Agricultural Education (BS): Agricultural Engineering Technology Concentration

The Agricultural Education major within the Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences prepares graduates to teach agriculture, serve as FFA advisors, and supervise agricultural experiences (SAE) in public and private schools.
The Agricultural Engineering Technology concentration is one of seven concentrations offered for the Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education.
- Students interested in Agricultural Education may be eligible to apply for the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program at NC State.
- Student teachers of agriculture may apply for Ed Scholars through NC State.
- Many alumni pursue careers in middle and high schools, universities and community colleges, county extension offices, and in the agricultural industry
Teacher Licensure
Completion of the BS program in Agricultural Education leads to teacher licensure in North Carolina for grades 6 - 12. Because of North Carolina’s reciprocity agreements, graduates also can pursue certification in about 35+ states. Download the Teacher Licensure Checklist to review the requirements for admissions to teacher education candidacy and help you stay on course.
For more information about this program, visit our website.
Dr. Joseph L. Donaldson
Director of Undergraduate Programs, Agricultural and Human Sciences
Dr. Travis Park
Program Coordinator, Ag Education
Plan Requirements
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Orientation | |||
AEE 103 | Fundamentals of Agricultural and Extension Education | 1 | |
or ALS 103 | Freshman Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences | ||
or ALS 303 | Transfer Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences | ||
Communication | |||
COM 110 | Public Speaking | 3 | |
Sciences | |||
BIO 181 | Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity | 4 | |
CH 101 & CH 102 | Chemistry - A Molecular Science and General Chemistry Laboratory | 4 | |
MA 107 | Precalculus I | 3 | |
or MA 111 | Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry | ||
Select one of the following Physics I courses: | 4 | ||
University Physics I | |||
Physics for Engineers and Scientists I and Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory | |||
College Physics I | |||
Agricultural Education | |||
AEE 101 | Introduction to Career and Technical Education 1 | 1 | |
AEE 206 | Introduction to Teaching Agriculture 1 | 3 | |
AEE 226 | Computer Applications and Information Technology in Agricultural & Extension Ed 1 | 3 | |
AEE 303 | Administration and Supervision of Student Organizations 1 | 3 | |
AEE 322 | Experiential Learning in Agriculture 1 | 3 | |
AEE 326 | Teaching Diverse Learners in AED 1 | 3 | |
AEE 327 | Conducting Summer Programs in Agricultural Education | 1 | |
AEE 424 | Planning Agricultural Educational Programs 1 | 3 | |
AEE 426 | Methods of Teaching Agriculture 1 | 3 | |
AEE 427 | Student Teaching in Agriculture 1 | 8 | |
AEE 491 | Seminar in Agricultural Education | 1 | |
Teaching Content Courses | |||
Plant Science Elective | 3 | ||
ANS 150 & ANS 151 | Introduction to Animal Science and Introduction to Animal Science Lab | 4 | |
SSC 200 & SSC 201 | Soil Science and Soil Science Laboratory | 4 | |
Select one of the following Economics courses: | 3 | ||
Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics | |||
Introduction to Agricultural & Resource Economics | |||
Principles of Microeconomics | |||
Fundamentals of Economics | |||
Professional Education | |||
ELP 344 | School and Society 1 | 3 | |
EDP 304 | Educational Psychology 1 | 3 | |
ED 311 | Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices 1 | 2 | |
ED 312 | Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices Professional Learning Lab 1 | 1 | |
Agricultural Engineering Technology Concentration Electives | |||
BAET 201 | Shop Processes and Management | 3 | |
BAET 411 | Agricultural Machinery and Power Units | 4 | |
BAE 325 | Introductory Geomatics | 3 | |
BAET 332 | Management of Animal Environments | 4 | |
BAET 343 | Agricultural Electrification | 4 | |
BAET 432 | Agricultural and Environmental Safety and Health | 3 | |
Agricultural Elective | 2 | ||
GEP Courses | |||
ENG 101 | Academic Writing and Research 1 | 4 | |
GEP Humanities | 6 | ||
GEP Mathematical Sciences | 3 | ||
GEP Health and Exercise Studies | 2 | ||
GEP Elective | 3 | ||
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives | 5 | ||
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement) | |||
World Language Proficiency (verify requirement) | |||
Total Hours | 120 |
- 1
A grade of C- or higher is required.
