Art and Design (ADN)
An introduction to the fundamentals of design studies through two dimensional problems. The basic elements and concepts of design explored as abstract and applied problems through design issues. Provides non-design students an introduction to design principles and a language of design.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
An introduction to the fundamentals of design studies through three-dimensional problems. The basic elements and concepts of design explored as abstract and applied problems through the design issue. Provides non-design students a working knowledge of design principles and a language of design.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course will introduce students to a variety of perspectives and lenses through which to examine and evaluate design in the world. Students will consider design studies through theory and criticism of design, as well as applied to business administration, museum studies, and environmental studies. In addition, students will be encouraged to find evidence of and define design studies in areas that are uniquely suited to their individual areas of interest. As an advised elective, this course is required for Design Studies majors who are sophomores in their major.
Typically offered in Fall only
Emphasis on fundamental Art & Design visual language through investigative problem solving.
Typically offered in Spring only
The Art + Design Sophomore Studio series includes four required courses of three-credit hours each to be completed in the sophomore year. ADN 202 and ADN 203 are offered in the fall semester. ADN 204 and ADN 205 are offered in the spring semester. The Art + Design Sophomore Studio Series focuses on the creative disciplines foundations taught at the intermediate and advance level Art + Design electives and studios. The Sophomore Studio Series courses include: Visual Composition (ADN 202); Sequential Imaging (ADN 203); Applied Creative Processes (ADN 204); and Interactive Media (ADN 205).
Prerequisite: ADN 201, or permission of department, ADN majors only
Typically offered in Fall only
The Art + Design Sophomore Studio series includes two required courses of six-credit hours each to be completed in the sophomore year. ADN 202 is offered in the fall semester. ADN 204 is offered in the spring semester. The Art + Design Sophomore Studio Series focuses on the creative disciplines foundations taught at the intermediate and advance level Art + Design electives and studios.
Typically offered in Spring only
Introduction to the processes and visual skills necessary for the beginning photographer. Darkroom experimentation, pinhole camera, basic rudiments of camera use, film development and printing. Exploration of issues related to the quality of visual communication.
Typically offered in Fall only
Introduction to exploring, creating, and modifying images through the use of computers. Emphasis is on creativity, experimentation, and intuitive image-making using various computer techniques.
Prerequisite: D104 or ADN 111
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Hands-on exploration of digital drawing, painting, and image editing techniques with the use of pressure sensitive digital drawing tablets and image editing software; Development of ability to design and communicate convincing 3-dimensional forms and environments using 2D digital techniques with an emphasis on gesture, shape, volume, intuitive perspective, color, and light; Application of design process and research to generate images for visual concept development; Examination of relationships between historic and contemporary conventions for traditional and digital image-making.
Typically offered in Summer only
Hands-on exploration of digital drawings, painting, and image editing techniques with the use of pressure sensitive digital drawing tablets and image editing software; Development of ability to integrate multiple visual elements to illustrate narratives and create illusionistic environments. Emphasis shot design, linear perspective, light, color, texture, and atmosphere; Application of design process and research to generate images for visual concept development and mood; Examination of relationship between historic and contemporary illustration, compositing, and matte painting techniques.
Prerequisite: ADN 220
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Hands-on exploration of motion, animation principles, and keyframing strategies; Development of animated experiments and sequences that focus on convincing and exaggerated movement, physics, and acting; Introduction to range of key animation software and techniques. Restricted to Art and Design Majors Only
Typically offered in Spring only
Hands-on development of story-boards, story-reels, and animatics to plan and examine visual sequences; Development of freehand sketching techniques; Exploration of drawing and image-making as a tool for visual and conceptual development; Examination of traditional and contemporary visual storytelling techniques and conventions; Exploration of common strategies for developing narrative structure. Restricted to Art and Design Majors Only.
Typically offered in Fall only
Design and production of screen printed, painted and pattern-dyed fabrics. Development of design abilities (color use, pattern generation) and technical skills (screen printing, painting, use of fabric dyes). Production of fabric samples, studies, yardage, and/or end products. Awareness of industrial processes.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Introduction to historical and contemporary hand processes used by the textile designer. Students will learn a variety of textile techniques utilizing traditional and experimental methods. Emphasis will be on technical exploration and development.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Hands-on introduction to structures and techniques of hand weaving and related off-loom textile structures. Focus on basic hand weaving structures, including plain weave, twills and satins, acquired through threading the loom and weaving with a variety of materials. Off-loom techniques explore a variety of structures made with simple hand tools. Projects focus on materials choice; color experimentation and control; pattern manipulations; scale and balance; and the design process as applied to hand constructed textile artifacts.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course introduces the student to the vast world of fibers within the Art+Design community and industry. Students will learn the basics of fiber construction and terminology and explore the specialties within the fibers world (including costume design, fashion, fiber art, textile design, etc.). College of Design students only.
