GEP Categories
- GEP Additional Breadth
- GEP Communication in the Major
- GEP Computer Literacy/Technology Fluency
- GEP Global Knowledge
- GEP Health and Exercise Studies
- GEP Humanities
- GEP Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- GEP Introduction to Writing
- GEP Mathematical Sciences
- GEP Natural Sciences
- GEP Social Sciences
- GEP U.S. Diversity
- GEP U.S. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- GEP Visual and Performing Arts
- GEP World Language Proficiency
Note: GEP Additional Breadth applies to students who matriculated prior to Fall 2023. The GEP Elective Requirement (3 hours) applies to students who maticulated Fall 2023 and after and can be fulfilled by courses on any of the above GEP Category lists.