University Catalog 2024-2025

Sustainable Materials and Technology (BS)

The Sustainable Materials & Technology degree prepares students for 21st century jobs helping businesses and communities reduce their ecological footprint through efficient use of renewable natural materials, such as wood, bamboo and cork, in the manufacture and use of value-added products. You'll gain a strong foundation in environmental science, economics, social sciences, and materials science which prepares you to design, manufacture and sell sustainable bio-based products. This degree is for students interested in a career in a growing field with job flexibility, high placement rates, great starting salaries, a tradition of success and an unlimited future.

Summer Internship

Graduates of the Sustainable Materials and Technology program enter the real world with hands-on experience gained through internships, lab experiments, and practical coursework. More than one half of students participate in paid undergraduate research and work study opportunities. In addition, students are required to complete a paid summer internship or a semester co-op with a company in the industry. There are many other summer employment opportunities that are available to you beyond the required internship.


Dr. Ilona Peszlen
Director of Undergraduate Programs

Plan Requirements

Departmental Requirements
Select one of the following:3
Student Success in Environmental First Year
and Exploring the Environment
Introduction to Environmental Sciences
SMT 200Introduction to Sustainable Materials and Technology3
SMT 203Physical Properties of Sustainable Materials4
SMT 210Sustainable Materials Internship1
SMT 301Chemistry of Sustainable Materials3
SMT 302Processing of Biomaterials4
SMT 320Industrial Chemical Pollutants2
SMT 441Mechanical Properties of Sustainable Materials4
SMT 444Sustainable Composites and Biopolymers3
SMT 450Sustainable Business and Innovation2
SMT 483Capstone in Sustainable Materials and Technology3
PSE 476Environmental Life Cycle Analysis3
MIE 201Introduction to Business Processes3
EC 205Fundamentals of Economics3
ISE 311Engineering Economic Analysis3
Select one of the following:3
U.S. Environmental Law and Politics
Global Environmental Politics
Environmental Law & Economic Policy
IDS 201Environmental Ethics3
Mathematics & Natural Sciences
Select one of the following Calculus courses:3
Elements of Calculus
Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A
Calculus I
ST 311Introduction to Statistics3
CH 101
CH 102
Chemistry - A Molecular Science
and General Chemistry Laboratory
CH 220
CH 222
Introductory Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry I Lab
Select one of the following Physics courses:4
Physics for Engineers and Scientists I
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory
College Physics I
BIO 181Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity4
Concentration Requirements
Technical Electives15
Advised Electives 218
General Education Program (GEP) Courses
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 14
GEP Humanities6
GEP Elective3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Global Knowledge (Verify Requirement)
Foreign Language Proficiency (Verify Requirement)
Total Hours120

A grade of C- or better is required.


Students should consult their academic advisors to determine how to complete this requirement.

