University Catalog 2024-2025

GEP Humanities

Requirement (6 credit hours)

  • A total of six credit hours from the university approved GEP Humanities course list.
  • The selected courses must be from two different disciplines.
  • Special Note:  If a student changes a General Education course except for HES courses from a letter grade to credit-only (S/U), then the course will not satisfy the GEP requirements.  Consult your academic advisor if you have questions.


  • A course taken to satisfy a Major requirement may also satisfy this requirement if the course is on the approved GEP Humanities course list.
  • A course that satisfies the Humanities requirement may also satisfy the Global Knowledge or U.S. Diversity co-requisite if the course also exists on either university approved GEP co-requisite course list.
    • Note: Double-counting with U.S. Diversity applies to students matriculated prior to Fall 2023. Students matriculated after Fall 2023 may only double-count Global Knowledge.


The humanities comprise the subjects and disciplines that use various models of rational inquiry to understand human nature and experience, organization and change in human societies, the nature of the world, and rational inquiry itself. An education in the humanities requires analysis and interpretation of significant works, gaining an exposure to a variety of methodologies, and learning to apply these in written exposition. An education in the basic humanistic disciplines is necessary to become a citizen with a broad knowledge of human cultures and with well-considered moral, philosophical, aesthetic, and intellectual convictions.

Category Objectives

Each course in the Humanities category of the General Education Program will provide instruction and guidance that help students to:

