Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences (FW)
This course examines the importance of natural resources and their role in the progress of human civilization. Physical, biological and ecological principles are described that underlie sustainability of natural resources, particularly as these relate to the consequence of human impacts as resources are used to meet societal needs. The course emphasizes renewable natural resources, the importance of habitat, and a broadly-international context. The course has an optimistic perspective that life on Earth can and will be better in the future if we learn and practice good resource management today.
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives, GEP Natural Sciences
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Independent Study for Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology students at the freshman and sophomore level developed under the direction of a faculty member. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Typically offered in Summer only
Independent Study for Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology students at the freshman and sophomore level developed under the direction of a faculty member. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Typically offered in Summer only
Offered as needed to present materials not normally available in regular course offerings or for offering of new courses on a trial basis.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
This 3-week course will involve relationships of wildlife and habitat, the use of GIS and GPS, use of new technology (PIT tags, radio telemetry), and field identification of habitats and animals. This course is taught off-campus at Hill Forest. It is a 3 week residential camps with side trips and overnight trips. Class meets all day for 3 weeks. Additional charge for room and board. Students must provide their own transportation to Hill Forest. Junior standing in one of the following: FOM, NRE, SFW, SFF, SZO, ESC.
Typically offered in Summer only
Field exercises in aquatic environments emphasizing assessment of habitat, fish, invertebrates, plants, and ecological relationships to form the basis of describing and solving management dilemmas. Taught off-campus at Hill Forest. 5 day residential camp. Local travel required to various aquatic ecosystems. Additional charges for room and board.
Typically offered in Summer only
Visit different mountain communities along an elevation gradient from 2,000 to 6,000 feet and observe changes in plant and animal communities. Discuss wildlife and fisheries management issues, interact with agency personnel responsible for managingmountain fisheries and wildlife. One-week field trip to the North Carolina mountains. Additional charges for room and board.
Typically offered in Summer only
Hands-on study of the fishery and wildlife resources associated with North Carolina coastal plain habitats. These habitats will include estuarine, ocean, longleaf pine savanna, pocosin, and Carolina bays. Common techniques and concepts used in terrestrial, marine, and estuarine ecology and management will be taught. Field identification of habitats, animals, and plants. Use of multiple sampling gear including bottom trawl, beam trawl, beach seine, gill nets, and coverboards. Use of water quality measurement equipment. This course meets all day for 1 week off-campus at CMAST in Morehead City, NC. Additional charge for room and board and boat rental. Students must provide their own transportation to CMAST.
Prerequisite: BIO 181
Typically offered in Summer only
An introductory course designed to focus on the scientific fundamentals of conservation biology, including population dynamics, extinction and its causes, metapopulations, modeling, population viability analysis, the design and management of protected areas, rare species management, and captive breeding and release programs. Students will participate in active learning exercises, projects, and debates. Projects will require students to make their own arrangements for transportation to field locations within Wake County.
Typically offered in Fall only
Historical development of Wildlife Management from anecdotal, observational practices to modern, scientific approaches used around the world. Principles of population analysis, management, protection and conservation of animals, particularly those of conservation, aesthetic, sport or food values in urban, rural and wilderness areas. Ethics of hunting and trapping. Contradictory objectives challenging modern wildlife managers.
R: Sophomore Standing
Typically offered in Fall only
This course provides an introduction to the natural history of vertebrates, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The emphasis is on systematics, identification, and natural history of each vertebrate group.
Prerequisite: BIO 360 or PB 360
Typically offered in Spring only
Issues facing wildlife in urbanizing landscapes and the general courses of action to minimize the negative effects of urbanization on native wildlife. Large-scale planning and zoning for roads, developments and open space; meso-scale planning and landscaping of new neighborhoods and other developments; and small-scale landscaping for backyard habitats. Coexistence between wildlife and humans in urban environments and management of wildlife damage to human property.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Typically offered in Fall only
Relationships between forest and wildlife management and the effects of silvicultural systems on wildlife. Species-habitat requirements, forest wildlife management techniques, and forest-wildlife policies and economics.
