University Catalog 2024-2025

Prevention Services

NC State Prevention Services believes that information should be shared from an objective and factual perspective, without bias or an agenda to steer an individual in any one direction unless imminent harm would result. Prevention Services is a no-cost service to all students and offers consultation to parents of students, staff, and faculty. We are flexible in format and willing to work with you, your group(s), and/or your department in some of, but not limited to, the following ways:

  • one-on-one conversations focused on resources
  • formal/informal presentations and trainings
  • formal/informal conversation facilitators
  • staff/student group meeting guests
  • Q & A resource
  • student group leadership trainings/discussions
  • event planning for risk management and problem prevention

CARES:  Student Behavioral Case Management

The CARES case managers at NC State work collaboratively with campus resources to provide support for students who are in distress or crisis or who are identified as exhibiting concerning or worrisome behaviors.  Effective case management ensures that the community at large remains supported and safe while the student involved gains the necessary resources to remain successful academically and personally at NC State. Services include:

  • Providing comprehensive outreach and consultation services to the NC State community in order to proactively identify students with concerns
  • Providing early intervention and behaviorally based assessments to determine appropriate resources and referrals to campus and community resource
  • Working constructively with students to foster resilience and self-advocacy
  • Monitoring student progress

Learn more about CARES: Student Behavioral Case Management on our website.

Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Education

Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Education (AOD) strives to create and sustain a caring community that prepares students to succeed academically, professionally, and personally as well as to become informed, engaged, and productive citizens by reducing the potential unwanted results of substance misuse. Services include:

  • Providing alcohol education programming to all first-year students prior to arriving at NC State
  • Consulting with campus partners, students, alumni and faculty regarding AOD topics including risk management and prevention
  • Providing training for the campus community on harm reduction strategies
  • Administering BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students)

Learn more about Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Education on our website.

Outreach and Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention efforts at NC State work to minimize the impact of identified risk factors and increase protective factors related to suicidality. This includes increasing social connectivity on campus through increasing awareness of campus resources and large-scale outreach efforts. In addition, we work to increase broad ownership across campus for suicide prevention by educating students, faculty, and staff regarding how to recognize when a person is exhibiting signs of suicidal ideation or intent and how to successfully intervene. We also work to decrease stigma around suicide and mental health help-seeking behavior through increasing awareness of the commonality of painful experiences, empowering Mental Health Ambassadors, and creating videos related to personal student stories. Suicide Prevention Services also offers support to those impacted by the loss of a community member to suicide.

Services include:

  • Providing QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Suicide Prevention Training
  • Creating and collaborating large scale campus events focused on suicide prevention, identifying risk factors and warning signs, resource promotion, and mental health awareness
  • Facilitating drop-in spaces, tabling, and other informal opportunities to promote belonging and resiliency
  • Developing and providing programming for faculty and staff focused on early intervention
  • Supporting the Division of Academic and Student Affairs' postvention efforts following tragic events involving students, faculty or staff

Learn more about Outreach and Suicide Prevention on our website.

NC State Prevention Services

2101 Campus Health Center
2815 Cates Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27695