  1. Engage the human experience through the interpretation of human culture and
  2. Become aware of the act of interpretation itself as a critical form of knowing in the humanities; and
  3. Make academic arguments about the human experience using reasons and evidence for supporting those reasons that are appropriate to the humanities.
AFS 240African Civilization3GK
AFS 241Introduction to African American Studies3USD, I, HUM, USD
AFS 248Survey of African-American Literature3USD, , I, USD
AFS 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3GK
AFS 276Introduction to History of West Africa3GK
AFS 342Introduction to the African Diaspora3GK
AFS 343African American Religions3USD, , I, USD
AFS 346Black Popular Culture3USD, , I, USD
AFS 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653USD, , I, USD
AFS 373African-American History Since 18653USD, USD, , I
AFS 442Issues in the African Diaspora3
AFS 448African-American Literature3USD, , I, USD
AFS 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3USD, , I, USD
AFS 470The Red Record and The Birth of a Nation3USD, , I
AFS 548African-American Literature3USD, , I, USD
AFS 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3USD, , I, USD
ARS 251The Arts of a World Capital: London3GK, VPA
ARS 346Black Popular Culture3USD, , I, USD
COM 200Communication Media in a Changing World3
COM 211Argumentation and Advocacy3
COM 289Science Communication and Public Engagement3IP, SS
COM 395Studies in Rhetoric and Digital Media3
ECD 225Foundations of Cultural Competence3GK, USD, , I, USD
ENG 206Studies In Drama3
ENG 207Studies in Poetry3
ENG 208Studies In Fiction3
ENG 209Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENG 219Studies in Great Works of Non-Western Literature3GK
ENG 220Studies in Great Works of Western Literature3GK
ENG 221Literature of the Western World I3GK
ENG 222Literature of the Western World II3GK
ENG 223Contemporary World Literature I3GK
ENG 224Contemporary World Literature II3GK
ENG 232Literature and Medicine3IP
ENG 246Literature of the Holocaust3GK
ENG 248Survey of African-American Literature3USD, , I, USD
ENG 249Native American Literature3USD, USD, I, HUM
ENG 251Major British Writers3
ENG 252Major American Writers3
ENG 255Beyond Britain: Literature from Colonies of the British Empire3GK
ENG 261English Literature I3
ENG 262English Literature II3
ENG 265American Literature I3USD, USD, , I
ENG 266American Literature II3USD, , USD, HUM
ENG 267LGBTQI Literature in the U.S.3
ENG 275Literature and War3GK
ENG 305Women and Literature3USD, , I, USD
ENG 308Contemporary Issues in Ecofeminism3IP
ENG 326History of the English Language3GK
ENG 329Language and Globalization3GK, IP
ENG 339Literature and Technology3IP
ENG 340Literature, Art, and Society3IP
ENG 341Literature and Science3IP
ENG 342Literature of Space and Place3IP, USD, , I, USD
ENG 361Studies in British Poetry3
ENG 362Studies in the British Novel3
ENG 370American Fiction, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 372American Poetry, Twentieth Century and Beyond3
ENG 377Fantasy3
ENG 380Modern Drama3GK
ENG 385Biblical Backgrounds of English Literature3GK
ENG 390Classical Backgrounds of English Literature3GK
ENG 392Major World Author3GK
ENG 393Studies in Literary Genre3GK
ENG 394Studies in World Literature3GK
ENG 395Studies in Rhetoric and Digital Media3
ENG 399Contemporary Literature3GK
ENG 406Modernism3GK
ENG 407Postmodernism3GK
ENG 410Studies in Gender and Genre3USD, I, HUM, USD
ENG 420Major American Authors3
ENG 439Studies in English Renaissance Literature3GK
ENG 448African-American Literature3USD, , I, USD
ENG 451Chaucer3GK
ENG 453Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature3
ENG 460Major British Author3
ENG 464British Literature and the Founding of Empire3GK
ENG 465British Literature and the Dissolution of Empire3GK
ENG 466Transatlantic Literatures3USD, USD, , I
ENG 467American Colonial Literature3
ENG 468Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Literature3
ENG 470American Literature, Twentieth Century and Beyond3USD, , I, USD
ENG 476Southern Literature3USD, , I, USD
ENG 485Shakespeare: Revisions and Resources3
ENG 486Shakespeare, The Earlier Plays3
ENG 487Shakespeare, The Later Plays3
ENG 548African-American Literature3USD, , I, USD
ENG 551Chaucer3GK
HA 240Introduction to Visual Culture3GK, IP
HI 207Ancient Mediterranean World3GK
HI 208The Middle Ages3GK
HI 209From Renaissance to Revolution: The Origins of Modern Europe3GK
HI 210Modern Europe 1815-Present3GK
HI 214History and Archaeology of Ancient Latin America3GK
HI 215Colonial Latin America3GK
HI 216Modern Latin America3GK
HI 217Caribbean History3GK
HI 221British History to 16883GK
HI 222History of British Cultures and Societies From 16883GK