Design Students Only
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Visual and Performing Arts
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate even years
Students will gain a fundamental understanding of traditional sewing and construction techniques using both hand and machine methods. Students may incur additional costs for project supplies. Please note that seats in this course are reserved for College of Design or Art + Design Minor (v) students only due to to limited size of labs and class demand. Students who elect to take this course a second time are expected to build upon their experience and/or to approach these concepts from a different perspective.
Prerequisite: Design Majors
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate even years
A beginning descriptive drawing experience which teaches students to see, analyze, and transcribe observed subject matters. The transcription incorporates formal drawing issues (line, form, texture) with traditional and contemporary material space exploration.
Prerequisite: Design Majors and Design Minors
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
A survey of the History of Art and Design, 1918 to the present, focused on innovative work done in the areas of advertising, animation, comic books & graphic novels, fine arts, and emerging practices in the 21st Century, including Virtual Reality and User Experience design. Attention is paid to evolving definitions of visual culture and their critiques utilizing art historical frameworks to introduce students to methodological approaches in the field.
Typically offered in Spring only
Topics of current interest in the School of Design. Used to develop new courses.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Study of creative and contextual skills that relate to Art & Design areas of focus.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Continuation of an advanced level of the skills and techniques developed in Basic Photography. Purpose is to develop use of camera as a perceptual tool to increase awareness and sensitivity of visual imagery.
Prerequisite: ADN 212
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
An intensive introduction to animation which integrates traditional hand generated animation, digital techniques and technology. Students will explore animation's fundamental principles of linear formats, sequenced movement and time-based imaging.
Prerequisite: ADN 219
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Intermediate Design studio emphasizing the exploration of past, current and potential future technologies within the Media Arts, Design and Technology Department content areas, including animation, game design and development, and interactive media such as VR, AR and MXR.
Prerequisite: Four studios and ADN 219
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Students will learn advanced problem solving skills through the creation of the basic set of fashion patterns and the integration of design details. Students may incur additional costs for project related supplies. This course requires field trips as possible. They are scheduled within class time and usually do not require additional cost to student. An example of previous field trips is a research trip to the Gregg. Please note College of Design or Minor of Art + Design (12DMN) Students ONLY due to to limited size of labs and class demand.
Prerequisite: Design Majors and Design Minors
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Hands-on experimentation with classic hand, machine, and digital stitching techniques on fabric; personal exploration of non-traditional materials and applications at different scales; and examination of historic and contemporary stitching through visits to the Gregg Museum and directed library and internet research.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course is offered alternate odd years
Students will be introduced to the fashion industry, fashion history, creative process, behind the scenes, and presentation skills. Please note that 50% of seats are reserved for College of Design or Art + Design Minor (v) students only.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
Introduction to the principles of painting through class projects that expose students to different painting materials and techniques. Students learn to build a stretcher, size and prime a canvas as well as other rigid painting surfaces. Acrylic and oil paint used; projects assigned and open themes.
Typically offered in Fall only
Studio course introducing basic concepts, materials, and processes of sculpture. Instruction incorporates both traditional and contemporary form generation with emphasis on developing formal perception and projection.
Typically offered in Fall only
Studio offering Art & Design undergraduates the opportunity to intensively study general design issues (form, color, structure, proportions, scale, etc..) as applies to the study of Art + Design.
Prerequisite: ADN majors only.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Advanced Design studio emphasizing the exploration of past, current and potential future technologies within Art + Design Department content areas. Students are expected to work independently, develop their own problem statements.
Prerequisite: Seven studios and ADN 219
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Study of intermediate visual communication skills that relate to Art & Design areas of focus.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Physical and perceptual nature of color, color awareness, sensitivity and skills in visual communication with color as a designer's tool.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course will build upon previous knowledge in Art and Design through a focus on the basic historic, stylistic and compositional attributes of type to enhance storytelling in their work. ¬Main topics addressed in the course will cover the relationship between form and content to support pacing, transition, structure, voice, action and resolution for richer visual narratives. We will use both found text as well as stories that students create in the class to explore the many ways that type can enunciate the meaning, tone and spirit of a story. There are printing fees estimated at $100 associated with this
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course is offered alternate odd years
Explore a range of issues about contemporary art and design ideologies. Concentration on selected readings which provide a platform for discussion of various ideas, approaches, perspectives and practices in the contemporary fields of art and design.