Technical Electives

ACC 200Introduction to Managerial Accounting3
ACC 210Concepts of Financial Reporting3
ACC 220Introduction to Managerial Accounting3
ACC 230Individual Income Taxation3
ACC 280Survey of Financial and Managerial Accounting3
ACC 295Special Topics in Accounting1-6
ACC 310Intermediate Financial Accounting I3
ACC 311Intermediate Financial Accounting II3
ACC 330An Introduction To Income Taxation3
ACC 340Accounting Information Systems3
ACC 411Business Valuation3
ACC 420Cost Accounting for Effective Management3
ACC 440Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: Implementation, Risk, and Analytics3
ACC 450Auditing and Assurance Services3
ACC 451Internal Auditing3
ACC 460Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting3
ACC 495Special Topics in Accounting1-6
ACC 498Independent Study in Accounting1-6
ACC 499Internship in ACC1-6
ACC 508Advanced Commercial Law3
ACC 510Advanced Financial Accounting3
ACC 519Applied Financial Management3
ACC 520Advanced Management Accounting3
ACC 530Advanced Income Tax3
ACC 533Accounting and Tax Research3
ACC 540IT Risks and Controls3
ACC 550Advanced Auditing3
ACC 560Tools for Tax Analytics1
ACC 561Database Management in Tax1
ACC 562Forecasting Effective Tax Rates and Scenario Analysis - Introduction1
ACC 563Forecasting Effective Tax Rates and Scenario Analysis - Advanced Application1
ACC 564Project Management and Process Documentation in Tax1
ACC 565Visual Analytics in Tax1
ACC 566Database Management Applications in Tax1
ACC 5671
ACC 5681
ACC 569Advanced Visual Analytics in Tax1
ACC 570Data Security and Warehousing in Tax1
ACC 5711
ACC 588Special Topics in Accounting1-6
ARE 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
ARE 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
BUS 225Personal Finance3
BUS 295Special Topics in Business Management1-6
BUS 320Financial Management3
BUS 340Information Systems Management3
BUS 350Economics and Business Statistics3
BUS 351Introduction to Business Analytics3
BUS 360Marketing Methods3
BUS 370Operations and Supply Chain Management3
CSC 110Computer Science Principles - The Beauty and Joy of Computing3
CSC 111Introduction to Computing: Python3
CSC 112Introduction to Computing-FORTRAN3
CSC 113Introduction to Computing - MATLAB3
CSC 116Introduction to Computing - Java3
CSC 2003
CSC 216Software Development Fundamentals4
CSC 217Software Development Fundamentals Lab1
CSC 226Discrete Mathematics3
CSC 230C and Software Tools3
CSC 236Computer Organization and Assembly Language for Computer Scientists3
CSC 246Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems for Computer Scientists3
CSC 251Web Page Development1
CSC 255String Processing Languages1
CSC 281Foundations of Interactive Game Design3
CSC 295Special Topics in Computer Science1-3
CSC 302Introduction to Numerical Methods3
CSC 316Data Structures and Algorithms3
CSC 326Software Engineering4
CSC 333Automata, Grammars, and Computability3
CSC 342Applied Web-based Client-Server Computing3
CSC 379Ethics in Computing1
CSC 401Data and Computer Communications Networks3
CSC 402Networking Projects3
CSC 405Computer Security3
CSC 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 411Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 412Compiler Construction3
CSC 415Software Security3
CSC 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
CSC 417Theory of Programming Languages3
CSC 422Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
CSC 431File Organization and Processing3
CSC 440Database Management Systems3
CSC 442Introduction to Data Science3
CSC 450Web Services3
CSC 453Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Systems3
CSC 454Human-Computer Interaction3
CSC 455Social Computing and Decentralized Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 456Computer Architecture and Multiprocessors3
CSC 461Computer Graphics3
CSC 462Advanced Computer Graphics Projects3
CSC 467Multimedia Technology3
CSC 474Network Security3
CSC 481Game Engine Foundations3
CSC 482Advanced Computer Game Projects3
CSC 484Building Game AI3
CSC 492Senior Design Project3
CSC 495Special Topics in Computer Science1-6
CSC 499Independent Research in Computer Science1-6
CSC 501Operating Systems Principles3
CSC 503Computational Applied Logic3
CSC 505Design and Analysis Of Algorithms3
CSC 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
CSC 510Software Engineering3
CSC 512Compiler Construction3
CSC 513Electronic Commerce Technology3
CSC 515Software Security3
CSC 517Object-Oriented Design and Development3
CSC 519DevOps: Modern Software Engineering Practices3
CSC 520Artificial Intelligence I3
CSC 522Automated Learning and Data Analysis3
CSC 530Computational Methods for Molecular Biology3
CSC 533Privacy in the Digital Age3
CSC 540Database Management Concepts and Systems3
CSC 541Advanced Data Structures3
CSC 546Management Decision and Control Systems3
CSC 547Cloud Computing Technology3
CSC 548Parallel Systems3
CSC 554Human-Computer Interaction3
CSC 555Social Computing and Decentralized Artificial Intelligence3
CSC 561Principles of Computer Graphics3
CSC 562Introduction to Game Engine Design3
CSC 563Visual Interfaces for Mobile Devices3
CSC 565Graph Theory3
CSC 568Enterprise Storage Architecture3
CSC 570Computer Networks3
CSC 573Internet Protocols3
CSC 574Computer and Network Security3
CSC 575Introduction to Wireless Networking3
CSC 576Networking Services: QoS, Signaling, Processes3
CSC 577Switched Network Management3
CSC 579Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling3
CSC 580Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 582Computer Models of Interactive Narrative3
