University Catalog 2024-2025

Applied Mathematics (BS)

The B.S. program in Applied Mathematics shares many basic features with the B.S. program in Mathematics. The primary difference is that this program includes a strong interdisciplinary concentration in a related field. The applied concentration, which must be approved by a student’s adviser, should be structured to promote specific career or educational objectives.

Undergraduate research opportunities include:

  •  Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 
  • NC State Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mathematics 
  • The Mathematical Biology Research Training Group 
  • Industrial Mathematical & Statistical Modeling (​IMSM​) Program by SAMSI
  • Study abroad opportunities in applied mathematics 
  • SUM Club

For more information about this program visit our website.

Department of Mathematics
North Carolina State University
Campus Box 8205
Raleigh, NC 27695

Dr. Alina Duca
Teaching Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs in Mathematics
SAS Hall 2108B

Plan Requirements

COS 100Science of Change1
or E 115 Introduction to Computing Environments
Advanced Writing
Select one of the following:3
Communication for Engineering and Technology
Communication for Business and Management
Communication for Science and Research
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research 14
Basic Mathematics
MA 141Calculus I 14
MA 241Calculus II 14
MA 242Calculus III 14
MA 225Foundations of Advanced Mathematics 13
MA 341Applied Differential Equations I 13
Basic Science 4
CH 101
CH 102
Chemistry - A Molecular Science
and General Chemistry Laboratory 1
General Chemistry I for Students in Chemical Sciences
and General Chemistry Laboratory I for Students in Chemical Sciences 1
PY 205
PY 206
Physics for Engineers and Scientists I
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory 1
or PY 201 University Physics I
Basic Science Elective 14
Statistics Electives 16
Select one of the following Introduction to Programming courses: 13
Introduction to Computing-FORTRAN
Introduction to Computing - MATLAB
Introduction to Computing - Java
Introduction to Scientific Programming (Math)
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Advanced Mathematics 4
MA 402Mathematics of Scientific Computing 13
MA 405Introduction to Linear Algebra 13
MA 407Introduction to Modern Algebra for Mathematics Majors 13
MA 425Mathematical Analysis I 13
Methods of Applied Math Elective 13
Math Electives 19
In-Dept Co-Requirement (verify requirement) 2
Major Electives
Applied Electives 215
Applied electives are courses at 200-level or above designed to allow students to concentrate in a specific area related to their academic goals (at least 9 hours are at the 300-level or above). Courses used to fulfill this requirement should use advanced mathematical tools and are selected by students after consultation and approval by their advisors or the Director of the Undergraduate Program.
GEP Courses
GEP Humanities6
GEP Social Sciences6
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Elective3
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives5
GEP Global Knowledge (verify requirement)
World Language Proficiency (verify requirement)
Free Electives
Free Electives (12 Hr S/U Lmt) 2,312
Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.


Students should consult their academic advisors to determine which courses fill this requirement.


Free elective courses cannot be MA 100, MA 101, MA 103, MA 107, MA 108, MA 111, MA 121, MA 131, MA 231, PY 131, PY 211, PY 212, ENG 100, 100-level Foreign Language Course (FL*, LAT, GRK, PER).


At most one grade below a C- is permitted

Basic Science Electives 

BIO 181Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity4
BIO 183Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology4
CH 201
CH 202
Chemistry - A Quantitative Science
and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory
PY 202University Physics II4
PY 208
PY 209
Physics for Engineers and Scientists II
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory

Statistics Electives

Statistics Sequence 1
ST 371
ST 372
Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory
and Introduction to Statistical Inference and Regression
Statistics Sequence 2
ST 421
ST 422
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I
and Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II
Statistics Sequence 3
MA 421
& ST 380
Introduction to Probability
Statistics Sequence 4
MA 421
ST 370
Introduction to Probability
and Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Statistics Sequence 5
MA 421
ST 422
Introduction to Probability
and Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II

Methods of Applied Math Electives

BMA 573Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I3
BMA 574Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes II3
E 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
MA 450Methods of Applied Mathematics I3
MA 451Methods of Applied Mathematics II3
MA 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
MA 573Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I3
MA 574Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes II3
OR 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3

