World Languages - Hindi-Urdu (WLHU)
Introduction to standard Hindi-Urdu. Emphasis on speaking and listening, and on reading and writing in the Hindi writing system (Devanagari). Readings in South Asian culture and civilization.
Corequisite: WLHU 103
Typically offered in Fall only
Continuation of WLHU 101. Emphasis on oral communication and reading and writing in the Hindi writing system (Devanagari). Further readings in South Asian culture and civilization.
Prerequisite: FLN 101, Corequisite: FLN 104
Typically offered in Spring only
Required conversational practice for WHLU 101. Special attention to individual pronunciation and intonation. Introduction of formal and informal speech. Use of audiovisual materials.
Corequisite: WLHU 101
Typically offered in Fall only
Required conversational practice for WLHU 102. Extensive use of speaking skills in variety of situations. Attention to supplemental non-verbal communication. Use of audiovisual materials.
Prerequisite: FLN 101, Corequisite: FLN 102
Typically offered in Spring only
Continuation of basic language skills. Further practice of Urdu/Hindi writing systems. Introduction to grammatical divergence of Hindi and Urdu. Readings in South Asian culture and civilization.
Typically offered in Fall only
Continuation of WLHU 201. Further practice of both Hindi/Urdu writing systems. Further distinction of spoken and literary Urdu and Hindi. Further readings in South Asian culture and civilization.
GEP Global Knowledge
Typically offered in Spring only
Required conversational practice for WLHU 201. Advancement of speaking skills through role playing, interviews, debates. Further Hindi and Urdu non-verbal communication. Use of audiovisual materials, including responses to commercial television and movies.
Typically offered in Fall only
Required conversational practice for WLHU 202. Refinement of speaking skills through role playing, interviews, debates. Further Hindi and Urdu non-verbal communication. Use of audiovisual materials, including responses to commercial television and movies.
Typically offered in Spring only
Introduces advanced Hindi-Urdu students to the prose fiction of major Hindi and Urdu literary figures including Munshi Premchand, Saadat Hasan Manto and others. Texts will be provided in both Hindi and Urdu scripts and/or English translation as available.
Prerequisite: WLHU 202
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Fall only
Introduces advanced Hindi-Urdu students to representative works of 19th and 20th century Hindi and Urdu poets and poetic forms. Texts will be provided in both Hindi and Urdu scripts and/or English translation as available.
Prerequisite: WLHU 202
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Spring only
Introduction to basic aspects of cultural practices and production in Hindi-Urdu speaking societies in South Asia and around the world, including consumer culture, education, family relationships, gender and sexuality, language, national identity, religious practices, work life, and aesthetic traditions, including music, art, and film. Discussion and analysis of representative works of Hindi-Urdu visual and print cultures including art, advertising, digital media, language, literature, film and music with attention to cultural analysis as well as to historical and cultural contexts. Course taught in English and does not fulfill foreign language proficiency requirements.
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Spring only
Selected topics in Hindi literature and/or South Asian literature in Hindi, such as drama in modern South Asia, the twentieth-century novel, literature and the nation, narratives of pain and resistance, gender and social reform. Readings and discussion in Hindi, with emphasis on the examination of formal literary characteristics and the interconnections of texts and relevant South Asian cultural contexts. Topics will be rotated so that students can take this course for credit up to three times.
GEP Humanities, GEP Global Knowledge
Typically offered in Fall only