Forestry (FOR)
Exploration and practical experience with basis for making resource management decisions. Learning to pose questions that drive research and analysis. Discovering differences between found and built answers. Examining spreadsheet structure and functionality for manipulating data. Establishing solid grounds for conclusions and actions in natural resources contexts. Experiencing thinking processes from posing questions to articulating well-founded answers in coherent, persuasive discourse.
Typically offered in Spring only
Concepts and application of basic forest and land resource measurement techniques used in forestry and related fields. Measuring distances and areas; orienteering; basic air photo and topographic map interpretation; introduction to GPS; measuring tree characteristics; introduction to forest sampling. Application of spreadsheets and word processing to analyze and summarize resource characteristics. Field trip required.
Typically offered in Fall only
Silvical characteristics and growth requirements of forest trees; dynamics of stand growth, species-site relationships, site productivity, forest pest interactions, hydrology and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems; emphasis on understanding and applying ecological principles to the production of multiple benefits at the forest community level.
Typically offered in Summer only
Examining forest resource use and issues throughout history. Tracing developments and concepts that created the context for today's issues concerning global forest resources. Examining how wood resource availability shaped civilization's development, and examining consequences on forest resources of civilization's scientific, social, and technological progress.
GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Typically offered in Spring only
Development of written and oral communication skills for forestry and natural resources management. Discussion topics include interactive communication, writing to a target audience, common pitfalls in technical writing, various kinds of technical writing, poster and oral presentations, reviewing and revising writing, and responding to questions in a professional manner.
Typically offered in Spring only
Integration of biological principles into studies of tree growth, reproduction, establishment, survival, and disturbance. Discussions of regional silviculture and of effects of humans on forest ecosystems. Instruction in forest sampling and tree identification. Many laboratories meet outdoors.Not open to Forest Management majors.
Not open to Forest Management Majors (15FOMND,15FORMTBS, 15FGM)
Typically offered in Spring only
Introduction to forest ecosystems, their structure and functions, and the processes that regulate them including: radiation, temperature, water, and biogeochemistry; productivity; plant populations; forest communities; succession; natural disturbances; and human influences. Must have a strong love of trees.
Typically offered in Spring only
Study of the species composition, distribution, site requirements, succession, and forest health threats of the principal forest communities of southeastern North America. Identification of important member plant species, plant communities, insect and disease signs and symptoms. Overnight field trips to typical examples.
Typically offered in Summer only
Diversity of fauna that inhabits forest communities in the Piedmont of North Carolina. Inventory terrestrial and aquatic habitats and identify various vertebrate and invertebrate species. Insect collection initiated. The life histories of representative species presented.
Typically offered in Summer only
Effects of wildfire and prescribed fire on forest ecosystem components and processes; fire behavior and the ecosystem and meterologic factors that affect it; silvicultural uses of fire; organization, equipment, and tactics for wildfire suppression; fire suppression exercises on the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources' Forest Fire Simulator.
Typically offered in Summer only
Procedures and Instruments for measuring various tree and stand characteristics. Determination of stem volume and taper. Planning and implementation of forest resource samples to provide population estimates using fixed-radius and variable-radius sampling. Detailed coverage of land measurements and mapping of boundary surveys. Use of aerial photography, topographic maps, and GPS to aid in resource assessment. Incorporation of inventory data into a GIS. Basic statistical concepts applied to resource measurements. Taught off-campus at Hill Forest.
Prerequisite: FOR 172
Typically offered in Summer only
Independent Study for Forest Management students at the freshman and sophomore level developed under the direction of a faculty member. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Independent Study for Forest Management students at the freshman and sophomore level developed under the direction of a faculty member. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Study of forestry topics not covered in existing courses at the introductory level. Development of a new course on a trial basis.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Ecological and physiological processes influencing establishment, growth, and development of forest stands with particular emphasis on forest types of Southeastern United States; influence of resource availability on forest stand productivity; physical and biochemical processes associated with tree function, including water relations, mineral nutrition, transport and translocation, photosynthesis, respiration; internal and environmental factors regulating tree growth and development.
