University Catalog 2024-2025

GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Note: This requirement applies to students matriculated Fall 2023 and after. Students matriculated prior to Fall 2023 should use the GEP U.S. Diversity requirement.

Requirement (3 Credit Hours)

  • Choose course(s) from the university approved GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion course list.
  • Special Note:  If a student changes a General Education course except for HES courses from a letter grade to credit-only (S/U), then the course will not satisfy the GEP requirements.  Consult your academic advisor if you have questions.


  • A course taken to satisfy a Major requirement may also satisfy this requirement if the course is on the approved GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion course list.
  • A course that satisfies the GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion requirement may also satisfy the Global Knowledge co-requisite if the course also exists on the university approved GEP co-requisite course list.


The study of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the United States provides students the opportunity to consider questions of difference and culture, identity and community, privilege and oppression, and power and responsibility in our nation, and to gain an understanding of how these issues affect both individuals and communities.

Category Objectives

Each course in U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will provide instruction and guidance that help students to:

  1. Analyze how diverse identities shape and/or are shaped by cultural and societal influences. (For the purposes of the USDEI category, diverse identities include but are not limited to religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, socioeconomic status, citizenship status, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age identities.)
  2. Analyze and interpret the causes and consequences of historical, social, political, and/or economic processes that produce structured inequalities in the US.
  3. Examine and analyze how social actions and interactions between people of diverse identities affect equality and social justice in the US.
AFS 241Introduction to African American Studies3, I, HUM, USD
AFS 248Survey of African-American Literature3HUM, , I, USD
AFS 305Racial and Ethnic Relations3, I, USD, SS
AFS 343African American Religions3HUM, , I, USD
AFS 344Leadership in African American Communities3, I, IP, USD
AFS 345Psychology and the African American Experience3, I, USD
AFS 346Black Popular Culture3HUM, , I, USD
AFS 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653HUM, , I, USD
AFS 373African-American History Since 18653HUM, USD, , I
AFS 375African American Cinema3, I, USD
AFS 380Black Feminist Theory3, I, USD
AFS 444African American and African Women Leaders3, I, IP
AFS 448African-American Literature3HUM, , I, USD
AFS 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3HUM, , I, USD
AFS 470The Red Record and The Birth of a Nation3HUM, , I
AFS 548African-American Literature3HUM, , I, USD
AFS 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3HUM, , I, USD
ANT 254Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3, I, SS, USD
ANT 310Native Peoples and Cultures of North America3SS, , I, USD
ARS 346Black Popular Culture3HUM, , I, USD
BIO 440The Human Animal: An Evolutionary Perspective3, I, USD
CNR 110CNR First-year Advancement Seminar1, I, USD
COM 292Language, Communication, and Culture3SS, , I, USD
COM 392International and Crosscultural Communication3GK, SS, , I, USD
COM 417Communication & Race3USD, , I
DAN 230The Horton Dance Technique and Legacy3, I, USD, VPA
DAN 324U.S. Concert Dance History3, I, USD, VPA
ECD 225Foundations of Cultural Competence3GK, HUM, , I, USD
ECI 305Equity and Education3IP, , I, USD
EED 411Diversity & Social Justice in Engineering Education3, I
EED 511Diversity & Social Justice in Engineering Education3, I
ENG 248Survey of African-American Literature3HUM, , I, USD
ENG 249Native American Literature3USD, , I, HUM
ENG 265American Literature I3USD, HUM, , I
ENG 266American Literature II3, I, USD, HUM
ENG 305Women and Literature3HUM, , I, USD
ENG 342Literature of Space and Place3HUM, IP, , I, USD
ENG 375African American Cinema3, I, USD
ENG 410Studies in Gender and Genre3, I, HUM, USD
ENG 448African-American Literature3HUM, , I, USD
ENG 466Transatlantic Literatures3HUM, USD, , I
ENG 470American Literature, Twentieth Century and Beyond3HUM, , I, USD
ENG 476Southern Literature3HUM, , I, USD