Prerequisite: Junior standing
Typically offered in Fall only
This course provides an overview of tropical wildlife ecology and management, sustainable land use, and local culture. The course addresses the challenges of natural resource conservation in a developing country and the sustainable approaches that may be used to conserve natural resources there. Various methods to sample wildlife will be employed during the visit to a tropical country (Ecuador, Nicaragua, etc.), but emphasis will be on the use of mist nets in long-term bird monitoring program. Expenses associated with this course are the responsibility of the student. Requires instructor approval. Students register for this course through the Study Abroad Office.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate even years
Study of human interactions with wildlife and fisheries, including principles important for understanding and addressing wildlife management and conservation challenges. Discussions of wildlife at the urban fringe, human attitudes towards hunting and fishing, and the public trust approach to wildlife management are included.
Restriction: Juniors and Seniors Only
Typically offered in Spring only
This course provides guidance for students in the fall semester of their senior year in preparation for graduate school or a career in the field of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology. Junior or Senior standing.
Typically offered in Fall only
The biology of mammals: evolution, functional morphology, reproduction, behavior, ecology, population biology, classification and identification. One weekend field trip planned. One independent field research project is required. Graduate students will prepare a full written report of their research projects, which will not be required of the undergraduates.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course examines the fundamental concepts, problems, and methods regarding human dimensions of conservation biology in The Bahamas. Combining lecture, lab, and fieldwork, students directly experience the process of science, with students conducting semester-long, group research projects tackling important unanswered questions involving conservation biology in The Bahamas. Gaining first-hand experience at the interface of basic and applied sciences, students will spend eight weeks on campus and two weeks in the largely undeveloped Andros Island in The Bahamas, home to the third largest coral reef in the world and over 1.5 million acres of national parks.
Prerequisite: One 200-level or higher course in BIO, ES, ET, FOR, FW, NR, PB, PRT, or ZO.
Typically offered in Summer only
Principles and applications of population dynamics and biology to the management of terrestrial vertebrates. Predicting population levels, composition and growth rates with and without management constraints. Strategies for wildlife conservation, utilization, and enhancement. Laboratories stress the collection and analysis of data, and often meet in outdoor environments.
Typically offered in Spring only
An international perspective on wildlife management and conservation through investigation and comparison of historical events, policies, international conservation organizations and transfrontier conservation areas. Fundamental principles necessaryin managing the African savannah ecosystem, protected areas and game ranches. Identifying global biomes, zoogeography and the impacts of ecotourism.Cannot receive credit for both FW 460/560.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and above.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course provides an international perspective on desert ecology, the African savanna ecosystem, African wildlife ecology and management. In addition, the management of a large national park of international importance, conservation of predators and their conflict with humans, and international tourism are discussed. Various sampling techniques are practiced during field work. A combination of lectures, field lectures, field work, field excursions, data analyses and home work form an integral part of the course.
Prerequisite: One 200-level or higher course in ES, ET FOR, FW, NR, PB, PRT, or ZO
Typically offered in Summer only
A learning experience in agriculture and life sciences within an academic framework that utilizes facilities and resources which are external to the campus. Contact and arrangements with prospective employers must be initiated by student and approved by a faculty adviser, the prospective employer, the departmental teaching coordinator and the academic dean prior to the experience.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Independent Study for Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology students at the advanced level developed under the direction of a faculty member. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Independent Study for Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology students at the advanced level developed under the direction of a faculty member. Individualized/Independent Study and Research courses require a "Course Agreement for Students Enrolled in Non-Standard Courses" be completed by the student and faculty member prior to registration by the department.
Typically offered in Summer only
Offered as needed to present materials not normally available in regular course offerings or for offering of new courses on a trial basis.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Study of human interactions with wildlife and fisheries, including principles important for understanding and addressing wildlife management and conservation challenges. Discussions of wildlife at the urban fringe, human attitudes towards hunting and fishing, and the public trust approach to wildlife management are included.