Plant Science Electives
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
AEC 423 | Introduction to Fisheries Sciences Laboratory | 1 | |
ALS 103 | Freshman Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences | 1 | |
ALS 303 | Transfer Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences | 1 | |
ANS 215 | Agricultural Genetics | 3 | |
CS 200 | Introduction to Turfgrass Management | 4 | |
CS 210 | Lawns and Sports Turf | 3 | |
CS 211 | Plant Genetics | 3 | |
CS 213 | Crop Science | 3 | |
CS 214 | Crop Science Laboratory | 1 | |
CS 216 | Southern Row Crop Production - Cotton, Peanuts, and Tobacco | 3 | |
CS 218 | Southern Row Crop Production - Corn, Small Grains and Soybeans | 3 | |
CS 224 | Seeds, Biotechnology and Societies | 3 | |
CS 230 | Introduction to Agroecology | 3 | |
CS 312 | 3 | ||
CS 400 | Turf Cultural Systems | 3 | |
CS 410 | Community Food Systems | 3 | |
CS 411 | Crop Ecology | 3 | |
CS 413 | Plant Breeding | 2 | |
CS 414 | Weed Science | 4 | |
CS 415 | Integrated Pest Management | 3 | |
CS 418 | Introduction to Regulatory Science in Agriculture | 3 | |
CS 424 | Seed Physiology | 3 | |
CS 430 | Advanced Agroecology | 4 | |
CS 465 | Turf Management Systems and Environmental Quality | 3 | |
CS 470 | Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | 2 | |
CS 480 | Sustainable Food Production (capstone) | 1 | |
CS 502 | Plant Disease: Methods & Diagnosis | 2 | |
CS 518 | Introduction to Regulatory Science in Agriculture | 3 | |
CS 524 | Seed Physiology | 3 | |
CS 541 | Plant Breeding Methods | 3 | |
CS 565 | Turf Management Systems and Environmental Quality | 3 | |
CS 590 | Special Topics | 1-6 | |
CS 591 | 1-6 | ||
CSSC 290 | Professional Development in Crop & Soil Sciences | 1 | |
CSSC 490 | Senior Seminar in Crop Science and Soil Science | 1 | |
CSSC 492 | Professional Internship Experience in Crop and Soil Sciences | 1-3 | |
CSSC 493 | Research Experience in Crop and Soil Sciences | 1-3 | |
CSSC 495 | Special Topics in Crop and Soil Sciences | 1-6 | |
ENT 402 | Forest Entomology | 3 | |
ENT 470 | Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | 2 | |
FOR 150 | Critical Thinking and Data Analysis | 2 | |
FOR 172 | Forest System Mapping and Mensuration I | 2 | |
FOR 204 | Silviculture | 2 | |
FOR 248 | Forest History, Technology and Society | 3 | |
FOR 250 | Professional Development II: Communications in Natural Resources | 1 | |
FOR 252 | Introduction to Forest Science | 3 | |
FOR 260 | Forest Ecology | 4 | |
FOR 261 | Forest Communities | 2 | |
FOR 264 | Forest Wildlife | 1 | |
FOR 265 | Fire Management | 1 | |
FOR 273 | Forest System Mapping and Mensuration II | 3 | |
FOR 293 | Independent Study in Forest Management | 1-6 | |
FOR 294 | Independent Study in Forest Management | 1-6 | |
FOR 295 | Special Topics in Forestry | 1-6 | |
FOR 303 | Silvics and Forest Tree Physiology | 3 | |
FOR 304 | Theory of Silviculture | 4 | |
FOR 318 | Forest Pathology | 3 | |
FOR 319 | Forest Economics | 3 | |
FOR 330 | North Carolina Forests | 3 | |
FOR 334 | Operations Research Applications in Natural Resources | 1 | |
FOR 339 | 4 | ||
FOR 350 | Professional Development III: Ethical Dilemmas in Natural Resource Management | 1 | |
FOR 353 | GIS and Remote Sensing for Environmental Analysis and Assessment | 3 | |
FOR 374 | Forest Measurement, Modeling, and Inventory | 3 | |
FOR 402 | Forest Entomology | 3 | |
FOR 405 | Forest Management | 4 | |
FOR 406 | Forest Inventory, Analysis and Planning | 4 | |
FOR 408 | Applied Forest Ecology: Natural Forest Silviculture | 3 | |
FOR 411 | Forest Tree Genetics and Biology | 3 | |
FOR 414 | World Forestry | 3 | |
FOR 415 | World Forestry Study Tour | 1 | |
FOR 420 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
FOR 422 | Consulting Forestry | 3 | |
FOR 430 | Forest Health and Protection | 3 | |
FOR 434 | Forest Operations and Analysis | 3 | |
FOR 472 | Forest Soils | 4 | |
FOR 491 | Special Topics in Forestry and Related Natural Resources | 1-4 | |
FOR 493 | Independent Study in Forest Management | 1-6 | |
FOR 494 | Independent Study in Forest Management | 1-6 | |
FOR 501 | Dendrology | 3 | |
FOR 502 | Forest Measurements | 1 | |
FOR 503 | 1 | ||
FOR 504 | The Practice of Silviculture | 3 | |
FOR 505 | Forest Management | 4 | |
FOR 506 | Silviculture Laboratory | 1 | |
FOR 507 | Silviculture Mini Course | 1 | |
FOR 508 | Applied Forest Ecology: Natural Forest Silviculture | 3 | |
FOR 509 | Forest Resource Policy | 1 | |
FOR 510 | Introduction to GPS | 1 | |
FOR 513 | Silviculture for Intensively Managed Plantations | 3 | |
FOR 514 | Woodland Stewardship | 3 | |
FOR 519 | Forest Economics | 3 | |
FOR 520 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
FOR 522 | Consulting Forestry | 3 | |
FOR 531 | Wildland Fire Science | 3 | |
FOR 532 | Wildland Firefighter | 3 | |
FOR 534 | Forest Operations and Analysis | 3 | |
FOR 540 | Advanced Dendrology | 3 | |
FOR 561 | Forest Communities of the Southeastern Coastal Plain | 1 | |
FOR 562 | Forest Communities of the Southern Appalachians | 1 | |
FOR 565 | Plant Community Ecology | 4 | |