HI 232The World from 1200 to 17503GK
HI 233The World Since 17503GK
HI 240Introduction to Visual Culture3GK, IP
HI 251American History I3
HI 252American History II3
HI 253Early American History3USD, USD, , I
HI 254Modern American History3USD, USD, , I
HI 263Asian Civilizations to 18003GK
HI 264Modern Asia: 1800 to Present3GK
HI 270Modern Middle East3GK
HI 275Introduction to History of South and East Africa3GK
HI 276Introduction to History of West Africa3GK
HI 305Frauds and Mysteries of the Past3IP
HI 307Jewish History3GK
HI 317Cuba Today: Historical and Sociopolitical Perspectives3GK
HI 320Religion in American History3USD, USD, , I
HI 321Scientific Revolution and European Society, 1500-18003GK, IP
HI 324History of Common Law and Constitution3GK
HI 325Law and Society in European History3GK
HI 332Germany and the World Wars3GK
HI 335The World at War3GK
HI 337Spy vs. Spy: Cold War Intelligence History3
HI 338Empire, War, and Revolution in Russia3GK
HI 340History of Agriculture3GK
HI 342Global Environmental History3GK, IP
HI 343Topics in Urban History3
HI 345American Popular Culture3
HI 346The Civil War Era in Popular Culture3IP, USD, , I, USD
HI 350American Military History3
HI 351U.S. Naval History3
HI 354The Rise of the American Empire3
HI 360U.S. Agricultural History3USD, USD, I, HUM
HI 361Global History of American Food and Drink3GK, IP
HI 364History of North Carolina3
HI 365The American West3USD
HI 366Native American History3USD, , USD, HUM
HI 369Sexuality in U.S. History3USD, , I, USD
HI 370Modern Egypt3GK
HI 371Modern Japan, 1850 to Present3GK
HI 372African-American History Through the Civil War, 1619-18653USD, , I, USD
HI 373African-American History Since 18653USD, USD, , I
HI 374Visual Culture of Modern South Asia3GK
HI 375Global History of Travel and Tourism3GK
HI 376Global Migrations3GK
HI 377The Silk Road in the Medieval World3GK
HI 378Global Games: Sport History around the World3GK
HI 380History of Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Change3
HI 381Changemakers: The Global Context of Activism3GK
HI 382History of Capitalism in America3IP, USD, , I, USD
HI 383Law in the American Story3IP, USD, , I
HI 385Introduction to Public History3USD
HI 402Early Christianity to the Time of Eusebius3GK
HI 407Islamic History to 17983GK
HI 408Islam in the Modern World3GK
HI 410Italian Renaissance3GK
HI 42920th Century Britain3GK
HI 445Early American Borderlands3USD
HI 446Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3USD, USD, I, HUM
HI 447Women in America to 18903USD, , I, USD
HI 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3USD, I, HUM, USD
HI 455History of the Civil Rights Movement3USD, , I, USD
HI 462Southern History since the Civil War3USD, , I, USD
HI 486Science and Empire3GK
HI 545Early American Borderlands3USD
HI 546Topics in Civil War and Reconstruction3USD, USD, I, HUM
HI 547Women in America to 18903USD, , I, USD
HI 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3USD, I, HUM, USD
HI 555History of the Civil Rights Movement3USD, , I, USD
HI 562Southern History since the Civil War3USD, , I, USD
HI 586Science and Empire3GK
HON 202Inquiry, Discovery, and Literature3
HON 210How We Argue2IP
HON 290Honors Special Topics - Humanities/US Diversity3USD
HON 294Honors Special Topics-Humanities3
HON 314Society's Mirror: Literature in 20th-Century America3USD, , I
HON 341Time Travel3IP
HON 344Kantian Ethics3
HON 345On the Human3IP
HON 347Freedom and the Self3IP
HON 357Performing the Lost Cause3USD, , I
HSS 201Critical Thinking in American Life: Engaging Across Difference3USD, , I
HUM 295Humanities Special Topics3
HUMG 295Humanities and Global Knowledge Special Topics3GK
ID 244History of Industrial Design3IP
MUS 215The Beatles and the British Invasion3GK
MUS 231Music in Film and Television3
NS 420Naval Leadership and Ethics3IP
PHI 205Introduction to Philosophy3
PHI 210Puzzles and Paradoxes3IP
PHI 212Ethical Problems in the Law3IP
PHI 214Issues in Business Ethics3
PHI 221Contemporary Moral Issues3
PHI 227Data Ethics3IP
PHI 300Ancient Philosophy3
PHI 301Early Modern Philosophy3
PHI 30219th Century Philosophy3
PHI 305Philosophy of Religion3
PHI 308History of Social and Political Philosophy3
PHI 309Political Philosophy3
PHI 310Existentialism3
PHI 312Philosophy of Law3IP
PHI 319Black Political Philosophy3USD, , I, USD
PHI 320Philosophy of Race3USD, , I, USD
PHI 325Bio-Medical Ethics3IP
PHI 330Metaphysics3
PHI 331Philosophy of Language3IP
PHI 332Philosophy of Psychology3IP
PHI 333Knowledge and Skepticism3
PHI 340Philosophy of Science3IP
PHI 347Neuroscience and Philosophy3IP
PHI 375Ethics3
PHI 376History of Ethics3
PHI 401Kant's Critique of Pure Reason3
PHI 403Continental Philosophy After 19003
PHI 420Global Justice3
