World Languages - Japanese (WLJA)
Introduction to standard, formal Japanese. Emphasis on speaking and listening skills. Exposure to Japanese culture, reading, and writing.
Corequisite: WLJA 103
Typically offered in Fall only
Continuation of basic skills. Emphasis on speaking and listening skills; inclusion of Japanese cultural factors in communication. Some reading and writing.
Typically offered in Spring only
Supplements conversational practice in WLJA 101. Students are encouraged to use their speaking skills in a variety of situations. Special attention is given to correcting and improving pronunciation and intonation.
Corequisite: WLJA 101
Typically offered in Fall only
Supplements conversational practice in WLJA 102. Extensive use of speaking skills in a variety of situations. Special attention given to correcting and improving pronunciation and intonation.
Typically offered in Spring only
Continuation of basic skills. Greater emphasis on reading and writing. More exposure to Japanese cultural traditions.
Typically offered in Fall only
Continuation of the learning of the basic skills. Emphasis on reading and writing as well as on spoken Japanese and on cultural patterns of behavior.
GEP Global Knowledge
Typically offered in Spring only
Practice in spoken Japanese through use of the language in a variety of situations. Increase vocabulary and develop fluency and ease in the structural patterns of the language.May be repeated for a maximum of three credit hours.
Typically offered in Fall only
Supplemental intermediate conversational practice. Drills and situational exercises to build oral proficiency with patterns introduced in WLJA 202.
Corequisite: WLJA 202
Typically offered in Spring only
Continued study of Japanese language. Primary emphasis on spoken Japanese, but attention also given to reading, writing and culture.
Prerequisite: WLJA 202
Typically offered in Fall only
Continued training in the foundations of Japanese language. Primary emphasis on spoken Japanese, with increased attention to reading and writing.
Prerequisite: WLJA 301
Typically offered in Spring only
A survey of literature in Japan from earliest recorded times through the sixteenth century. Examples from major eras and genres (folktales, poetry, philosophy, fictional narrative, theater, etc.) will be considered, with attention to historical and cultural contexts, as well as to contemporary scholarship and approaches toward traditional literature. Examples from literature outside Japan will be included for comparative purposes. No prior knowledge of Japanese required: Readings and discussions in English.
GEP Humanities, GEP Global Knowledge
Typically offered in Spring only
A survey of literature in Japan from 1600 to late Nineteenth Century. Examples from major periods and genres (novels, poetry, philosophy, dram, miscellaneous narrative, etc.) will be considered, with attention to historical and cultural contexts, as well as to contemporary scholarship and approaches toward the literature. Examples from literature outside Japan will be included for comparative purposed. No prior knowledge of Japanese required: Readings and discussions in English.
GEP Humanities, GEP Global Knowledge
Typically offered in Spring only
A survey in literature in Japan from the Meiji Era through World War Two. Examples from major periods and genres (novels, poetry, philosophy, drama, miscellaneous narrative, etc.) will be considered, with attention to historical and cultural contexts, as well as to contemporary scholarship and approaches toward the literature. Examples from literature outside Japan will be included for comparative purposes. No prior knowledge of Japanese required: Readings and discussions in English.
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Spring only
Introduction to basic aspects of cultural practices in Japanese society, including education, work life, family relationships, everyday religious practices, aesthetic traditions, national identity and gender. Students will develop an understanding of the interrelationships between language and culture. The course is repeatable with different content topics.
Typically offered in Spring only
This course is offered alternate odd years
Continued training in the foundations of Japanese language, with emphasis on complex verb forms. Increased attention to reading and writing.
Prerequisite: WLJA 302
Typically offered in Fall only
Elaboration on grammatical forms learned in the previous courses with applications in reading and writing, combined with more sophisticated vocabulary and idioms and attention to development of natural reading skills.
Prerequisite: WLJA 401
Typically offered in Spring only