University Catalog 2024-2025

University Fellowships Office (UFO)

The University Fellowships Office (UFO)--formerly called the Fellowship Advising Office--helps NC State’s undergraduate students, graduate students, and alums learn of and apply for nationally competitive and prestigious awards. These awards fund a wide range of opportunities, and many are connected to undergraduate and graduate degree programs or internships, overseas opportunities, and independent projects.

Some of our services include:

  • Meeting with candidates to discuss their goals and interests and to help identify matching opportunities
  • Reviewing and critiquing drafts of application essays and statements
  • Providing institutional endorsements for applicants who receive the campus nomination (for the awards that require nominations/endorsements)
  • Submitting application materials at the national level on behalf of applicants
  • Staging practice interviews for applicants selected at the national level for finalist interviews


Clark Hall
221 Jensen Drive
NC State Box 8610
Raleigh, NC  27695-8610 

Courtney Hughes, Director