PHI 425Introduction to Cognitive Science3IP
PHI 440The Scientific Method3IP
PHI 447Philosophy, Evolution and Human Nature3IP
PS 208Gateway to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE)3SS
PS 361Introduction to Political Theory3
PS 362American Political Thought3
PSY 425Introduction to Cognitive Science3IP
REL 200Introduction to the Study of Religion3GK
REL 210Religious Traditions of the World3GK
REL 220Religion in the Contemporary World3GK
REL 230Asian Religions3GK
REL 309Religion and Society3SS
REL 311Introduction to the Old Testament3GK
REL 312Introduction to the New Testament3GK
REL 314Introduction to Intertestamental Literature3GK
REL 317Christianity3GK
REL 320Religion in American History3USD, USD, , I
REL 323Religious Cults, Sects, and Minority Faiths in America3USD, , I, USD
REL 327Issues in Contemporary Religion3GK
REL 331The Hindu Tradition3GK
REL 332The Buddhist Traditions3GK
REL 333Chinese Religions3GK
REL 334Japanese Religions3GK
REL 340Islam3GK
REL 343African American Religions3USD, , I, USD
REL 350Judaism3GK
REL 380Emotion and Religion3IP
REL 383Religion, Globalism, and Justice3GK
REL 402Early Christianity to the Time of Eusebius3GK
REL 407Islamic History to 17983GK
REL 408Islam in the Modern World3GK
REL 412Advanced Readings in the Christian Gospels3GK
REL 413The Life and Letters of the Apostle Paul3GK
REL 423Religion and Politics in America3USD, , USD, HUM
REL 424Religion and Politics in Global Perspective3GK
REL 471Darwinism and Christianity3IP
REL 472Women and Religion3
REL 482Religion and Conflict3GK
REL 489Interpretations of Religion3GK
SOC 309Religion and Society3SS
STS 325Bio-Medical Ethics3IP
STS 471Darwinism and Christianity3IP
WGS 305Women and Literature3USD, , I, USD
WGS 308Contemporary Issues in Ecofeminism3IP
WGS 390Queer Theory3
WGS 410Studies in Gender and Genre3USD, I, HUM, USD
WGS 447Women in America to 18903USD, , I, USD
WGS 448American Women in the Twentieth Century3USD, I, HUM, USD
WGS 472Women and Religion3
WGS 492Theoretical Issues in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies3USD
WGS 547Women in America to 18903USD, , I, USD
WGS 548American Women in the Twentieth Century3USD, I, HUM, USD
WL 210Global Literature and Culture3GK
WL 211Introduction to the French-speaking World3GK
WL 219Studies in Great Works of Non-Western Literature3GK
WL 220Studies in Great Works of Western Literature3GK
WL 221Literature of the Western World I3GK
WL 222Literature of the Western World II3GK
WL 223Contemporary World Literature I3GK
WL 224Contemporary World Literature II3GK
WL 246Literature of the Holocaust3GK
WL 250Austrian Culture Up Close3GK
WL 275Literature and War3GK
WL 357Gender and Sexuality in Japan3GK
WL 392Major World Author3GK
WL 393Studies in Literary Genre3GK
WL 394Studies in World Literature3GK
WL 406Modernism3GK
WL 407Postmodernism3GK
WLAR 318Egyptian Culture through Film3GK
WLAR 351Modern Arab Popular Culture3GK
WLCH 351Modern Chinese Popular Culture3GK
WLCH 402Advanced Chinese: Readings in Literature and Science3GK
WLCL 210Classical Mythology3GK
WLCL 215The Ancient World in Modern Media3GK
WLCL 225Roman Topography3GK, IP
WLCL 320Masterpieces of Classical Literature3GK
WLCL 325Gender, Ethnicity & Identity in the Ancient World3GK
WLFR 301Survey of French Literature from the Middle Ages through the Enlightenment3GK
WLFR 302Survey of French Literature from Romanticism to the Contemporary Period3GK
WLFR 315French Civilization and Culture3GK
WLFR 425Literature, Cinema and Culture of the Francophone World3GK
WLFR 525Literature, Cinema and Culture of the Francophone World3GK
WLGE 315Germanic Civilization and Culture3GK
WLGE 318New German Cinema and Beyond3GK, VPA
WLGE 320Introduction to German Literature3GK
WLGE 323Twentieth Century German Literature3GK
WLGE 325German Lyric Poetry3GK
WLGE 420Current Issues in German-Language Media3GK
WLHU 301Twentieth Century Hindi & Urdu Fiction3GK
WLHU 302Modern Hindi & Urdu Poetry3GK
WLHU 351Hindi-Urdu Popular Culture3GK
WLHU 401Hindi Literature and South Asian Cultural Contexts3GK
WLIT 315Made in Italy: Where Heritage, Culture & Culinary History blend with Technological Innovation3GK
WLIT 318Italian Society Through Cinema3GK
WLJA 342Classical Japanese Literature in Translation3GK
WLJA 344Early Modern Japanese Literature in Translation3GK
WLJA 345Modern Japanese Literature in Translation3GK
WLRU 303Russian Literature in Translation: The Nineteenth Century3GK
WLRU 304Russian Literature in Translation: The Twentieth Century3GK
WLRU 318Russian Cinema and Society3GK
WLSP 335Spanish for Native and Heritage Speakers3GK
WLSP 340Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures3GK
WLSP 343Literature and Culture of Spain III3GK
WLSP 352Literature and Culture of Latin America II3GK