Communication (COM)
Research skills, topic selection, speech organization, skills in speech delivery. Listening for analysis and evaluation of in-class speech presentation.
GEP Visual and Performing Arts
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Interpersonal communication competence: self-concept, language and culture, self-disclosure, active listening, verbal and nonverbal communication, and conflict management.
GEP Social Sciences
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Traces ongoing evolution of communication media. Examines the place and influence of the major media companies that control access to and the content of the contemporary mediascape. Challenges students to examine their use of media from cellphone, to computer, to music and gaming platforms. Restricted to non-Communication majors.
R: Non-COM majors only
GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Impacts of persuasive communication on attitudes and behavior. Uses humanistic and social scientific theories to explain the persuasive process.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Theory and practice of effective communication in small groups, including: stages of group development, role emergence, leadership functions, decision making strategies, conflict management, and the significance of power.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Theory-based analysis of public argument in specialized settings of law, politics, academic debate, business and organizations, and interpersonal relations.
GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course examines fake news and conspiracy theories and how they affect both the communication and comprehension of general citizens--as well as the viability of a free press (journalists). How do journalists deal with disinformation and threats from entities that don't want them correcting propaganda? What are the consequences when they do? The Global Press Freedom Index, produced annually by Reporters without Borders, will inform our study, illustrating the global consequences for fake news--to economies, elections, and global diplomacy. Why is fake news spreading so quickly? We'll explore the agendas behind fake news and how technology, including AI, is fueling the bonfire of disinformation. How can citizens and journalists alike discern the truth now and in the future? This course includes classroom lecture and fieldwork that explores media outlets as well as the political history and cultural aspects of the host country and the U.S.
P: ENG 101
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Typically offered in Summer only
Public relations as a communication function of organizations. Public relations process, principles, history, and practice. Analysis of environmental, organizational, communication, and audience influences on public relations practice; career opportunities.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Micro- and macro-analytic theories used in the study of human communication: perspectives and assumptions of major theories; utility and application of major theories; contexts, cultures, and media.
R: Communication Majors
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Qualitative and quantitative methods of inquiry in communication: types of questions; strategies for answering questions; nature of evidence; advantages and disadvantages of different methods; reference tolls in the field; and channels of distribution for research-based information.
Prerequisite: Communication Majors
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Examination of past, current, and future intersections of technology, culture, and communication in everyday life. Impact of communication technology policies. Analysis of communication technologies in interpersonal, organizational, societal, and global contexts. Development of technology skills for the competent communicator.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Historical development and social implications of telecommunications, print, photography, film, broadcasting, and computer-mediated communication. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the field of communication media: media history; media economics and policy; media effects and power; media as producers of meaning; media audiences; media technologies; and roles of the media in social, cultural, and political change.
Prerequisite: COM 230
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Media writing as a social practice. Roles of writing and writers in media production processes. Social, political, economic, and professional conditions that enable or constrain writing and the writer. Specific media writing genres and formats. Research and preparation for media writing. Students write research-based scripts for news, commentary, and fictional genres in radio, television, film, and emerging media.
Prerequisite: COM 230
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course is an introduction to the principles and practices of communicating scientific and technological issues to public audiences, through interpersonal discussion, mass media, social media, and other means. It is open to students in all majors who want to deepen and broaden their understanding of how citizens make sense of science and technology in their everyday lives. The course features a mixture of theory-based readings and discussion with practical skill-building for communication in real-world contexts. Equal emphasis is given to humanities and social science perspectives. The application of communication concepts to controversial science contexts is emphasized, including case studies of issues such as GMOs, climate change, vaccines, and gene editing. Theoretical perspectives covered include argumentation and debate; audience analysis (through quantitative survey data and metrics); philosophy and ethics of communicating science; using narratives, framing, and metaphors to communicate science; and the cultural image of science in popular media.
GEP Humanities, GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives, GEP Social Sciences
Typically offered in Spring only
We use different modes of communication depending on whether we are participating in classroom discussion, talking with our parents or boss, hanging out with our friends, or visiting a different country. However, rarely do we have the opportunity to consciously reflect upon our communicative behaviors. In this class we will unpack some of the ways culture and society influence our communication, as well as how our communication affects the culture and the society in which we live. Becoming aware of the effect that our words, shared meanings, and contexts have on how we express ourselves can be the difference between positive and negative communicative experiences.
GEP Social Sciences, GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, GEP U.S. Diversity
Typically offered in Summer only
Non-local directed work experience for Communication majors with supervision from the work site and the University. COM 296 may be taken more than once only with the permission of the Internship Director and the Assoc. Dept. Head. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
R: Communication Majors
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
A special projects course to be utilized for guided research or experimental classes at the sophomore level, topic determined by instructor.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Design, organization and delivery of oral presentations for policy determination, policy implementation, and sales.
Prerequisite: COM 110
Typically offered in Spring only
Basic principles of audio production, including studio operation, performing, writing, and producing.
P: COM 267
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Communication processes and procedures of public relations programs. Media techniques, preparation of materials, channels of distribution.
Prerequisite: COM 226
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Principles of rhetorical theory from its classical origins through the modern period to the present time. Key concepts and theories that provide a critical understanding of the processes of persuasive symbol use.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and above
Typically offered in Fall only
Theory and research in nonverbal communication, including: environment; space; physical appearance, movement; eyes and facial expressions; and vocal cues. Nonverbal communication in personal, workplace and cross-cultural setting.
Prerequisite: COM 112
Typically offered in Fall only
Theoretical frameworks, methods, and aims of various approaches to critical analysis of the media. Critiques of media production and its relation to social, economic, and technological power; social biases of informational, fictional, and hybrid media content; and historical forms of audiences and the public. Critical awareness of media's role in politics, public culture, and everyday life.
P: COM 257
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Communication patterns in the development and deterioration of interpersonal relationships. Functional and dysfunctional communication behaviors in family relationships.
Prerequisite: COM 112
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Principles of producing, directing, and editing techniques for video. Students script, storyboard, shoot, and edit short video projects.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Newsletters are an important part of the corporate, non-profit, government, and small business portfolio of communication tools. Just about all organizations use newsletters - print or electronic - to reach their audiences with their key messages. Many young public relations practitioners start their careers working on newsletters for their organization or their clients. Students in this course will work collaboratively to write and produce a newsletter as well as other public relations publications.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Introduction to qualitative methods in communication research. Research paradigms, research ethics, research design, qualitative data collection, data analysis and interpretation, written and multimedia reporting of research results. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to research sites for fieldwork.
Prerequisite: COM 240
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Application of theory, principles, and problem-solving techniques used in public relations to organizational case studies.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Production lab and seminar combined. Critical making of visual images, audio, and video for the web and other electronic platforms informed by theories of visual communication and digital culture. Critical analysis of the assumptions underlying the development and deployment of media, and their social, economic, and political impact. Development of practical skills and critical thinking.
P: COM 267
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Effects of gender on the interpersonal communication process. Construction of gendered identities via communication practices. Examination of theories of gender and the role of gender in organizational, institutional, and media communication practices.
Prerequisite: Junior standing, COM 112
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Technological developments and aesthetic movements that shaped international cinema production from the beginning of the industry to 1940. Formal evolution in camera movement, editing, sound, narrative form, and the documentary. The rise to prominence of Hollywood and international cinemas in historical, economic, and cultural contexts.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and above
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Visual and Performing Arts
Typically offered in Fall only
Technological developments and aesthetic movements that have shaped international cinema production from 1940 to the present. Evolution in camera movement, editing, sound, narrative form, and the documentary. Post-war Hollywood cinema and international film industries (both established and emerging) in historical, economic and cultural context.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and above
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Visual and Performing Arts
Typically offered in Spring only
Basic techniques of television studio production, including producing, writing, directing and electronic graphics production.
P: COM 267
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Design and implementation of communication research methods, including experimental and survey research procedures. Use of computer software for statistical analysis.
Prerequisite: COM 240
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Patterns and problems of verbal and non-verbal forms of crosscultural communication. Avoidance and management of cultural conflict arising from awareness of characteristics and crosscultural communication. Impact on communication of differing cultural perspectives.
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Social Sciences, GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, GEP U.S. Diversity
Typically offered in Fall and Summer
Study of the influence of emerging technologies on rhetorical theory and practice. Rhetorical analysis of texts, including visual and audio texts. Invention and construction of digital media texts as a means of engaging rhetorical theory and analysis. Topics vary to adapt to emerging technologies and changing vernacular practices.