Typically offered in Fall only
Ecological processes affecting the establishment and growth of forest stands with particular emphasis on forest types of the Southeastern United States. Forest stand productivity, how productivity is influenced by site, stand, climatic factors, and the application of site specific prescriptions to establish and manipulate the composition, growth, and health of forest stands.
Typically offered in Spring only
Major diseases of forest trees and deterioration of wood products emphasizing principles of plant pathology; diagnosis; nature, physiology, ecology, and dissemination of disease-causing agents; mechanisms of pathogenesis; epidemiology and environmental influences; principles and practices of control.
Prerequisite: PB 200
GEP Natural Sciences
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Economic approaches for evaluating the production and costs of forest management, timber harvesting activities, and nontimber forest products. Estimating the financial returns of long-term investments in timber or other forest resources, including discounted cash flow analysis and capital budgeting techniques. Property taxes and income tax treatment of timber and their effects on investment returns. Demand estimation and timber supply analyses.
Typically offered in Fall only
An introduction and overview of forests in North Carolina with emphasis on the importance of forests in the 21st century. Topics include: history and distribution of forests, soils-sit relationships, forestry practices, non-conventional management objectives. Two required Saturday field trips.
Typically offered in Fall only
Introduction to the application and use of management science in forestry and natural resources. The course will introduce decision and information theory and mathematical programming techniques including linear, non-linear and integer programming concepts. The emphasis is on problem formulation and solution using computer programs. Half semester course.
Typically offered in Spring only
Study of ethical issues confronting natural resource management professionals, including: biodiversity conservation, private property rights, traditional religion and ecological values, community rights, environmental racism, hunting and animal rights, business ethics, and the purpose and content of professional codes of ethics.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course provides a survey of topics targeting the processing and analysis of remotely sensed and other geospatial data collected in forestry, environmental, and natural resource inventory and analyses. Students develop a fundamental understanding of analysis techniques and data requirements that include aerial and photogrammetry applications, geostatistical and 3D image analyses, DEM and hydrologic modeling, image enhancement techniques, land cover classifications and accuracy assessment.
Restriction: Juniors & Seniors Only
Typically offered in Spring only
Mathematical functions required for quantifying the yield of timber and non-timber products. Procedures for planning, conducting, and analyzing forest inventories. Use of mathematical models to estimate growth and yield of forest stands and non-timber products for management decisions.
Prerequisite: FOR 273
Typically offered in Fall only
Identification and elementary silvics of woody plants of eastern North America with studies of their classification, characteristics, and habitats. Consideration of important trees and forest types across North America. Field identification emphasis with trips to forest communities.
Typically offered in Fall only
Fundamentals of morphology, classification, biology, ecology and control of insects attacking trees, with emphasis on silvicultural practices.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
GEP Natural Sciences
Typically offered in Spring only
Fundamental principles and analytical techniques necessary in the planning, management and optimization of forest operations. Formulation of objectives and constraints, yield forecasting, forest regulation, procurement and marketing, inventory methods, and management plan preparation. Written and oral reporting.
Typically offered in Fall only
Independent project in designing and implementing a multi-resource survey; analyze stand conditions; forecast growth, yield and revenue of timber and forest products; use programming to prepare a long-term management plan subject to economic, social, and ecological constraints; assess economic and environmental impacts of potential actions; and report results orally and in writing.
Typically offered in Spring only
Examines characteristics of and requirements for successfully manipulating stands of deciduous trees to meet specific economic, habitat and social objectives. Analyzes biological and site physical factors that affect growth and yield potential, opportunities for operational activities and expected results. Compares differences among deciduous species that affect responses to silvicultural stand manipulation.
Prerequisite: FOR 204 or Junior Standing
Typically offered in Fall only
Genetics as it is applied in forest management for both conifers and hardwoods. The variation, evolution and genetics of forest trees. Methods for selection, breeding, seed production, and vegetative propagation. Exotics, wood properties, and tree improvement as a forest management tool.