Prerequisite: DS 100 and DS 200 and ADN 202 and ADN 400; Requisite: Junior Standing in ADN or Design Studies
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Intensive hands-on investigation of the tools, techniques, and processes for the development of interactive multi-media projects. Media teams will emphasize shaping an idea into a well thought-out design that works as an interactive experience.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Hands on introduction to 3D digital modeling tools and techniques for artists and designers who want to expand their skill sets to include 3D practices. The course has applications in several disciplines including; animation, illustration, surface design, and concept development. Explores the use of surface textures, lighting, and compositing. Examines strategies for using 3D tools to create prototypes for physical objects, integrate 3D elements into 2D images, and create models for animation. Restricted to Art and Design Majors Only.
Typically offered in Fall only
Conceptual basis for developing a personal philosophy regarding the practice of art and design. Theory based history of diverse cultures and forces of change: political, economic, religious, social, intellectual and philosophical as they affect the fields of art and design.
Prerequisite: Senior Level (6 studios), Art and Design Major
Typically offered in Fall only
An intensive study of advanced image-making processes, software, and various computer platforms used in the creation of multimedia. In a studio mode, students will place emphasis on creating interactive interface systems with audio and special effects.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Practice of widely varying textile techniques with the solving of practical and conceptual design problems. Textile end products are designed and produced at full scale in appropriate materials. Focus includes weaving, knitting, printing and dyeing of fabrics, and a wide variety of fabric construction and embellishment processes. Textile history is an ongoing part of the study. Emphasis on synthesis of techniques and ideas.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Advanced problems in the design and production of hand-printed and pattern-dyed fabrics. Experimentation with advanced color application techniques. Exploration of pattern and image production on fabric and development of design abilities in textilemedia. Specific focus changes each semester.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Advanced explorations of three-dimensional textiles forms and structures including works small and large scale installations and sculptures, planar structures in space, and textiles that interact with interior or exterior architecture, the body, or public or site-specific spaces. Technical focus on construction, joining mixed materials, armatures, integration of found materials, and both traditional and experimental structures and applications. Use of hand and power tools.
Prerequisite: ADN 273 or equivalent
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Introduction to use of the computer as a tool for designing, drafting, and hand weaving, using simple software packages. Hand weaving on 24-harness computer assisted looms, 8 harness hand looms, and TC-1 digital hand jacquard loom. 4 to 24 harness woven structures including twill, satin, shadow weave, double weave, woven shibori, dyed warps, and other weave structures. Focus on designing, technical skills, and solving technical problems.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Research on and discussion of hand-made textiles of the world, introducing major textile traditions from Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America. Focus on geographic and cultural contexts, developments in making, and design characteristics, including impact of 20th century fiber art movements. Seminar format.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
Typically offered in Spring only
A continuation of intensive study of advanced image-making processes, software, and various computer platforms used in the creation of multimedia. In a studio mode, students will place emphasis on creating interactive interface systems with audio and special effects.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
An intermediate-level drawing course that further develops the designer's graphic, analytic, observational, and conceptual skills.
Prerequisite: ADN 281
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
An intermediate-level painting course that through slide lectures, class projects, and assigned readings exposes students to contemporary painting art movements. Special emphasis given to the formal and interpretative analysis of a painting. Acrylic and oil paint are used; Projects have assigned and open themes.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
An intermediate-level sculpture course that further develops the designer's analytic, observational, and conceptual skills.
Prerequisite: ADN 386
Typically offered in Fall only
Define Art and Design problems and develop design solutions in an international setting. Studio projects related to design, culture, and traditional and contemporary art forms. Focus on artifact making through direct studies. Taught off campus.
Prerequisite: Junior standing, Design Majors, Approval Study Abroad Office
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Seminars on subjects of current interest in art + design.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Topics of current interest in Design & Technology. Used to develop new courses.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
ADN 493 is a capstone course for seniors in Art and Design. The course prepares and equips students with the necessary tools and communication skills to present themselves professionally as competent practitioners. Students are required to integrate their work from previous Art and Design courses into a comprehensive portfolio and personal website. Students are required to participate in the Art and Design Senior Exhibition and provide their own transportation to the exhibition.
Prerequisite: ADN 219, ADN 281, completion of a 400 level studio; Corequisite: ADN 202 or ADN 400 or ADN 460 or ADN 470, or ADN 480
Typically offered in Spring only
Supervised field experience in design offices, galleries, museums and other organizations. Maximum of 6 credit hours. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Prerequisite: Junior standing; 3.0 GPA or better
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Special projects in art and design developed under the direction of a faculty member on a tutorial basis. Maximum 6 credit hours. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Prerequisite: Junior standing in Design with 3.0 in Design or better
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
A distance education elective course (ADN & DS) that introduces students to the mechanics of gainfully applying their fine and applied arts and/or design education. The course is not discipline specific. The business of design, principles of branding, project management, entrepreneurship and business development are explored through case studies, virtual class forums, independent and group assignments, and assigned readings. The course engages students in the development and management of design business planning, models, and philosophies with emphasis on social responsibility. Through coursework, students foster interpersonal, group, and leadership competencies.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course will introduce first semester Art + Design graduate students to historical and foundational theories of design and media studies-specifically related to platforms, environments and networks-to better understand the myriad ways these ideas have impacted artistic and design-based practice.
