University Catalog 2024-2025

Music Technology (BS): Software & Digital Hardware

The undergraduate major in Music Technology is an interdisciplinary program that provides a foundation of theoretical and practical skills in music and electrical and computer engineering to prepare students to design, develop, and implement advanced music technologies. In addition to a variety of supporting courses, it has three primary components: a musicianship core (29 hours including applied and ensemble study); an engineering core (26 hours including calculus and physics); and a music technology core (18 hours). All students will complete a two-semester senior design project.

Students pursuing the Software and Digital Hardware concentration will take an additional 9 hours of engineering courses focusing on the design of computing systems.

Plan Requirements

Musicianship Core
MUS 103Theory and Musicianship I3
MUS 104Theory and Musicianship Lab I1
MUS 107Keyboard Skills I 1
MUS 153Theory and Musicianship II3
MUS 154Theory and Musicianship Lab II1
MUS 200Understanding Music: Global Perspectives3
MUS 203Theory and Musicianship II3
MUS 204Theory and Musicianship Lab II1
MUS 207Class Piano II1
MUS 253Theory and Musicianship IV3
MUS 254Theory and Musicianship Lab IV1
Applied Study
MUS 193Applied Music Lessons I (2 Semesters)2
MUS 293Applied Music Lessons II (2 Semesters)2
Ensemble Study
Four Semesters of approved ensemble from:4
University Singers
Tenor-Bass Choir
Women's Choir
State Chorale
Raleigh Civic Symphony
Raleigh Civic Chamber Orchestra
Wind Ensemble
Symphonic Band
Beginning Band
Jazz Combo II
Jazz Lab Band
Jazz Combo I
Jazz Orchestra
Additional Study
MUS 240Introduction to the Music Industry3
EMA 110Introduction to Arts Entrepreneurship3
D 100Design Inquiry I: Methods and Processes3
Math and Science
MA 141Calculus I4
MA 241Calculus II4
PY 205
PY 206
Physics for Engineers and Scientists I
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory
PY 208
PY 209
Physics for Engineers and Scientists II
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory
Electrical & Computer Engineering Core
ECE 109Introduction to Computer Systems3
ECE 200Introduction to Signals, Circuits and Systems4
ECE 209Computer Systems Programming3
Music Technology Core
MUT 303Introduction to Audio Technology I3
MUT 304Introduction to Audio Technology II3
MUT 315Music Acoustics & Psychoacoustics3
MUT 403Music Recording & Mixing3
MUT 431Music Technology I3
MUT 432Music Technology II3
MUT 461Music Technology Senior Project I3
MUT 462Music Technology Senior Project II3
Software & Digital Hardware Concentration
ECE 212Fundamentals of Logic Design3
Choose two of the following:6
Introduction to Embedded Systems
Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers
Design of Complex Digital Systems
GEP Courses
ENG 101Academic Writing and Research4
GEP Humanities6
GEP Social Sciences6
GEP Elective3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies2
GEP Global Knowledge
Free Elective2
Total Hours120
Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
MUS 103 Theory and Musicianship I 3
MUS 104 Theory and Musicianship Lab I 1
MUS 107 Keyboard Skills I 1
MUS 193 Applied Music Lessons I 1
Approved Ensemble 1
MA 141 Calculus I 1 4
ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 4
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Spring Semester
MUS 153 Theory and Musicianship II 3
MUS 154 Theory and Musicianship Lab II 1
MUS 207 Class Piano II 1
MUS 193 Applied Music Lessons I 1
Approved Ensemble 1
MA 241 Calculus II 4
PY 205
PY 206
Physics for Engineers and Scientists I
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory 1
ECE 109 Introduction to Computer Systems 1 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
MUS 203 Theory and Musicianship II 3
MUS 204 Theory and Musicianship Lab II 1
MUS 293 Applied Music Lessons II 1
Approved Ensemble 1
PY 208
PY 209
Physics for Engineers and Scientists II
and Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory 1
ECE 209 Computer Systems Programming 1 3
MUT 303 Introduction to Audio Technology I 3
Spring Semester
MUS 200 Understanding Music: Global Perspectives 3
MUS 253 Theory and Musicianship IV 3
MUS 254 Theory and Musicianship Lab IV 1
MUS 293 Applied Music Lessons II 1
ECE 200 Introduction to Signals, Circuits and Systems 2 4
MUT 304 Introduction to Audio Technology II 3
D 100 Design Inquiry I: Methods and Processes 3
Third Year
Fall Semester
MUS 240 Introduction to the Music Industry 3
Approved Ensemble 1
ECE 212 Fundamentals of Logic Design 2 3
MUT 403 Music Recording & Mixing 3
MUT 431 Music Technology I 3
GEP Health and Exercise Studies 1
Spring Semester
EMA 110 Introduction to Arts Entrepreneurship 3
MUT 432 Music Technology II 3
ECE 3** Software & Digital Hardware Elective 3
GEP Requirements 3
Free Elective 2
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
MUT 461 Music Technology Senior Project I 3
ECE 3&& Software & Digital Hardware Elective 3
GEP Requirement 3
GEP Requirement 3
Spring Semester
MUT 462 Music Technology Senior Project II 3
MUT 315 Music Acoustics & Psychoacoustics 3
GEP Requirement 3
GEP Requirement 3
 Total Hours120