GEP Visual and Performing Arts
Note: As of Fall 2023, up to 3 credit hours of the Visual and Performing Arts GEP category may be counted towards the GEP Humanities Requirement. For students matriculated prior to Fall 2023, the Visual and Performing Arts GEP category is part of the Additional Breadth Requirement.
- Note: If a student changes a General Education course except for HES courses from a letter grade to credit-only (S/U), then the course will not satisfy the GEP requirements. Consult your academic advisor if you have questions.
- A course taken to satisfy this requirement may also satisfy the Global Knowledge or U.S. Diversity co-requisite if the course also exists on either university approved GEP co-requisite course list.
- A course required in the Major or taken to fulfill another GEP category cannot be double-counted to fulfill the Additional Breadth requirement even if the course appears on more than one GEP course list. An additional course must be taken.
The Visual and Performing Arts constitute a separate, unique, and independent mode of inquiry distinct from both the Humanities and Social Sciences and the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines. Being conversant in the symbolic languages of the Arts is as important as familiarity with other modes of inquiry. Many of the most profound expressions of meaning and value are embodied in the arts, and developing sensitivity and responsiveness to these through visual and performing arts courses encourages students’ aesthetic sensitivities, critical judgment, and creativity. Courses in the arts also provide students with an understanding of the cultural and historical dimensions of artistic expression.
Category Objectives
Each course in the Visual and Performing Arts category will provide instruction and guidance that helps students to:
- deepen their understanding of aesthetic, cultural, and historical dimensions of artistic traditions; and
- strengthen their ability to interpret and make critical judgments about the arts through the analysis of structure, form, and style of specific works; and
- strengthen their ability to create, recreate, or evaluate art based upon techniques and standards appropriate to the genre.
Code | Title | Hours | Counts towards |
ADN 275 | Survey of Fibers in Art and Design | 3 | GK |
AFS 260 | History of Jazz | 3 | USD |
ARC 140 | Experiencing Architecture | 3 | |
ARC 141 | Introduction to Architectural History | 3 | GK |
ARS 251 | The Arts of a World Capital: London | 3 | GK, HUM |
ARS 252 | The Arts of Vienna 1900 | 3 | GK |
ARS 259 | The Arts and Politics | 3 | |
ARS 306 | Music Composition with Computers | 3 | |
ARS 351 | Arts, Ideas and Values | 3 | |
ARS 353 | Arts and Cross-Cultural Contacts | 3 | GK |
ARS 354 | The Arts and the Sacred | 3 | GK |
ARS 410 | Art and History of World Puppetry | 3 | GK |
COM 110 | Public Speaking | 3 | |
COM 364 | History of Film to 1940 | 3 | GK |
COM 374 | History of Film From 1940 | 3 | GK |
D 231 | Design History for Engineers and Scientists | 3 | |
DAN 120 | Movement Improvisation | 2 | |
DAN 122 | Dance and Society | 3 | GK |
DAN 230 | The Horton Dance Technique and Legacy | 3 | USD, USD, I, VPA |
DAN 232 | Dance on Screen | 3 | IP |
DAN 260 | Hip-hop Dance | 1 | HES |
DAN 265 | Ballet II | 1 | HES |
DAN 272 | Dance Composition - Solo Forms | 2 | |
DAN 276 | Jazz Dance II | 1 | HES |
DAN 305 | Dance Repertory and Performance | 1 | |
DAN 310 | Panoramic Dance Project | 2 | |
DAN 311 | State Dance Company | 2 | |
DAN 315 | Site-Specific Dance Performance | 1 | |
DAN 322 | Dance and Society | 3 | GK |
DAN 324 | U.S. Concert Dance History | 3 | USD, , USD, VPA |
DAN 326 | Current Trends in Dance | 3 | |
DAN 328 | Dance Composition - Group Forms | 2 | |
ENG 282 | Introduction to Film | 3 | GK |
ENG 292 | Writing About Film | 3 | |
ENG 364 | History of Film to 1940 | 3 | GK |
ENG 374 | History of Film From 1940 | 3 | GK |
ENG 378 | Women & Film | 3 | GK |
ENG 382 | Film and Literature | 3 | GK |
FTM 400 | Major Fashion Designers | 3 | |
GC 120 | Foundations of Graphics | 3 | |
GD 203 | History of Graphic Design | 3 | |
GD 303 | Graphic Design Theory and Practice | 3 | |
HA 201 | History of Art from Caves to the Renaissance | 3 | |
HA 202 | History of Art From the Renaissance Through the 20th Century | 3 | |
HA 203 | History of American Art | 3 | |
HA 410 | History of the Art of Photography | 3 | |
HON 299 | Honors Special Topics - Visual and Performing Arts | 3 | |
HON 390 | Music and the Celtic World | 3 | IP, GK |
HS 242 | Introduction to Small Scale Landscape Design | 3 | |
HS 275 | Floral Design | 3 | |
MUS 103 | Theory and Musicianship I | 3 | |
MUS 105 | Introduction to Music in Western Society | 3 | GK |
MUS 120 | Introduction to Music Theory | 3 | |
MUS 180 | Introduction to Musical Experiences | 3 | |
MUS 181 | Exploring Music Theory | 3 | |
MUS 200 | Understanding Music: Global Perspectives | 3 | IP, GK |
MUS 201 | Introduction to Music Literature I | 3 | GK |
MUS 202 | Introduction to Music Literature II | 3 | GK |
MUS 206 | America's Music | 3 | USD, I, VPA |
MUS 210 | Introduction to Popular Music: 1950s-1970s | 3 | USD |
MUS 211 | Introduction to Popular Music: 1980s-Present | 3 | USD |
MUS 230 | Introduction to African-American Music | 3 | USD, I, VPA |
MUS 240 | Introduction to the Music Industry | 3 | |
MUS 260 | History of Jazz | 3 | USD |
MUS 270 | Songwriting Using Digital Audio Workstations | 2 | |
MUS 305 | Music Composition | 3 | |
MUS 306 | Music Composition with Computers | 3 | |
MUS 310 | Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries | 3 | GK |
MUS 315 | Music of the 19th Century | 3 | GK |
MUS 320 | Music of the 20th Century | 3 | GK |
MUS 330 | Survey of Musical Theater | 3 | GK |
MUS 350 | Music of Asia | 3 | GK, IP |
MUS 360 | Women In Music | 3 | USD, I, VPA |
TDE 351 | Ceramics: The Art and Craft of Clay | 3 | |
THE 103 | Introduction to the Theatre | 3 | |
THE 203 | Theory and Practice of Acting | 3 | |
WGS 360 | Women In Music | 3 | USD, I, VPA |
WL 216 | Art and Society in France | 3 | GK |
WL 218 | The Harlem Renaissance in Paris: Paris Noir | 3 | GK, USD, I, VPA |
WLFR 318 | The Heritage of French Cinema | 3 | GK |
WLFR 320 | Franco-Belgian Comics and Graphic Arts | 3 | GK, HUM, IP |
WLGE 318 | New German Cinema and Beyond | 3 | GK, HUM |