Prerequisite: Junior standing
Typically offered in Spring only
Management of global forest resources; distribution and trends in forest cover; role of forests in economic development; international production and trade of forest products; current policy issues, including tropical deforestation, certification, and carbon sequestration; social forestry and non-timber forest products; international institutions and aid for conservation and development; identification and evaluation of sources of current information on global forestry issues.
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Typically offered in Spring only
Field trip to Mexico and/or Central America for seven days over spring break. Examine tropical forestry issues through field visits to timber concessions, plantations, nurseries, wood products firms, protected areas, and agroforestry projects; meetings with representatives of forest research institutes, government agencies, timber industry, cooperatives, and environmental organizations; and interaction with local people. Fee for field trip determined annually.Offered during spring break, as aone week field trip to Mexico and/or Central America.
Corequisite: FOR 414
Typically offered in Spring only
Economic approaches for evaluating the production and costs of forest management, timber harvesting activities, and nontimber forest products. Estimating the financial returns of long-term investments in timber or other forest resources, including discounted cash flow analysis and capital budgeting techniques. Property taxes and income tax treatment of timber and their effects on investment returns. Demand estimation and timber supply analyses.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate years
Principles of hydrologic science; classification and assessment of watersheds and stream networks; hydrologic, erosion, and water quality processes in natural and managed watersheds; wetlands hydrology; hydrologic measurements and data analysis; applications of hydrology and water quality management for forest agriculture, and urban ecosystems; watershed restoration. Emphasis field study of watersheds and hydrologic measurements. Two weekend field trips are required. Credit will not be given for both FOR(NR)420 and FOR(NR)520.
Typically offered in Spring only
Forest land acquisition and ownership: ownership, appraisal, legal considerations, financial management and planning. Producing forest resources: timber, wildlife, recreation, farm products, water, minerals, specialty products, and development. Marketing forest resources: timber, recreation, farm leases, minerals, specialty products, and developed property. Forest resources consulting: forms of organization, pricing of services, consultant client relationships (Law of Agency), professional ethics and continuing education.
Prerequisite: Senior standing in Forest Management
Typically offered in Fall only
This course will introduce students to the major insect and disease problems of North American forests, both native and introduced, with an emphasis on the recognition and management of pests and the damage they cause. Wild land fire, invasive plants, and climate change and their interactions with forest insect and diseases will also be covered.
Prerequisite: PB 200 or BIO 181 or BIO 183 or FOR 260 or BIO 360 or PB 360 (or other Biology or Plant Biology course).
Typically offered in Fall only
Management science and operational techniques in forestry. Logging road layout and construction, and machine systems: harvesting machine optimization and selection. Harvesting, production and forest planning. Decision and inventory theory, and other techniques for solving problems typically encountered in forest operations management. Required overnight weekend field trip.
Junior standing or above
Typically offered in Spring only
The course will evaluate how forest soils form in the natural environment, but also their relations to forest management and sustainability. Coursework includes soil physical, chemical, and biological properties, and also special topics such as soil fertility, soil formation, soil taxonomy and classification, soil organic matter management, and soil C and N cycles. There are many factors that contribute to forest soils differing from traditional cultivated soils. These factors will be explored in addition the variation in management styles for forest soils. The goal of this course is to gain an understanding of the basic properties and processes of forest soils as well as evaluate the role of these soils in sustainable forest management. Two Saturday Labs will be required.
Typically offered in Spring only
Independent (or group) study or research of a forestry or related natural resources topic with a faculty supervisor of the student's choice. Also courses offered on a trial basis.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Independent Study for Forest Management students at the advanced level developed under the direction of a faculty member. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Independent Study for Forest Management students at the advanced level developed under the direction of a faculty member. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Identification and elementary silvics of woody plants of eastern North America with studies of their classification, characteristics, and habitats. Consideration of important trees and forest types across North America. Field identification emphasis with trips to forest communities.