Prerequisite: ENG 101
GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Communication processes and outcomes in groups with complex, strategic, and critical public or corporate functions. Focus on participating in, intervening in, leading, and constructing group processes. Advanced theory with application.
Prerequisite: COM 202
Typically offered in Spring only
Advanced multichannel techniques for audio production. Studio acoustics, audio signal processing, and advanced microphone techniques, writing, and performing.
P: COM 307
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate years
Rhetorical analysis of public speeches, social movements, political campaigns, popular music, advertising, and religious communication. Neo-Aristotelian criticism, movement studies, genre criticism, dramatistic analysis, content analysis, fantasy theme analysis.
Prerequisite: Junior standing
Seminar examining the construction of racial and ethnic identities through communication practices. Exploration of theories of race and identity and the ways communication works to construct, undermine, and reinforce understanding across social groups.
GEP U.S. Diversity, GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Explores the historical, philosophical, and legal foundations of communication rights and responsibilities. Philosophies and regulations affecting sources, messages, channels, receivers, and situations provide the central focus of the course.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Typically offered in Fall only
Exploration of the social and cultural significance of digital games. Overview of major approaches and theories used in studies of digital play. Histories and current conditions of digital games platforms, practices, and industries across multiple cultural contexts. Contemporary applications of games in and across multiple domains, including education, art, sports, and work.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course is offered alternate years
Roles of analysis and criticism of oral communication in political campaigns; analysis of special political communication situations; ghostwriting, news conferences, negative advertising.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate years
Hands-on experience in video production. Production of informational videos. Practical experience in all phases of the production process, including pre-production organization and critical analysis of the final product.
P: COM 334
Typically offered in Spring only
Critical analysis of environmental discourse in organizational, mass media, political, cultural, and international contexts. Investigates public participation in environmental advocacy and deliberation; environmental conflict management; rhetorical constructions of nature and human relationships with nature; environmental justice; environmental risk communication; and competing ecological paradigms.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Critical analysis of ethical problems in interpersonal and public communication practices.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Examination of conflict styles and theories; conflict management strategies such as negotiation and third party intervention; and relevant contexts for conflict such as workplace, families, and interpersonal relationships. Practical, theoretical and critical analyses of conflict and negotiation in variety of contexts.
Prerequisite: COM 112
Typically offered in Fall only
Principles of cinematography, production, and editing technologies for film. Script, shoot, and edit short 16mm films. Post-production on digital non-linear editing systems. Critical analysis of production of classic and contemporary feature films.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
History and current trends in globalization of media, information, and telecommunications technologies, organizations, policies, and contents. Political cultural implications of globalization, including debates over corporate vs. public control of global communication, U.S. dominance vs. international cooperation, and the global influence of American culture. Internet-based group research projects on globalization in collaboration with students in other countries.
GEP Global Knowledge
Typically offered in Summer only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Examine the rhetorical strategies employed in various primarily visual forms of communication including advertising, photography, digital images, visual art, and public commemorative artifacts and sites. Explore the concepts and methods used to rhetorically analyze and interpret visual images and artifacts. Includes one or more required field trips to which students will provide own transportation.
Typically offered in Spring only
Role of human communication in organizations, the assumptions inherent in management philosophies about effective communication, and an investigation of the relationships among communication, job satisfaction, productivity, development, and employeemotivation.
Prerequisite: COM 230
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Impact of mediated messages upon children and the family unit. Origins of the empirical literature and continuing research. Assessment of the qualitative literature. Implications of commercial structure of the media industries on the structure and distribution of media messages designed for children and families. Consideration of both pro- and anti-social impacts.
Typically offered in Fall only
Nonprofit Leadership and Development is a service-learning course in which students will be expected to make a commitment to service in a local nonprofit organization for 30-hours. Students will critically examine theories of communication and leadership with concentration on issues pertaining to nonprofits such as working with executive boards, volunteer management, and resource development. Students are responsible for transportation and purchase of internship insurance.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Advanced Topics seminar examining construction of gender identities through communication practices. History and analysis of gender representations. Theoretical and critical approaches to social, political, and economic impact of gender constructions.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Management of the public relations function in organizations and public relations counseling; communication theory and nature of materials emanating from public relations departments and counseling firms, practical analysis and development of public relations publicity and campaigns.