Restriction: Art + Design Graduate Students Only. Non-majors by permission of the instructor
Typically offered in Fall only
This graduate-level Art +Design seminar looks at theories and methods impacting experimental media art in contemporary practice, as well as how these contemporary practices might inform future art and design-making practices. Topics in the course expose students to a wide breadth of ideas, with the opportunity to dive more deeply into concepts that are personally and professionally intriguing. Topics include: speculative and participatory art + design; biomimicry; artificial intelligence; and technology and ethics. Methods include examining idea sources, process, documentation, critiquing, speaking, and writing about visual concepts.
Restriction: Master of Art + Design Students Pre-requisite: ADN500; Co-Requisite: ADN561. This course is open to undergraduate students and Masters students outside of Art + Design by permission of the instructor.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
ADN 502 is a general title of Advanced Visual Laboratories under the supervision of an Art and Design faculty member to provide intensive experimental work in various phenomena and disciplines related to design.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Directed research to prepare background documentation for the final project, including historical and contemporary context, theoretical frameworks and references, formation of project parameters, statement of goals, and documentation/project outline.
Prerequisites: ADN500 and ADN501 or permission of the instructor. Restricted to graduate students in Art + Design or permission of the instructor.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This graduate seminar in Art + Design supports students in the development of their final project documentation paper. More specifically, the course gives the direction to revise the historical and contemporary influences of the final project, theoretical framework, and related disciplines. Students will also develop their final project description, analysis and next steps for the project.
Prerequisite: ADN510, ADN570 or permission of the instructor. Co-Requisite: ADN571 or Permission of the Instructor. Open to Master of Design students only.
Typically offered in Spring only
Graduate Studio in Art and Design that introduces students to multiple modes of creating immersive and experiential narratives through platforms and methods such as animation and motion design, augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality and computational art and design.
Restriction: Art + Design Graduate Student or permission of the instructor
Typically offered in Fall only
This graduate studio will explore elements of Speculative Design that use design fiction, future casting and critical design principles to examine the past, present and future of experimental design and media experiences. Students will explore different elements of materiality and how experiences are shaped by the tangible, haptic and immersive nature of technology and media.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course will provide structure to the final project development for Master of Art + Design Students. Throughout the course, students will be working independently, with instructor guidance and mentorship to develop unique, novel projects that explore new forms of immersive narrative and interactive experiences and push technical boundaries and platforms. Guest lectures and workshops may be brought into the studio throughout the semester.
Restriction: Art + Design Graduate Student or permission of the instructor
Typically offered in Fall only
This course will provide structure to the final project development for Master of Art + Design Students. Throughout the course, students will be working independently, with guided instruction from the Director of Graduate Programs in Art + Design, their committee chair and committee members. Guest lectures and workshops may be brought into the studio throughout the semester.
Pre-requisite: ADN570 or permission of the Instructor. Master of Art + Design Graduate Students or permission of the instructor.
Typically offered in Spring only
Research on and discussion of hand-made textiles of the world, introducing major textile traditions from Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America. Focus on geographic and cultural contexts, developments in making, and design characteristics, including impact of 20th century fiber art movements. Seminar format.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
Typically offered in Spring only
Final studio project for graduate students in Art & Design, under the supervision of graduate advisory committee members.
Prerequisite: ADN 570(18cr) and ADN 581. Student in last semester of graduate enrollment
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Topics of current interest to the program or concentration offered by faculty in the department of Art and Design. Subjects offered under this number are normally used to test and develop new courses.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Independent study in art and design under the supervision of a specific Art & Design faculty member. Restricted to graduate students in Art & Design with consent of the supervising faculty. May not be taken in the first semester of graduate study
Prerequisite: ADN 503; and ADN 570
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Teaching experience under the mentorship of faculty who assist the student in planning for the teaching assignment, observe and provide feedback to the student during the teaching assignment, and evaluate the student upon completion of the assignment.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Spring only
For students in non-thesis master's programs who have completed all credit hour requirements for their degree but need to maintain half-time continuous registration to complete incomplete grades, projects, final master's exam, etc.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall and Summer
For students in non-thesis master's programs who have completed all credit hour requirements for their degree but need to maintain full-time continuous registration to complete incomplete grades, projects, final master's exam, etc. Students may register for this course a maximum of one semester.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall only