Health Exercise Studies Team (HEST)
Soccer with emphasis on skills development, playing strategies, and rules of the game.
GEP Health and Exercise Studies
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Offensive and defensive skills development and systems of team work. Coverage of strategies, history and rules of the sport.
GEP Health and Exercise Studies
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
Emphasis on skill development, aerobic fitness and spirit of competition. Includes flight dynamics, various throwing and catching techniques, offensive skills, defensive skills, equipment, strategies, and rules of the game.
GEP Health and Exercise Studies
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
An introduction to the skills, history, rules and strategy of flag football.
GEP Health and Exercise Studies
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is designed to teach and apply the basic volleyball fundamentals of setting, passing, serving, spiking, court movement, and game strategy.
GEP Health and Exercise Studies
Typically offered in Fall and Spring
This course is designed to go beyond the basic volleyball skills. Emphasis will be placed on floater, top spin, and jump serves, forearm passing, setting, back setting, strong side and weak side attacking, blocking and advance serve reception techniques.
Prerequisite: HEST 269
GEP Health and Exercise Studies
Typically offered in Fall and Spring