FOR 574 | Forest Mensuration and Modeling | 3 | |
FOR 575 | Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology | 3 | |
FOR 583 | Tropical Forestry | 3 | |
FOR 595 | Special Topics | 1-6 | |
FS 462 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
FS 562 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
FW 221 | Conservation of Natural Resources | 3 | |
FW 404 | Wildlife Habitat Management | 3 | |
GIS 512 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing | 3 | |
HS 131 | Fruit & Vegetable Production | 3 | |
HS 144 | Weeds & Diseases of Ornamentals | 3 | |
HS 200 | Home Horticulture | 3 | |
HS 201 | The World of Horticulture: Principles and Practices | 3 | |
HS 202 | Home Plant Identification | 3 | |
HS 203 | Home Plant Propagation | 3 | |
HS 204 | Home Landscape Maintenance | 3 | |
HS 205 | Home Food Production | 3 | |
HS 215 | Agricultural Genetics | 3 | |
HS 242 | Introduction to Small Scale Landscape Design | 3 | |
HS 250 | Home Landscape Design: Creating Garden Spaces | 3 | |
HS 252 | Landscape Graphic Communication | 2 | |
HS 272 | Landscape Design/Build | 6 | |
HS 280 | Hands-On-Horticulture | 3 | |
HS 290 | Horticulture: Careers and Opportunities | 1 | |
HS 301 | Plant Propagation | 4 | |
HS 302 | Gardening with Herbaceous Perennials | 3 | |
HS 303 | Ornamental Plant Identification I | 3 | |
HS 304 | Ornamental Plant Identification II | 3 | |
HS 357 | Landscape Grading and Drainage | 4 | |
HS 400 | Residential Landscaping | 6 | |
HS 410 | Community Food Systems | 3 | |
HS 411 | Nursery Management | 3 | |
HS 416 | Planting Design | 4 | |
HS 418 | Digital Media Graphic for Landscape Designers | 3 | |
HS 420 | Green Infrastructure | 3 | |
HS 421 | Temperate-Zone Tree Fruits: Physiology and Culture | 3 | |
HS 422 | Small Fruit Production | 3 | |
HS 423 | 3 | ||
HS 428 | Soil Management Principles for Sustainable Agriculture | 1 | |
HS 431 | Vegetable Production | 4 | |
HS 432 | Introduction to Permaculture | 3 | |
HS 433 | Public Garden Administration | 3 | |
HS 440 | Greenhouse Management | 3 | |
HS 442 | Floriculture Crop Production | 3 | |
HS 451 | Plant Nutrition | 3 | |
HS 462 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
HS 471 | Landscape Ecosystem Management | 4 | |
HS 475 | 3 | ||
HS 476 | Crop Physiology and Production in Controlled Environments | 3 | |
HS 480 | Sustainable Food Production (capstone) | 1 | |
HS 491 | Sustainable Agriculture Entrepreneurship Study Abroad | 3 | |
HS 492 | Horticulture Internship | 1-3 | |
HS 493 | Research Experience in Horticultural Science | 1-3 | |
HS 494 | Teaching Experience in Horticultural Science | 1-3 | |
HS 495 | Experimental Courses in Horticultural Science | 1-6 | |
HS 502 | Plant Disease: Methods & Diagnosis | 2 | |
HS 516 | Planting Design | 4 | |
HS 520 | Green Infrastructure | 3 | |
HS 521 | Temperate-Zone Tree Fruits: Physiology and Culture | 3 | |
HS 523 | 3 | ||
HS 532 | Introduction to Permaculture | 3 | |
HS 533 | Public Garden Administration | 3 | |
HS 541 | Plant Breeding Methods | 3 | |
HS 550 | Environmental Nursery Production | 3 | |
HS 551 | Plant Nutrition | 3 | |
HS 562 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
HS 576 | Crop Physiology and Production in Controlled Environments | 3 | |
HS 583 | 3 | ||
HS 590 | Special Problems in Horticultural Science | 1-6 | |
NR 420 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
NR 460 | Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy | 3 | |
NR 491 | Special Topics in Forestry and Related Natural Resources | 1-4 | |
NR 520 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
NR 560 | Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy | 3 | |
PP 144 | Weeds & Diseases of Ornamentals | 3 | |
PP 318 | Forest Pathology | 3 | |
PP 470 | Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | 2 | |
PP 502 | Plant Disease: Methods & Diagnosis | 2 | |
SMT 202 | Anatomy and Properties of Renewable Materials | 3 | |
SSC 428 | Soil Management Principles for Sustainable Agriculture | 1 | |
SSC 440 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture | 3 | |
SSC 462 | Soil-Crop Management Systems | 3 | |
SSC 540 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture | 3 |
Agriculture Electives
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
Agriculture Elective | |||
ARE 215 | Small Business Accounting | 3 | |
ARE 260 | Marketing and Risk Management in the Pork Industry | 1 | |
ARE 270 | Principles of Agribusiness Entrepreneurship | 3 | |
ARE 295 | Special Topics in Agricultural & Resource Economics (200 Level) | 1-6 | |
ARE 301 | Intermediate Microeconomics | 3 | |
ARE 303 | Farm Management | 3 | |
ARE 304 | Agribusiness Management | 3 | |
ARE 306 | Agricultural Law | 3 | |
ARE 309 | Environmental Law & Economic Policy | 3 | |
ARE 311 | Agricultural Markets | 3 | |
ARE 312 | Agribusiness Marketing | 3 | |
ARE 321 | Agricultural Financial Management | 3 | |
ARE 323 | Agribusiness Finance | 3 | |
ARE 332 | Human Resource Management for Agribusiness | 3 | |
ARE 336 | Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics | 3 | |
ARE 345 | Global Agribusiness Management | 3 | |
ARE 370 | Agribusiness New Venture Development | 3 | |
ARE 395 | Special Topics in Agricultural and Resource Economics (300 level) | 1-6 | |
ARE 404 | Advanced Agribusiness Management | 3 | |
ARE 412 | Advanced Agribusiness Marketing | 3 | |
ARE 413 | Applied Agribusiness Marketing | 3 | |
ARE 415 | Introduction to Commodity Futures Markets | 3 | |
ARE 420 | Taxation in Agriculture, Production, and Agribusiness | 3 | |
ARE 425 | Contracts and Organizations in Agriculture | 3 | |
ARE 433 | U.S. Agricultural Policy | 3 | |
ARE 444 | Ethics in Agribusiness | 3 | |
ARE 448 | International Agricultural Trade | 3 | |
ARE 455 | Agribusiness Analytics | 3 | |
ARE 470 | Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Clinical Skills Development | 3 | |
ARE 475 | Food Policy | 3 | |
ARE 490 | Career Seminar in Agriculture & Resource Economics | 1 | |
ARE 492 | External Learning Experience | 1-6 | |
ARE 493 | Special Problems/Research Exploration | 1-6 | |
ARE 494 | Agribusiness Study Abroad | 1-6 | |
ARE 495 | Special Topics in Agricultural and Resource Economics | 1-6 | |
ARE 590 | Special Topics in ARE | 1-99 | |
EC 301 | Intermediate Microeconomics | 3 | |
EC 336 | Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics | 3 | |
Group C - Applied Sci & Tech | |||
AEE 101 | Introduction to Career and Technical Education | 1 | |
AEE 206 | Introduction to Teaching Agriculture | 3 | |
AEE 208 | Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications | 3 | |
AEE 230 | Introduction to Cooperative Extension | 3 | |
AEE 303 | Administration and Supervision of Student Organizations | 3 | |
AEE 311 | Communication Methods and Media | 3 | |
AEE 322 | Experiential Learning in Agriculture | 3 | |
AEE 323 | Leadership Development in Agriculture and Life Sciences | 3 | |
AEE 325 | Planning and Delivering Non-Formal Education | 3 | |
AEE 326 | Teaching Diverse Learners in AED | 3 | |
AEE 327 | Conducting Summer Programs in Agricultural Education | 1 | |
AEE 350 | Personal Leadership Development in Agriculture and Life Sciences | 3 | |
AEE 360 | Developing Team Leadership in Agriculture and Life Sciences | 3 | |
AEE 423 | Practicum in Agricultural Extension/Industry | 8 | |
AEE 424 | Planning Agricultural Educational Programs | 3 | |
AEE 426 | Methods of Teaching Agriculture | 3 | |
AEE 427 | Student Teaching in Agriculture | 8 | |
AEE 433 | Leadership and Management of Volunteers in Agricultural and Extension Education | 3 | |
AEE 435 | Professional Presentations in Agricultural Organizations | 3 | |
AEE 460 | Organizational Leadership Development in Agriculture and Life Sciences | 3 | |
AEE 478 | Advanced Issues in Extension Education | 3 | |
AEE 490 | Seminar in Agricultural and Extension Education | 1 | |
AEE 533 | Leadership and Management of Volunteers in Agricultural and Extension Education | 3 | |
ALS 110 | Academic and Career Skills Seminar | 1 | |
ANS 105 | Introduction to Companion Animal Science | 3 | |
ANS 110 | Introduction to Equine Science | 3 | |
ANS 150 | Introduction to Animal Science | 3 | |
ANS 151 | Introduction to Animal Science Lab | 1 | |
ANS 201 | Techniques of Animal Care | 2 | |
ANS 208 | Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications | 3 | |
ANS 225 | Principles of Animal Nutrition | 3 | |
ANS 303 | Principles of Equine Evaluation | 2 | |
ANS 304 | Dairy Cattle Evaluation | 2 | |
ANS 309 | Livestock Evaluation | 3 | |
ANS 322 | Muscle Foods and Eggs | 3 | |
ANS 324 | Milk and Dairy Products | 3 | |
ANS 400 | Companion Animal Management | 3 | |
ANS 402 | Beef Cattle Management | 3 | |
ANS 403 | Swine Management | 3 | |
ANS 404 | Dairy Cattle Management | 3 | |
ANS 408 | Small Ruminant Management | 3 | |
ANS 410 | Equine Breeding Farm Management | 3 | |
ANS 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
ANS 440 | Animal Genetic Improvement | 3 | |
ANS 453 | Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development | 3 | |
ANS 454 | Lactation, Milk and Nutrition | 3 | |
ANS 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
ANS 540 | Animal Genetic Improvement | 3 | |
ANS 553 | Physiology and Genetics of Growth and Development | 3 | |
ANS 554 | Lactation, Milk and Nutrition | 3 | |
BAE 100 | Introduction to Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Technology | 1 | |
BAE 202 | Introduction to Biological and Agricultural Engineering Methods | 4 | |
BAE 302 | Transport Phenomena | 3 | |
BAE 322 | Introduction to Food Process Engineering | 3 | |
BAE 361 | Analytical Methods in Engineering Design | 3 | |
BAE 371 | Fundamentals of Hydrology for Engineers | 3 | |
BAE 401 | Sensors and Controls | 3 | |
BAE 435 | Precision Agriculture Technology | 3 | |
BAE 451 | Engineering Design I | 2 | |
BAE 452 | Engineering Design II | 2 | |
BAE 462 | Machinery Design and Applications | 3 | |
BAE 472 | Irrigation and Drainage | 3 | |
BAE 473 | Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling | 3 | |
BAE 474 | Principles and Applications of Ecological Engineering | 3 | |
BAE 481 | Structures & Environment | 3 | |
BAE 501 | Sensors and Controls | 3 | |
BAE 535 | Precision Agriculture Technology | 3 | |
BAE 572 | Irrigation and Drainage | 3 | |
BAE 573 | Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling | 3 | |
BAET 201 | Shop Processes and Management | 3 | |
BAET 323 | Water Management | 3 | |
BAET 332 | Management of Animal Environments | 4 | |
BAET 333 | Processing Agricultural Products | 4 | |
BAET 343 | Agricultural Electrification | 4 | |
BAET 411 | Agricultural Machinery and Power Units | 4 | |
BAET 432 | Agricultural and Environmental Safety and Health | 3 | |
BAET 443 | Environmental Restoration Implementation | 3 | |
BEC 330 | Principles and Applications of Bioseparations | 2 | |
BEC 436 | Introduction to Downstream Process Development | 2 | |
BEC 440 | 3 | ||
BEC 536 | Introduction to Downstream Process Development | 2 | |
BEC 540 | 3 | ||
BME 203 | 3 | ||
BME 207 | Biomedical Electronics | 4 | |
BME 342 | 3 | ||
BME 385 | Bioinstrumentation | 3 | |
BME 412 | Biomedical Signal Processing | 3 | |
BME 425 | Bioelectricity | 3 | |
BME 525 | Bioelectricity | 3 | |
CS 470 | Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | 2 | |
ECI 424 | Student Teaching in Modern Foreign Languages | 12 | |
ENT 470 | Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | 2 | |
FM 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
FM 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
FS 322 | Muscle Foods and Eggs | 3 | |
FS 324 | Milk and Dairy Products | 3 | |
FS 435 | Food Safety Management Systems | 3 | |
FS 535 | Food Safety Management Systems | 3 | |
MSE 203 | 3 | ||
NTR 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
NTR 454 | Lactation, Milk and Nutrition | 3 | |
NTR 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
PB 208 | Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Implications | 3 | |
PO 322 | Muscle Foods and Eggs | 3 | |
PO 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
PO 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
PP 470 | Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | 2 | |
SSC 440 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture | 3 | |
SSC 473 | Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling | 3 | |
SSC 540 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture | 3 | |
SSC 573 | Introduction to Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling | 3 | |
USC 291 | Service Learning Program Leader Development I | 1 | |
USC 292 | Service Learning Program Leader Development II | 2 | |
Group C - Applied Sci & Tech | |||
AEC 420 | Introduction to Fisheries Science | 3 | |
AEE 206 | Introduction to Teaching Agriculture | 3 | |
AEE 303 | Administration and Supervision of Student Organizations | 3 | |
AEE 322 | Experiential Learning in Agriculture | 3 | |
AEE 327 | Conducting Summer Programs in Agricultural Education | 1 | |
AEE 424 | Planning Agricultural Educational Programs | 3 | |
AEE 426 | Methods of Teaching Agriculture | 3 | |
AEE 427 | Student Teaching in Agriculture | 8 | |
ANS 322 | Muscle Foods and Eggs | 3 | |
ANS 324 | Milk and Dairy Products | 3 | |
ANS 330 | Laboratory Animal Science | 3 | |
ANS 411 | Management of Growing and Performance Horses | 3 | |
ANS 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
ANS 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
BAE 325 | Introductory Geomatics | 3 | |
BAE 425 | Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing | 3 | |
BAE 435 | Precision Agriculture Technology | 3 | |
BAE 525 | Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing | 3 | |
BAE 535 | Precision Agriculture Technology | 3 | |
BBS 201 | Introduction to Biopharmaceutical Science | 3 | |
BBS 301 | Process Validation Science | 3 | |
BBS 426 | Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory | 2 | |
BBS 526 | Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory | 2 | |
BCH 220 | Role of Biotechnology in Society | 3 | |
BEC 426 | Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory | 2 | |
BEC 483 | Tissue Engineering Technologies | 2 | |
BEC 526 | Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory | 2 | |
BEC 583 | Tissue Engineering Technologies | 2 | |
BME 444 | Orthopaedic Biomechanics | 3 | |
BME 375 | Biomedical Microcontroller Applications | 3 | |
BME 365 | Linear Systems in Biomedical Engineering | 3 | |
BME 451 | BME Senior Design: Product Development | 3 | |
BME 452 | BME Senior Design: Product Implementation and Strategy | 3 | |
BME 466 | Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering | 3 | |
BME 467 | Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements | 3 | |
BME 483 | Tissue Engineering Technologies | 2 | |
BME 484 | Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering | 3 | |
BME 544 | Orthopaedic Biomechanics | 3 | |
BME 566 | Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering | 3 | |
BME 583 | Tissue Engineering Technologies | 2 | |
BME 584 | Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering | 3 | |
CS 200 | Introduction to Turfgrass Management | 4 | |
CS 210 | Lawns and Sports Turf | 3 | |