Math Electives

LOG 335Symbolic Logic3
MA 325Introduction to Applied Mathematics3
MA 335Symbolic Logic3
MA 351Introduction to Discrete Mathematical Models3
BMA 573Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I3
BMA 574Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes II3
CSC 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
CSC 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
CSC 565Graph Theory3
CSC 580Numerical Analysis I3
CSC 583Introduction to Parallel Computing3
E 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
ECG 528Options and Derivatives Pricing3
FIM 528Options and Derivatives Pricing3
FIM 548Monte Carlo Methods for Financial Math3
FIM 549Financial Risk Analysis3
ISE 505Linear Programming3
MA 401Applied Differential Equations II3
MA 408Foundations of Euclidean Geometry3
MA 410Theory of Numbers3
MA 412Long-Term Actuarial Models3
MA 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
MA 416Introduction to Combinatorics3
MA 421Introduction to Probability3
MA 426Mathematical Analysis II3
MA 427Introduction to Numerical Analysis I3
MA 428Introduction to Numerical Analysis II3
MA 430Mathematical Models in the Physical Sciences3
MA 432Mathematical Models in Life Sciences3
MA 437Applications of Algebra3
MA 4403
MA 444Problem Solving Strategies for Competitions1
MA 450Methods of Applied Mathematics I3
MA 451Methods of Applied Mathematics II3
MA 491Reading in Honors Mathematics1-6
MA 493Special Topics in Mathematics1-6
MA 499Independent Research in Mathematics1-6
MA 501Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists I3
MA 502Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists II3
MA 504Introduction to Mathematical Programming3
MA 505Linear Programming3
MA 5123
MA 513Introduction To Complex Variables3
MA 515Analysis I3
MA 518Geometry of Curves and Surfaces3
MA 520Linear Algebra3
MA 521Abstract Algebra I3
MA 522Computer Algebra3
MA 523Linear Transformations and Matrix Theory3
MA 524Combinatorics I3
MA 526Mathematical Analysis II3
MA 528Options and Derivatives Pricing3
MA 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
MA 532Ordinary Differential Equations I3
MA 534Introduction To Partial Differential Equations3
MA 537Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos3
MA 540Uncertainty Quantification for Physical and Biological Models3
MA 544Computer Experiments In Mathematical Probability3
MA 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
MA 547Stochastic Calculus for Finance3
MA 548Monte Carlo Methods for Financial Math3
MA 549Financial Risk Analysis3
MA 551Introduction to Topology3
MA 555Introduction to Manifold Theory3
MA 561Set Theory and Foundations Of Mathematics3
MA 565Graph Theory3
MA 573Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes I3
MA 574Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes II3
MA 580Numerical Analysis I3
MA 583Introduction to Parallel Computing3
MA 584Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite Difference Methods3
MA 587Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations--Finite Element Method3
MA 591Special Topics1-6
MBA 528Options and Derivatives Pricing3
OR 504Introduction to Mathematical Programming3
OR 505Linear Programming3
OR 531Dynamic Systems and Multivariable Control I3
OR 565Graph Theory3
ST 412Long-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 413Short-Term Actuarial Models3
ST 546Probability and Stochastic Processes I3

Semester Sequence

This is a sample.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
MA 141 Calculus I 1,2 4
CH 101 Chemistry - A Molecular Science 2 3
CH 102 General Chemistry Laboratory 2 1
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 4
COS 100 Science of Change 2
GEP Requirement 3
Spring Semester
MA 241 Calculus II 1,2 4
PY 205 Physics for Engineers and Scientists I 2 3
PY 206 Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory 2 1
Introduction to Programming Elective 2 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
GEP Requirement 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
MA 242 Calculus III 1,2 4
MA 225 Foundations of Advanced Mathematics 1,2 3
PY 208 Physics for Engineers and Scientists II 2 3
PY 209 Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory 2 1
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
ST 371 Introduction to Probability and Distribution Theory 2 3
Spring Semester
MA 341 Applied Differential Equations I 1,2 3
MA 405 Introduction to Linear Algebra 2 3
ST 372 Introduction to Statistical Inference and Regression 2 3
Free Elective 3
GEP Requirement 3
Third Year
Fall Semester
MA 407 Introduction to Modern Algebra for Mathematics Majors 2 3
Methods of Applied Math Elective 2 3
Applied Elective 3
Advanced Writing/Speaking Elective 3
GEP Requirement 3
Spring Semester
MA 425 Mathematical Analysis I 2 3
MA 402 Mathematics of Scientific Computing 2 3
Applied Elective 3
Free Elective 3
GEP Requirement 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
Select one of the following: 2 3
Mathematical Analysis II
Advanced Mathematics Elective 2 3
Applied Electives 6
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 3
Spring Semester
Advanced Mathematics Elective 2 3
Applied Elective 3
Free Electives (2 courses) 5
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2
 Total Hours120

A grade of C- or higher is required.


At most one grade below a C- is permitted in Advanced Mathematics courses and at most one grade below a C- is permitted in courses satisfying the Basic Science requirements. No grades below a C- are permitted in Basic Mathematics courses.

Career Opportunities

Career Titles

  • Actuary
  • Architectural Drafters
  • Astronomer
  • Biophysicist
  • Computer and Information Scientists
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Computer Systems Engineer
  • Database Administrator
  • Economist
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Employee Benefits Analyst
  • Epidemiologists
  • Financial Analyst
  • Financial Planner
  • High School Teacher
  • Insurance Claim Examiner
  • Insurance Underwriter
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Materials Scientist
  • Math Professor
  • Mathematician
  • Meteorologist
  • Middle School Teacher
  • Operations Research Analyst
  • Physicist
  • Software Developers - Applications
  • Statistician

Learn More About Careers
Explore North Carolina’s central online resource for students, parents, educators, job seekers and career counselors looking for high quality job and career information.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Browse the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to view state and area employment and wage statistics. You can also identify and compare similar occupations based on your interests.

Career One Stop Videos 
View videos that provide career details and information on wages, employment trends, skills needed, and more for any occupation. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Focus 2 Career Assessment (NC State student email address required)
This career, major and education planning system is available to current NC State students to learn about how your values, interests, competencies, and personality fit into the NC State majors and your future career. An NC State email address is required to create an account. Make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss the results.

Focus 2 Apply Assessment (Available to prospective students)
A career assessment tool designed to support prospective students in exploring and choosing the right major and career path based on your unique personality, interests, skills and values. Get started with Focus 2 Apply and see how it can guide your journey at NC State.

American Mathematical Society

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics