World Languages - Russian (WLRU)
First in a four-course sequence to develop language skills in Russian. Oral and written practice in the classroom and language laboratory and attention to Russian cultural heritage.
Typically offered in Fall only
Emphasis on acquisition of basic oral skills, with complementary reading and writing exercises and attention to Russian cultural heritage.
Prerequisite: WLRU 101
Typically offered in Spring only
Basic Russian language skills continued. More emphasis given to writing and essential conversational practice. Intermediate level readings in Russian literature and culture. Class and laboratory practice; written assignments.
Prerequisite: WLRU 102
Typically offered in Fall only
Advanced aspects of Russian syntax through study of text. Continued attention to conversational practice and vocabulary building.
Prerequisite: WLRU 201
Typically offered in Spring only
A study of the great Russian writers of the nineteenth century. Examination of peculiarly Russian as well as the universal aspects of this literature. All readings, lectures and discussions in English.
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Fall only
This course is offered alternate years
A study of major Russian writers of the twentieth century. Examination of peculiarly Russian as well as the universal aspects of this literature. All readings, lectures and discussions in English.
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Spring only
Russian culture and society through cinema. A study of selected films representative of major social-political, ideological, and artistic developments. Weekly film screenings. No knowledge of Russian required.
GEP Global Knowledge, GEP Humanities
Typically offered in Spring only