ENG 548African-American Literature3HUM, , I, USD
ENV 250Diversity and Environmental Justice3, I, IP, USD
HI 253Early American History3HUM, USD, , I
HI 254Modern American History3USD, HUM, , I
HI 320Religion in American History3HUM, USD, , I
HI 346The Civil War Era in Popular Culture3HUM, IP, , I, USD
HI 360U.S. Agricultural History3USD, , I, HUM
HI 366Native American History3, I, USD, HUM
HI 369Sexuality in U.S. History3HUM, , I, USD
HI 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653HUM, , I, USD
HI 373African-American History Since 18653HUM, USD, , I
HI 382History of Capitalism in America3IP, HUM, , I, USD
HI 383Law in the American Story3IP, HUM, , I
HI 446Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3USD, , I, HUM
HI 447Women in America to 18903HUM, , I, USD
HI 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3, I, HUM, USD
HI 449U.S. Labor to 19003USD, , I
HI 450U.S. Labor Since 19003, I, USD
HI 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3HUM, , I, USD
HI 462Southern History since the Civil War3HUM, , I, USD
HI 546Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3USD, , I, HUM
HI 547Women in America to 18903HUM, , I, USD
HI 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3, I, HUM, USD
HI 549U.S. Labor to 19003USD, , I
HI 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3HUM, , I, USD
HI 562Southern History since the Civil War3HUM, , I, USD
HON 300Race, Membership, and Eugenics3, I
HON 314Society's Mirror: Literature in 20th-Century America3HUM, , I
HON 357Performing the Lost Cause3HUM, , I
HSS 201Critical Thinking in American Life: Engaging Across Difference3HUM, , I
IDS 210Introduction to American Studies3, I, USD, IP
IS 250Globalizing North Carolina3IP, , I, USD
LPS 302Diversity and Leadership in the Public Sector3USD, , I
MUS 206America's Music3VPA, , I
MUS 230Introduction to African-American Music3, I, VPA
MUS 360Women In Music3, I, VPA
PHI 319Black Political Philosophy3HUM, , I, USD
PHI 320Philosophy of Race3HUM, , I, USD
PRT 238Diversity and Inclusion in Recreation and Sport3USD, , I
PS 303Race in U.S. Politics3SS, , I, USD
PS 306Gender and Politics in the United States3SS, , I, USD
PS 309Equality and Justice in United States Law3SS, , I, USD
PS 313Criminal Justice Policy3, I, USD
PS 418Gender Law and Policies3, I, USD
PSY 345Psychology and the African American Experience3, I, USD
PSY 406Psychology of Gender3SS, , I, USD
PSY 412Social Relationships3SS, , I
PSY 477Psychology of Aging3SS, , I
REL 320Religion in American History3HUM, USD, , I
REL 323Religious Cults, Sects, and Minority Faiths in America3HUM, , I, USD
REL 343African American Religions3HUM, , I, USD
REL 423Religion and Politics in America3, I, USD, HUM
SOC 202Principles of Sociology3SS, , I, USD
SOC 203Current Social Problems3, I, SS, USD
SOC 203ACurrent Social Problems3, I, SS, USD
SOC 204Sociology of Family3SS, , I, USD
SOC 205Jobs and Work3SS, , I
SOC 207Language and Society3IP, SS, , I, USD
SOC 211Community and Health3SS, , I, USD
SOC 212Race in America3SS, , I
SOC 304Gender and Society3SS, , I, USD
SOC 305Racial and Ethnic Relations3, I, USD, SS
STS 210Women and Gender in Science and Technology3IP, , I, USD
SW 201Introduction to Social Work4, I, USD
SW 290The Development of Social Welfare and Social Work in the U.S.3, I, IP, USD
SW 307Social Welfare Policy: Analysis and Advocacy3SS, , I, USD
SW 312Multicultural Social Work3, I, USD
THE 340African American Theatre3, I
USDEI 295US Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Special Topic1-3, I
WGS 200Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies3, I, USD
WGS 204Sociology of Family3SS, , I, USD
WGS 210Women and Gender in Science and Technology3IP, , I, USD
WGS 215Abolitionist Futures3IP, , I, USD
WGS 220Men and Masculinity3, I, USD
WGS 304Gender and Society3SS, , I, USD
WGS 305Women and Literature3HUM, , I, USD
WGS 306Gender and Politics in the United States3SS, , I, USD
WGS 360Women In Music3, I, VPA
WGS 380Black Feminist Theory3, I, USD
WGS 406Psychology of Gender3SS, , I, USD
WGS 410Studies in Gender and Genre3, I, HUM, USD
WGS 418Gender Law and Policies3, I, USD
WGS 447Women in America to 18903HUM, , I, USD
WGS 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3, I, HUM, USD
WGS 547Women in America to 18903HUM, , I, USD
WGS 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3, I, HUM, USD
WL 218The Harlem Renaissance in Paris: Paris Noir3GK, , I, VPA
WL 436Culture, Community, and Language: Advocating for Multilingual Learners3, I, USD
WL 536Culture, Community, and Language: Advocating for Multilingual Learners3, I, USD