University Catalog 2024-2025

Arts Studies (ARS)

ARS 251  The Arts of a World Capital: London  (3 credit hours)  

Multidisciplinary course introducing students to the architecture and museums and the musical, dance, and theatrical performances of London. Historical and social context of these works of art. The infrastructure in London that makes its unusual artistic vitality and quality possible. Taught in London.

GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities, GEP Visual and Performing Arts

Typically offered in Summer only

ARS 252  The Arts of Vienna 1900  (3 credit hours)  

Interdisciplinary study of art, architecture, music and theater in turn-of-the-century Vienna and of the political and scientific thinking that surrounded these arts. Taught in Vienna.

GEP Visual and Performing Arts, GEP Global Knowledge

Typically offered in Summer only

ARS 257/STS 257  Technology in the Arts  (3 credit hours)  

The interaction between technology and the arts with an emphasis on developments in Western art of the twentieth century. Historical and emerging issues include: sound and film recordings, the addition of sound to films, the impact of films and television on theater, the impact of radio, computer applications to music, the visual arts, and literature.

GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Typically offered in Fall and Spring

ARS 258  Mathematics and Models in Music  (3 credit hours)  

Use of mathematics and models in the composition of western music of various time periods with an emphasis on the twentieth century. Critical analysis of trivial and non-trivial uses of mathematics; differentiation between mathematics as an analytical tool and mathematics as a compositional tool. Survey of models including geographical, grammatical, and graphic.

Typically offered in Spring only

ARS 259  The Arts and Politics  (3 credit hours)  

Interactions between the arts and politics. Specific instances and types of political art from the past and the present. Patronage, censorship, propaganda, art in times of war, the artist's options and powers, aesthetics and criticism.

GEP Visual and Performing Arts

Typically offered in Fall only

ARS 306/MUS 306  Music Composition with Computers  (3 credit hours)  

Survey of the theory and history of computer music, compositional algorithms, digital synthesis techniques, composition of at least one computer music work -- a computer-assisted composition for traditional instruments, a piece for computer music on tape, a real-time piece, or a piece that combines tape and instrument(s).

Prerequisite: Some knowledge of music or computer science (e.g. CSC 200)

GEP Visual and Performing Arts

Typically offered in Fall and Spring

ARS 346/AFS 346  Black Popular Culture  (3 credit hours)  

An interdisciplinary examination of contemporary black cultural expression in film, music, art, and the media. Emphasis on race, class, gender, and political discourse. This class may be scheduled with a small percentage of seats held for IDS Students Only.

GEP Humanities, GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, GEP U.S. Diversity

Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer

ARS 351  Arts, Ideas and Values  (3 credit hours)  

An examination of the way works of art embody a particular understanding of what is real and what is worthwhile and shape their viewers' ideas and values. Case studies approach.

GEP Visual and Performing Arts

Typically offered in Spring only

ARS 353  Arts and Cross-Cultural Contacts  (3 credit hours)  

Study of works of art that allude to or combine two or more traditions. Examples from film, dance, music, theater and visual arts. Analysis of the role of the exotic in art. The role of arts of multiple traditions in inaugurating new artistic movements, such as Ming landscape painting. Impact of electronic media on contemporary multicultural arts, such as Nepali pop.

GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Visual and Performing Arts

Typically offered in Fall and Spring

ARS 354  The Arts and the Sacred  (3 credit hours)  

The support and critique of religion through the arts. Study of religious symbolism embodied in works of art from a number of traditions and genres. The interrelationship between art and religion, history, culture, spirituality, and ritual.

GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Visual and Performing Arts

Typically offered in Fall only

ARS 410  Art and History of World Puppetry  (3 credit hours)  

Development of puppet and object performance as a major art form and network of global intercultural traditions. Study of styles and forms, technologies employed, cultural influences and movements, and the influence of traditional forms on contemporary puppetry forms. Analysis of theoretical perspectives, aesthetics, creative process, and practitioner's perspectives. Making of a puppet and a short script. Course requires students to complete a field trip off-campus outside of class times.

GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Visual and Performing Arts

Typically offered in Spring only

ARS 414  Interdisciplinary Arts Seminar  (3 credit hours)  

Creation and presentation of new interdisciplinary works of art. Theory and history of such works including discussion of mixed media, multimedia and intermedia. In-class presentations and critiques. Eventual presentation of finished works in appropriate venues. Additional expenses will be incurred for Arts Now Series events

Typically offered in Fall only

ARS 494  Topics in Arts Studies  (3 credit hours)  

Multi-arts course focusing on selected works of art in various media, related by theme, place or date. Capstone course for students with an extensive background in one of the arts. Topics may vary.

Prerequisite: Junior standing and 15 hours in either dance, design, film studies, music, theater, or visual arts.

Typically offered in Fall and Spring

ARS 498  Independent Study in Arts Studies  (1-3 credit hours)  

Independent study or project directed by a faculty member in the student's area of interest. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.

Prerequisite: Nine hours of course work in Arts Studies

Typically offered in Spring only