CS 213 | Crop Science | 3 | |
CS 216 | Southern Row Crop Production - Cotton, Peanuts, and Tobacco | 3 | |
CS 218 | Southern Row Crop Production - Corn, Small Grains and Soybeans | 3 | |
CS 230 | Introduction to Agroecology | 3 | |
CS 312 | 3 | ||
CS 400 | Turf Cultural Systems | 3 | |
CS 411 | Crop Ecology | 3 | |
CS 413 | Plant Breeding | 2 | |
CS 414 | Weed Science | 4 | |
CS 415 | Integrated Pest Management | 3 | |
CS 424 | Seed Physiology | 3 | |
CS 430 | Advanced Agroecology | 4 | |
CS 465 | Turf Management Systems and Environmental Quality | 3 | |
CS 524 | Seed Physiology | 3 | |
CS 565 | Turf Management Systems and Environmental Quality | 3 | |
CSSC 490 | Senior Seminar in Crop Science and Soil Science | 1 | |
ECI 424 | Student Teaching in Modern Foreign Languages | 12 | |
ENT 203 | An Introduction to the Honey Bee and Beekeeping | 3 | |
ENT 401 | Honey Bee Biology and Management | 3 | |
ES 100 | Introduction to Environmental Sciences | 3 | |
ES 200 | Climate Change and Sustainability | 3 | |
ES 300 | Energy and Environment | 3 | |
ES 400 | Analysis of Environmental Issues | 3 | |
FM 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
FM 460 | Feed Mill Operations and Leadership | 3 | |
FM 480 | Feed Quality Assurance & Formulation | 3 | |
FM 490 | Feed Science Seminar | 1 | |
FM 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
FOR 318 | Forest Pathology | 3 | |
FOR 420 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
FOR 472 | Forest Soils | 4 | |
FOR 520 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
FS 201 | Introduction to Food Science | 3 | |
FS 290 | Careers in Food and Bioprocessing Sciences | 1 | |
FS 322 | Muscle Foods and Eggs | 3 | |
FS 324 | Milk and Dairy Products | 3 | |
FS 330 | Science of Food Preparation | 3 | |
FS 352 | Introduction to Microbiological Food Safety Hazards | 3 | |
FS 354 | Food Sanitation | 3 | |
FS 416 | Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing | 3 | |
FS 421 | Food Preservation | 3 | |
FS 426 | Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory | 2 | |
FS 435 | Food Safety Management Systems | 3 | |
FS 453 | Food Laws and Regulations | 3 | |
FS 462 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
FS 475 | Problems and Design in Food and Bioprocessing Science | 3 | |
FS 516 | Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing | 3 | |
FS 521 | Food Preservation | 3 | |
FS 526 | Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory | 2 | |
FS 535 | Food Safety Management Systems | 3 | |
FS 553 | Food Laws and Regulations | 3 | |
FS 562 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
FW 221 | Conservation of Natural Resources | 3 | |
FW 311 | Piedmont Wildlife Ecology and Management | 3 | |
FW 312 | Fisheries Techniques and Management | 1 | |
FW 313 | Mountain Wildlife Ecology and Management | 1 | |
FW 314 | Coastal Ecology and Management | 1 | |
FW 353 | Wildlife Management | 3 | |
FW 403 | Urban Wildlife Management | 3 | |
FW 411 | Human Dimensions of Wildlife and Fisheries | 3 | |
FW 453 | Principles of Wildlife Science | 4 | |
FW 460 | International Wildlife Management and Conservation | 3 | |
FW 465 | African Ecology and Conservation | 4 | |
FW 511 | Human Dimensions of Wildlife and Fisheries | 3 | |
FW 560 | International Wildlife Management and Conservation | 3 | |
FW 565 | African Ecology and Conservation | 4 | |
GPH 201 | Fundamentals of Global Public Health | 3 | |
HS 432 | Introduction to Permaculture | 3 | |
HS 462 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
HS 532 | Introduction to Permaculture | 3 | |
HS 562 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
IDS 303 | Humans and the Environment | 3 | |
NR 303 | Humans and the Environment | 3 | |
NR 350 | International Sustainable Resource Use | 4 | |
NR 406 | Conservation of Biological Diversity | 3 | |
NR 420 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
NR 460 | Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy | 3 | |
NR 520 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
NR 560 | Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy | 3 | |
NTR 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
NTR 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
PO 322 | Muscle Foods and Eggs | 3 | |
PO 424 | Poultry Meat Production | 3 | |
PO 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
PO 435 | Poultry Incubation & Breeding | 4 | |
PO 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
PP 318 | Forest Pathology | 3 | |
SSC 440 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture | 3 | |
SSC 462 | Soil-Crop Management Systems | 3 | |
SSC 540 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture | 3 | |
TE 466 | Polymeric Biomaterials Engineering | 3 | |
TE 467 | Mechanics of Tissues & Implants Requirements | 3 | |
VMP 401 | Poultry Diseases | 4 | |
VMP 420 | Disease of Farm Animals | 3 | |
Group C - Applied Sci & Tech | |||
AEC 419 | Freshwater Ecology | 4 | |
AEC 423 | Introduction to Fisheries Sciences Laboratory | 1 | |
AEC 519 | Freshwater Ecology | 4 | |
BAET 323 | Water Management | 3 | |
ANS 322 | Muscle Foods and Eggs | 3 | |
ANS 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
ANS 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
BIO 227 | Understanding Structural Diversity through Biological Illustration | 3 | |
BME 204 | 3 | ||
BME 217 | Biomedical Electronics Laboratory | 1 | |
BME 298 | Biomedical Engineering Design and Manufacturing I | 2 | |
BME 398 | Biomedical Engineering Design and Manufacturing II | 2 | |
CS 470 | Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | 2 | |
CSSC 490 | Senior Seminar in Crop Science and Soil Science | 1 | |
ENT 470 | Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | 2 | |
FM 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
FM 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
FOR 318 | Forest Pathology | 3 | |
FOR 420 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
FOR 472 | Forest Soils | 4 | |
FOR 520 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
FS 322 | Muscle Foods and Eggs | 3 | |
FS 435 | Food Safety Management Systems | 3 | |
FS 462 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
FS 535 | Food Safety Management Systems | 3 | |
FS 562 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
FW 221 | Conservation of Natural Resources | 3 | |
FW 404 | Wildlife Habitat Management | 3 | |
FW 460 | International Wildlife Management and Conservation | 3 | |
FW 560 | International Wildlife Management and Conservation | 3 | |
HS 200 | Home Horticulture | 3 | |
HS 201 | The World of Horticulture: Principles and Practices | 3 | |
HS 203 | Home Plant Propagation | 3 | |
HS 242 | Introduction to Small Scale Landscape Design | 3 | |
HS 250 | Home Landscape Design: Creating Garden Spaces | 3 | |
HS 252 | Landscape Graphic Communication | 2 | |
HS 272 | Landscape Design/Build | 6 | |
HS 290 | Horticulture: Careers and Opportunities | 1 | |
HS 301 | Plant Propagation | 4 | |
HS 302 | Gardening with Herbaceous Perennials | 3 | |
HS 303 | Ornamental Plant Identification I | 3 | |
HS 304 | Ornamental Plant Identification II | 3 | |
HS 357 | Landscape Grading and Drainage | 4 | |
HS 400 | Residential Landscaping | 6 | |
HS 411 | Nursery Management | 3 | |
HS 416 | Planting Design | 4 | |
HS 421 | Temperate-Zone Tree Fruits: Physiology and Culture | 3 | |
HS 422 | Small Fruit Production | 3 | |
HS 423 | 3 | ||
HS 431 | Vegetable Production | 4 | |
HS 440 | Greenhouse Management | 3 | |
HS 442 | Floriculture Crop Production | 3 | |
HS 462 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
HS 471 | Landscape Ecosystem Management | 4 | |
HS 516 | Planting Design | 4 | |
HS 521 | Temperate-Zone Tree Fruits: Physiology and Culture | 3 | |
HS 523 | 3 | ||
HS 562 | Postharvest Physiology | 3 | |
IDS 303 | Humans and the Environment | 3 | |
NR 300 | Natural Resource Measurements | 4 | |
NR 303 | Humans and the Environment | 3 | |
NR 400 | Natural Resource Management | 4 | |
NR 420 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
NR 421 | Wetland Science and Management | 3 | |
NR 460 | Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy | 3 | |
NR 484 | Environmental Impact Assessment | 4 | |
NR 500 | Natural Resource Management | 4 | |
NR 520 | Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology | 4 | |
NR 521 | Wetland Science and Management | 3 | |
NR 560 | Renewable Natural Resource Management and Policy | 3 | |
NTR 420 | 3 | ||
NTR 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
NTR 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
PO 201 | Poultry Science and Production | 3 | |
PO 201A | Poultry Science and Production | 3 | |
PO 202A | Poultry Science and Production Laboratory | 1 | |
PO 290 | Exploring Opportunities in Poultry Science | 1 | |
PO 322 | Muscle Foods and Eggs | 3 | |
PO 340 | Live Poultry and Poultry Product Evaluation, Grading, and Inspection | 3 | |
PO 410 | Production and Management of Game Birds in Confinement | 3 | |
PO 411 | Agrosecurity | 3 | |
PO 421 | Commercial Egg Production | 3 | |
PO 425 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
PO 433 | Poultry Processing and Products | 3 | |
PO 525 | Feed Manufacturing Technology | 3 | |
PO 533 | Poultry Processing and Products | 3 | |
PP 315 | Principles of Plant Pathology | 4 | |
PP 318 | Forest Pathology | 3 | |
PP 470 | Advanced Turfgrass Pest Management | 2 | |
SSC 185 | Land and Life | 3 | |
SSC 342 | Soil and Plant Nutrient Analysis | 1 | |
SSC 421 | 3 | ||
SSC 440 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture | 3 | |
SSC 442 | Soil and Environmental Biogeochemistry | 3 | |
SSC 452 | Soil Classification | 4 | |
SSC 461 | Soil Physical Properties and Plant Growth | 3 | |
SSC 462 | Soil-Crop Management Systems | 3 | |
SSC 470 | Wetland Soils | 3 | |
SSC 540 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science and Agriculture | 3 | |
SSC 570 | Wetland Soils | 3 | |
TOX 201 | Poisons, People and the Environment | 3 | |
TOX 401 | Principles of Toxicology | 4 | |
TOX 415 | Ecotoxicology | 4 | |
TOX 501 | Principles of Toxicology | 4 |
Semester Sequence
This is a sample.
