paleobotany4
PB 464Rare Plants of North Carolina3
PB 480Introduction to Plant Biotechnology3
PB 481Plant Tissue Culture and Transformation2
PB 501Biology of Plant Pathogens3
PB 503Systematic Botany4
PB 513Plant Anatomy2
PB 545Paleobotany4
PB 564Rare Plants of North Carolina3
PB 570Plant Functional Ecology3
PB 580Introduction to Plant Biotechnology3
PP 501Biology of Plant Pathogens3
PP 575Introduction to Mycology4
Science and Math (PHY)
PHY 503General Physiology I3
PHY 504General Physiology II3
PHY 524Comparative Endocrinology3
PO 524Comparative Endocrinology3
Science and Math (PP)
CS 502Plant Disease: Methods & Diagnosis2
FOR 318Forest Pathology3
HS 502Plant Disease: Methods & Diagnosis2
MB 501Biology of Plant Pathogens3
MB 575Introduction to Mycology4
PB 501Biology of Plant Pathogens3
PB 575Introduction to Mycology4
PP 315Principles of Plant Pathology4
PP 318Forest Pathology3
PP 501Biology of Plant Pathogens3
PP 502Plant Disease: Methods & Diagnosis2
PP 575Introduction to Mycology4
Science and Math (PY)
PY 252Instrumental and Data Analysis for Physics2
PY 301Introduction to Quantum Mechanics3
PY 328Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics3
PY 341Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology3
PY 401Quantum Physics I3
PY 402Quantum Physics II3
Science and Math (SSC)
MB 352General Microbiology Laboratory1
SSC 200Soil Science3
SSC 201Soil Science Laboratory1
SSC 332Environmental Soil Microbiology3
SSC 341Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management3
SSC 342Soil and Plant Nutrient Analysis1
SSC 421
SSC 427Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil Systems3
SSC 442Soil and Environmental Biogeochemistry3
SSC 452Soil Classification4
SSC 461Soil Physical Properties and Plant Growth3
SSC 470Wetland Soils3
SSC 511Soil Physics4
SSC 521Soil Chemistry3
SSC 532Soil Microbiology4
SSC 541Soil Fertility3
SSC 545Remote Sensing Applications in Soil Science and Agriculture3
SSC 551Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification3
SSC 562Environmental Applications Of Soil Science3
SSC 570Wetland Soils3
Science and Math (ST)
BUS 350Economics and Business Statistics3
EC 351Econometrics I3
ECG 561Applied Econometrics I3
MA 412Long-Term Actuarial Models3
MA 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
MA 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
PSY 240Introduction to Behavioral Research I3
PSY 241Introduction to Behavioral Research I Lab1
PSY 242Introduction to Behavioral Research II3
PSY 243Introduction to Behavioral Research II Lab2
ST 311Introduction to Statistics3
ST 312Introduction to Statistics II3
ST 350Economics and Business Statistics3
ST 371Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory3
ST 372Introduction to Statistical Inference and Regression3
ST 401Experiences in Data Analysis4
ST 412Long-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 421Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I3
ST 422Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II3
ST 430Introduction to Regression Analysis3
ST 431Introduction to Experimental Design3
ST 432Introduction to Survey Sampling3
ST 435Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement3
ST 445Introduction to Statistical Computing and Data Management3
ST 505Applied Nonparametric Statistics3
ST 511Statistical Methods For Researchers I3
ST 512Statistical Methods For Researchers II 3
ST 520Statistical Principles of Clinical Trials3
ST 535Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement3
ST 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
ST 561Applied Econometrics I3
Science and Math (TOX)
TOX 401Principles of Toxicology4
TOX 415Ecotoxicology4
TOX 501Principles of Toxicology4
TOX 515Environmental Toxicology4
Science and Math (ZO)
AEC 409Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Invertebrates4
AEC 501Avian Ecology4
AEC 509Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Invertebrates4
AEC 515Fish Physiology3
AEC 586
AEC 587
ENT 582Medical and Veterinary Entomology3
FW 515Fish Physiology3
FW 586
FW 587
MEA 449Principles of Biological Oceanography3
MEA 549Principles of Biological Oceanography3
PHY 503General Physiology I3
PHY 504General Physiology II3
PHY 524Comparative Endocrinology3
PO 524Comparative Endocrinology3
ZO 334Captive Animal Biology Field Laboratory2
ZO 350Animal Phylogeny and Diversity4
ZO 582Medical and Veterinary Entomology3

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
LSC 101 Critical and Creative Thinking in the Life Sciences 1 2
BIO 181 Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity 4
CH 101 Chemistry - A Molecular Science 1 3
CH 102 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 1
MA 131 Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A 1 3
LSC 103 Exploring Opportunities in the Life Sciences 1
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Spring Semester
BIO 183 Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology 1 4
CH 221 Organic Chemistry I 1 3
CH 222 Organic Chemistry I Lab 1 1
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 1 4
MA 231 Calculus for Life and Management Sciences B 1 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
CH 223 Organic Chemistry II 1 3
CH 224 Organic Chemistry II Lab 1 1
ST 311
Introduction to Statistics 1
or Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory
ZO 250 Animal Anatomy and Physiology 1 4
GEP Humanities 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Spring Semester
Ecology Requirement 1 4
GN 311 Principles of Genetics 1 4
CH 201 Chemistry - A Quantitative Science 1 3
CH 202 Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory 1 1
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3
Third Year
Fall Semester
Animal Phylogeny Requirement 1 4
Free Elective 3
PY 211 College Physics I 1 4
GEP Social Sciences 3
Spring Semester
Advanced Writing Requirement 1 3
Zoology Elective 1 3
PY 212 College Physics II 1 4
GEP Social Sciences 3
Free Elective 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
Zoology Elective 1 3
Zoology Elective 1 3
Science & Math Elective 3
Science & Math Elective 3
GEP Humanities 3
Spring Semester
Zoology Elective 1 3
Science & Math Elective 3
Free Elective 3
GEP Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.

Career Opportunities

Many students majoring in the Department of Biological Sciences take advantage of scholarship and honors programs available at NC State, including the University Honors Program and the University Scholars Program.  In addition, we offer a discipline-based Undergraduate Honors Program in Biological Sciences (DBS Honors Program).  The DBS Honors Program requires students to design a challenging program of advanced study, including eight credits of honors coursework in biology and at least two semesters of research or teaching scholarship.  Participants write an honors thesis and are required to present their scholarly work at a local, regional, or national meeting.  Invitations to join the DBS Honors Program are sent in the first three weeks of the Fall and Spring semesters.  Students in any major in the Department of Biological Sciences who have earned an overall GPA of 3.60 after completing 30-65 credit hours at NC State will receive an invitation to join the DBS Honors Program; transfer students in any of our majors who have earned an overall GPA of 3.60 in 15 credit hours at NC State also will receive an invitation.  

Students who graduate from the Department of Biological Sciences are well prepared for employment in various government agencies and private industries. Graduates may continue their education with studies leading to advanced degrees in many areas of the biological sciences, including cell biology, ecology, microbiology, genetics, zoology, neurobiology, and biomedical disciplines. Many choose to seek advanced degrees in medicine, dentistry, optometry, veterinary medicine, public health, and other health-related fields. Students who plan to seek certification for pre-college teaching may want to pursue a second major in the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Education.

Career Titles

  • Animal Breeder
  • Animal Scientist
  • Animal Trainer
  • Aquaculture Specialist
  • Aquarium Curator
  • Biochemist
  • Biologist
  • Biology Professor
  • Conservation Scientist
  • Environmental Planner
  • Environmental Science and Protection Technician
  • Environmental Science Professor
  • Farmers and Ranchers
  • Fish and Game Warden
  • Forester
  • Marine and Aquatic Biologist
  • Park Naturalist
  • Technical & Scientific Publications Editor
  • Veterinarian (VMD)
  • Wildlife Biologist
  • Wildlife Control Agent
  • Zoo Veterinarian
  • Zoologist

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.

Zoological Association of America
Association of Zoos & Aquariums