Restriction: Juniors and Seniors Only
Typically offered in Spring only
The biology of fishes: physiology, anatomy, endocrinology, behavior and genetics. Designed especially for graduate students in fisheries. Several trips to research laboratories taken.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate odd years
The biology of mammals: evolution, functional morphology, reproduction, behavior, ecology, population biology, classification and identification. One weekend field trip planned. One independent field research project is required. Graduate students will prepare a full written report of their research projects, which will not be required of the undergraduates.
Typically offered in Fall only
The principles of wildlife management and their application studied in the laboratory and in the field.
Prerequisite: BO 360 or ZO 260
Typically offered in Spring only
An international perspective on wildlife management and conservation through investigation and comparison of historical events, policies, international conservation organizations and transfrontier conservation areas. Fundamental principles necessaryin managing the African savannah ecosystem, protected areas and game ranches. Identifying global biomes, zoogeography and the impacts of ecotourism.Cannot receive credit for both FW 460/560.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and above.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course provides an international perspective on desert ecology, the African savanna ecosystem, African wildlife ecology and management. In addition, the management of a large national park of international importance, conservation of predators and their conflict with humans, and international tourism are discussed. Various sampling techniques are practiced during field work. A combination of lectures, field lectures, field work, field excursions, data analyses and home work form an integral part of the course.
Prerequisite: One 200-level or higher course in ES, ET FOR, FW, NR, PB, PRT, or ZO
Typically offered in Summer only
Special topics in various aspects fisheries and wildlife sciences are developed under the direction of a graduate faculty member. Also used to test and develop new courses.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Current topics and issues in wildlife biology and management. Students select and research topics, give seminars and lead group discussions.
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate years
Special topics in various aspects of fisheries and wildlife science are developed under the direction of a graduate faculty member. Also used to develop new courses.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Teaching experience under the mentorship of faculty who assist the student in planning for the teaching assignment, observe and provide feedback to the student during the teaching assignment, and evaluate the student upon completion of the assignment.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Summer only
Instruction in research and research under the mentorship of a member of the Graduate Faculty.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Thesis research.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
For graduate students whose programs of work specify no formal course work during a summer session and who will be devoting full time to thesis research.
Prerequisite: Master's student
Typically offered in Summer only
Concepts related to infectious disease outbreaks in free-ranging species of wildlife. Numerous examples of wildlife diseases will be used to illustrate factors affecting host-agent-environment interactions in fish, amphibians, birds, and both aquatic and terrestrial mammals. Enrollment in the Fisheries and Wildlife graduate program or Masters of Veterinary Public Health program; clinical residents or veterinary students at the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Students will explore historical and current thinking concerning the search for truth about natural systems, and the complex ethics scientists and practitioners who operate in the public sector must consider. Standards of professional and ethical behavior specific to Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences will be addressed. Faculty will introduce topics and guide discussions; students will give seminars and lead some discussions. For doctoral students in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences.
Typically offered in Fall only
Current topics and issues in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Research. Students select and research topics, give seminars on Ph.D. proposals, and lead group discussions. For doctoral students in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences.
Typically offered in Spring only
Current topics and issues in fisheries and wildlife biology and management. Students select and research topics, give seminars, and lead group discussions. For doctoral students in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences.
Typically offered in Fall only
Individual students or groups of students, under direction of a faculty member, will explore topics of special interest not covered by existing courses. Format may consist of readings and independent study, problems or research not related to dissertation. Also used to develop and test new 800-level courses. For doctoral students in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences.
Typically offered in Spring and Summer
Teaching experience under the mentorship of faculty who assist the student in planning for the teaching assignment, observe and provide feedback to the student during the teaching assignment, and evaluate the student upon completion of the assignment. For doctoral students in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences.
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Instruction in research and research under the mentorship of a member of the Graduate Faculty. For doctoral students in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Dissertation Research. For doctoral students in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer
Summer Dissertation Research. For doctoral students in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences.
Typically offered in Summer only