Typically offered in Fall only
One-third semester mini-course. Forest measurements covering principles, terminology, and practical field applications. Land area measurement, units of timber measure (cubic feet, cords, weight, board feet), estimating volume of standing trees, sampling techniques for forest inventory (strips, plots, points), measures of site quality and stand density, methods for projecting future timber volumes.
Typically offered in Fall only
The theory and practice of stand regeneration, controlling composition, intermediate treatments and growth; application of the knowledge of silvics in the management of stands. Emphasis on forest communities of North America. Co-requisite course is FOR 506: Silviculture Laboratory (Optional)
Typically offered in Spring only
Fundamental principles and analytical techniques necessary in the planning, management and optimization of forest operations. Formulation of objectives and constraints, yield forecasting, forest regulation, procurement and marketing, inventory methods, and management plan preparation. Written and oral reporting.
Typically offered in Fall only
Development of site specific prescriptions to establish stands for a wide variety of objectives, including fiber, water, wildlife, recreation and health. Emphasis on forest communities of North America.
Corequisite: FOR 504
Typically offered in Spring only
One-third semester mini-course. A condensed version of silviculture. Ecological processed affecting establishment and growth of forest stands with particular emphasis on forest types of southeastern United States. Forest stand productivity, how productivity influenced by site, stand, climatic factors, and application of site specific prescriptions to establish and manipulate composition, growth, and health of forest stands.
Typically offered in Spring only
Examines characteristics of and requirements for successfully manipulating stands of deciduous trees to meet specific economic, habitat and social objectives. Analyzes biological and site physical factors that affect growth and yield potential, opportunities for operational activities and expected results. Compares differences among deciduous species that affect responses to silvicultural stand manipulation.
Prerequisite: FOR 204 or Junior Standing
Typically offered in Fall only
One-third semester mini-course. Principles of forest policies and processes. Political processes, institutional and interest group participation, forestry laws and programs, current issues, and policy analyses.
Typically offered in Spring only
One-third semester mini-course. Introduction to collection and use of mapping grade global positioning satellite systems data. Includes review of cartographic properties, mission planning, hands-on collection of GPS points, lines, and areas, differential correction, editing, and exporting GPS files to a GIS.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course provides an up-to-date understanding of the ecological and physiological bases of forest stand productivity and a silvicultural systems framework to use this knowledge for making site specific prescriptions that are cost effective and environmentally sustainable.
Prerequisite: FOR 507
Typically offered in Spring only
An introduction and overview of non-industrial private forestry in the Southeast United States with emphasis on active forest management. Topics include history of human impact on forests, evolution of forest, forestry practices, timber and non timber management objectives, financial aspects of forest land management, and management planning. One required all day field trip.
Typically offered in Fall only
Application of price theory and benefit-cost analysis to public decisions related to resources and environment. Emphasis on evaluation of water supply and recreation investments, water quality management alternatives, public-sector pricing, common property resources and optimum management of forest and energy resources.
Prerequisite: EC(ARE) 301 or 401
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate years
Economic approaches for evaluating the production and costs of forest management, timber harvesting activities, and nontimber forest products. Estimating the financial returns of long-term investments in timber or other forest resources, including discounted cash flow analysis and capital budgeting techniques. Property taxes and income tax treatment of timber and their effects on investment returns. Demand estimation and timber supply analyses.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate years
Principles of hydrologic science; classification and assessment of watersheds and stream networks; hydrologic, erosion, and water quality processes in natural and managed watersheds; wetlands hydrology; hydrologic measurements and data analysis; applications of hydrology and water quality management for forest agriculture, and urban ecosystems; watershed restoration. Emphasis field study of watersheds and hydrologic measurements. Two weekend field trips are required. Credit will not be given for both FOR(NR)420 and FOR(NR)520.
Typically offered in Spring only
Forest land acquisition and ownership: ownership, appraisal, legal considerations, financial management and planning. Producing forest resources: timber, wildlife, recreation, farm products, water, minerals, specialty products, and development. Marketing forest resources: timber, recreation, farm leases, minerals, specialty products, and developed property. Forest resources consulting: forms of organization, pricing of services, consultant client relationships (Law of Agency), professional ethics and continuing education.