First Year | ||
Fall Semester | Hours | |
AEE 101 | Introduction to Career and Technical Education 1 | 1 |
AEE 103 | Fundamentals of Agricultural and Extension Education 2 | 1 |
BIO 181 | Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity | 4 |
COM 110 | Public Speaking | 3 |
ENG 101 | Academic Writing and Research | 4 |
MA 107 | Precalculus I | 3 |
GEP Health and Exercise Studies | 1 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Spring Semester | ||
AEE 226 | Computer Applications and Information Technology in Agricultural & Extension Ed 1 | 3 |
ANS 150 & ANS 151 | Introduction to Animal Science and Introduction to Animal Science Lab | 4 |
CH 101 & CH 102 | Chemistry - A Molecular Science and General Chemistry Laboratory | 4 |
GEP Mathematical Sciences | 3 | |
GEP Health and Exercise Studies | 1 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall Semester | ||
AEE 206 | Introduction to Teaching Agriculture 1 | 3 |
BAET 201 | Shop Processes and Management | 3 |
PY 211 | College Physics I | 4 |
GEP Humanities | 3 | |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring Semester | ||
Agriculture Elective | 2 | |
SSC 200 & SSC 201 | Soil Science and Soil Science Laboratory | 4 |
Economics Elective | 3 | |
Plant Science Elective | 3 | |
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives | 3 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall Semester | ||
AEE 322 | Experiential Learning in Agriculture 1 | 3 |
BAE 325 | Introductory Geomatics | 3 |
BAET 343 | Agricultural Electrification | 4 |
EDP 304 | Educational Psychology 1 | 3 |
GEP Humanities | 3 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring Semester | ||
AEE 303 | Administration and Supervision of Student Organizations 1 | 3 |
AEE 326 | Teaching Diverse Learners in AED 1 | 3 |
BAET 332 | Management of Animal Environments | 4 |
BAET 411 | Agricultural Machinery and Power Units | 4 |
ED 311 | Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices 1 | 2 |
ED 312 | Classroom Assessment Principles and Practices Professional Learning Lab 1 | 1 |
Hours | 17 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall Semester | ||
AEE 327 | Conducting Summer Programs in Agricultural Education | 1 |
AEE 426 | Methods of Teaching Agriculture 1 | 3 |
BAET 432 | Agricultural and Environmental Safety and Health | 3 |
ELP 344 | School and Society 1 | 3 |
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives | 2 | |
Agriculture Elective | 3 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring Semester | ||
AEE 424 | Planning Agricultural Educational Programs 1 | 3 |
AEE 427 | Student Teaching in Agriculture 1 | 8 |
AEE 491 | Seminar in Agricultural Education | 1 |
Hours | 12 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
- 1
A minimum grade of C- is required for graduation. A minimum grade of C is required for teacher licensure.
- 2
Incoming freshmen complete AEE 103 Fundamentals of Agricultural and Extension Education. Transfer students may complete ALS 103 Freshman Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences or ALS 303 Transfer Transitions and Diversity in Agriculture & Life Sciences.
Career Opportunities
The Agricultural Business Management Program prepares graduates for careers in management, marketing, sales, finance, supply chain, entrepreneurship, and related fields. The program has sufficient flexibility to provide more extensive course work in science and math for those students desiring to prepare for advanced graduate study. The concentration in biological sciences prepares graduates for management, marketing, and sales careers in fields such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, health care, environmental protection, and food processing. Graduates specializing in agribusiness entrepreneurship are trained in value creation and prepared to address the strong demand in agtech, biotech, and foodtech.
Career Titles
- Agricultural Inspector
- Agricultural Technician
- Aquaculture Specialist
- Bank and Branch Managers
- Buyer
- Farm and Ranch Manager
- Farm Management Advisor
- Farm Product Buyer
- Farm Products Purchasing Agent
- Farmers and Ranchers
- Financial Analyst
- Food & Drug Inspector
- Greenhouse and Nursery Manager
- Insurance Agent
- Loan Officer
- Market Research Analyst
- Purchasing Manager
- Real Estate Broker
- Sales Representative (Agricultural Products)
- Winemaker / Vinter
Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.
Career One Stop Videos
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.
Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
National Agri-Marketing Association