Prerequisite: COM 226, COM 316, COM 386 and Corequisite: COM 346 (Note: COM 346 may be taken as a prerequisite or co-requisite)
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Mobile communication technologies and their role in communication patterns and social behavior. Conceptualization of cell phones beyond mobile telephones, as internet access points and gaming devices. History, current uses, and future perspectives for the social, cultural, and political uses of mobile interfaces. Locative media and the creation of mobile networks. Use of mobile media across cultures and places, such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course is offered alternate odd years
An exploration of the communication successes and failures surrounding climate change and public opinion. Topics addressed include: agenda setting, media effects, framing, data visualizations, fear responses, naming, risk communication and theory, argumentation and refutation, and persuasion as well as issues and current events related to the challenges associated with communicating climate change to multiple stakeholders.
Typically offered in Spring only
Television program production utilizing advanced production techniques. Emphasis on refinement of writing, producing, and directing skills through work in TV studio on production of sophisticated program formats.
P: COM 384
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate years
Social uses and historic overview of the internet as a social network. History of the internet from the ARPANET to the mobile web. The development of interfaces that changed how we access the internet, such as personal computers, the graphic user interface (GUI), mobile phones, and Internet of Things. MUDs and synchronous communication environments as the origins of social media. The development of the www and web 2.0. and the transformation of users into "produsers". Social issues related to the internet, such as net neutrality, privacy, surveillance, big data, artificial intelligence, and the digital divide.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course is offered alternate even years
This course addresses current trends and recent development in the public relations profession through extensive analysis of industry practices. Course content will change each semester subject to faculty availability, but may include topics such as social media, media relations, crisis communication, international public relations, and other public relations specializations. Juniors and Seniors only.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Directed work experience for Communication majors with supervision from the work site and the University. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
R: Senior standing AND Communication Majors AND 12 hours in COM at 300/400-level
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
This course examines special topics in media studies through intensive study of media history, theory, research, methods and/or practice. Course content will change each semester depending on faculty areas of expertise.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Advanced study of contemporary theories, methods, practices, processes, or issues related to the field of communication. Topic varies.
Prerequisite:Junior or senior standing
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Special projects in communication developed under the direction of a faculty member on a tutorial basis. Must have permission of department to enroll. May enroll only twice. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Prerequisite: Nine credits in Communication courses. Junior standing or Senior standing in Communication
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Research strategies for understanding how spoken and written language shapes activities (e.g., design, instruction, counseling, gaming interactions, e-commerce, etc.). Tracking patterned uses of language as verbal data (e.g., grammatically topically, thematically), formulating research questions, and designing studies to answer those questions through quantitative descriptive means. Sampling, collecting and managing data, developing coding schemes, achieving reliability, using descriptive statistical measures, and reporting the results.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Provides frameworks for understanding emerging technologies and their social, political, and cultural contexts. Presents historical case studies, ethnographic accounts, and theoretical perspectives that introduce students to ways of thinking about science and technology, nature and culture, and democracy and expertise. Graduate standing is required.
Typically offered in Spring only
Historical development of rhetorical theory with attention to contemporaneous rhetorical practice and philosophical trends. Major focus on the classical period with briefer coverage of medieval, Renaissance, 18th-century, and 19th-century developments. Implications for contemporary theory and practice, including pedagogical practice.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate even years
Development, achievements, limitation of major critical methods in the 20th century, including neo-Aristotelian, generic, metaphoric, dramatistic, feminist, social-movement, fantasy-theme and postmodern approaches. Criticism of political discourse,institutional discourse, discourses of law, medicine, religion, education, science, the media. Relations between rhetorical and literary criticism and other forms of cultural analysis.
Typically offered in Spring only
Economic, political, cultural dimensions of globalization. Role of information and communication technologies, networks, institutions, and practices in human social organization.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Summer only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Overview of critical and interpretive organizational communication research studies. Application of insights to enriching and transforming working lives.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
Survey of intercultural, cross-cultural, and international communication theories and issues.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
Comprehensive review of principles, theory, research, and practices involving group/team communication; associated with decision making, conflict management, relationship building, and evaluation of group/team effectiveness. Emphasis on guidelines for effective communication in groups and teams. Graduate standing required.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate even years
This course provides an overview of economic perspectives on media and communication, particularly examining cases, topics, and controversies that stem from the many linkages between media and the economy. It reviews a range of perspectives on the economy of media, including the critical political economic approaches commonly employed in the field of communication, but also emerging neoclassical, behavioral, institutional, and heterodox approaches to economics, as applied to a range of possible topics. These may include: media ownership and the economics of journalism; labor and social media; data and surveillance economies; copyright and intellectual property; piracy, sharing, and collaboration; digital gift economies; social media celebrity and influencers; bitcoin and other virtual currencies; debt, credit, and algorithmic calculation; microfinance apps; "on-demand" platforms such as Uber and Lyft; automation and the future of employment; global supply chains in the manufacture of technology; the disposal of waste; consumerism and unsustainable energy use.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
Examination of conflict antecedents, interventions, outcomes through multiple texts, journal articles. Emphasis on workplace conflict, organizational outcomes, dispute system design. Evaluation through participation in class discussion, independent papers, research project, presentation.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Summer only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Examine Communication technology via historical examples. Inquiry into the development of early sound and screen technologies. Analysis of computer-mediated Communication genres.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Prepares students to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate a successful communication campaign for a health, public relations, or political organization that is grounded in sound theoretical approaches. The students conduct focus groups for audience research and professionally present a campaign plan to a real client for any of the mentioned types of organizations. The course emphasizes theoretical and hands on practical skills to developing successful communication campaigns.
Typically offered in Spring only
Blends theory and research to understand and analyze interpersonal communication practices and issues within organizations, including managing impressions and conversations, engaging in active listening, managing conflict, influencing others, and communicating in teams. Focus on developing and maintaining effective interpersonal at work and improving student's communication competence.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Summer only
This course provides an introduction to the art and methods of consulting particularly as applied to communication problems in organizational settings. It also provides students the opportunity to develop and/or refine training and facilitation skills and to link communication theory and research to organizational practice. Graduate standing required.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate even years
Critical analysis of environmental discourse in organizational, mass media, political, cultural, and international contexts. Investigates public participation in environmental advocacy and deliberation; environmental conflict management; rhetorical constructions of nature and human relationships with nature; environmental justice; environmental risk communication; and competing ecological paradigms. Must hold graduate standing.
P: Graduate Standing
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Exploration of inter-relations among mobile technologies (cell phones, PDAs), location-based activities, and playful/social spaces. Investigates: (1) the definition of basic gaming concepts (community, narrative, play, and space); (2) the history of games as social environments, with particular emphasis on multi-user domains (MUDs); and (3) the definition of games, which use the physical space as the game environment, such as pervasive games, location-based games, and hybrid reality games. Discussion of inter-connections among games, education, and art. By permission of department.
Comprehensive review of principles, theory, research, and practices involving consensus building; associated with environmental, health and safety; enabling analysis and management of risks. Emphasis on risks associated with emerging science and technology. No quantitative experience necessary. Graduate standing required.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Identifies and assesses techniques and best practices of fund development, annual giving, capital campaigns, endowments. Topics include setting achievable goals, organizing and staffing a fund development campaing, and identifying donors. Discusses links between fund development and organization mission and governance, ethical issues, and government regulations. PBS status or Graduate standing.
Theoretical foundations and analytical techniques in critical and interpretive communication research. Analysis of culture and power in communicative practices, texts, technologies, production, and reception. Historical, political economic, archival, contextual, interpretive, rhetorical, and cultural modes of analysis and critique are highlighted. Graduate standing required.
Typically offered in Fall only
Introduction to research methods in applied communication. Knowledge of design, implementation, and analysis of various quantitiative research methods.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Theoretical and practical dimensions of conducting qualitative research. Issues include asking good questions, field observation, ethics, focus groups, interviews, representation of data, analyzing texts and discourse, writing qualitative reports.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
Research methods class in social science-orientated quantitative or qualitative analysis. Students will advance visual research by developing and/or testing theoretical concepts for visual media. Readings will focus on analytic techniques and concepts for still or moving images in digital or traditional media. Contexts include social media, organizational websites, blogs, online news sites, films, games, mobile media, and more. Students use qualitative and quantitative analysis software. Graduate standing required
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate even years
Survey of the marketing and public relations principles and practices applicable to nonprofit organizations.
Mobile communication technologies and their influence on communication patterns and social behavior. Conceptualization of cell phones beyond mobile telephones, as Internet access points and gaming devices. History, current uses and future perspectives for the social use of mobile interfaces. The creation of new mobile communities. The influence of mobile images on communication and the creation of mobile networks. Use of mobile phones across cultures and places, such as Asia, Scandinavia, Africa, and Latin America. Permission of department.
Contemporary rhetorical theory covering the 20th and 21st centuries. Conceptual connections with and disruptions of the classical tradition and its, successors; relationship between rhetorical theory and philosophical trends, institutional histories, socioeconomic circumstances, and pedagogical needs. Attention to current issues such as the revival of invention, rhetorical agency, and ethics.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Theoretic and applied approaches for studying communication perspectives of organizational behavior. Topics relate communication with organizational theories, research methods, leadership, power, attraction, conflict and theory development.
Prerequisite: Advanced Undergraduate standing or Graduate standing
Typically offered in Spring only
The role of theory in study of human communication. General social scientific theories as well as context-based theories including interpersonal, public, group, organizational and mass communication contexts.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or PBS status
Typically offered in Fall only
Examine persuasive theories and methods including compliance gaining techniques. Evaluate effectiveness of public communication campaigns directed at social change.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate even years
Study the theoretical body of knowledge in public relations and its application to practice. Graduate Standing required.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
Working within theoretical perspectives of communication, conflict management and organizational designs, a theoretical understanding for crisis communication, including thorough guidelines for strategic communication planning for, managing and evaluating crises.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate years
An exploration of the communication successes and failures surrounding climate change and public opinion. Topics addressed include: agenda setting, media effects, framing, data visualizations, fear responses, naming, risk communication and theory, argumentation and refutation, and persuasion as well as issues and current events related to the challenges associated with communicating climate change to multiple stakeholders.
Typically offered in Spring only
Application of visual theory to rhetoric and of rhetorical theory to visual forms of communication. Discussion and analysis may include advertising, photography, news and informational media, political communication, instructional material, scientific visualization, visual arts, public commemorative artifacts, internet and other digital media.
R: Graduate Students Only
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
Introduction to communication education theory and research. Course divided into primary parts: 1)education theory and philosphy and 2)instructional design theory and practice.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Fall only
Overview of the development of the internet and its social uses, including the historical context that led to the development of the ARPANET and the World Wide Web. Analysis of the transition from mainframes to personal computers, to the internet of things. Treatment of principal social and communication issues related to the use of the internet, such as digital privacy, digital divide, net neutrality, and civic engagement. Development of mobile internet, social networking sites and location-based social networks.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered based upon demand
Detailed investigation of a special topic in communication. No more than 6 hrs. may be used as credit toward graduation with master's degree.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Discussion and evaluation of communication research, along with attendant topics in professional development and ethical conduct of research, in a colloquium setting.
Restriction: MS in Communication Program. Department Approval Required.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Special projects course to be utilized for guided research at graduate level. Topic determined by instructor. No more than 6 hrs. may be used as credit toward graduation with master's degree.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
The internship experience provides the students the opportunity to practice professional communication skills in a workplace setting under the supervision of a communication practitioner. Restricted to MS in Communication students.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into MS in Communication Program
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Teaching experience under the mentorship of faculty who assist the student in planning for the teaching assignment, observe and provide feedback to the student during the teaching assignment, and evaluate the student upon completion of the assignment.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall and Summer
For students in non-thesis master's programs who have completed all credit hour requirements for their degree but need to maintain half-time continuous registration to complete incomplete grades, projects, final master's exam, etc.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
For students in non-thesis master's programs who have completed all credit hour requirements for their degree but need to maintain full-time continuous registration to complete incomplete grades, projects, final master's exam, etc. Students may register for this course a maximum of one semester.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Thesis Research
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Typically offered in Summer only
Intensive exploration of specialized or emerging topics in an area of communication theory, rhetoric, media, or other aspect of Communication studies. Emphasis on student research and writing. May be used to test and develop new courses. May be repeated for credit. Doctoral students only.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Intensive study of a specific topic from various specializations of the Communication faculty. Negotiation between the student and the director for variable credit and approved by Director of Graduate Studies. May be repeated for credit. Doctoralstudents only.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer