University Catalog 2024-2025

World Languages-Classical Studies (WLCL)

WLCL 110  Greek and Latin Roots of English  (3 credit hours)  

Study of the formation of English words from Greek and Latin roots, designed both to build English vocabulary and to teach the general history and grammatical structure of the English language. [Students who plan to enter medical professions should take WLCL 115. Students may not receive credit for both WLCL 110 and WLCL 115.]

Typically offered in Spring only

WLCL 115  Medical Terminology  (3 credit hours)  

Study of the formation of medical terms from their Greek and Latin roots designed both to build vocabulary and to teach the uses of a medical dictionary. Students may not receive credit for both WLCL 110 and WLCL 115.

Typically offered in Fall and Spring

WLCL 210  Classical Mythology  (3 credit hours)  

Greek and Roman mythology through the writings and art of the Classical period. Discussion of creation stories; the major gods and heroes; the underworld and afterlife; the intellectual, religious and educational role of myth, and the most important theories of interpretation and classification of myths. All readings and discussion in English.

GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities

Typically offered in Fall and Summer

This course is offered alternate odd years

WLCL 215  The Ancient World in Modern Media  (3 credit hours)  

Study of the ways Classical Greek and Roman myth, history and culture appear in our art and literature, film, theatre, TV shows, comics, video games, advertising and other media, focusing on the enduring popularity of ancient stories, ideas and images, as well as on the endless variety of ways they are adapted and repurposed in response to modern concerns. The method of study introduces students to the contemporary tools of critical cultural analysis as applied to both ancient and modern societies.

GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities

Typically offered in Fall and Spring

This course is offered alternate even years

WLCL 225  Roman Topography  (3 credit hours)  

Study ancient Rome up close. Students will learn about the geography, culture, art, and practices of the Romans. Sites include Rome, Florence, Naples, and Paestum.

GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities, GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Typically offered in Summer only

WLCL 320  Masterpieces of Classical Literature  (3 credit hours)  

Study of great works from Greek and Latin literature in such genres as epic, tragedy, comedy, lyric poetry, history and philosophy, with attention to both literary merit and cultural importance. All readings and discussion in English. May be taken up to three times in different genres for credit.

R: Sophomore Standing

GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities

Typically offered in Fall and Spring

This course is offered alternate even years

WLCL 325  Gender, Ethnicity & Identity in the Ancient World  (3 credit hours)  

Study of the formation of ideas and practices regarding gender, ethnicity, and identity in the ancient Greek and Roman world, with attention to both continuities and differences between ancient and modern views.

R: Sophomore Standing

GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities

Typically offered in Spring only

This course is offered alternate odd years

WLCL 395  Special Topics in Classical Studies  (3 credit hours)  

For topics not part of regular course offerings, or offering of new courses on a trial basis. May be taken up to three times provided the topics are different.

Typically offered in Fall and Spring

WLCL 398  Independent Study in Classical Studies  (1-3 credit hours)  

Individualized study in classical language, culture or literature. Topic, mode of study, and credit hours to be determined in consultation with faculty member supervising work. May be taken up to three times provided the topic is sufficiently different. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.

R: Sophomore Standing