Prerequisite: Senior standing in Forest Management
Typically offered in Fall only
Physical, chemical, biological, and ecological processes associated with wildland fire, particular emphasis on fire behavior, fuels, weather, climate and the associated effects on ecology, management, fire suppression, prescribed fire, and smoke emissions and exposure. Fire's effect on national policy, social and natural history of North America. In-depth exercises in fire and smoke modeling using established predictive systems.
Typically offered in Spring only
National Wildfire Coordination Group Firefighter Type II Certification, including study of the National Incident Command Systems (ICS-100), Human Dimensions in the Wildland Fire Service (L-180) Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (S-190), Firefighting Safety and Training (S-130). Weekly reading seminar, lectures and problem sessions. Last 4 weeks of semester will be prescribed fire planning and field implementation of methodologies learned in course.
Typically offered in Fall only
Principles and methodology associated with wildland fire, including the importance of historic fire regimes in shaping current plant and animal communities, plant and animal species adaptations to fire, and development of plans to restore and maintain fire-adapted communities.
Typically offered in Fall only
Management science and operational techniques in forestry. Logging road layout and construction, and machine systems: harvesting machine optimization and selection. Harvesting, production and forest planning. Decision and inventory theory, and other techniques for solving problems typically encountered in forest operations management. Required overnight weekend field trip.
Junior standing or above
Typically offered in Spring only
Identification and life histories of native and naturalized woody plants. Use of taxonomic manuals and literature. Identification of problematic groups. Concentration on North America, with discussion of other continents. Overnight field trips to natural forest communities.
Prerequisite: BO 403 or FOR 339
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Species composition, distribution, site requirements, and succession of principal forest communities of southeastern Coastal Plain. Identification of important member plant species. Overnight field trips to typical examples.
Prerequisite: FOR 212, FOR 501
Typically offered in Summer only
Species composition, distribution, site requirements, and succession of principal forest communities of southern Appalachians. Identification of important member plant species. Overnight field trips to typical examples.
Prerequisite: FOR 212, FOR 501
Typically offered in Summer only
Consideration of structure and function of terrestrial vascular plant communities, with emphasis on both classical and recent research. Measurement and description of community properties, classification, ordination, vegetation pattern in relation to environment, ecological succession and a survey of vegetation of North America.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Ecology Course
Typically offered in Spring only
Study of mathematical functions required for quantifying the yield of timber and non-timber products. Procedures for planning, conducting, and analyzing forest inventories, use of mathematical models to estimate growth and yield of forest stands and non-timber products for management decisions.
Prerequisite: ST 511 or equivalent; College Calculus preferred
Typically offered in Fall only
Views organisms and physical environment as integrated system. Outlines processes governing assimilation and cycling of energy, carbons, nutrients, and water. Evaluates ecosystem responses to intensive management, global climate change, air pollution, biofuels production, fragmentation, large-scale land use change. Illustrates application of ecosystem science approach to important regional and global questions through scaling of empirical, ecosystem-level data, ongoing research. Provides experience in hypothesis testing and experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, proposal development, and publication for research professionals. Graduate Standing.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Principles of tropical ecology, dendrology and agroforestry. Primary emphasis on establishment and management of tropical plantations with lesser emphasis on natural stands. Operation and management of tropical nurseries.
Prerequisite: Senior standing
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Individual students or groups of students, under direction of a faculty member, may explore topics of special interest not covered by existing courses. Format may consist of readings and independent study, problems or research not related to thesis.Also used to develop and test new 500-level courses.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Weekly seminar in which students registered for course present the results of research and special projects. Invitation to all graduate students and faculty in department to attend and join discussion.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Philosophy and objectives of scientific research and steps in the research process. Basic and applied research, inductive and deductive reasoning and need for hypothesis development and testing as a basis for scientific research. Special emphasis on preparation of study plans, graduate theses, published articles and technical presentations.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Individual students or groups of students, under direction of a faculty member, may explore topics of special interest not covered by existing courses. Format may consist of readings and independent study, problems or research not related to thesis.Also used to develop and test new 500-level courses.Credits Arranged.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Independent study in Forestry under the supervision of a Forestry and Environmental Resources faculty member. Restricted to graduate students in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources with consent of the supervising faculty. May not be taken in the first semester of graduate study.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Teaching experience under the mentorship of faculty who assist the student in planning for the teaching assignment, observe and provide feedback to the student during the teaching assignment, and evaluate the student upon completion of the assignment.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Summer only
For students in non-thesis master's programs who have completed all credit hour requirements for their degree but need to maintain half-time continuous registration to complete incomplete grades, projects, final master's exam, etc.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Spring only
For students in non-thesis master's programs who have completed all credit hour requirements for their degree but need to maintain full-time continuous registration to complete incomplete grades, projects, final master's exam, etc. Students may register for this course a maximum of one semester.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Instruction in research and research under the mentorship of a member of the Graduate Faculty.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Thesis research.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
For graduate students whose programs of work specify no formal course work during a summer session and who will be devoting full time to thesis research.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Summer only
Critical examination of selected silvicultural topics, with special emphasis on concepts and phenomena distinguishing forests from other biotic communities and silviculture from other fields of applied biology. Emphasis on intensive silviculture in United States and selected international locations. A required written research proposal.
Prerequisite: FOR 304
Typically offered in Fall only
Application of genetic principles to silviculture, management and wood utilization. Emphasis on variation in wild populations, the bases for selection of desirable qualities and fundamentals of controlled breeding.
Typically offered in Spring only
Advanced topics in quantitative genetics pertinent to population improvement for quantitative and categorical traits with special applications to plant and animal breeding. DNA markers - phenotype associations. The theory and application of linear mixed models, BLUP and genomic selection using maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Pedigree and construction of genomic relationships matrices from DNA markers and application in breeding.
Typically offered in Spring only
Research methods involved in forest tree breeding and genetics programs. Emphasis on laboratory, greenhouse and field research techniques. Stress also on summary and presentation of research results.
Prerequisite: FOR 411 or GN 411
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate years
Applications of basic quantitative genetic methods in forest tree breeding and genetic research. Principles and procedures for partitioning experimental variance, estimating genetic parameters from different mating and test designs. Predicting breeding value and gain and developing breeding strategies.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate odd years
History, principles, structures and use of modern forest management planning and decision-making techniques. Emphasis on optimization procedures and public forest management.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate years
Principles and applications of remote sensing technology to earth resources and environmental studies. Electromagnetic energy, data acquisition platforms, sensors and scanners, processing of digital remotely sensed data, error analysis and accuracyassessments, and integration of remotely sensed data with other data types used in natural resource management.
Prerequisite: FOR 353
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate years
Individual students or groups of students, under direction of a faculty member, may explore topics of special interest not covered by existing courses. Format may consist of readings and independent study, problems or research not related to thesis.Also used to develop and test new 700-level courses.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Weekly seminar in which students registered for course present the results of research and special projects. Invitation to all graduate students and faculty in department to attend and join discussion.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Philosophy and objectives of scientific research and steps in the research process. Basic and applied research, inductive and deductive reasoning and need for hypothesis development and testing as a basis for scientific research. Special emphasis onpreparation of study plans, graduate theses, published articles and technical presentations.
Prerequisite: Grad. standing
Typically offered in Fall only
Individual students or groups of students, under direction of a faculty member, may explore topics of special interest not covered by existing courses. Format may consist of readings and independent study, problems or research not related to thesis.Also used to develop and test new 800-level courses.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Teaching experience under the mentorship of faculty who assist the student in planning for the teaching assignment, observe and provide feedback to the student during the teaching assignment, and evaluate the student upon completion of the assignment.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Instruction in research and research under the mentorship of a member of the Graduate Faculty.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Dissertation research.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
For graduate students whose programs of work specify no formal course work during a summer session and who will be devoting full time to thesis research.
Prerequisite: Doctoral student
Typically offered in Summer only