CSC 583Introduction to Parallel Computing3
CSC 584Building Game AI3
CSC 591Special Topics In Computer Science1-6
EC 202Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
EC 302Intermediate Macroeconomics3
EC 305A Closer Look at Capitalism3
EC 336Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics3
EC 348Introduction to International Economics3
EC 351Econometrics I3
EC 404Money, Financial Markets, and the Economy3
EC 410Public Finance3
EC 413Industrial Organization3
EC 431Labor Economics3
EC 4373
EC 449International Finance3
EC 451Econometrics II3
EC 468Game Theory3
EC 474Economics of Financial Institutions and Markets3
EC 4803
EC 490Research Seminar in Economics3
EC 495Special Topics in Economics1-6
EC 498Independent Study in Economics1-6
ECE 406Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 460Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 506Architecture Of Parallel Computers3
ECE 514Random Processes3
ECE 517Object-Oriented Design and Development3
ECE 547Cloud Computing Technology3
ECE 560Embedded System Architectures3
ECE 570Computer Networks3
ECE 573Internet Protocols3
ECE 574Computer and Network Security3
ECE 575Introduction to Wireless Networking3
ECE 576Networking Services: QoS, Signaling, Processes3
ECE 577Switched Network Management3
ECE 579Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling3
FOR 3394
GC 120Foundations of Graphics3
GC 250Architectural Graphic Communications3
GC 3203D Spatial Relations3
GC 330Basic Technical Animation3
GC 340Concepts of Website Development3
GC 350Applied CAD/D and Geometric Controls3
GC 420Visual Thinking3
GC 450Advanced Graphics Usage with CAD3
GC 496Special Topics in Graphic Communications1-4
GC 498Independent Study in Graphic Communications1-4
ISE 135Computer-Based Modeling for Industrial Engineering3
ISE 215Foundations of Design & 3D Modeling for Engineers1
ISE 216Product Development and Rapid Prototyping3
ISE 311Engineering Economic Analysis3
ISE 315Introduction to Computer-Aided Manufacturing1
ISE 316Manufacturing Engineering I - Processes3
ISE 352Fundamentals of Human-Machine Systems Design3
ISE 361Deterministic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 362Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 408Design and Control of Production and Service Systems3
ISE 413Humanitarian Logistics 3
ISE 416Manufacturing Engineering II - Automation3
ISE 417Database Applications in Industrial & Systems Engineering3
ISE 435Python Programming for Industrial & Systems Engineers3
ISE 437Data Analytics for Industrial Engineering3
ISE 441Introduction to Simulation3
ISE 443Quality Design and Control3
ISE 452Advanced Human-Machine Systems Design3
ISE 453Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chains3
ISE 462Advanced Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 489Special Topics in Industrial and Systems Engineering 1-3
ISE 495Project Work in Industrial Engineering1-3
ISE 498Senior Design Project3
ISE 501Introduction to Operations Research3
ISE 505Linear Programming3
ISE 510Applied Engineering Economy3
ISE 513Humanitarian Logistics 3
ISE 515Manufacturing Process Engineering3
ISE 519Database Applications in Industrial and Systems Engineering3
ISE 520Healthcare Systems Performance Improvement I3
ISE 521Healthcare Systems Performance Improvement II3
ISE 535Python Programming for Industrial & Systems Engineers3
ISE 540Human Factors In Systems Design3
ISE 541Occupational Safety Engrg3
ISE 543Musculoskeletal Mechanics3
ISE 544Occupational Biomechanics3
ISE 546Management Decision and Control Systems3
ISE 552Design and Control of Production and Service Systems3
ISE 553Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chains3
ISE 560Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
ISE 562Simulation Modeling3
ISE 589Special Topics In Industrial Engineering1-6
ISE 714Product Manufacturing Engineering for the Medical Device Industry3
M 100Personal and Professional Identity Development1
MA 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
MA 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
MA 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
MA 505Linear Programming3
MA 565Graph Theory3
MA 580Numerical Analysis I3
MA 583Introduction to Parallel Computing3
MA 587Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite Element Method3
MIE 201Introduction to Business Processes3
MIE 295Special Topics in MIE1-6
MIE 305Legal and Regulatory Environment3
MIE 306Managing Ethics in Organizations3
MIE 310Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
MIE 330Human Resource Management3
MIE 335Organizational Behavior3
MIE 410Business Opportunity Analysis3
MIE 411Managing the Growth Venture3
MIE 412Finance and Accounting for Entrepreneurs3
MIE 413New Venture Planning3
MIE 416The Legal Dynamics of Entrepreneurship3
MIE 418Social Entrepreneurship Practicum3
MIE 419Entrepreneurship Practicum3
MIE 430Teamwork in Organizations3
MIE 432Employee Relations3
MIE 434Compensation Systems3
MIE 435Leadership and Management3
MIE 436Training and Development3
MIE 438Staffing3
MIE 439Human Resources Practicum3
MIE 480Business Policy and Strategy3
MIE 495Special Topics in MIE1-6
MIE 498Independent Study in MIE1-6
OR 501Introduction to Operations Research3
OR 505Linear Programming3
OR 560Stochastic Models in Industrial Engineering3
OR 562Simulation Modeling3
OR 565Graph Theory3
OR 579Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling3
PSY 540Human Factors In Systems Design3
ST 350Economics and Business Statistics3
ST 442Introduction to Data Science3
TE 110Computer-Based Modeling for Engineers3
TE 562Simulation Modeling3

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
Select one of the following: 3
Student Success in Environmental First Year
and Exploring the Environment
Introduction to Environmental Sciences
SMT 200 Introduction to Sustainable Materials and Technology 3
MA 121 Elements of Calculus (CP) 3
BIO 181 Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity 4
GEP Humanities 3
Spring Semester
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 1 4
CH 101 Chemistry - A Molecular Science (CP) 3
CH 102 General Chemistry Laboratory (CP) 1
Select one of the following Physics electives: 4
Physics for Engineers and Scientists I
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory
College Physics I
Advised Elective 2 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
CH 220 Introductory Organic Chemistry (CP) 3
CH 222 Organic Chemistry I Lab (CP) 1
MIE 201 Introduction to Business Processes 3
IDS 201 Environmental Ethics 3
Advised Elective 2 3
Technical Elective 3
Spring Semester
SMT 203 Physical Properties of Sustainable Materials (CP) 4
SMT 301 Chemistry of Sustainable Materials (CP) 3
EC 205 Fundamentals of Economics 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Advised Elective 2 3
SMT 210 Sustainable Materials Internship 1
Third Year
Fall Semester
ISE 311 Engineering Economic Analysis 3
ST 311 Introduction to Statistics 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 3
Advised Elective 2 1
Technical Elective 3
Spring Semester
SMT 302 Processing of Biomaterials 4
SMT 320 Industrial Chemical Pollutants 2
GEP Elective 3
Advised Elective 2 3
Technical Elective 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
SMT 441 Mechanical Properties of Sustainable Materials 4
SMT 444 Sustainable Composites and Biopolymers 3
SMT 450 Sustainable Business and Innovation 2
PSE 476 Environmental Life Cycle Analysis 3
Advised Elective 2 3
Spring Semester
SMT 483 Capstone in Sustainable Materials and Technology 3
GEP Humanities 3
Technical Elective 3
Advised Elective 2 3
Technical Elective 3
 Total Hours120

A grade of C- or better is required.


Students should consult their academic advisors to determine how to complete this requirement.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Sustainable Materials and Technology curriculum have many and varied job opportunities upon graduation with most receiving more than one job offer. Graduates enter the industry as management trainees, sales trainees, process engineers, quality assurance specialist, research & development associates and many others.

Career Titles

  • Director of New Products
  • Certification Specialist
  • Sustainability Manager
  • Plant Manager
  • Quality Control Manager
  • Project Engineer
  • Material Scientist
  • Market Analyst

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.

Sustainable Materials and Technology Careers